FBI Active Shooter Report

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Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation




MAY 2022
This report was written by the FBI Office of Partner Engagement in collaboration with
the FBI Criminal Investigative Division, the FBI Critical Incident Response Group, and
the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) Center at Texas
State University.1

This report is in the public domain. Authorization to reproduce this publication in

whole or in part is granted. The accompanying citation is as follows: Active Shooter
Incidents in the United States in 2021, Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Department
of Justice, Washington, D.C., and the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response
Training (ALERRT) Center at Texas State University, published 2022.


The FBI and the ALERRT Center support the Don’t Name Them campaign. This
campaign encourages media, law enforcement, and public information officers to shift
their focus from the perpetrators of active shooter incidents toward the victims,
survivors, and heroes who stopped them, as well as the communities that come
together to help in the healing process. To learn more, visit dontnamethem.org.

1 This report supplements the previous publications: Blair, J. Pete, and Schweit, Katherine W.
(2014). A Study of Active Shooter Incidents 2000–2013, Texas State University and Federal Bureau of
Investigation, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. 2014; Active Shooter Incidents in the United
States in 2014 and 2015, Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.
2016; Active Shooter Incidents in the United States in 2016 and 2017, Federal Bureau of Investigation,
U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. 2018; Active Shooter Incidents in the United States in 2018,


Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. 2019; Active Shooter
Incidents in the United States in 2019, Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Department of Justice,
Washington, D.C. 2020; Active Shooter Incidents in the United States in 2020, and Federal Bureau of
Investigation, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. 2021.

Introduction shooter definition, researchers

considered for inclusion:
The FBI has designated 61 shootings1 in • Shootings in public places
2021 as active shooter incidents. • Shootings occurring at more than one
The FBI defines an active shooter as one
or more individuals actively engaged in • Shootings where the shooter’s
killing or attempting to kill people in a actions were not the result of another
populated area.2 Implicit in this criminal act
definition is the shooter’s use of a • Shootings resulting in a mass killing3
firearm. The active aspect of the • Shootings indicating apparent
definition inherently implies the ongoing spontaneity by the shooter
nature of an incident, and thus the • Shootings where the shooter
potential for the response to affect the appeared to methodically search for
outcome. potential victims
The FBI works proactively to identify • Shootings that appeared focused on
incidents that meet the scope of this injury to people, not buildings or
study, using internal FBI holdings and objects
repositories, official law enforcement This report does not encompass all gun-
reports (when obtainable), as well as related shootings. A gun-related incident
open-source data. However, there is no was excluded if research established it
mandated database collection or central was the result of:
intake point for reporting active shooter
incidents, which exists for other crimes. • Self-defense
• Gang violence
The active shooter incident research in
• Drug violence
this report is valid as of March 25, 2022.
If additional incidents meeting FBI • Contained residential or domestic
criteria are identified after the disputes
publication of this document, every effort • Controlled barricade/hostage
will be made to factor those incidents situations
into future reporting. • Crossfire as a byproduct of another
When evaluating shooting incidents to ongoing criminal act
determine if they met the FBI’s active • An action that appeared not to have
put other people in peril
1 See pages 21–28 for incident summaries. This methodology was first articulated in
2 U.S. federal government agencies define an active shooter as “anofindividual
A Study Active Shooter Incidents in the
actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and
3 The
populated area.” The FBI expands this definition to include federal
more thandefinition
one of “mass killing” is defined as “three or more killings in
individual in an incident and omits the word confined assingle incident.”
the term Derived from Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act of
incidents that occurred outside buildings. 2012, 28 USC § 530C(b)(1)(M)(i)


United States Between 2000 and 2013 and
was applied to the
2021 shooting incidents for consistency.4

This report is part of a series of FBI

active shooter-related products
published since September 2014. These
reports are not intended to explore all
facets of active shooter incidents but
rather intended to provide law
enforcement officers, other first
responders, corporations, educators, and
the public with a baseline understanding

4 Blair, J. Pete, and Schweit, Katherine W. (2014). A Study of Active Shooter

Incidents 2000–2013, Texas State University and Federal Bureau of
Investigation, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. 2014.


of active shooter incidents.

Incident Statistics
Active Shooter Incidents 2017–2021

52.5% Increase

33% Increase

Figure 1
A breakdown of the number of incidents
Summary within the five-year period 2017–20216
is as follows:
For the period 2017–2021, active shooter
incident data reveals an upward trend: • 2017: 31
the number of active shooter incidents • 2018: 30
identified in 2021 represents a 52.5% • 2019: 30
increase from 2020 and a 96.8% increase
• 2020: 40
from 2017.
• 2021: 61
6 See Active Shooter Incidents 20-Year Review, 2000–2019 for additional details; Federal Bureau of
Investigation, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. 2020; and Active Shooter Incidents in the United
States in 2020.


