Get to Know the Best Vehicle Maintenance Log

About Motortab

Why You Need to Use Motortab for Vehicle Maintenance Tracking

Motortab is a web-based vehicle management solution that makes keeping track of vehicle maintenance records simple and paper-free. Writing down the last time one of your vehicles had an oil change or a tire rotation – and the next time it is due for service – can be a time-consuming and inefficient process. However, paying for an expensive fleet management system is not always the answer either – especially when you only need to keep track of maintenance records for a personal vehicle or a small fleet for your business.

With Motortab, signing up and registering your first vehicle is free and always will be. Upon logging into your Motorab account, adding new maintenance and repair records is as easy as a few clicks of a button. Simply enter the maintenance or repair information, click submit, and the new record will be added to the vehicle maintenance log.

It’s easy to forget when your next oil change is due, so Motortab will send a maintenance reminder email to help you stay on schedule. Email reminders are sent for oil changes, tire rotations and new air filters.

These basic vehicle maintenance tracking features may be all that you need. However, if you would like to register more vehicles to your Motortab account or have access to additional features, we offer subscription plans for as low as $24.99 per year! Each paid subscription comes with the full suite of Motortab features. The platform is optimized for keeping track of one or two vehicles up to a fleet of 50 vehicles for your small business.


 A Vehicle Maintenance Log With Features

In addition to the vehicle maintenance log and maintenance email reminders, each paid subscription enables you to upload maintenance documents, export data from the maintenance log and enter additional emails to receive the email reminders. Maintenance documents can be useful when you need to keep a record of part warranty information or the receipt for maintenance and repairs performed on you vehicles. To upload maintenance documents, just scan the document to your computer (PDF or image) and attach the file to a new maintenance item when entering it into the log. When getting ready to sell your vehicle or to perform detailed cost analysis, the option for exporting the maintenance records into MS Excel is a must. Entering additional email addresses to receive email reminders for when maintenance is due can come in handy when you need a family member or one of your employees to stay on top vehicle maintenance.

Since we’re a web-based vehicle maintenance and management software solution, we’re always hard at work making improvements to Motortab by rolling out new features that help you management or personal vehicle or small fleet. If you have any questions or recommendations on how to improve Motortab, let us know – we’d love to hear from you!


Motortab is Free for Your First Car

And always will be.  But want to track maintenance for more vehicles? No problem! Motortab offers flexible options to meet your vehicle maintenance log needs, starting at just $24.99 per year! After creating your Motortab account and registering your first vehicle (always free), click the “Upgrade” button on the homepage to be redirected to PayPal. We use PayPal because it is the easiest and most secure way to do transactions online – read more on PayPal’s site to find out how they are protecting your transactions.

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