Radiophobia 3
First Person ShooterRadiophobia is a comprehensive overhaul of Shadow of Chernobyl, focused on delivering an immersive gameplay experience with modernized graphics and a...
In 1986, the world's worst nuclear disaster occurred at the Chernobyl power station. Soviet authorities established a 30km 'Exclusion Zone' around this nuclear wasteland, but in 2006 a second explosion rocked the stricken reactor, obliterating all living things and causing the Zone's boundaries to ripple outwards. From this epicenter came waves of mutated creatures, deadly radiation, and a strange, anomalous energy. The Zone was cordoned off by the military, who would shoot on sight anyone foolish enough to brave the horrors within.
It is now 2012 - man has ventured further and further into the heart of the Zone driven by reports of strange 'artifacts' imbued with anomalous energy. Mercenaries and bounty hunters compete to recover these artifacts, which command extortionate prices on the black market. Others seek to find the truth behind the Zone, while some merely revel in the desolate lawlessness of the place. Whatever their motivation, over time these individuals - Scavengers, Trespassers, Adventurers, Loners, Killer, Explorers and Robbers - have become known as S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'s.
Radiophobia is a comprehensive overhaul of Shadow of Chernobyl, focused on delivering an immersive gameplay experience with modernized graphics and a...
This is a translated mod file of the Hibernation Evil - Episode 4. Chapter 2. It's translated with ChatGPT. It's not stand-alone, so you still need to...
This is a translated mod file of the Hibernation Evil - Episode 4. Chapter 1. It's translated with ChatGPT. It's not stand-alone, so you still need to...
Traduccion en español de OGSR Engine project, un motor de 64 bits para Shadow of Chernobyl. Basado en la version de OGSR de 1 de octubre de 2024. ESTO...
A 4K upgrade with support for 16:9 and 21:9, bringing a 2007 classic to modern standards, specifically tailored for a first-time playthrough. This mod...
This is a repack of "The Fate of the Monolith REBUILD: A Matter of Faith" with Eng translation. It's ChatGPT translated and stand-alone, no original game...
The new update for Radiophobia is now live! As usual, it contains new features and lots of tweaks and fixes largely based on the feedback from the community. In this article, I’ll highlight some key features; you can find the complete detailed changelog here.
This update brings several weapons from the IWP mod, including the SV-98, AWM, MP9, VPO-101, F2000, G36, MG36, Taurus Raging Bull, and the DVL-10, including their upgraded versions if available. It also replaces the knife animations with much-improved ones from Anomaly Custom. Apart from the entirely new weapons, many previously unobtainable weapons already in the game were integrated into the game world. Engine support for fire mode changing animations was added, and all models that have them available will now use them.
All NPC models were replaced with ones more faithful to the originals, ported by nestandart_5443. Specifically, the optimized version was used, which brings the polycount range from 100-170k to 30-70k. The models were used in their original CoP format, with NPC animations modified to work correctly in SoC. This means that, for example, NPC models from Anomaly can now be used without issue, allowing the creation of addons porting other model packs such as DUX.
The HUD has been reworked to be more modern and higher quality while keeping the R3 layout. The compass was taken from EGUI (ty INC). Many item icons were replaced with higher-quality versions from various authors.
Another batch of QoL features was added, some of which I will briefly describe here. Map markers were added to nearly all subtasks from the new questlines. Important NPCs such as traders, quest givers, and Hunters (guides) are now also marked on the map, like in CoP. Also, a custom system for optional autosaves upon quest updates or completion was added.
The in-game subtitles were replaced with an improved version by River, which was made specifically for use with the Ukrainian dubbing. Apart from improving the readability, it also adds subtitles for voice lines that previously had them missing, megaphones, and video cutscenes. The subtitles can also now be easily disabled from the menu, in case you're using the english dubbing.
This patch fixes 20+ bugs ranging from quest softlocks and crashes to various glitches. Thankfully, the number of reported bugs is relatively low nowadays, and this patch only smooths the experience out further. Apart from that, many changes were made to polish the gameplay, removing various annoyances and unfinished features, improving game balance, and bringing the Zone together in a way that makes sense and allows for greater immersion.