By the Numbers, a Comparison of 2020 vs. 2021


Figure 2

2021 Active Shooter Incidents by Month

7 6
3 5 5 4 4
2 2 1
Figure 3

December had the fewest number of incidents • May: 5
(one), and similar to 2020, June had the highest • June: 12
number of incidents (12).7 When compared to
• July: 4
2020, April saw the biggest increase in incidents
(from zero to 10). A breakdown of number of inci- • August: 7
dents by month is as follows: • September:
• January: 3 • October: 2
• February: 2 • November: 4
• March: 5 • December: 1
• April: 10



12 14
6 7 7

Figure 4

Unlike 2020, Active Shooter incidents occurred • Tuesday: 12
every day of the week. Like 2020, Saturdays saw •
Wednesday: 7 the most incidents (14). A breakdown
of number of
• Thursday: 11
incidents by day of the week follows:
• Sunday: 6 • Friday: 4 •
Monday: 7 • Saturday:

2021 Active Shooter Incidents by Time of Day

12:00 a.m. to 5:59 a.m. 6:00 a.m. to 11:59 a.m. 12:00 p.m. to 5:59 p.m. 6:00 p.m. to 11:59 p.m.

11 11

Figure 5 (between 12:00 a.m. and 11:59 a.m.).

Data shows that an active shooter
incident is more likely to occur (63.9%)
Summary between 6:00 a.m. and 5:59 p.m. (39
Of the 61 active shooter incidents in incidents occurred during this
2021, 55.7% (34 incidents) occurred timeframe).
during p.m. hours (between 12:00 p.m. A breakdown of number of incidents by
and 11:59 p.m.), and 44.3% (27 time is as follows:
incidents) occurred during a.m. hours • 12:00 a.m. to 5:59 a.m.: 11


• 6:00 a.m. to 11:59 a.m.: 16
• 12:00 p.m. to 5:59 p.m.: 23
• 6:00 p.m. to 11:59 p.m.: 11


2021 Active Shooter Incidents by Location, Including Mass

Oxford, Michigan
Chicago Area, Illinois
Baltimore Area, Maryland
Indianapolis, Indiana
San Jose, California Boulder, Colorado
Las Vegas, Nevada Denver, Colorado Number of
Orange, California Incidents
Atlanta Area, Georgia

Tucson, Arizona 6 5 4 3 2 1

Lakeland, Florida Mass Killing


Figure 6 Twelve of the 61 incidents met the criteria

cited in the federal definition of mass
Summary killings10 (three or more killings in a single
The 61 active shooter incidents in 2021
occurred in 30 states.8 Casualties
• Six incidents occurred in California. The 61 active shooter incidents reviewed in
• Five incidents each occurred in Georgia9 this report resulted in 243
and Texas. total casualties (103 killed and
• Four incidents each occurred in Colorado
and Florida.
• Three incidents each occurred in Indiana,
Michigan, North Carolina, and
• Two incidents each occurred in Alabama,
Arizona, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, and
South Carolina.
• One incident each occurred in Arkansas,
Connecticut, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota,
Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New
York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and

8 Two separate incidents occurred in two states (Various locations, Richmond County, Wrens, GA, and Graniteville, SC;
and Various locations, Phenix City, AL, and Columbus, GA). When an incident occurred in two or more states, it was counted only
once (in the state where the FBI identified
ACTIVE SHOOTER that the public was most
risk). UNITED STATES IN 2021
9 Two of the five incidents occurred in multiple states—incident nos. 29 and 44.
10 Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act of 2012,10
28 USC § 530C(b)(1)(M)(i).
11 The statute does not address the inclusion or exclusion of the shooter. The FBI does not include the shooter in its mass
killing statistics.
140 wounded,5 excluding the shooters).
The incidents with the highest number of
total casualties (15 with eight killed and
seven wounded) occurred at FedEx
GroundPlainfield Operations Center,
Indianapolis, Indiana, and (15 with one
person killed and 14 people
wounded) at Kroger Grocery Store,
Collierville, Tennessee.

