Hydraulic Piston Pumps Used in Certain Models of Caterpillar Equipment (3203, 5070, 5084)

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4/8/2019 M322C Excavator BDK00001-02000 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3056 Engine(SEBP3187 - 44) - Documentación

Pantalla anterior
Bienvenido: r080zc
Configuración: M322C Excavator BDK00001-02000 (MACHINE) POWERED
BY 3056 Engine

Pautas de reutilización y recuperación

Hydraulic Piston Pumps Used in Certain Models of Caterpillar Equipment{3203, 5070, 5084}
Número de medio -SEBF8133-11 Fecha de publicación -10/06/2015 Fecha de actualización -10/06/2015
Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow


Hydraulic Piston Pumps Used in Certain Models of Caterpillar

Equipment{3203, 5070, 5084}
SMCS - 3203; 5070; 5084

Articulated Truck:
725 (S/N: WWA1-UP; B1L1-UP; AFX1-UP)
730 (S/N: WWB1-UP; AGF1-UP; B1M1-UP)
730 EJECTOR (S/N: B1W1-UP)
730C (S/N: LFF1-UP; TFF1-UP)
D250E Series II (S/N: 4PS1-UP)
D300E Series II (S/N: 5KS1-UP)
Asphalt Paver:
AP-1000 (S/N: 1HD1-UP)
AP-1000B (S/N: 7HN1-UP; AGP1-UP)
AP-1050B (S/N: 6ZN1-UP)
AP-1055B (S/N: ABB1-UP; 8BM1-UP; A3P1-UP)
AP-650B (S/N: 9DN1-UP; A7P1-UP)
AP-800C (S/N: 1PM1-UP)
AP-800D (S/N: A5P1-UP)
AP-900B (S/N: AGJ1-UP)
AP1055B (S/N: AGB1-UP)
BG-225C (S/N: B6G1-UP; 5GN1-UP)
BG-230 (S/N: 9AL1-UP)
BG-230D (S/N: B4G1-UP)
BG-240C (S/N: AGL1-UP)
BG-2455C (S/N: B2G1-UP; ACM1-UP; 6TN1-UP)
BG-245C (S/N: 4XN1-UP)
BG-260C (S/N: BYG1-UP; 8GN1-UP)
Backhoe Loader:
416 Series II (S/N: 5PC1-UP)
416B (S/N: 8SG1-UP; 8ZK1-UP) r080zc
416C (S/N: 4ZN1-UP; 5YN1-UP; 1WR1-UP; 1XR1-UP) Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow
416D (S/N: BGJ1-UP; BFP1-UP)
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4/8/2019 M322C Excavator BDK00001-02000 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3056 Engine(SEBP3187 - 44) - Documentación

416F (S/N: KSF1-UP; LWT1-UP)

420D (S/N: BKC1-UP; C2C1-UP; FDP1-UP)
420F (S/N: LKH1-UP; JWJ1-UP; SKR1-UP)
422F (S/N: LRH1-UP)
426 Series II (S/N: 7BC1-UP)
426C (S/N: 6XN1-UP; 7WN1-UP; 1CR1-UP; 1ER1-UP; 1MR1-UP; 1NR1-UP; 1YR1-UP; 1ZR1-UP)
428 Series II (S/N: 6TC1-UP)
428C (S/N: 8RN1-UP; 2CR1-UP)
428F (S/N: LBH1-UP; SJW1-UP)
430F (S/N: RDF1-UP; LNH1-UP; RGS1-UP; LDY1-UP)
432F (S/N: SEJ1-UP; LNR1-UP)
436 Series II (S/N: 5KF1-UP)
436C (S/N: 8TN1-UP; 9JN1-UP; 1FR1-UP; 1PR1-UP; 1RR1-UP; 2AR1-UP; 2BR1-UP)
438 Series II (S/N: 3DJ1-UP)
438C (S/N: 9KN1-UP; 1JR1-UP; 2DR1-UP)
446 (S/N: 6XF1-UP)
446B (S/N: 5BL1-UP)
Cold Planer:
PM-565 (S/N: 3TK1-UP)
Landfill Compactor:
826C (S/N: 87X1-UP)
826G Series II (S/N: AYH1-UP)
826H (S/N: AWF1-UP)
836G (S/N: BRL1-UP; 7MZ1-UP)
836H (S/N: BXD1-UP)
Soil Compactor:
825C (S/N: 86X1-UP)
825G Series II (S/N: AXB1-UP)
825H (S/N: AZW1-UP)
227 (S/N: 10W1-UP)
320B (S/N: 1XS1-UP; 6LW1-UP)
365B Series II (S/N: BTH1-UP)
365B (S/N: AGD1-UP; CFJ1-UP; CTY1-UP; 4XZ1-UP; 9PZ1-UP)
365BL Series II (S/N: JMB1-UP; PEG1-UP; SDL1-UP; DER1-UP)
365BL (S/N: 9TZ1-UP)
374D (S/N: PJA1-UP; PAP1-UP; PAS1-UP; PAX1-UP)
5080 (S/N: 6XK1-UP; 8SL1-UP)
5090B (S/N: CLD1-UP; SJY1-UP)
5110B (S/N: AAA1-UP; AAK1-UP; AAT1-UP)
5130 (S/N: 7TJ1-UP; 5ZL1-UP)
5130B (S/N: 4CS1-UP)
5230 (S/N: 7LL1-UP)
5230B (S/N: 4HZ1-UP)
Integrated Toolcarrier:
IT18F (S/N: 6ZF1-UP)
IT28F (S/N: 3CL1-UP)
IT62H (S/N: M5G1-UP)
Mini Hydraulic Excavator:
302.2D (S/N: LJG1-UP)
Motor Grader:
120 (S/N: 35K1-UP) r080zc
120G (S/N: 2AB1-UP; 4HD1-UP; 1LK1-UP; 82V1-UP; 87V1-UP; 11W1-UP; 61W1-UP) Confidential Yellow

