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Nana (1970)

Drama | 110 minutes
2,00 1 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 110 minuten

Alternative title: Girl of Pleasure

Country: Sweden / France

Directed by: Mac Ahlberg

Stars: Anna Gaël, Gillian Hills and Lars Lunøe

IMDb score: 4,8 (137)

Releasedate: 9 November 1970


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Nana plot

"The modern making of Emile Zola's master 'piece'"

Nana, a young dancer and singer, is cared for by Werner von Falke, the wealthy owner of a photo studio. When Werner discovers her relationship with her young lover George, she must immediately get out of his villa that she had at her disposal. Before long, however, Nana finds a new patron in Count Haupt, a powerful politician. But this nightclub dancer has lovers of all ages and social standing, who drive her to ruin and suicide as she gains fame and fortune through them.

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