The incident with the highest number killed

(10) occurred at King Soopers
Grocery Store, Boulder,

5A number of those identified

as wounded were not
injured by gunfire but rather
suffered injuries incidental to
the shooting,such as being
hit by flying objects/shattered
glass or falling while running.
For purposesof this study,
the FBI sought to isolate the
exact number of individuals who fell into this category
when research permitted.


2021 Active Shooter Locations with Five Highest Casualty
Figure 7

A breakdown of the • Various locations in Phoenix,
incidents/locations with the five Arizona: one killed, 12 wounded
highest total casualty counts is • (13)
as follows: Oxford High School, Oxford, Michigan:
• FedEx GroundPlainfield Operations • four killed, seven wounded (11)
Center, Indianapolis, Indiana: eight King Soopers Grocery Store,
killed, seven wounded (15) Boulder, Colorado:
• Kroger Grocery Store, Collierville, 10 killed (10)
Tennessee: Oxford High School,
onekilled, 14 wounded (15) 11 Oxford, Michigan
FedEx Ground Plainfield Operations
King Soopers Grocery Store, Center, Indianapolis, Indiana 15
Boulder, Colorado 10
Various Locations,
Phoenix, Arizona 13 Highest
Kroger Grocery Store,
Collierville, Tennessee 15 Casualties


Active Shooter Incidents 2017–2021 Total Casualties


2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Figure 8
A breakdown of the number of total
Summary casualties for the 2017–2021 period
The total casualty count for is as follows:
2021 (243) is below the • 2017: 734
average for the period 2017– • 2018: 225
2020 (345.25),13 but exceeded
• 2019: 258
casualties in 2020 (164) with
a 48 percent increase. The 2021 • 2020: 164
numbers represent the third highest total • 2021: 243
casualty count over the last
five years (2017–2021).
13 The average number of casualties for the 2017–2020 period is
345.25 per year, a figure amplified by the atypical Route 91
Harvest Festival shooting incident in Las Vegas, NV (56 killed, 489


Active Shooter Incidents 2017–2021 Total Killed and

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

*The Route 91 Harvest Festival shooting impacts the 2017 casualty count (56 killed, 489 wounded).
Figure 9
in people wounded in 2021 compared
Summary with 2020. In 2021 the number of
wounded was below the average
The highest number of deaths from an
(253) for the period 2017–2020. A
active shooter incident in 2021
breakdown of the number of people
occurred at the King Soopers Grocery
killed and wounded for the 2017–2021
Store, Boulder, Colorado, where 10
period is as follows:
people were killed. The second highest
number of deaths occurred at Santa • 2017: 143 killed, 591
Clara Valley Transportation Authority wounded14 • 2018: 86 killed, 139
Rail Yard, San Jose, California, where wounded • 2019: 102 killed, 156
nine people were killed. 2021 saw the wounded • 2020: 38 killed, 126
highest number of deaths since 2017, wounded • 2021: 103 killed, 140
and a 171.1 percent increase from wounded
2020. 2021 deaths were above the
average (92.3) for the period 2017–
2020. There was a 11.1 percent
14 2017 includes the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas, NV (56 killed, 489 wounded).

Law Enforcement/Security Personnel

Engagement and Casualties
In 17 incidents,6 law enforcement engaged the shooter. • In one incident, a responding officer was shot in


In four of those incidents, law enforcement sustained the arm during an exchange of gunfire.9
injuries (one was killed and three were wounded from • In one incident, a law enforcement officer was
gunfire). shot in the abdomen during an exchange of
• In one incident, the first officer to arrive at the gunfire. The wounded officer returned fire,
scene was shot and killed as he engaged the killing the shooter.10
In one incident, security personnel engaged the
• In one incident, a law enforcement officer was shooter and sustained injuries.
wounded after being shot in the chest during an
exchange of gunfire (a protective vest stopped the • Two security officers were wounded during an
bullet).8 exchange of gunfire with an armed employee.11

6 Various locations in Chicago and Evanston, IL; Various locations, Houston, TX; King Soopers Grocery
Store, Boulder, CO;
Unspecified commercial office complex, Orange, CA; San Antonio International Airport, San Antonio,
TX; Various locations,
Fullerton, CA; Oneida Casino, Green Bay, WI; Various locations, Indianapolis, IN; Winston-Salem Police
Department District One Office, Winston-Salem, NC; Various locations, Winthrop, MA; Various
locations, Cleveland Park, Spartanburg, SC; Various locations, Tucson, AZ; Palace Inn Motel, Houston,
TX; Mt. Zion Church, Scott County, MS; Specified residential locations, Lakeland, FL; Kalamazoo
Transportation Center, Kalamazoo, MI; Various locations, Denver, CO.
7 King Soopers Grocery Store, Boulder, CO.
8 Various locations, Indianapolis, IN.
9 Various locations, Cleveland Park, Spartanburg, SC.
10 Various locations, Denver, CO.
11 Smile Direct Club Facility, Antioch, TN; security officers wounded are not included in law
enforcement wounded numbers.