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4/8/2019 M322C Excavator BDK00001-02000 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3056 Engine(SEBP3187 - 44) - Documentación

120H (S/N: CAF1-UP; 4MK1-UP; 5FM1-UP; 6NM1-UP; 6TM1-UP; 2AN1-UP; 6YN1-UP; 9YR1-
UP; ALZ1-UP; 1241-UP)
120K Series 2 (S/N: SZS1-UP; SZZ1-UP)
120K (S/N: SZN1-UP; JAP1-UP)
120M Series 2 (S/N: M9C1-UP; M9H1-UP; R9N1-UP; R9W1-UP)
120M (S/N: R9A1-UP; B9C1-UP; R9C1-UP; B9N1-UP; B9W1-UP)
12G (S/N: 3WC1-UP; 3PL1-UP; 61M1-UP; 26V1-UP)
12H (S/N: XZJ1-UP; CBK1-UP; 4XM1-UP; 5ZM1-UP; 8MN1-UP; 2LR1-UP; 2WR1-UP; 4ER1-UP;
2GS1-UP; AMZ1-UP; 1251-UP)
12K (S/N: JJA1-UP; SZP1-UP)
12M (S/N: R9B1-UP; B9F1-UP; B9R1-UP)
130G (S/N: 7GB1-UP; 74V1-UP; 12W1-UP; 26V1-UP)
135H (S/N: CBC1-UP; BDJ1-UP; 3YK1-UP; 7MM1-UP; 7PM1-UP; 8WN1-UP; AMX1-UP)
140 RIPPG (S/N: 26V1-UP)
140G (S/N: 5MD1-UP; 50H1-UP; 72V1-UP; 81V1-UP; 13W1-UP)
140H (S/N: CCA1-UP; XZH1-UP; 2ZK1-UP; APM1-UP; 5HM1-UP; 8JM1-UP; 8KM1-UP; 9TN1-
UP; 9ZN1-UP; 3FR1-UP; 3AS1-UP; 1261-UP)
140K Series 2 (S/N: SZW1-UP)
140K (S/N: JPA1-UP; SZL1-UP)
140M Series 2 (S/N: M9D1-UP; R9G1-UP; M9J1-UP; R9M1-UP)
140M (S/N: B9D1-UP; D9G1-UP; B9M1-UP)
143H (S/N: 1AL1-UP; APN1-UP)
14G (S/N: 96U1-UP)
14H (S/N: ASE1-UP; 7WJ1-UP)
14M (S/N: B9J1-UP; R9J1-UP)
160G (S/N: 4JD1-UP)
160H (S/N: ASD1-UP; 9EJ1-UP; XZK1-UP; 2FM1-UP; 3GM1-UP; 6WM1-UP; 9JM1-UP; CCP1-
UP; 3HR1-UP; 2HS1-UP)
160K (S/N: SZM1-UP; JBP1-UP)
160M Series 2 (S/N: M9E1-UP; M9K1-UP; R9L1-UP; R9T1-UP)
160M (S/N: B9E1-UP; B9L1-UP; B9T1-UP; D9T1-UP)
163H (S/N: 5AK1-UP; ARL1-UP)
16G (S/N: 93U1-UP)
16H (S/N: 6ZJ1-UP; 3JR1-UP; ATS1-UP)
16M (S/N: B9H1-UP; R9H1-UP)
24H (S/N: 7KK1-UP)
24M (S/N: B9K1-UP)
TA19 (S/N: XAE1-UP; XAF1-UP)
TA22 (S/N: XAB1-UP; XAG1-UP)
TH55FT-E90 (S/N: THE1-UP)
Off-Highway Truck/Tractor:
73D (S/N: 9YS1-UP)
769D (S/N: BBB1-UP; 5TR1-UP; 5SS1-UP)
773D (S/N: 7ER1-UP; 7CS1-UP)
773E (S/N: BDA1-UP; ASK1-UP)
Quarry Truck:
771D (S/N: BCA1-UP; 6YS1-UP)
775D (S/N: 6KR1-UP; 8AS1-UP)
Petroleum Power Train Package:
TH31-C9I (S/N: PAZ1-UP)
TH31-C9P (S/N: PFZ1-UP) r080zc
TH35-C13I (S/N: PBY1-UP) Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

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4/8/2019 M322C Excavator BDK00001-02000 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3056 Engine(SEBP3187 - 44) - Documentación

TH35-C13T (S/N: PBW1-UP)

