“There was never a more important time for primary children to have a high-quality science education. The Coronavirus Pandemic has made everyone aware of the impact of science on our daily lives. Primary schools have an important role to ensure that children understand how science works and keeps us healthy and safe. Schools that have achieved a Primary Science Quality Mark have demonstrated a significant commitment to science teaching and learning, even at this challenging time for schools. The profile and quality of science in each awarded school is very high. Children are engaging with great science both in and outside the classroom, developing positive attitudes towards science as well as secure scientific understanding and skills. Science subject leaders, their colleagues, head teachers, children, parents and governors should be very proud.”
- Well done to all the team who were involved in gaining this great achievement. The children are becoming excellent young scientists at Langdon!
At Langdon Academy we believe Science is an essential element of the curriculum that helps underpin everything we do.
The aim for science at Langdon Academy is to ensure all of our children:
- develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics;
- develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them;
- are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.
We are passionate about Science being a hands on, practical subject and as a result, you will find our children regularly designing and carrying out experiments, participating in science related trips and developing high level subject knowledge that highlights their intellectual curiosity.
We encourage all of our children to work scientifically during lessons, this involves:
- Questioning
- Scientific enquiry – observing changes, finding patterns, grouping and classifying, fair testing and researching using secondary sources
- Drawing conclusions based on data and observations
- Using evidence to justify ideas; and
- Using scientific knowledge to explain findings
Scientific skills are fundamental throughout the curriculum and a significant emphasis is placed on how these are built upon year on year, leading to our Y6 children becoming young, accomplished scientists as they move across the playground and join our secondary school.
Science Update 2019 - 2020
Every year during Science Week schools around the UK celebrate the achievements of scientists in the scientific fields. Right now many groups of scientists are trying to help find a vaccine for Covid-19, the virus that has changed our lives significantly.
We are all supporting them and wish them all the strength they need to work and be successful.
On Monday 16th March children at Langdon came together to share their learning at our Science Fair. Each year group had a stall about the areas of science that they have been exploring this year and they chose expert scientists who explained their experiments and project to other children and visitors.
These are the stalls that the children prepared for our Science Fair:
Reception Stall: My Health and Hygiene: Why do we need to wash our hands and why?
Year 1 Stall: Materials - What is the best material for a raincoat?
Year 2 Stall: Animals and their Habitats - Can you match the habitat with an animal?
Year 3 Stall: Magnets - Exploring magnetic field
Year 4 Stall: States of Matter and Water cycle
Year 5 Stall: Forces - Testing air resistance, gravity, push and pull
Year 6 Stall: Electricity – How to make an effective circuit?
Hyacinth Bulb Competition Stall with the bulbs that children grew at home
School Council Stall – Germs experiment
It was a great day and has left the children excited as they think about what they will present next time.
Baby Chicks! April 2020
As part of a Science Topic, which was based on Living things and their habitats, Year 5 had the privilege of observing the egg hatching process of chicks and they absolutely loved it! There was a mix of breeds, colours, sizes and personalities. Children witnessed the eggs wobbling, heard cheeping from within the egg just before the hatching commenced and watched how the chicks pecked their way out of their shells. This was a meaningful and an enjoyable learning experience for the children. It was a great way of encouraging responsibility and nurturing skills. It also allowed pupils to consolidate their knowledge on life cycles and to draw comparisons with the lifecycles of other animals.