Citizen Engagement and Casualties
In two incidents,21 citizens engaged the shooter. Two people were killed (one
customer and one
In one incident citizens sustained injuries. employee) and two employees were
wounded • In one incident,22 seven employees exchanged (one was shot
in the arm and one in the leg).
multiple volleys of gunfire with the shooter, The shooter was killed at the
scene by armed
four of them during the final encounter employees.

resulting in the death of the shooter.


Other Citizen Involvement • In one incident, a teacher disarmed and
2021 witnessed an increase in incidents where detained the shooter (a student) until law
citizen involvement impacted the engagement.23 In enforcement arrived.26
four incidents,24 citizens confronted the shooter,
• In one incident, an armed citizen shot and
thereby resulting in the incident ending.
killed a gunman who had just ambushed a law
• In one incident, two citizens confronted and enforcement officer.27
tackled a shooter until law enforcement officers
arrived.25 • In one incident, an armed employee shot and
killed the shooter (an employee terminated
earlier in the day).28
23 The FBI promotes Run, Hide, Fight protocol(s). See fbi.gov/survive for additional details.
24 Gaslamp Quarter, San Diego, CA; Rigby Middle School, Rigby, ID; Old Town Arvada, Arvada, CO; and Agrex Elevator, Superior,
25 Gaslamp Quarter, San Diego, CA.
26 Rigby Middle School, Rigby, ID.
27 Old Town Arvada, Arvada, CO. 28 Agrex Elevator, Superior, NE.



Commerce: Education: Government: Open Space: Residence: Houses of Health Other:

32 2 3 19 3 Worship: Care: 0
1 1
resulting in 68 killed and 72 wounded.
shooters was known to be an employee of the
• Twenty-eight incidents30 occurred in business
business.37 Two shooters were former
environments open to pedestrian traffic, resulting
employees,38 one a former business owner,39 and
in 57 killed, including three managers,31 17
one was an employee of a third party vendor
employees,32 two law enforcement
within an identified business.40
Thirty-two of the 61 active shooter inci- officers,33 and one security officer.34 Fifty-four dents
occurred in areas of commerce, were wounded, including 17 employees,35
and one law enforcement officer.36 One of the

29 In A Study of Active Shooter Incidents in the United States Between 2000 and 2013, the FBI identified 11 locations where the
public was most at risk during an incident. These locations include commercial areas (divided into businesses open to
pedestrian traffic, businesses closed to pedestrian traffic, and malls), education environments (divided into schools [pre-
kindergarten through 12th grade] and institutions of higher learning), open spaces, government properties (divided into
military and other government properties), residences, houses of worship, and health care facilities. In 2018, the FBI
identified an additional location category (other location) to capture incidents that occurred in venues other than the 11
previously identified locations.
30 Various locations in Chicago and Evanston, IL; Jefferson Gun Outlet, Metairie, LA; Various locations, Acworth, Atlanta, GA;
King Soopers Grocery Store, Boulder, CO; Various locations, Baltimore County, MD; Unspecified commercial office complex,
Orange, CA; Snappy Mart Convenience Store, Koshkonong, MO; 241 North Main Street, Branford, CT; San Antonio International
Airport, San Antonio, TX; Stop & Shop Store, West Hempstead, NY; Wawa Gas Station, Allentown, PA; Oneida Casino, Green
Bay, WI; Azuza Hookah Bar and Lounge, Houston, TX; Publix Grocery Store, Royal Palm Beach, FL; Old Town Arvada, Arvada,
CO; Walmart Supercenter #1217, Franklin, NC; Gallops Gas Station, Kendallville, IN; Palace Inn Motel, Houston, TX; Marathon
Gas Station and Tony’s Gas Station, Toccoa, GA; La Cerveceria de Barrio Restaurant , Miami Beach, FL; Enigma Club & Lounge,


