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We Work With The Community To Heal Our Abused Children

McMahon Ryan serves more than 1,000 children each year while also supporting public programs that raise awareness.

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Our Supporters Make It Possible

When you make a gift either by donating to our annual appeal, attending a McMahon Ryan fundraiser, hosting a community sponsored event, donating to our wish list, or including us in your will, you are helping a child on a path to healing.

McMahon Ryan volunteers dedicate thousands of hours every year to help our children.

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Comprehensive training and resources for individuals, businesses, organizations, mandated reporters, parents, and community members on how to recognize and respond to child abuse.

Professional and Community Training Arrow Icon

School-based prevention education programs for children and youth enrolled in grades Pre-K through 12.

School Programs Arrow Icon

Participate in National Child Abuse Prevention Month In April with "Go Blue 4 Kids"

Find out what it means to “Go Blue 4 Kids,” and all the ways you can get involved.

Purchase your Go Blue 4 Kids items here