TH48-E70-C32P (S/N: PKG1-UP)
Petroleum Transmission:
CX31-P600 (S/N: PFW1-UP)
CX35-P800 (S/N: TRJ1-UP)
TH31-E61 (S/N: LWC1-UP)
TH35-E81 (S/N: SMS1-UP)
TH48-E70 (S/N: JGC1-UP)
Paving Compactor:
CS-531C (S/N: 5ZN1-UP)
583T (S/N: CMX1-UP)
Vibratory Soil Compactor:
CP54B (S/N: CPX1-UP)
CP56B (S/N: LHC1-UP)
CP68B (S/N: LCF1-UP)
CP74B (S/N: L7B1-UP)
CS54B (S/N: L4H1-UP)
CS56B (S/N: L8H1-UP)
CS64B (S/N: C641-UP)
CS66B (S/N: CS61-UP)
CS68B (S/N: MMS1-UP)
CS74B (S/N: LCB1-UP)
CS76B (S/N: L9H1-UP)
CS78B (S/N: L8C1-UP)
Compact Track Loader:
279C (S/N: MBT1-UP)
279C2 (S/N: KWB1-UP)
289C (S/N: JMP1-UP)
289C2 (S/N: RTD1-UP)
299C (S/N: JSP1-UP)
299D (S/N: HCL1-UP)
299D XHP (S/N: NLC1-UP)
Multi Terrain Loader:
287C (S/N: MAS1-UP)
247 (S/N: CML1-UP)
257 (S/N: CMM1-UP)
267 (S/N: CMP1-UP)
277 (S/N: CNC1-UP)
277C (S/N: JWF1-UP; L5Y1-UP)
277C2 (S/N: MET1-UP)
287 (S/N: CNY1-UP)
287C2 (S/N: SSB1-UP)
297C (S/N: GCP1-UP)
Skid Steer Loader:
236 (S/N: 4YZ1-UP)
246 (S/N: 5SZ1-UP)
246C (S/N: JAY1-UP)
256C (S/N: DWS1-UP)
262C (S/N: MST1-UP)
262C2 (S/N: TMW1-UP)
272C (S/N: RED1-UP)
272D (S/N: GSL1-UP) r080zc
272D XHP (S/N: SHY1-UP) Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

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4/8/2019 M322C Excavator BDK00001-02000 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3056 Engine(SEBP3187 - 44) - Documentación

TH220B (S/N: SLA1-UP)
TH330B (S/N: SLB1-UP)
TH340B (S/N: SLC1-UP)
TH350B (S/N: SLD1-UP)
TH355B (S/N: JRK1-UP)
TH360B (S/N: SLE1-UP)
TH460B (S/N: SLF1-UP)
TH560B (S/N: SLG1-UP)
TH580B (S/N: SLH1-UP)
Track-Type Loader:
953D (S/N: LBP1-UP)
Track-Type Skidder:
517 (S/N: 5WW1-UP; 6PW1-UP)
527 (S/N: JSR1-UP; PTR1-UP; 2RS1-UP; 3DS1-UP; 4NS1-UP; BDW1-UP)
D4 TSKH Series II (S/N: 8ZF1-UP; 5NH1-UP)
D4 TSKH Series III (S/N: 7PK1-UP)
D5 TSKH Series II (S/N: 7EG1-UP)
Track-Type Tractor:
D11N (S/N: 4HK1-UP)
D11R (S/N: AAF1-UP; 8ZR1-UP; 9TR1-UP; 9XR1-UP; 7PZ1-UP)
D4H Series II (S/N: 8PB1-UP; 9DB1-UP; 2AC1-UP; 3AC1-UP; 7BG1-UP)
D4H Series III (S/N: 8PJ1-UP; 9GJ1-UP; 4NK1-UP)
D5E (S/N: 9RG1-UP)
D5H Series II (S/N: 8RC1-UP; 9HC1-UP; 1DD1-UP; 8RJ1-UP)
D5H (S/N: 7NC1-UP; 8SC1-UP; 1YD1-UP; 2SD1-UP; 3MD1-UP; 4KD1-UP)
D5M (S/N: 6GN1-UP; 3CR1-UP; 3DR1-UP; 4BR1-UP; 7LR1-UP; 4JS1-UP; 5ES1-UP; 5FS1-UP;
D6 (S/N: 5HF1-UP; 4LG1-UP)
D6D (S/N: 9FK1-UP)
D6E (S/N: 8FJ1-UP)
D6G Series 2 (S/N: 2MJ1-UP)
D6H Series II (S/N: 4RC1-UP; 6FC1-UP; 8FC1-UP; 1KD1-UP; 2KD1-UP; 3ED1-UP; 3ZF1-UP;
4YF1-UP; 5HF1-UP; 6CF1-UP; 2TG1-UP; 3YG1-UP; 4GG1-UP; 4LG1-UP; 1FJ1-UP; 8ZJ1-UP;
9KJ1-UP; 2DK1-UP; 5KK1-UP; 6CK1-UP; 8KK1-UP; 8SK1-UP; 9LK1-UP; 9RK1-UP; 1YL1-UP;
2BL1-UP; 2TL1-UP)
D6H (S/N: 8KB1-UP; 7PC1-UP; 8YC1-UP; 3YJ1-UP; 7ZK1-UP)
D6K Series 2 (S/N: WMR1-UP; RST1-UP)
D6M (S/N: 9ZM1-UP; 3WN1-UP; 4JN1-UP; 5NR1-UP; 5WR1-UP; 6LR1-UP; 2YS1-UP; 4GS1-UP;
D6R (S/N: 2HM1-UP; 4FM1-UP; 8TM1-UP; 9BM1-UP; 2YN1-UP; 3ZN1-UP; 4HN1-UP; 4MN1-
UP; 5LN1-UP; 6JN1-UP; 7KN1-UP; 8LN1-UP; 8XN1-UP; 9MN1-UP; 9PN1-UP; DMP1-UP; 4JR1-
UP; 4TR1-UP; 4WR1-UP; 5RR1-UP; 6FR1-UP; 6HR1-UP; 6MR1-UP; 7AR1-UP; 7DR1-UP; 7GR1-
UP; 9ZS1-UP; 1RW1-UP)
D7R (S/N: 9HM1-UP; 2EN1-UP; 3DN1-UP; 2HR1-UP; 3ZR1-UP; 5KZ1-UP)
D8L (S/N: 4FB1-UP; 7YB1-UP; 7JC1-UP; 53Y1-UP)
D8N (S/N: 9TC1-UP; 1XJ1-UP; 5TJ1-UP; 7TK1-UP)
D8R Series II (S/N: AKA1-UP; 6YZ1-UP) r080zc
D8R (S/N: RJM1-UP; 7XM1-UP; 9EM1-UP) Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