Wichita, KS; Elks Lodge 473, Colorado Springs, CO; Kroger Grocery Store, Collierville, TN; Various Unspecified Locations, Los
Angeles, CA; Agrex Elevator, Superior, NE; Chevron Gas Station, Las Vegas, NV; Kalamazoo Transportation Center, Kalamazoo, MI;
Various locations, Denver, CO.
31 Stop & Shop Store, West Hempstead, NY; Elks Lodge 473, Colorado Springs, CO.
32 Jefferson Gun Outlet, Metairie, LA; Various locations, Acworth, Atlanta, GA; Oneida Casino, Green Bay, WI; Agrex Elevator,
Superior, NE; Various locations, Denver, CO.
33 King Soopers Grocery Store, Boulder, CO; Old Town Arvada, Arvada, CO.
34 Various locations in Chicago and Evanston, IL.
35 Jefferson Gun Outlet, Metairie, LA; Various locations, Baltimore County, MD; Stop & Shop Store, West Hempstead, NY; Oneida
Casino, Green Bay, WI; Kroger Grocery Store, Collierville, TN; Agrex Elevator, Superior, NE.
36 Various locations, Denver, CO.
37 Stop & Shop Store, West Hempstead, NY.
38 Oneida Casino, Green Bay, WI; Agrex Elevator, Superior, NE.
39 Various locations, Denver, CO.
40 Kroger Grocery Store, Collierville, TN.
• Of the 28 shooters, one wore body armor.12 Two51 of the 61 incidents occurred at
Twelve shooters were apprehended by law education locations, resulting in four
enforcement (three at the scene and nine at killed (students)52 and ten wounded
other locations), five shooters were killed by (eight
law enforcement at the scene, one shooter was students, two employees).
killed by law enforcement at another location, • Of the two shooters, none wore body armor.
three shooters were killed by an armed citizen One shooter was apprehended by law
at the scene before law enforcement arrived.42 enforcement at the scene; one shooter was
Two shooters committed suicide at the scene apprehended by law enforcement at the scene,
before law enforcement arrived, two shooters after being restrained by an unarmed citizen.
committed suicide at the scene after law
enforcement arrived, and two shooters Three53 of the 61 incidents occurred on
committed suicide at another location, before government property locations,
law enforcement arrived. At the time of this resulting in nine killed (employees)54 and
report, one shooter remains at large.43 two
• For 2021, there was one incident in which no wounded.
casualties were reported.44 • Of the three shooters, none wore body armor.
• Four incidents45 occurred in business One shooter was killed by law enforcement at
environments closed to pedestrian traffic, the scene, one shooter was apprehended by
resulting in 11 killed, all employees. Eighteen law enforcement at another location after an
were wounded, including 15 employees,46 one exchange of gunfire, and one shooter
law enforcement officer,47 and two security committed suicide at the scene after law
officers.48 Three shooters were employees,49 enforcement arrived.
and one shooter was a previous employee.50 42 Agrex Elevator, Superior, NE.; Jefferson Gun Outlet, Metairie, LA; Old
the armed citizen was an employee (Metairie, LA, and Superior, NE).
• Of the four shooters, none wore body armor. 43 Azuza Hookah Bar and Lounge, Houston, TX.
One shooter was killed by law enforcement at 44 Walmart Supercenter #1217, Franklin, NC.
the scene, one shooter was apprehended by 45 Kent Moore Cabinets Corporate, Bryan, TX; FedEx Ground Plainfield O
Manufacturing Company, Albertville, AL; Smile Direct Club Facility, Antioch, TN
law enforcement at another location, one 46 Kent Moore Cabinets Corporate, Bryan, TX; FedEx Ground Plainfield O
shooter committed suicide at the scene after Manufacturing Company, Albertville, AL; Smile Direct Club Facility, Antioch, TN
law enforcement arrived, and one shooter 47 Kent Moore Cabinets Corporate, Bryan, TX.
committed suicide at another location before 48 Smile Direct Club Facility, Antioch, TN.
law enforcement arrived. 49 Kent Moore Cabinets Corporate, Bryan, TX; Mueller Manufacturing Co
Antioch, TN.
12 King Soopers Grocery Store, Boulder, CO. 50 FedEx Ground Plainfield Operations Center, Indianapolis, IN.


