A terrible expansion for Pirate Borg, the rules-light, rum infested TTRPG.
Available to pre-order on Backerkit. Releasing in 2025.
Maps lead to more than just treasure…
Ahoy! I’m Limithron. I hand draw maps, tokens, assets and more for RPG games. I make all kinds of content, but specialize in pirate themed battlemaps and assets.
Sign up for my email list to get a bunch of free maps, and check out the map archive below.
The best way to get my maps & content by becoming a Patron.
You’ll can get immediate access to every release very for as little as $3 a month, and you’ll only be charged when new content is released (typically 1-3 times a month).
Sign your accursed name and join the crew of the Ship of the Dead!
Early access to Ship of the Dead Podcast episodes.
Early access to Ship of the Dead YouTube videos.
Access to special Patron-only podcast episodes and videos.
Exclusive Discord Role and channel access.
This tier does not include any additional map or content rewards, but you will get notified every time any new free content comes out.
All Lower Tier Rewards
At least 2 Hi-res (140dpi) versions of each battlemap per release (typically the original and at least one variation).
Gridded and Gridless versions of all included maps without watermarks.
Vote in Content Polls to decide what I will work on next.
Instant access to all previously released maps and assets.
Commercial License to create and sell with content you have access to.
All Lower Tier Rewards
All map variations typically 3-10.
Transparent background PNGs of ships and other assets.
Access to the Prop Emporium, over 900+ PNG assets for making and populating your maps.
A PDFs of adventure content for PIRATE BORG & 5th Edition.
All Lower Tier Rewards
High Quality Print Ready versions in PDF format.
Foundry VTT Modules, with lighting, sound FX, walls, macros, Multilevel Token, Tile Scroll preconfigured.
Access to the Brethren Court, a secret Discord chat room with content previews and discussion about upcoming maps.
All Previous Tier Rewards
A custom map or ship tile/token modified just for you. After you have been charged once at this tier level, send me a message (here or on Discord) and I will make a new map or ship variation for you (sail color, time of day, etc).
You rule the high seas, and all seafaring travelers fear the very mention of your name! Alas, you'll receive the same Patreon rewards as the Admiral tier.
A special Kraken Discord role.
Limithron LLC is pleased to offer a Commercial Creator License so writers and creators can use Limithron’s maps, assets, and content in their projects without explicit permission or negotiation with me, though I do require notification of use. My hope is that the Patreon will become a resource for creators looking to make content and adventures for Pirate Borg or Limithron's Guide to Naval Combat!
Maps & Releases
As a Patreon supporter, you get instant access to the entire treasure trove of maps, adventures, token, assets, and content, plus you are only charged when I release something new!
Single packs can also be purchased through the Limithron Online Store, or on Gumroad, Roll20, and The Forge.
Limithron's Guide to Naval Combat
Bermuda Sloop
Cenote Cave
Underground Ziggurat
Lost in the Locker - Scenes
British Port Kit
Hookah Den / Tavern
Adventure Site Collection 1
Coral Reef Asset Kit (& maps)
Tortuga Town
Fort de Rocher - Tortuga
Pirate Port Scenes & Kit
Beach Shipyard
Wretched Port Scenes & Kit
Coral Reef Shipwreck
Shrine of the Snake
Battle of Dead Man's Cove (adventure)
Dead Man's Grotto
Bombard Cannon Ship
Coastal Battery
The Sinking of C'Thagn (adventure)
Skeleton Point Castle Kit - part 2
Governor's Mansion - 4 levels
Eldritch Temple
Anchor Island
Nightmare City of R'Lyeh
Goblin War Barge
Hangman's Beach/Whale Graveyard
Skeleton Point Castle Kit - part 1
Juggernaut Airship
Underground Lake
Dark Caribbean Map & Cartography Kit
Cultist Cave
Merchant Outpost
Jungle Temple
Shipwreck City
Sunken Wreck
Megalodon Sahuagin Warship
VTT Landing Page Kit
Topaz Dragon Lair
Coastal Temple
Swamp Cabin
Undead Airship
Wizard College - Basement
Wizard College - Main Floor & Exterior
Riverboat / Steamship
Dragon Turtle - Exterior & Interior
Atlantis Dungeon
Viking Longship
Atlantis Temple Ruins
Dungeon of Traps
Crashed Nautiloid Ship
Nautiloid Alien Ship
Jungle Village
1st Rate Ship of the Line
Underground Mine
Ghost Ships
Desert Island & Smugglers' Cave
Boats, Rafts, & Canoes
Seaside Fortress
Man o' War / Flying Dutchman
Bone Ship
Pirate Hideout - 4 layers
Oceans, Islands, & Ships
Jungle Tomb
Brothel - "The Treasured Chest"
Port Royal
Treasure Map Kit
Hell Fortress
Nassau Town
City Docks
Tropical Hex Tiles
Green Kraken Tavern
Naval Battlefield