
Need some Calculus help? What is Calculus? Calculus is concerned with change and motion; it deals with the quantities that approach certain values.

Sir Isaac Newton invented his version of calculus in order to explain the motion of planets around the sun. Today, calculus is used in calculating the orbits of satellites and spacecrafts, in predicting population sizes, in estimating how fast prices rise, in forecasting weather, in calculating life insurance premiums, and in many other areas.

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The topics covered are: Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, Sequences and Series, Parametric Curves and Polar Coordinates, Multivariable Calculus, and Differential Equations.

AP Calculus AB and BC Free Response Past Papers and Solutions

AP Calculus AB and BC Multiple Choice Past Papers & Solutions

Solutions to Sample Questions

The following are solutions to sample questions of the CollegeBoard AP/AB and AP/BC Calculus examination.

Differential Calculus

The study of differential calculus is concerned with how one quantity changes in relation to another quantity. The central concept of differential calculus is the derivative.

Integral Calculus

Sequences, Series & Tests

Parametric Curves & Polar Coordinates

Multivariable Calculus

Big Picture of Calculus

Calculus is about change. One function tells how quickly another function is changing. Professor Strang shows how calculus applies to ordinary life situations, such as: driving a car, climbing a mountain, growing to full adult height.

Big Picture: Derivatives

Calculus finds the relationship between the distance traveled and the speed - easy for constant speed, not so easy for changing speed. Professor Strang is finding the “rate of change” & the “slope of a curve” & the “derivative of a function.”

Big Picture: Integrals

The second half of calculus looks for the distance traveled even when the speed is changing. Finding this “integral” is the opposite of finding the derivative. Professor Strang explains how the integral adds up little pieces to recover the total distance. I know the speed at each moment of my trip, so how far did I go?

Calculus Calculator with step by step solutions

Functions, Operations on Functions,
Polynomial & Rational Functions,
Exponential & Logarithmic Functions,
Sequences & Series
Evaluating Limits, Derivatives,
Applications of Differentiation, Integrals,
Applications of Integration,
Techniques of Integration,
Parametric Equations & Polar Coordinates

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