51 Rigby Middle School, Rigby, ID; Oxford High School, Oxford, MI. Three61 of the 61 incidents occurred at
52 Oxford High School, Oxford, MI. residence(s) locations, resulting in six
53 Riverside Tech Park/Fort Detrick, Frederick, MD; Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Rail Yard, San Jose, CA;
killed and one wounded.
Winston-Salem Police Department District One Office, Winston-Salem, NC.
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Rail Yard, San Jose, CA . Thethree
• Of the shooters, one wore bodyandarmor. 62
54 victims included transit employees union
members representing Valley Transportation Authority workers when the Two shooters
shooting began.were apprehended
All those by law as VTA
killed were categorized
enforcement at the scene after an exchange of
employees by law enforcement sources (see: https://countysheriff.sccgov.org
Office, Winston-Salem, NC. gunfire, and one shooter was killed at the scene
• For 2021, there was one incident in which no by an armed citizen.
casualties were reported.55
One63 of the 61 incidents occurred at a
Nineteen56 of the 61 incidents occurred in
house of worship location with no
open space locations, resulting in 15
casualties reported.
killed, including one emergency medical
technician. Fifty-one people were wounded. The • One shooter did not wear body armor and was
wounded included three law enforcement killed by law enforcement at the scene.
officers,57 one security officer,58 and two emergency
One64 of the 61 incidents occurred at a health care
location, resulting in one killed and four wounded.
• Of the 19 shooters, none wore body armor. • One shooter did not wear body armor and was
Four shooters were apprehended by law apprehended by law enforcement at the scene.
enforcement at the scene, one shooter was
• Four IEDs were discovered by law
apprehended by law enforcement at the scene
enforcement at the scene. Two had detonated,
after being restrained by citizens, and six
and two were recovered and rendered safe.
shooters were apprehended by law
enforcement at another location. Five shooters None of the 61 incidents occurred in the following
were killed by law enforcement at the scene, location during 2021:
two shooters committed suicide at the scene
• Other locations
before law enforcement arrived, and one

56 Various locations, Columbus, OH; Various locations, Austin, IL; Gaslamp Quarter, San Diego, CA; Various locations,
CA; Various locations, Indianapolis, IN; Various locations, Atlanta, GA; Various locations, Phenix City, AL, and Columbus, GA;
Various locations, Phoenix, AZ; Lock 4 Park, Gallatin, TN; Various locations, Winthrop, MA; Various locations, Cleveland Park,
Spartanburg, SC; Various locations, Boone, NC; Various locations, Tucson, AZ; Various locations, Richmond County, Wrens, GA and
Graniteville, SC; South Beach Pier, South Haven, MI; Redondo Beach Pier, Redondo Beach, CA; Various locations, Las Vegas, NV;
Various locations (Le Palace nightclub and unspecified neighborhood), Orlando, FL; Interstate 65, Louisville, KY.
57 Various locations, Austin, IL; Various locations, Indianapolis, IN; Various locations, Cleveland Park, Spartanburg, SC.
58 Various locations (Le Palace nightclub and unspecified neighborhood), Orlando, FL.
59 Various locations, Tucson, AZ.
60 Various locations, Columbus, OH.
61 Various locations, Houston, TX; Three Corners Townhouses, Fort Smith, AR; Specified residential locations, Lakeland, FL.
62 Specified residential locations, Lakeland, FL.
63 Mt. Zion Church, Scott County, MS. 64 Allina Health Clinic, Buffalo, MN.
shooter was killed at another location
in a vehicle crash.
• For 2021, there was one incident in
which no casualties were reported.60


The Shooters • Four shooters were killed by armed citizens.
Sixty-one shooters carried out 61 active shooter • One shooter was killed at another location in a
incidents.65 Sixty shooters were male, and one was vehicle crash.
female. Sixty shooters acted alone.66
• Eleven shooters committed suicide (four at the
The youngest shooter was 12 years old; the oldest scene before law enforcement arrived, four at
was 67 years old. Other details about the shooters the scene after law enforcement arrived, and
are as follows: three at another location before law
enforcement arrived).
• Two shooters wore body armor.67
• One shooter remains at large.
• One shooter had four IEDs.68
• Six shooters were employees,70 four shooters
• Thirty of the shooters were apprehended by were former employees,71 two shooters were
law enforcement (1369 at the scene and 17 at current students,72 two shooters had past
another location). personal or professional relationships,73 and
• Fourteen shooters were killed by law one shooter was a business owner. 74
enforcement (13 at the scene and one at
another location).
65 For the Azuza Hookah Bar and Lounge shooting, Houston, TX, the exact number of shooters remains unknown; however, one
shooter has been factored into the total number of shooters for this incident (reference: Houston Police Department Incident
Update, incident #076598521 dated June 8, 2021).
66 FBI can confirm that 60 shooters acted alone; however, in the Azuza Hookah Bar and Lounge shooting incident, Houston, TX,
the exact number of shooters remains unknown.
67 King Soopers Grocery Store, Boulder, CO; Specified residential locations, Lakeland, FL.
68 Allina Health Clinic, Buffalo, MN. Four IEDs were discovered by law enforcement at the scene. Two had detonated, and two
were recovered and rendered safe.
69 Two of the shooters were apprehended by law enforcement at the scene after being restrained by citizens (Gaslamp Quarter,
San Diego, CA; Rigby Middle School, Rigby, ID).
70 Riverside Tech Park/Fort Detrick, Frederick, MD; Kent Moore Cabinets Corporate, Bryan, TX; Stop & Shop Store, West
Hempstead, NY; Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Rail Yard, San Jose, CA; Mueller Manufacturing Company,
Albertville, AL; and Smile Direct Club Facility, Antioch, TN.
71 FedEx Ground Plainfield Operations Center, Indianapolis, IN; Oneida Casino, Green Bay, WI; Kroger Grocery Store, Collierville,
TN; and Agrex Elevator, Superior, NE.
72 Rigby Middle School, Rigby, ID, and Oxford High School, Oxford, MI.
73 Unspecified commercial office complex, Orange, CA, and Various locations, Denver, CO. 74 Elks Lodge 473, Colorado
Springs, CO.


