How the Native americans used white sage

Traditionally, white sage leaves were chewed by Californian tribes to freshen the breath and to stave off thirst on hot days. This might have been due to the high eucalyptol content in the leaves, which leaves a refreshing, almost minty coolness in the mouth after chewing. The same eucalptol content made it extremely helpful during times of sickness for clearing congestion. A common practice was to boil sage leaves for five to ten minutes in a small amount of water, then to breathe the steam from the container. This would help relieve congestion and ease cold symptoms. Sage leaves and stems were boiled in water to produce a strong scented liquid that would be used as a scalp and body wash. This not only eliminated body odors, but provided a slight antibacterial effect which helped with keeping the skin free from bacterial problems.

Cleansing a space

All you need is a single dried White Sage Leaf to cleanse an entire space. Be sure to use a ceramic bowl or shell to hold the leaf after you light it. Walk slowly through the space you wish to cleanse holding the bowl and smoldering leaf. Push the smoke around the space with a feather and speak your intentions into the smoke.


YONI steaming

Yoni steaming has been used in many cultures for thousands of years. White Sage is used in many herbal blends during Yoni steaming for it's antiseptic, antiviral, and antibacterial properties.