Dancing Queens premiered on 3rd June 2021 on Netflix. Directed by Helena Bergström, the 110-minute long film stars Molly Nutley, Fredrik Quinones, Christopher Wollter, Marie Göranzon, Claes Malmberg, and Emil Almén alongside other cast members.
Drag and Dance
It seems like Netflix loves dance movies, every other month there is a new dance-related film on the streaming platform. And this month it’s the Swedish comedy Dancing Queens. The storyline here is simple and honestly, repetitive. Dylan comes from a small area and moves to the town for a dancing audition and ends up falling in love with the place and decides to stay back and make her way into the dance world.
As the film progresses Dylan ends up entering a struggling drag club as a dancer all the while pretending to be a drag too, while being supported by a confidant and friend Victor who is the choreographer at the drag club. But the lie and her happiness do not last long leading Dylan to leave the club and the town and head back home. Will Dylan ever get back to her dancing dream is the journey we further follow.
One of the best things about Dancing Queens is that the film does not add a romantic angle between Victor and Dylan but rather stays on track talking about the LGBTQ+ community. Even though it does not extensively talk about the community, it tries to stay on and about them. Lovers of drag will enjoy the film’s ambience, which emphasises community, friendliness, and unity at the drag club. A determined attempt is made to convey the value of drag and what it signifies to the viewers and the dancers on stage. The drag club isn’t just a side narrative for Dylan in Dancing Queens; it’s the major plotline, providing a refreshing drama in this setting.
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Summing up, Dancing Queens is not a very high-fi dance film with huge sets and everything bling but rather the film roots itself in simpler moments of aspiration, unity, dream, and more. You will see some great and enjoyable high energy dance routines and some heartfelt moments of loss and more. Even though at some points you wish for more character arc for various characters, Dancing Queens does its job fairly well.
Stream It or Skip It
STREAM IT! Despite its few flaws Dancing Queens is a good and heartwarming film and offers some good moments throughout its duration. The film needs to find its core in overlapping ideas and themes but it has got the spirit. There isn’t much to discuss Dancing Queens but if you’re looking for a film that is light on your mind, this is it!
Dancing Queens is streaming now on Netflix.
Nice review = thank you! I adored this movie! I couldn’t find any flaws!
To me there was an element of romance involved in this movie although not acted upon.
From the moment the lead characters Dylan and Victor met – their eyes adoringly flirted with each other. #connection
Their first dance was just electric. There was a very obvious attraction between them. They were crushing on each other throughout the whole film.
I hope they make a sequel of this wonderful movie with all it’s wonderful characters because I would like to see the writer’s explore Dylan and Victor’s relationship further. #pansexual