We are proud to support a fantastic set of entrepreneurs across the healthcare and technology sectors.

The Portfolio of Issuers shown above consists of both direct private investments made at the direction of Maverick Ventures, commencing in February 2015, and direct private investments (excluding PIPES and investments in certain financial intermediaries and investment origination entities) made at the direction of its affiliate, Maverick Capital, Ltd., in operating companies in which the initial investment was made after December 1, 2004 and before December 31, 2014. The list shown above does not include all investments. Please see View Entire Portfolio for a full list of investments.


Maverick Capital is a global investment firm that has been investing in early stage companies for 30 years.  By working with Maverick Ventures, entrepreneurs get the best of both worlds – a focused, agile team of venture partners – and the resources, reputation and relationships of a multi-billion dollar fund.


Bringing Nutrition Care to the Masses: Our Partnership with Nourish

March 28, 2024

Nourish is making nutrition care accessible to the 150 million Americans who need it — and we are beyond excited to be part of that journey!

50 percent of Americans struggle with nutrition-related chronic diseases, but most of these patients are unable to access nutrition care. Why? Like so many other parts of healthcare, it is prohibitively expensive.

Despite clinical evidence proving that registered dietitians (RDs) can effectively prevent and treat the most prevalent chronic diseases, RDs are typically not covered by insurance. As a result, patients have no choice but to pay out-of-pocket for care. This...

Partnership · Service · Impact

Maverick Ventures donates 1% of profits to the Maverick Capital Foundation which aims to meaningfully improve the lives of others, including those within our Bay Area community, by identifying, funding, and partnering with effective non-profits working to help those in need. By pairing gifts of time and money, we believe we can deeply benefit both the charitable organizations with which we work and instill a culture of giving within Maverick.