Description of the mod:

The mod features replayability, based on difficulties.
The chosen difficulty in Options BEFORE LAUNCHING A MAP will affect on many things during your playthrough.
I highly recommend to play on Normal difficulty during your first playthrough.

Description of each difficulty:

- On Easy:
Lots of supplies, less enemies.
Choose it if you like rushing through hordes of enemies without getting much damage.

- On Normal:
Everything is balanced.
Choose it if you like balanced and entertaining combat.

- On Hard:
Less supplies/weapons, harder enemies.
Choose it if you like challenging and tough combat.

Hint: on hard difficulty you get access to a small secret.



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Rebel Surge updated

News 4 comments

Thanks to everyone who played the previous version and reported me bugs.

I'm glad I received so much feedback, it did help me to find out bugs and glitches. So, here you can see the list of changes:

Bug fixes:
- Fixed many weird reflections on both maps.
- Fixed helicopter crash bug.
- Fixed the bug where citizens could go through a combine shield.

Gameplay changes:
- Slightly reworked the first puzzle section.
- Slightly reworked supplies balance.
- Slightly reworked helicopter battle.
- Slightly decreased the amount of combine mines on both maps.

Other changes:
- Completely reworked the Gman scene.

There are some more little changes that are not worth mentioning.

Screenshot 6

Screenshot 8

Screenshot 5

Screenshot 7

I will support this mod as long as I can.

Thanks for attention.

Rebel Surge is released!

Rebel Surge is released!

News 6 comments

I've finally finished my mod! Thanks to everyone who supported!

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Rebel Surge v1.1

Rebel Surge v1.1

Full Version

This is the latest version of the mod and it uses Mapbase v3.0.1.

Rebel Surge v1.5 (GERMAN)

Rebel Surge v1.5 (GERMAN)

Full Version

Nach der Explosion in Nova Prospect wird Gordon Freeman nach City 16 teleportiert, gleich zu Beginn des Aufstandes.

Rebel Surge v1.1 VMFs

Rebel Surge v1.1 VMFs

Mapping Tool

The latest version. If you want to take a look at how the Rebel Surge maps are made.

Rebel Surge v1.0 VMFs

Rebel Surge v1.0 VMFs

Mapping Tool

OBSOLETE. If you want to take a look at how the Rebel Surge maps are made.

Rebel Surge v1.0

Rebel Surge v1.0

Full Version 3 comments

THIS VERSION IS OBSOLETE and it uses Mapbase v3.0.1.

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Guest - - 728,714 comments

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Soodaa - - 58 comments

Masterpiece, Have you considered making a full HL2 mod with your own story or something? Your mapping skills are godlike btw.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
StevenCabbage Creator
StevenCabbage - - 13 comments

Thank you! I always wanted to make something big, but I just don't have enough free time at the moment.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
BionicCoyote - - 1,253 comments

Here's a walkthrough of this mod! Very good stuff!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
h2x3l2 - - 25 comments

WTF the .rar file is damaged?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Guest - - 728,714 comments

God the ending STIINKS! Not enough bombs to throw at the thing, and when both of the rebels helping you die, no more rockets! I had to use impulse 101 to supply rockets. And it literally took 10000 rockets to kill the thing! Other than that, I had fun with the combat in the streets. 4/10.

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agreenman - - 79 comments

Sounds like a skill issue. The game rewarded mine hits way more than a rocket. Just follow the chopper around and grab the first mine it drops. Huge hitbox too.

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doitall - - 483 comments

Here is a complete playthrough of this mod, feel free to use the footage for whatever!

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Guest - - 728,714 comments

I'm having trouble starting up the game and it crashes on its own. What should I do?

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staticanimal - - 117 comments

getting an error that says "tried to add steamapps/sourcemods/mapbase_episodic_content/sound as a search path. this is probably not what you intended." when i try to launch

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
StevenCabbage Creator
StevenCabbage - - 13 comments

Try to reinstall mapbase folders (remove and install again).

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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