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Seta is name of a tribe mentioned by James Tod in Annals of Jaisalmer (p.234)


James Tod writes that Jinj Rajpoot, pasturing an immense flock of goats, presented the best of his flock, and demanded from Bhatts the protection against the raids of Birjung Rahtore. This chief had wrested the celebrated fortress of Satalmer,[1] the abode of wealthy merchants, from a Bhatti chief, and extended his forays far into the desert, and the Jinj was one of those who had suffered by his success. Not long after Rao Chachick had passed by the pastures of the Jinj, he received a visit from him, to complain of another inroad, which had carried off the identical goat, his offering. Chachick assembled his kinsmen, and formed an alliance with Shoomar Khan, chief of the Seta tribe[2], who came with three thousand horse. It was the custom of the Rahtores of Satalmer to encamp their horse at a place some distance from the city, to watch, while the chief citizens daily to go abroad. Chachick surprised and made prisoners of the whole. The bankers and men of wealth offered large sums for this ransom ; but he would not release them from bondage, except on condition of their settling in the territory of Jaisalmer. Three hundred and sixty-five heads of families embraced this alternative and hence Jaisalmer dates the influx of her wealth. They were distributed over the principal cities, Deorawul, Poogul, Marot etc.[3] The three sons of the Rahtore were also made prisoners ; the two youngest were released, but Mairah, the eldest, was detained and a hostage for his father's good conduct. Chachick dismissed his ally, the Seta chief, whose grand-daughter, Sonaldevi, he married, father of the bride, Hybat Khan, gave with her in daeja (dowry) fifty horses, thirty-five slaves, four palkis, and two hundred female camels, and with her Chachick returned to Marote. [4]


Seta Ki Dhani (सेता की ढाणी),

Notable persons


  1. Now belonging to Marwar, and on its north-western frontier ; but I believe in ruins.
  2. Most likely the Swatees, or people of Swat, described by Mr. Elphinstone (Vol. I, p. 506), as of Indian origin, and as possessing a Kingdom from the Hydaspes to Jellalabad, the Suastene of Ptolemy.
  3. It must not be forgotten, that Satulmer was one of the Bhatti castles wrested from them by the Rahtores, who have greatly curtailed their frontier.
  4. James Tod: Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, Volume II, Annals of Jaisalmer, p.234