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Please review this short registration video:
Auction Rules:
- Bids are processed in order received. Bids are processed immediately.
- Tie bids will be awarded to the first submission based on the server clock.
- All items have a minimum bid.
- The starting bid must be equal to or greater than the stated minimum bid. Starting bids equal to the minimum, will be posted at the minimum. Starting bids greater than the minimum, will be posted as the amount bid unless the "Proxy" feature is used. The Proxy feature is an optional feature which allows you to place an upper limit bid on an item. This way you do not have to be present to raise your bid to the next acceptable bid level should someone else outbid you. If someone outbids you, the Proxy acts as your agent and raises your bid to the next bid increment above the new bidder. This will continue until your Proxy limit is reached. Your Proxy always wins in the event that someone ties your upper limit bid.
- You may increase your bid at any time before auction closing. You can increase your Proxy at any time before auction closing as long as your new Proxy is greater that the Current High Bid. However, the auction will only recognize one of yours bids at a time for each item in the auction. For example, the submission of a standard bid will cancel any previous Proxy.
- The winning bidder will be the highest bid received prior "bid closing".
- The Server clock is the final arbiter of the "bid closing".
- The hammered price will be equal to the high bid. The item will be awarded to the winning bidder at the hammered price.
- The final results of the auction will be published on the site shortly after auction closing.
- Winning bidders will be notified and their charge cards processed immediately. There are no charges for the use of credit cards. Credit cards will not be charged until after the auction has closed. Invalid credit cards or failure to make payment will result in either the next highest bidder being the winner or the item to be auctioned again.
- Sellers are required to ship item within 3 days of the auction end, unless weather prohibits the safe shipping of live animals. If your credit card is denied, you may be charged an additional $25.00 for processing fees. This will also impact when shipment is made and may cancel the sale, if you refuse to make an alternate payment or refuse to answer our calls and/or email to you.
- Buyer pays shipping on a per seller basis at a rate of $60 for the first bird and $10 for each additional bird. This shipping will be added to the final bid. Buying more than one bird from the same seller will reduce the shipping cost.
- Seller warrants that all information he has posted about himself or the bird is accurate.
- Seller will ship to the buyer in a timely manner, using good quality boxes, and including the required documentation or pedigrees.
- The auctioneer has the absolute discretion to determine the winning bidder; to cancel the sale or re-offer and resell any disputed item.
- Added November 12, 2018: In the event of a system or server outage that causes auctions to close in a manner other than "normally," iPigeon will contact the sellers of the auction items to determine if the seller wishes to sell the item at the then current bid, or to re-post, or not, the item again. The buyers will be notified via email or by communication on the site.
- LIVE and ONLINE Auctions! Any Category marked with the words "Live and OnLine" will contain specific instructions for that auction. There is an rules item posted. Please read that for auction rules. The Closing Time specified on the Auction Item may not be the actual Closing time. Place ProxyBids on these items as they will close at any time.
Place your bid! Once you have selected the item you want to bid on, enter your unique customer id and password. You can even place a Proxy if you like. The Proxy feature allows you to place your maximum acceptable bid for this item. This way, your bids will be automatically increased to the next acceptable bid increment should someone outbid your initial bid. Also, the Proxy always wins in the event that someone ties your maximum acceptable bid!
Previewing Bids and Deleting Bids! As you place your bid on an auction item, before your bid is processed, a page is displayed showing your current bid and your Proxy Bid. If you did not enter a Proxy Bid amount, the system will display your current bid in the Proxy bid field. This way you will have the opportunity to change your mind. This feature has been added for your convenience and to eliminate the deleting of bids placed in error. Now you will have to confirm your bids.