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4/8/2019 M322C Excavator BDK00001-02000 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3056 Engine(SEBP3187 - 44) - Documentación


D9N (S/N: 1JD1-UP)
Underground Articulated Truck:
AD55 (S/N: DNW1-UP)
AD55B (S/N: JNW1-UP)
AD60 (S/N: KNW1-UP)
Wheel Dozer:
824C (S/N: 85X1-UP)
824G Series II (S/N: AWW1-UP)
824H (S/N: ASX1-UP)
834G (S/N: BPC1-UP; 6GZ1-UP)
834H (S/N: BTX1-UP)
844 (S/N: BBN1-UP; 2KZ1-UP)
854G (S/N: AMP1-UP; A4W1-UP; 1JW1-UP)
854K (S/N: H9K1-UP; H8M1-UP)
Wheel Loader:
918F (S/N: 3TJ1-UP; 2CK1-UP; 5DL1-UP)
924G (S/N: DDA1-UP; EEB1-UP; WMB1-UP; AAN1-UP; 9SW1-UP; 3PZ1-UP)
924GZ (S/N: RTA1-UP; 6YW1-UP; WGX1-UP; DFZ1-UP; 3DZ1-UP)
928F (S/N: 2XL1-UP)
950F Series II (S/N: 8TK1-UP)
950F (S/N: 6YG1-UP)
950G Series II (S/N: AYB1-UP; AYL1-UP; AXR1-UP; AXX1-UP)
950H (S/N: JAD1-UP; M1G1-UP; J5J1-UP; K5K1-UP; JLX1-UP)
950K (S/N: R4A1-UP; J5M1-UP; FER1-UP)
962G Series II (S/N: BAB1-UP; AYE1-UP; AXS1-UP; AXY1-UP)
962H (S/N: N4A1-UP; M3G1-UP; J6J1-UP; K6K1-UP; MAL1-UP)
962K (S/N: T6A1-UP; FLL1-UP; X4T1-UP)
966F Series II (S/N: 1SL1-UP)
966F (S/N: 4YG1-UP)
966G Series II (S/N: AXJ1-UP; AXL1-UP; ANT1-UP; AWY1-UP; ANZ1-UP; AWZ1-UP)
966G (S/N: AAH1-UP; HDH1-UP; 3ZS1-UP; 9RS1-UP; 3PW1-UP; 3SW1-UP; 8XW1-UP)
966H (S/N: A6D1-UP; RYF1-UP; A6G1-UP; A6J1-UP; TAL1-UP; CYR1-UP; FMW1-UP)
966K (S/N: PBG1-UP; TFS1-UP; NGX1-UP)
970F (S/N: 9JK1-UP)
972G Series II (S/N: AXC1-UP; AXN1-UP; AWP1-UP; AXP1-UP; ANY1-UP)
972G (S/N: TLA1-UP; 7LS1-UP; 8TS1-UP; AAW1-UP; 1EW1-UP; 4WW1-UP; 6AW1-UP; 9GW1-
972H (S/N: GTA1-UP; WLA1-UP; LCC1-UP; A7D1-UP; A7G1-UP; A7J1-UP)
972K (S/N: PEM1-UP; Z4W1-UP)
972M (S/N: A8P1-UP; JPR1-UP)
980G Series II (S/N: AXG1-UP; AWH1-UP; AYT1-UP)
980G (S/N: 9CM1-UP; 2KR1-UP; 2SR1-UP)
980H Series 2 (S/N: MKP1-UP)
980H (S/N: MHG1-UP; A8J1-UP; KZL1-UP; JMS1-UP)
980K (S/N: W7K1-UP; GTZ1-UP)
980M (S/N: KRS1-UP)
982M (S/N: K1Y1-UP)
988F Series II (S/N: 2ZR1-UP) r080zc
988F (S/N: 8YG1-UP) Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

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988G Series RTCH (S/N: 1NZ1-UP)

