The UK's first joint venture platform between property development and investors

Get Started Get Started


Average ROI(On Equity)

When you invest in your local area with as little as 20k

How it works

How it works

Find a joint venture partner with JaeVee. We can help you along the way with fully transparent information, experts on hand for any questions and monthly updates on the progression of your latest property investment including personal touch construction update webinars.

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Investments Opportunities

Investments Opportunities

We are regularly updating our investment and jv opportunities. Make sure to keep up to date with the latest information and new investments perfect for you. Subscribe to our email updates.

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Learn to Invest

Learn to Invest and Develop

New to investing? At JaeVee you don't just have the option of investing, we can also help you learn to invest and develop with our online learning platform.

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About JaeVee

We are a prop-tech business based in Norwich, UK. We are dedicated to helping fight for a rise in quality housing across the UK to deliver 5000 units per annum to the UK housing market. We make the process easy, by being the UK's first joint venture platform between house builders, investors and ourselves.

We succeed when you do, so you can be safe in the knowledge that any investment made with us is in safe hands as we don’t see a return until exits are achieved. So why not start your investment in a joint venture today. Learn more about how we work here.

How it works

Step One

Step One

Sign up to self-certify your investor status.

Step Two

Step Two

Once you're signed up (it's free to do so) then you can view our current joint venture property development investment opportunities.

Step Three

Step Three

Our opportunities are stacked with all the information you need at your fingertips though if there's anything you'd like to discuss, our relations team will contact you to explain everything you will need.

Step Four

Step Four

Invest and gain access to our team with both monthly project and construction updates on your investment. We're all about the personal touch.

Invest in equity, mezzanine or both.

When you buy shares (equity) all funds are aggregated. This means that the targeted percentage return will stay the same no matter the amount invested. This is all possible due to our investment model which has been built to help with quick and easy jv investments.

Another option is to become a mezzanine investor. This investment model works by allowing you to borrow money in the form of a loan. When investing this way you can benefit from ​​a fixed return of 15% per annum once the project successfully exits.

These are only a few of the options we have available for investment in joint ventures. Contact a member of our team for more information on investment opportunities.


Invest in equity, mezzanine or both.

As a house builder you can earn up to 10% of the development profits made when working with us when a joint venture property development is delivered on time. We work with house builders to acquire a site and assist with design progress.

There are many benefits of joint ventures with us. These include quick decisions on site acquisitions, inhouse project management and multiple exit strategies with good exit turnaround times. We have plans A, B & C.

Step One

Step One

If you're a house builder, submit your site feasibility for us to assess.

Step Two

Step Two

If you are successful our acquisitions team will contact you to explain everything you need to do.

Step Three

Step Three

We'll manage the project and appoint an Employers Agent to work with you on your monthly applications.

Step Four

Step Four

An on time and to budget project will ensure 10% of the development profit on top of building the site for market construction rates!

JV Property

You Invest. We Buy. They Build.

Invest in diverse property equity and mezzanine opportunities from £20,000. We've made it simple, we've made it secure and we've given you control.

Investment Opportunities

JV Developments

We Find. We Buy. You Build.

Once we've acquired the site and progressed the designs, we then enter into a joint venture with a house builder to deliver the scheme.

JV Developments

*Previous performance is not an indicator of future performance.