2021 Active Shooters by Gender
A breakdown of the number of shooters by gender

60 1
• Male:6075
• Female:1

Figure 10

2021 Active Shooters by Age Group

< 18 19 –24 25 –34 35 –44 45 –54 55 –64 > 65 UNK

10 9 6
2 1 1
Figure 11

A breakdown of the number of shooters by age • 35–44: 10
group follows: • 45–54: 9
• 18 and younger: 2 • 55–64: 6
• 19–24: 14 • 65–74: 1
• 25–34: 18 • Unknown: 1


75 FBI can confirm that 60 shooters acted alone; however, in the Azuza Hookah Bar and Lounge shooting incident, Houston,
TX, the exact number of shooters remains unknown.


2021 Active Shooters by Incident Resolution

30 Suicide
19 At Large

Figure 12

A breakdown of the incident resolutions for active • Suicide: 11
shooters follows: • At large: 1
• Apprehended:
30 • Killed: 19*


*One shooter was killed in a vehicle crash and does not fit into any other shooter-resolution categories.

Recap and Conclusion enforcement arrived. In one incident, an armed

citizen shot and killed the shooter (who had just
In 2021, the FBI designated 61 shootings as active ambushed a law enforcement officer). In one
shooter incidents. In these incidents, 103 people incident, an armed employee shot and killed an
were killed and 140 wounded, excluding the employee who had been fired earlier in the day.
shooters. The highest number of casualties (eight
killed and seven wounded) occurred at FedEx Thirty-two active shooter incidents occurred in
Ground Plainfield Operations Center, Indianapolis, commerce-related environments (open and
Indiana. The second highest number of casualties closed). The locations range from grocery stores to
(one killed, 14 wounded) occurred at Kroger manufacturing sites. Four shooters were
Grocery Store, Collierville, Tennessee. The incident employees, three shooters were former employees,
with the highest number killed (10) occurred at one was a former business owner, and one was an
King Soopers Grocery Store, Boulder, Colorado. employee of a third-party vendor within the
affected business. In 23 incidents, the relationship
Across the 61 incidents, two law enforcement between the shooter and the impacted business is
officers were killed, and five law enforcement unspecified.
officers were wounded. The overall total for law
enforcement officers killed and wounded (seven) is Two incidents occurred at education locations,
equal to the number killed and wounded in 2017.76 including one at a middle school and one at a high
Those are the lowest figures in five years (2017– school. Both shooters were students.
Three incidents occurred on government
The 61 incidents were carried out by 61 shooters. property locations, including one at a police
Sixty shooters were male, and one was female. department, one at a U.S. Army facility, and one at a
Individual shooters carried out all the incidents. 77 railyard. Two of the three shooters were
The age range of the shooters was 12 years old to employees.
67 years old. Two shooters wore body armor.
Nineteen incidents occurred in open space
Thirty shooters were apprehended by law
locations, including interstate highways, public
enforcement, 14 shooters were killed by law
beaches, public parks, and public roads.
enforcement, four shooters were killed by armed
citizens, one shooter was killed in a vehicle Three incidents occurred in residences, two in
accident during a law enforcement pursuit, 11 residential neighborhoods (i.e., house/townhouse)
shooters committed suicide, and one shooter and one at an apartment complex.
remains at large.
One incident occurred at a house of worship
In two of the incidents, citizens engaged gunfire location. The incident occurred outside of a church.
with the shooter. In one incident, the shooter was
killed, two citizens were killed, and two citizens One incident occurred at a health care location.
were wounded. In four incidents, citizens (armed The incident occurred inside a clinic.
and unarmed) confronted the shooter and ended
Active shooter incidents in 2021 (61) increased by
the incident. In one incident, two citizens tackled
52.5 percent compared with 2020 (40) and 96.8
and restrained a shooter until law enforcement
percent compared with 2017 (31). 2021 witnessed
arrived. In one incident, a teacher disarmed and