988G (S/N: BNH1-UP; 2TW1-UP)
988H (S/N: A7A1-UP; BXY1-UP)
990 Series II (S/N: BCR1-UP; 4FR1-UP)
992G (S/N: 7HR1-UP; AZX1-UP; ADZ1-UP)
Wheel Skidder:
515 (S/N: 4LR1-UP)
522C (S/N: 2WL1-UP)
525 (S/N: 1DN1-UP)
525B (S/N: 3KZ1-UP)
525C (S/N: 5251-UP)
535B (S/N: AAE1-UP)
535C (S/N: 5351-UP)
545 (S/N: 2FZ1-UP)
545C (S/N: 5451-UP)
Wheel Tractor-Scraper:
613C Series II (S/N: B6J1-UP)
Wheeled Excavator:
M316C (S/N: H2C1-UP; BDX1-UP)
M322C (S/N: H2E1-UP; H2G1-UP; BDK1-UP; BDY1-UP)
M322D (S/N: W2S1-UP; W2T1-UP; D2W1-UP; D3X1-UP)

Table 1
Revision Summary of Changes in SEBF8133
11 Updated Introduction

Updated Effectivity.
Inserted "Think Safety" graphic.

09 Update Effectivity.
08 Updated Effectivity.
07 Updated Effectivity.

© 2015 Caterpillar All Rights Reserved. This guideline is for the use of Cat Dealers only. Unauthorized use of
this document or the proprietary processes therein without permission may be violation of intellectual property

This Reuse and Salvage Guideline contains the necessary information to allow a dealer to establish a parts
reusability program. Reuse and salvage information enables Caterpillar dealers and customers to benefit from
cost reductions. Every effort has been made to provide the most current information that is known to Caterpillar.
Continuing improvement and advancement of product design might have caused changes to your product which
are not included in this publication. This Reuse and Salvage Guideline must be used with the latest technical
information that is available from Caterpillar.

For questions or additional information concerning this guideline, submit a form for feedback in the Service
Information System. To address an urgent issue, use the following resources to communicate your request to
Caterpillar Repair Process Engineering: r080zc
Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow
Caterpillar Dealer Technical Communicator
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Dealer Solution Network

Caterpillar Technical Representative

Knowledge Network

Canceled Part Numbers and Replaced Part Numbers

This document may include canceled part numbers and replaced part numbers. Use NPR on SIS for information
about canceled part numbers and replaced part numbers. NPR will provide the current part numbers for replaced

The purpose of this guideline is to give specifications for piston pump and motor parts that qualify for reuse.
When used in the same application, parts that can be used again can be expected to give normal performance
until the next overhaul.

Never install a part that does not meet the specifications provided in this guideline. During reconditioning,
correct any conditions that might have caused the original failure.

Important Safety Information

Illustration 1 g02139237

Most accidents that involve product operation, maintenance, and repair are caused by failure to observe basic
safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous situations
before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This person should also have the
necessary training, skills, and tools to perform these functions properly.

Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance, or repair of this product is dangerous. Improper methods could
result in injury or death.

Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance, or repair of this product, until you understand the
operation, lubrication, maintenance, and repair information. Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this
manual and on the product. If these hazard warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or
to other persons. Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

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Hazards are identified by a safety alert symbol. Safety alert symbols are followed by a signal word such as
"Warning" that is shown below.

Illustration 2 g01032906

The following is the meaning of this safety alert symbol:

Pay Attention!

Become Alert!

Your Safety is Involved.

The message that appears under the warning explains the hazard. The message will be written or pictorially

Operations that may cause product damage are identified by "NOTICE" labels on the product and in this

Caterpillar cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. Therefore, the
warnings in this publication and on the product are not all inclusive. If a tool, a procedure, a work method, or an
operating technique that is not recommended by Caterpillar is used. Ensure that the procedure is safe for all
personnel around the machine. Ensure that the product will not be damaged or that the product will not be made
unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance, or repair procedures.

All of the information, specifications, and illustrations that are in this publication are based on information that
was available at the time of publication. The following could change at any time: specifications, torque,
pressures, measurements, adjustments, illustrations and other items. These changes can affect the service that is
given to the product. Obtain the most current and complete information before you start any job. Caterpillar
dealers have the most current information that is available.


Personal injury or death can result from improperly checking for a


Always use a board or cardboard when checking for a leak. Escaping

air or fluid under pressure, even a pin-hole size leak, can penetrate body
tissue causing serious injury, and possible death.

If fluid is injected into your skin, it must be treated immediately by a

doctor familiar with this type of injury.
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Hot oil and hot components can cause personal injury. Do not allow hot
oil or hot components to contact skin.

Pump test pressures in this guideline may exceed the normal operating
range of the hydraulic test hoses utilized when connecting the tested
pump to the test bench. However, the order of magnitude of these
pressures is significantly below the burst strength of the Caterpillar
"XT6" product.

High pressure oil can escape through improperly assembled hoses and
fittings. High pressure oil can also escape through poorly maintained
hoses and fittings. High pressure oil may also leak through hose that has
become damaged over the life of the hose due to the pressure levels that
occur during test bench operation.

Personal injury or death can result from improper hose & fitting
inspection or improper hose replacement procedures. Escaping fluid
under pressure can penetrate body tissue causing serious injury, and
possible death.

Thoroughly inspect all testing hoses, fittings, and quick disconnects

prior to any testing operation. Check the assembly date tag or hose
assembly log date for a hose life indicator. Replace all Test Bench hoses
at a minimum of every 2 years or earlier if the hose or fittings appear to
be damaged.

