Tag: Wine

Can Health, Culture, and Legislation Together Improve the Future of Wine?

March 21, 2023

Should wine be gathered in the same category as tobacco? Well, that is the main point on the agenda lately after Ireland’s plan to put serious health warnings on bottles of spirits, beer, as well as wine. This has been met with anger and rage from the three main countries in the EU producing wine followed by several other supporting member states. These member states, especially Italy, France, and Spain, are arguing that wine is not only a consumer product but part of their Mediterranean history and culture. However, the EU commission did not object to Ireland’s proposal last year… read more

Chianti Classico Collection 2022 Gave Positive Vibes to the Wine World

April 1, 2022

The 29th Edition of the Chianti Classico Collection just closed its doors the other week. The Chianti Classico Collection (#CCC22) is the yearly trade event that is organized to taste a preview of the wine vintages that have or will be released for the current year. It is two days of tastings and masterclasses to better get to know the area, the wines, and the producers of Chianti Classico. What was so special about Chianti Classico Collection 2022? Let’s find out more. Chianti Classico Collection 2022 - A Reset After the Pandemic The Chianti Classico Collection 2022 was a breath… read more

Does Wine Contain Gluten?

September 10, 2021

Gluten is a severe problem for many who are allergic, intolerant or struggle with celiac disease. But can wine contain gluten? Is wine gluten-free? Or, does wine pose a risk for people who suffer from gluten intolerance? In the recent article The Truth About Gluten-Free Wine in The Drop, the online magazine of Pix Wine, Felicity Carter delves deeper into the issue of whether gluten in wine exists and whether it can be a problem. This was as a way to bring clarity to what it means when wine producers declare their wines as “gluten-free”. What is Gluten? The Celiac… read more

The Art of Pairing Cannabis with Wine and Food

June 26, 2019

The legalization of marijuana for medical and/or recreational purposes is a hot topic in many countries for several years now. Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is even starting to become a gourmet product that you, just as wine, can pair with food to heighten the experience. Indeed, the American Jamie Evans is probably the first Herb Somm offering courses and tasting events to promote the use of cannabis to enhance aromas and flavours. In Colorado and Las Vegas, Cultivating Spirits is a company offering cannabis dinners and tastings as well as cannabis tours. We'll take a closer look at the… read more

The Role of Women in an Evolving Wine World

March 8, 2019

The 8th of March is the International Women’s Day (IWD) and before and after it gives rise to a lot of talk about women’s rights. Surprise surprise, it is actually a day having a deeper significance than giving mimosa flowers to the women around you and taking them out for dinner. It is a day to focus on how women can reach equality and balance in the still male-dominated society. The first IWD was organized in New York in 1909 by the Socialist Party of America and as a result, it was discussed the IWD ought to be a yearly… read more

Come On a Journey To the World of Fattoria di Montemaggio in Chianti Region

September 28, 2018

TUSCANY, ITALY -- There's a saying, "a picture is worth a thousand words" and at Montemaggio's scenic winery in Radda, Chianti, the old adage rings true. However, in today’s fast-paced social media world, we might need to update that expression to "a video is worth a thousand words". To best showcase our beloved Chianti winery and the world of Fattoria di Montemaggio, we decided to create visual wine tour of our vineyards, tasting rooms, processing areas, bodegas, seasons, harvesting time, estate magic and more. It's a taste of what our visitors experience and it's a glimpse at the very best… read more

Summer Holiday Wine Memories from the People at Montemaggio

September 3, 2018

When the veraison period had just gotten started, it was time for many people in Italy to go on holiday. So, also the staff at Montemaggio. The winery was closed for two weeks around the Ferragosto holiday in mid-August which is considered more or less the peak of the summer in Italy. Ferragosto is a holiday that has its origin in the Roman era where the Roman Emperor Augustus instituted this holiday in year 18 B.C. The word Ferragosto stems from the Latin expression Feriae Augusti which means the resting period in August. This today translates into the holidays and the… read more

Gran Selezione - A New Era of Chianti Classico Wines

October 23, 2016

Do you like the Chianti Classico wines? Then you might also like to read more about the different tiers of the Chianti Classico pyramid. You might already be quite familiar with the definitions of Annata and Riserva wines, but do you know what Gran Selezione refers to? This new top tier was introduced a couple of years ago. But what does it mean? Let’s see if we can find out together here... 300 years of Chianti Classico The Chianti Classico consortium is this year celebrating 300 years of Chianti Classico wine having organized a set of events in the month of September.… read more