Wire EDM

Wire EDM

 Northern Tool & Gage (NTG) Uses Wire Electrical Discharge Machining (W.E.D.M.) to produce precision parts for all of our tight tolerance work. The W.E.D.M. process is a process that electrically discharges material through a brass wire acting as a precision metal saw. The diameter of this wire may vary by application in size from .002”-.012” in diameter and may be coated or uncoated depending on the stock being cut. In order for a part to be cut by this process the material (Stock) must be electrically conductive.

     W.E.D.M. advantages: Smooth consistent relatively burr free edges, surface finish range of 16 to 64 micro inch, extremely close tolerances as required.

     Working from computer generated files insures the manufacture and machining of parts in order to maintain the high quality that NTG continually supplies our customers. We will work closely with our customers in order to give them the benefit of our experience in the manufacturing environment in order to produce the highest quality product to suit their requirements.

We work closely with many other job shops in order to supply our customers with a variety of capabilities to support the W.E.D.M. process as well.

     NTG supplies products to a wide variety of industries to include Automotive, Aerospace, Electrical, Appliance, Medical, Military, Plumbing, Construction and Tile.

     At NTG we believe in building long term partnerships with our customers and vendors to insure success in providing high quality consistent parts on a regular basis.

     Partner with NTG to build a more profitable successful future in the pursuit of high quality products.

     NTG can create effective geometry from DXF, DWG, STEP, STL, XMT CAD files.

     Contact us with all your manufacturing projects and let our expert staff guide you through the right process your projects may require. And experience the benefits of working with our quality dedicated staff.

     Thank you for allowing us to present you with our manufacturing capabilities.