Table 2
Media Number

"Fundamentals of High Velocity Oxygen Fuel (HVOF) Spray for Reconditioning

SEBF9238 "Fundamentals of Arc Spray for Reconditioning Components"

SEBF9240 "Fundamentals of Flame Spray for Reconditioning Components"

SEBF9307 "General Reuse and Salvage Guideline for Hydraulic Piston Pumps and Motors"

Equipment and Tooling r080zc

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow
Table 3
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Equipment and Tooling

Part No. Description
- Optical Flat

- Inside Micrometer
- Outside Micrometer 0 ± 25.0 mm (0 ± 0.98 inch)
Outside Micrometer
25.0 ± 50.0 mm (0.98 ± 1.97 inch)

- V-Block
7B-0337 Surface Plate
4C-5852 Pins

4C-5853 Pins
4C-5854 Pins
4C-5855 Pins

4C-5856 Pins
8T-5096 Dial Indicator Group

6V-7898 Dial Bore Gage Assembly

6V-7899 Size Setting Fixture Group

Cleaning Procedure

Personal injury can result from air pressure.

Personal injury can result without following proper procedure. When

using pressurized air, wear a protective face shield and protective

Maximum air pressure at the nozzle must be less than 205 kPa (30 psi)
for cleaning purposes.

Personal injury can result when using cleaner solvents.

To help prevent personal injury, follow the instructions and warnings on

the cleaner solvent container before using. r080zc
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Before a part is inspected, wash the part in a clean solvent made from petroleum. Wash each part separately. If
several parts are washed together, there is a possibility that a machined surface can be damaged. Use compressed
air to dry the part. Put hydraulic oil on the part to prevent rust or corrosion. Put the part in a clean container. Use
a lint-free towel to clean the part before assembly. Be sure to put oil on all of the parts during assembly.

Inspection Procedure
Piston pump and motor parts normally have wear patterns that can be seen but cannot be felt with a fingernail or
lead pencil after the salvage procedure. This type of wear has no effect on the performance of the part. For more
information on part reusability and lapping procedures, refer to Special Instruction, SEBF9307, "General Reuse
and Salvage Guideline for Hydraulic Piston Pumps and Motors".

Variable Pump Rotating Group

Illustration 3 g02864216

(1) Barrel Assembly

(2) Piston Assembly

(3) Retraction Plate

(4) Wear Plate

(5) Spacer

Piston Slipper Thickness
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Illustration 4 g02505757
Measurement of the slipper face thickness.

Illustration 5 g02865896

Table 4 r080zc
Piston Slipper Thickness Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

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Reference Piston Diameter Minimum Slipper Thickness

17.04 mm (0.671 inch) 3.30 mm (0.130 inch)

19.23 mm (0.757 inch) 5.29 mm (0.208 inch)

20.90 mm (0.823 inch) 5.57 mm (0.219 inch)

23.04 mm (0.907 inch) 5.05 mm (0.199 inch)

26.11 mm (1.028 inch) 5.97 mm (0.235 inch)

The slipper faces of all the pistons from a single pump or motor must be measured. There must not be a
difference of more than 0.02 mm (0.001 inch) between the thickest and thinnest dimension in a set of pistons.

If a new piston assembly is used in a set with used piston assemblies and the new piston slipper is more than
0.02 mm (0.001 inch) thicker than the other pistons in the set, the touch lapping procedure can be used to make
the new slipper thinner.

Illustration 6 g02505776
Piston slipper thickness between thickest and thinnest dimension.

Piston Assembly End Play

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Illustration 7 g02505796
Measurement of the piston assembly end play.

Illustration 8 g02505801
Slipper end play limits.

(H) Pull up

(J) Push down

(K) Maximum end play of 0.13 mm (0.005 inch)

Check the end play of the piston assembly with a V-block, two other pistons, a dial indicator and a flat plate. Put
the piston to be measured in the Vee of the V-block with the V-block on the slipper back faces. Put the dial
indicator into position with the pointer on the end of the piston. Push down on the piston and set the dial
indicator at zero. Pull up on the piston. End play movement cannot exceed 0.13 mm (0.005 inch). Refer to r080zc
Illustrations 7 and 8. Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

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Barrel Assembly

Illustration 9 g03364226

(1) Seal Bands

(2) Port

(3) Splines

(4) Thrust Surface

Barrel Assembly Bores

If necessary, use a dial bore gauge to measure the bore diameters. If any of the bore measurements are more than
the maximum measurement given in Table 5, the barrel assembly cannot be used again.

Table 5
Barrel Bores
Reference Piston Diameter Maximum Barrel Bore

17.04 mm (0.671 inch) 17.07 mm (0.672 inch)

19.23 mm (0.757 inch) 19.29 mm (0.759 inch)

20.90 mm (0.823 inch) 20.96 mm (0.825 inch)

23.04 mm (0.907 inch) 23.09 mm (0.909 inch) Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow

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26.11 mm (1.028 inch) 26.17 mm (1.030 inch)

Illustration 10 g02505877
Measurement of barrel bores, barrel length, and barrel face. Refer to Table 6.

The barrel length must not be less than the dimension given in Table 6.

Table 6
Barrel Length
Reference Piston Diameter Minimum Barrel Length

17.04 mm (0.671 inch) 72.62 mm (2.859 inch)

19.23 mm (0.757 inch) 92.25 mm (3.632 inch)

20.90 mm (0.823 inch) 98.65 mm (3.884 inch)

23.04 mm (0.907 inch) 113.75 mm (4.478 inch)

26.11 mm (1.028 inch) 119.64 mm (4.710 inch)

The barrel face, identified in Illustration 10, must be perpendicular to the splines within 0.05 mm (0.0015 inch).

