
Welcome to our school.

It is with great pride that I welcome you to Morden Mount Primary School’s website.  We are a happy, two-form primary school situated on the border of Lewisham and Greenwich.

Our children complete amazing learning every day and you can see some of this learning on our website.  We also have a school tour so that you can see our learning spaces and some of our members of staff. 

We are committed to providing great learning opportunities for all of our children and every day our children show their love for learning through their work, their conversations and their ideas. 

If you have any questions about our school, please contact us at: info@mordenmount.greenwich.sch.uk

If you have any questions about aspects of our school’s work with pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), please contact our school SENDCo Stephanie Mahoney at smahoney@mordenmount.greenwich.sch.uk

Kind regards

Stephen Harris
Executive Headteacher