Thank you for staying with us, for the warm words of support and continue to wait for the modification! Have a great holiday season! 🤗
STALKER Lost Alpha Software Development Kit (SDK) public release
Hello everyone, release version 1.0.5! There are various fixes in this version, as well as the addition of new textures.
Enhancing the original game's visual and audio presentation for current hardware, along with improved gameplay based on community feedback.
Hotfix for patch 1.19. Only necessary if you downloaded 1.19 before this hotfix was released, as the patch download has been already updated with it.
Patch to version 1.19. This patch is non-cumulative, which means it needs to be applied to the game patched to version 1.18. Install by unpacking into...
This is only a translated mod file. You need SOC 1.0004RU.
This is only a mod's gamedata file. You need SOC 1.0004RU. To ride a car, you need to add bind turn_engine kB to your user.itx
This is a repack of the "The Fate of the Monolith REBUILD A Matter of Faith" with Eng translation. It's ChatGPT translated and stand-alone, no original...
The (old) Stalker Alive 1.6 mod by DC released in 2007 with an additonal addon pack created by me in 2008. Considering the modding community for this...
I'm surprised that they ported all 3 original STALKER games (this, Clear Sky, and Call of Pripyat) to console platforms after all these years, I didn't think they ever would.
Hi all. I have a problem. I own the Shadow of Chernobyl game. I want to install a Turkish language patch. However, the patch only supports versions 1.0005 and below. How can I download the older version? Can I patch the game to an older version?
Happy 15th to this amazing game! 🥳
I have mixed feelings about this one. :x
im trying to mod the weight on the steam version of Stalker SOC but it keeps not working, how tf do i fix this?
be a man, it'll fix itself.
'S.T.A.L.K.E.R.' could definitely learn one thing from 'Far Cry 2', that is: when enemies drop weapons, these weapons are of emergency-only usefulness; poor to relay on, poor in terms of profit with traders - little reason to collect. At the same time, it would be good to have some shortcut to fast-loot ammo in 'S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'.
Mmmhhh... but maybe I dont understand what you mean, so....
Weapons in Stalker are damaged not only by the use (mainly for npcs), but also by eventual bullets or explosions hitting them (for npcs and player). So you can use or not them.. just watching their state by the HUD or in UI.
Plus... the selling cost (and also the repairation by some SOC mod) is always proportional to their "state". Same for the outfits.
To finish... I dont see any "sense" for... they are or MUST be "poor".
Why? They CAN BE poor, or not. It must be not a "law". So Stalker has a dynamic state for weapons. And that is better and also more realistic.
This is MODdb, we do not talk about the official state of the game. If someone likes the idea, they will implement it in their mod. If someone does not, welp, they do not. I think majority of the guns in the Zone, carried by common thugs, should be on the brink of usability, that is what makes traders do well with professionals. You want a good gun, buy it, if you want a constantly jamming piece of crap, then loot whatever, but the statusbar, does not lie, it will only get worse. Anyway, nice talking to you.
Apparently nobody but professionals knows how to maintain their weaponry or keep it from literally falling apart.
Okay, say you could repair your gun - at least some traders could provide such service. What then; do you invest your energy, your game-money and your time, to bring a randomly looted gun back to life? It must be genuinely something special, I guess. Because otherwise, I guess you just want a cheap ride and never feel like you need to worry about anything in the game. 'S.T.A.L.K.E.R.', does not really seem like a game that lets you simply not worry too much about stuff.
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Np for the "talking" :)
Well.. most mods has in that I said (and that you want... maybe) at least I think.
By the way... by "to fast loot ammo"... you mean unload soon all weapons types in inventory?
If yes... it is a very good idea.
Honestly, and for myself, I dont know how to do for. And anyway, I am sure, it is not easy obtain it.
PS: and about previous comments.. or you want a BETTER state for the weapons dropped by stalker npcs?
Point is to discourage the players from corpse-looting all the guns for trade, which could cause a lot of backtracking. That is why, guns found outside of the traders market, need to be of little use or interest to the players. That is the purpose. Different case with ammo. It is the lack of ammo this time, on the other hand, which could cause backtracking - in order to get the ammo or resources to trade for the ammo. That is why, quality guns could be rare, but ammo, needs to be just enough to secure the gameplay progression.
