I made this mod because i wanted to use the Lady Dimitrescu model created by WalRiderTriger. In this mod you have to survive Lady Dimitrescu trying to hunt and kill you. I made this in two days, so its short. There are two endings.

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Twisted Friendship fixed

Twisted Friendship fixed


if you dont feel like downloading the old TDD version, i have fixed the issue that the previous download had. as explained, Frictional games updated TDD...

old TDD version

old TDD version


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Twisted Friendship

Twisted Friendship

Demo 2 comments

F in chat bois, this summary must be 50 characters long apparently

Lady Dimitrescu Survival

Lady Dimitrescu Survival

Full Version 1 comment

If you havent read it on the main page. This is a small custom story made in 2 days, where you have to survive lady dimitrescu. It has 2 endings.

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PelleSkull69 - - 3 comments


This Custom Story is okay but the problem is Lady Dimitrescu is farting at the player in the ending which is pretty gross and stupid(no offense), why make an ending where Lady Dimitrescu straight op killing the player just sayin.

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SwankestCZ - - 1,125 comments

Full walkthrough:

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sasuke100 - - 137 comments

Why I can't put her on the main game?

I backup and replace everything to Dimit.

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LivajO - - 164 comments

Maps in tdd are meant to spawn grunts and brutes (or precisely - servant_grunt.ent and servant_brute.ent). Finding orginal files and replacing them with custom, renaming custom entity to match the original names should be enough for the game to replace grunts with lady. If not you most likely have to replace them manually on each map using the editor. But I don't see a point anyway, she doesn't fit in tdd

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sasuke100 - - 137 comments

Thank you for being honest

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wizard2020 - - 375 comments

"A small custom story"
The download is 1.15 gigabytes.

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CustomStoryGatherers Creator
CustomStoryGatherers - - 96 comments

yeah I know, its because I mixed entities from AMFP, Justine and Penumbra.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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