
14 Super Unique and Easy to Make Fence Planter Ideas

14 Super Unique and Easy to Make Fence Planters

Greens add a lot of character to any given interior or exterior space and add a calming effect to the aura. Planters come in all shapes and sizes with cute little patterns and statement artwork to stand out in any backdrop.

Adding such green elements makes space stand out and speak a language of its own. Many people have grown to be fond of planters in interiors as well as exteriors of their households. Succulents, cacti, and pastel blossoms or color pops add so much texture and spirit to a given space.

Incorporating planters in a yard, on a verandah, on a fence can drastically improve the vibe or feel of an area and make it exponentially more welcoming. Fence planters are a charming addition to the backyard, along with larger verandah planters.

Earthy tones and a soothing palette with a tinge of pop make for an ideal lively combination that works great for indoor and outdoor spaces. Utilizing this ideal, crafty, and creative fence planter can be created with a play of materials and textures to make for lovely backyard décor.

With the pandemic, the artists within us are splurging out, and it is time to put this to greater use. It is time to get out of bed and use this time excitingly. Let us get the Do – It – Yourself enthusiasts within us all buckled up and gear towards making cute and impressive fence planters to lift our yard game.

Most of these ideas require bare minimum supplies and necessary skills and little capital investment, and some energy to take shape and work their magic.

Easy to Make Fence Planters Ideas

1. Tyres Trails

Using old tires as decorative interior and exterior elements have been in style for quite some now. We could put this hit technique to our benefit and use tyres as vertical planters hung on the fence.

The matt black makes for an excellent contrast with the fresh greens and little flowers. One can even color the tyres if they wish to and make an interesting composition without going hard on the pockets.

2. Kitchen Hardware for Hard Wear

Using kitchen hardware that is no longer in use can be a great way to reuse old resources and upcycle them. Using older spoons and forks and molding the handles to create hooks to hang fence planters is a creative way to decorate the fence line.

It is much practical and economical; you will fall in love with the method. The method is simple, sweet, and effective, and no need for buying new hardware or select appliances.

3. Cool and Warm Shades

Simple direct fence lines can be spiced up by adding a planter display with nicely coordinated colored blossoms to match the surroundings and create a pop of color to light up everyone’s moods that see your beautiful fence.

Cool colors with white additions and pretty leaf textures make for a serene and soothing vibe, while warmer tones with statement colors like reds or maroons make for an uplifting, energetic vibe.

4. Pockets, Plants, and Power

Using organization pockets available in the markets to recreate a statement fence décor piece is an exciting and useful idea.

Filling the pockets with little green herbs with varying textures and occasional little flowers, white cool pastel shades make a beautiful art piece. These pockets can be reused or bought anew if one is feeling creative and adventurous.

5. Colour Splash

Colors can immediately create an uplifting and energetic vibe and add a wholesome look to any given backdrop. Painting simple or direct planters to create an aura in contrast to the relatively muted greens hosted by the planters is a smart move. If you have children at home or love painting, this is the best option and time investment.

6. Crazy Angles All the Way

Many fascinating and fresh designs are available in the market within varying price ranges. Besides the mainstream square-ish holders with 90 degree turns, the newer 45 degrees angled planters add a hip and trendy look to the fence line.

Such creative angled planters can also be handmade following various online tutorials and lending your own time and creativity.

7. Hanging Happiness

Hanging little fence planters by hangers through the fence is a simple and effective method to elaborate the fence line. You could make cute DIY hangers and screw them to the fence and hang pretty planters through them.

Choosing the right flowers and herbs is essential. The colors and textures should be considered before planting. This method is straightforward and hassle-free, all you need is a hanger and a nail and wires or threads to hang the planters, and Voila!

8. Tubes and Tales

Using PVC tubes available in the household to create modular and layered wall hangings to house beautiful flowers is the way to go.

This could be another DIY adventure requiring minimum materials, PVC tubes, wires, nails, flowers, and a little time and effort to create a masterpiece that will earn you a lot of praise.

Complimentary color schemes should be adopted to highlight the flowers and plants hosted in the planter.

9. A Long Story

Building custom tall fences that could act as fence planters is a fantastic idea that looks too classy and chic. One could get such holder fences custom-built or buy readymade ones available in the market.

Plant choice is essential here, and plants with tall, slender leaves should be given a priority. These give a welcoming and sophisticated appearance to the yard with little time and money investment.

10. Craters for Haters

Layering craters to create an exciting composition by layering craters is an excellent way to excite the fence. The modular arrangement makes for an eye-catchy addition to the yard. This could also be readily bought from the market or getting a custom-built by professionals.

Making a simpler DIY version is also possible with existing crates and wooden frames. Smaller foliage herbs should be planted in such fence planters for the best appearance.

11. Ladders for Lads

Many creative and attractive planter designs add the right zing and bling to rather a mundane yard space. This unique ladder design is a dynamic addition that imparts a classy, sophisticated, and bright impression to space.

Little herbs with pastel hues or vivid shades make for a real good composition that grabs the attention and uplifts the visitor’s mood.

12. Alphabets to Awe

With the growing trend of dazzling marquee letters for décor, here is a conspicuous adaptation that serves looks and catches hearts. There is an increasing demand for these letters fence planters that embrace picturesque flowers and herbs and make a delightful furnishing piece for the fence.

You could make a word or phrase with a series of such adorable planters to make a statement and add to visitors’ awe.

13. Tin and Tints

Reusing used tin cans from soft drinks, stiff drinks, soup cans, or so by painting them and hanging them by the fence by converting them into little fence planters is yet another creative and economical idea to put to execution.

It is a convenient and effective way to utilize these otherwise waste products and turn them into something functional. Painting different tins with varying shades and planting complementary herbs and flowers is a total winner.

14. Light for the Right

Little LED or fairy lights always and efficiently enhance a space’s aesthetics to a whole another level. Adding little lighting fixtures at the corners of the fence planters make for an excellent mood filter that can easily be exploited as a photo booth of sorts.

This is a relatively inexpensive and most effective solution to step up your décor game requiring minimum effort or maintenance.


Adding planters of varying sizes in and around a setting essentially elevates the look and, more importantly, space’s feel. It becomes surprisingly more welcoming and cheerful.

One must not shy away from decorating the exteriors with statement planter sets to create a peaceful environment.

Fence planters are the perfect means to create an inviting essence to the yard with minimum effort. They are an enticing way to filter out the negativity in your humble abode and set up a lively mood board.

Reusing existing hardware and other possessions to upcycle them, adding newer functionalities to them is a small but essential step towards environmental conservation.

Creativity is tax-free, and there is so much you could with basic amenities. With all the great time we have in this quarantining period, we could all do wonders.

Painting the fences or adding fence planters, painting existing planters are all little steps towards elaborating the backyard space.

Since most of the time, we spend now is at home, why not work a bit and make our homes more aesthetic like our favorite cafes and restaurants.

Asher Pollan, with a Master’s in Botany from the University of Chicago, has been a plant enthusiast and educator for 16 years at a university. He joined our editorial team as a freelancer, sharing his knowledge of plant physiology, indoor gardening, and botanical science. His background includes roles in public gardens, as a horticultural therapist, and researcher, and taught the skills of everyday gardening to people in weekend workshops. He enjoys botanical illustration and participates in plant conservation initiatives.

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