The State of the World as an Aspect of ‘Set and Setting’

If we want to prioritise ‘set and setting’ (our mindset and physical and social environment) when using psychedelics, then we should be aware of all the possible aspects of our minds and the world that could influence the experience. Realistically, there are innumerable aspects of set and setting, many of which we won’t be aware…

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Nitrous Oxide: A Gas With Mystical, Antidepressant, and Addictive Potential

Nitrous oxide (‘laughing gas’) is a colourless gas with sedative, analgesic, euphoric, dissociative, and (if the dose is right) mystical effects. When used recreationally, the gas comes in canisters, known as ‘nangs’ in Australia and New Zealand, with other street names for the gas including ‘whippets’ (or ‘whippits’) and ‘hippy crack’. There is both a…

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When Should You Challenge the Insights You Have on Psychedelics?

One of the characteristics of the psychedelic mystical experience is the noetic quality: the feeling of profound insight (this is the focus of Chapter 2 in my book Altered Perspectives). This type of insight is felt to be authoritative, that is, an incontrovertible revelation. However, insights that carry an authoritative truth can occur in non-mystical…

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The Rise of Self-Proclaimed Shamans

In the search for alternative forms of healing, people may want to turn to what is seen as a more natural, human, holistic, and deeper form of healing – namely, shamanism. Shamanism can, quite broadly, be defined as a tradition of religious specialists who act as mediators with spirits and the spirit realm. Through the…

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AI Content is Ruining the Blogosphere

AI-generated content continues to proliferate on the internet, and it’s leading to a lot of pushback. People on Reddit are getting annoyed at how common AI-generated comments are on the platform, and how they often become the most upvoted comments. I see these comments all the time on YouTube and social media as well. I’ve…

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