About Us

We’re all about justice, law & order

We believe in justice, law and order—and it’s much more than a marketing slogan. For us, justice, law and order are part of the foundation of American society. And as a collective team of current and former law enforcement professionals, we are dedicated to serving our audiences and following these core principles in everything we do.


While it may seem like the definition of justice changes with the wind or the latest protest played out on social media, true justice has hardly changed at all—and remains deeply and historically rooted in what is moral, equitable, and just. And we refuse to let justice be “redefined” according to whatever political nonsense may seem popular at the moment.


For hundreds and hundreds of years, humanity has been held together by rules, laws, and conduct held together by a sense of civility and service to maintain such laws and protect people from harm. And while some may reject the notion that peace comes with the dedication of public servants, we acknowledge that the line between good and evil is held strong through the strength of those standing on the line.


We acknowledge that society thrives when the pursuit of justice follows fair, equitable, and reasonable laws—enacted by those who are capable, willing, and entrusted to do so with compassion and professionalism. Meanwhile, disorder depends upon the failure of these principles—and defies the peace, justice, laws, and freedoms that the law enforcement profession seeks to uphold.

A part of something bigger…

With these American principles in mind, we are not simply a media company. We are not simply an organization seeking profits without principles. And we are not simply a group of writers, editors, and contributors writing for the sake of popularity and prose.

We are a media organization guided by the principles of “justice, law, and order” because these principles matter to us—and they matter to law enforcement professionals and the communities they serve.

If these principles matter to you, and the utmost professionalism in law enforcement matters to you, then we hope you will join us.

And we hope you will join us in supporting law enforcement—and upholding justice, law, and order.

For law enforcement, by law enforcement

Law Officer is the only major law enforcement website and media company owned and operated by current and former law enforcement professionals and supported by media scholars and professionals (who are also current and former law enforcement officers). This unique facet makes Law Officer more than just a media company, but a true advocate for the law enforcement profession.

Law Officer is committed to providing news, editorials, books, and other media relevant to the law enforcement community.

Our audience and contributors include law enforcement officers of every rank, 911 dispatchers, family members, first responders, and others who support justice, law, and order—and want to put a stop to crime.

Sharing The Insiders’ Perspectives

We are committed to providing perspectives from within the law enforcement community through commentary, education, and criticism about politics and news and social media concerning the law enforcement profession.

We’re interested…

We’re open to ideas, campaigns, ideas for content and contributions—anything we can do to help support the law enforcement profession and the principles of justice, law, and order.


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Photo by Jnn13, by CC licensing

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