For the fast-looting of ammo, the question is, should it involve entering the inventory screen or be automatic and "doom-like"? In case it was to be "doom-like", only the ammo for currently equipped weapons would be looted, just by walking over a corpse or a dropped gun that contains the ammo type of interest.
In case it came to enter the inventory screen nonetheless, there could be a button similar to "take all" one, but it would secure looting only of the items of interest, such as ammo - but what kinds of ammo? - as well as perhaps the medkits and anti-rads. Maybe it should be switchable in the options, what such "loot specific" button ought to include. Gets complicated. Definitely hard to do.
I understand, not all, but enough, I hope.
- Well, for the most time, player uses his own weapons. Only rarely he switchs with some looted npcs weapon and just for a short time (or eventually repair it). And by the way, always the player chooses if he wants use it or no.
- You are not forced to return (backtracking) to traders, because you can put the extra-stuff in some box/inventory around.
-I agree with the possible amount of ammos found. Not so much, not so few.
I cannot speak for all mods, obviously... and also in money terms.
-About doom style... Not possibile for stalker, because different: in doom, ammos are "simbolic" and they dont figure effectively in a real inventory as 3D objects. In Stalker, also, there is no MAX ammos; and, example, if you have an AKM, using then 5.45x.. and you find a 5.56x... then just dont take it, if you dont want it in inventory
(but that is crazy, because soon or after you 'll need anyway those ammos, in a next time of the game, when you ll get the right weapon for).
And what do you do?... You go to buy them just because, (and.. yes.. in Doom ammos and weapons are always Stalker.. no) previously, you didnt get those for free?
Or try to remember where they were?
- The "Take all ammos\Unload all weapons" buttons - referring to the single bullets/cartridges unloading from weapons in inventory - has not to unload ONLY those for your current weapons, but all..
If some of them is or 'll be useless, just sell them... to npcs or traders or drop on ground (crazy...). You can do it. And I dont see any problem.
Anyway, as I said, that "button" is a good idea.
Right, 'Stalker' works on inventory system, something that denies any DOOM-style simplifications. Although I do need to point out, that the ammo does have symbolic representation in the game - samewise as the guns, the artifacts, the bodies and so on. When you throw out a piece of ammo from your equipment, it lands on the ground gamewise objectively. But I do get the point; DOOM-style workarounds, completely break the decorum, the proper style of 'Stalker'.
Anyway, in 'Stalker', if to lean over a body, the player can decide - for example - to press a key combination to drag the body somewhere else. Samewise, another key combination could possibly be pressed to automatically loot anything of interest from the body, quick way. The problem is, though, objects of interest may vary throughout the time, which is why, it must be customizable in the options, what are the properties of quick looting system, by what I mean: what kinds of things we want to loot in this automated manner. Sometimes we may want to loot all ammo, sometimes only selected types of ammo, sometimes no ammo but other possible utilities, perhaps. Quick looting must also automatically unload any loaded guns present in the inventory, for looting.
In the end, peeking into the inventory screen, is the safest way to solve the issue, in my opinion, therefore the "loot specific" button - next to "take all" button - is the safest way around for 'Stalker' style of things.
Options for quickloot button do not have to include all items in the game, but for certain all types of ammo and all types of medical utulities, as well as all types of food and energy drinks and vodka, to choose from - by the rule of checkboxing. These are the things of high circulation: things which are used up quickly and looted often. Guns have low circulation, for example, as the players probably do not switch guns all that often. If they do, they can as well simply do it manually.
Hey pal, I see that you want to share your gameplay concept, but it's getting lost in the noise here.
Make a proof of concept or demo, it'll show your idea better than infodumping in a corner where no one cares.
I'm in favor of whatever moves STALKER away from constantly focusing on guns and gear. I like having to scavenge, repair, or work towards buying good equipment sometimes, but after a while it sucks to always fight or loot a high-ranking STALKER only to find they were walking around with half broken junk and no ammo.
This is fine for most players. I can't think of a better solution, but I can deal with it.
You make a point. Nothing new is being discovered here. Good old RPG rules - what is common, is junk, what is rare, is precious. Most things, are junk.