The barrel face cannot exceed a surface finish of 0.20 µm (8 microinch).

The barrel face must be flat within 1.3 µm (51 microinch). r080zc
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Barrel Assembly Splines

If no wear can be seen on the barrel assembly splines, the barrel assembly can be used again. Refer to Special
Instruction, SEBF9307, "General Reuse and Salvage Guideline for Hydraulic Piston Pumps and Motors" for
reusability. If necessary, use two 4C-5856 Pins with diameters of 2.74 mm (0.108 inch) and an inside
micrometer to measure the splines. Put the pins 180° apart in the worn area of the splines. For barrel assemblies
that have an odd number of spline teeth, put the pins in splines as near to 180° apart as possible. Use clay or
masking tape to hold the pins in position.

The diameter between the measuring pins must not be greater than the dimension given in Table 7. Use two pins
for the spline measurement. These pins are not an actual pump part, but a tooling device, and can be ordered
through Cat Parts system.

Table 7
Barrel Splines
Reference Piston Diameter Max. Dimension Between Pins (1)

17.04 mm (0.671 inch) 24.71 mm (0.973 inch)

19.23 mm (0.757 inch) 32.59 mm (1.283 inch)

20.90 mm (0.823 inch) 35.79 mm (1.409 inch)

23.04 mm (0.907 inch) 38.96 mm (1.534 inch)

26.11 mm (1.028 inch) 45.34 mm (1.785 inch)

(1) Use two 4C-5856 Pin 2.74 mm (0.108 inch) for the spline measurement.

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow
Illustration 11 g02505879
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Measurement of barrel splines between pins.

Port Plate

Illustration 12 g03364225

(1) Rib

(2) Seal Band

(3) Thrust Face

(4) Port

Note: Use the lapping procedure on both sides of all port plates that can be used again before installation.

The port plate thickness must NOT be less than the dimension given in Table 8.

Table 8
Port Plate Thickness

Reference Port Plate Diameter Minimum Thickness

97.92 mm (3.855 inch) 5.00 mm (0.197 inch)

101.35 mm (3.990 inch) 6.02 mm (0.237 inch)

112.50 mm (4.429 inch) 6.40 mm (0.252 inch)

Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow
121.62 mm (4.788 inch) 8.43 mm (0.332 inch)
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138.62 mm (5.459 inch) 8.61 mm (0.339 inch)

Illustration 13 g02506196
Measurement of the port plate.

The port plate face, as shown in Illustration 13, must have a surface finish of 0.20 µm (8 microinch).

The port plate face must be flat within 1.3 µm (51 microinch).

Spline Measurement
If the splines have a visible wear step, the shaft cannot be used again. If necessary, measure the splines. Use two
4C-5855 Pins in splines 180° apart. For those shafts that have an odd number of spline teeth, put the pins in
splines as near to 180° apart as possible. Put rubber bands around the pins and shaft to keep the pins in place.
Use an outside diameter micrometer to measure across the pins.

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Illustration 14 g02506270
Measurement of both pump shaft splines over pins. Refer to Tables 9 and 10 for spline specifications.

Illustration 15 g02506271
Measurement of the shaft crown splines over pins.

The crown splines of the pump shaft must not be less than the dimension given in Table 9. Use two pins for the
spline measurement. These pins are not an actual pump part but a tooling device and can be ordered through Cat
Parts system. Crown spline measurements must be taken from the center of the splines to assure accuracy. Refer
to Illustration 14.

Feel for a wear step with a lead pencil or fingernail. If a wear step is evident, be sure to position pins in the worn

Table 9 r080zc
Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow
Crown Splines of Pump Shaft
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Reference Piston Diameter Minimum Spline Dimension Over Pins

17.04 mm (0.671 inch) 33.07 mm (1.302 inch)

19.23 mm (0.757 inch) 40.97 mm (1.613 inch)

20.90 mm (0.823 inch) 44.15 mm (1.738 inch)

23.04 mm (0.907 inch) 47.35 mm (1.864 inch)

26.11 mm (1.028 inch) 53.70 mm (2.114 inch)

The output splines of the pump shaft must not be less than the dimension given in Table 10.

Table 10
Output Splines of Pump Shaft
Shaft Part No. Pin Diameter Pin Part No. Minimum Spline Dim. Over Pins

9T-2016 4C-5855
3.05 mm (0.120 inch) 28.24 mm (1.112 inch)

9T-3039 4C-5855
3.05 mm (0.120 inch) 28.24 mm (1.112 inch)

9T-3932 4C-5852
2.03 mm (0.080 inch) 23.06 mm (0.908 inch)

9T-6755 4C-5853
4.57 mm (0.180 inch) 35.69 mm (1.405 inch)

9T-9461 4C-5854
4.06 mm (0.160 inch) 35.69 mm (1.405 inch)

9T-3933 4C-5855
3.05 mm (0.120 inch) 28.24 mm (1.112 inch)

9T-1634 4C-5855
3.05 mm (0.120 inch) 31.34 mm (1.234 inch)

9T-7783 4C-5854
4.06 mm (0.160 inch) 35.69 mm (1.405 inch)

9T-8629 4C-5855
3.05 mm (0.120 inch) 18.44 mm (0.726 inch)

9T-9457 4C-5855
3.05 mm (0.120 inch) 18.44 mm (0.726 inch)

9T-8648 4C-5854 r080zc

4.06 mm (0.160 inch) 35.69 mm (1.405 inch)
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Other Components In The Rotating Group

Illustration 16 g03364252
Inspection of pins and spherical washer in the rotating group.

(1) Spherical Washer

(2) Pins

(3) Barrel Assembly

(4) Retainer

(5) Plate

Pins (2), shown in Illustration 16, must be straight and have equal length. Replace all pins if one is defective.

For those pumps with a reference piston diameter of 17.04 mm (0.671 inch) inspect Spherical Washer (1), shown
in Illustration 16 for burrs, wear, and damage due to pin breakage.

Summary Charts
The following charts summarize all of the specifications listed in this guideline and provide a single
specification sheet for new dimensions for piston pump components.

Table 11
Hydraulic Piston Pump Specifications Summary Chart
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F)
Reference Minimum
Maximum Minimum Barrel Splines Max. Port Plate Port Plate
Piston Slipper
Barrel Barrel Dimension Between Reference Minimum r080zc
Diameter Thickness
Bore Length Pins (1) Diameter Thickness
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17.04 mm 3.30 mm 17.07 mm 72.62 mm 24.71 mm (0.973 97.92 mm 5.00 mm

(0.671 (0.130 inch) (0.672 (2.859 inch) (3.855 inch) (0.197 inch)
inch) inch) inch)

19.23 mm 5.29 mm 19.29 mm 92.25 mm 101.35 mm 6.02 mm

32.59 mm (1.283
(0.757 (0.208 inch) (0.759 (3.632 (3.990 inch) (0.237 inch)
inch) inch) inch)

20.90 mm 5.57 mm 20.96 mm 98.65 mm 112.50 mm 6.40 mm

35.79 mm (1.409
(0.823 (0.219 inch) (0.825 (3.884 (4.429 inch) (0.252 inch)
inch) inch) inch)

23.04 mm 5.05 mm 23.09 mm 113.75 121.62 mm 8.43 mm

38.96 mm (1.534
(0.907 (0.199 inch) (0.909 mm (4.478 (4.788 inch) (0.332 inch)
inch) inch) inch)

26.11 mm 5.97 mm 26.17 mm 119.64 138.66 mm 8.61 mm

45.34 mm (1.785
(1.028 (0.235 inch) (1.030 mm (4.710 (5.459 inch) (0.339 inch)
inch) inch) inch)
(1) Use two 4C-5856 Pins , 2.74 mm (0.108 inch), to find the minimum dimension between pins for spline measurement.

Table 12
Summary Chart: Measurement of Shaft Splines For Reusability
Shaft Crown Splines (F) Shaft Pump Splines (G)
Shaft Minimum
Reference Piston Minimum Dimension Pin Diameter Pin Part
Part No. Dimension Over
Diameter Over Pins (1) No.

9T-2016 3.05 mm 4C-5855

17.04 mm (0.671 33.0 mm (1.302 inch) 28.24 mm (1.112
(0.120 inch)
inch) inch)

9T-3933 3.05 mm 4C-5855

17.04 mm (0.671 33.12 mm (1.304 inch) 28.24 mm (1.112
(0.120 inch)
inch) inch)

9T-3932 2.03 mm 4C-5852

17.04 mm (0.671 33.12 mm (1.304 inch) 23.06 mm (0.908
(0.080 inch)
inch) inch)

9T-3039 3.05 mm 4C-5855

19.23 mm (0.757 40.97 mm (1.613 inch) 28.24 mm (1.112
(0.120 inch)
inch) inch) r080zc
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9T-6755 4C-5853
19.23 mm (0.757 40.97 mm (1.613 inch) 4.57 mm 35.69 mm (1.405
inch) (0.180 inch) inch)

9T-1634 3.05 mm 4C-5855

20.90 mm (0.823 44.15 mm (1.738 inch) 31.34 mm (1.234
(0.120 inch)
inch) inch)

9T-9457 3.05 mm 4C-5855

20.90 mm (0.823 44.15 mm (1.738 inch) 18.44 mm (0.726
(0.120 inch)
inch) inch)

9T-9461 4.06 mm 4C-5854

23.04 mm (0.907 47.35 mm (1.864 inch) 35.69 mm (1.405
(0.160 inch)
inch) inch)

9T-7783 4.06 mm 4C-5854

23.04 mm (0.907 47.35 mm (1.864 inch) 35.69 mm (1.405
(0.160 inch)
inch) inch)

9T-8648 4.06 mm 4C-5854

23.04 mm (0.907 47.35 mm (1.864 inch) 35.69 mm (1.405
(0.160 inch)
inch) inch)

9T-8629 3.05 mm 4C-5855

26.11 mm (1.028 53.70 mm (2.114 inch) 18.44 mm (0.726
(0.120 inch)
inch) inch)

(1) Use two 4C-5855 Pins , 3.05 mm (0.120 inch), to find the minimum dimension over pins for spline measurement.

Copyright 1993 - 2019 Caterpillar Inc. Sun Aug 04 2019 16:27:42 GMT-0500 (hora estándar de Perú)
Todos los derechos reservados.
Red privada para licenciados del SIS.

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