76 In 2017, law enforcement casualties were four killed and three wounded.
77 FBI can confirm that 60 shooters acted alone; however, for the Azuza Hookah Bar and Lounge shooting incident,
Houston, TX, the exact number of shooters remains unknown.
78 See Active Shooter Incidents 20-Year Review, 2000–2019 and Active Shooter Incidents in the United States 2020 for details.
detained the shooter (student) until law


the highest number of active shooter incidents for
the years 2000–2021.78
Casualty counts are higher for 2021 (243) when
compared with 2020 (164), indicating a 48 percent
increase. The casualties in 2021 represents the
third highest total casualty count over the last five
years (2017–2021). 2021 saw the highest number
of deaths (103) since 2017, a 171.1 percent
increase from 2020 and above the average (92.3)
for the period 2017–2020. There was an 11.1
percent increase in people wounded (140) in 2021
compared with 2020 (126), but below the average
(253) for the period 2017–2020.

Twelve of the 61 incidents met the criteria cited

in the federal definition of mass killings. For the
period 2017–2021, the number of mass-killing
incidents in 2021 are above the five-year average
(10.25),13 and a 140 percent increase over 2020.
For 2021, the FBI observed an emerging trend
involving roving active shooters; specifically,
shooters who shoot in multiple locations, either in
one day or in various locations over several days. 80

The FBI remains dedicated to assisting federal,

state, local, tribal, and campus law enforcement in
its active shooter prevention, response, and
recovery efforts, as well as to training its
international law enforcement partners. The FBI
remains steadfast in its efforts to train private
citizens, as it is imperative that citizens understand
the risks faced and the resources available in an
active shooter situation.

13 2017 (13), 2018 (10), 2019 (13), 2020 (5), and 2021 (12).


80 Approximately 27 incidents involved an active shooter shooting at people in multiple locations, either in one day or in various
locations over several days.

2021 Active Shooter Incident Summaries

Commerce: Education: Government: Open Space: 3 Worship: Care: 0

32 2 3 19 Residence: Houses of 1 1
Health Other:
As explained in the introduction to this report, the apprehended by law enforcement at the scene
FBI evaluated and identified 61 active shooter following an exchange of gunfire.
incidents that occurred in 2021. Summaries of 4. Allina Health Clinic, Buffalo, MN (Health Care)
these incidents are listed below.
On February 9, 2021, at approximately
1. Various locations in Chicago and Evanston, IL 10:54 a.m., an identified male, 67, armed with a
(Commerce) handgun, began shooting inside the Allina Health
Clinic in Buffalo, Minnesota. Four IEDs were
On January 9, 2021, at approximately planted at the scene, two detonated, and two were
1:50 p.m., an identified male, 32, armed recovered and rendered safe. One person was
with a handgun, began a shooting spree killed; four people were wounded. The shooter was
from Chicago to Evanston, Illinois. Five people apprehended by law enforcement at the scene.
were killed (including a security guard); two
people were wounded. The shooter was killed by 5. Jefferson Gun Outlet, Metairie, LA
law enforcement at the scene in Evanston, Illinois (Commerce)
following an exchange of gunfire.
On February 20, 2021, at approximately
2. Various locations, Columbus, OH (Open 2:50 p.m., an identified male, 27, armed with a
Space) handgun, began shooting inside the Jefferson Gun
Outlet, Metairie, Louisiana. Two people were killed
On January 25, 2021, at approximately (one employee); two people were wounded
11:36 a.m., an identified male, 26, armed (employees). The shooter was killed by armed
with a shotgun, began shooting at several citizens (employees) during an exchange of gunfire
people throughout the Columbus, Ohio area at at the scene.
various locations before leading police on a vehicle
chase and crashing. There were no casualties
reported. The shooter was killed in the crash. 6. Various locations, Acworth, Atlanta, GA
3. Various locations, Houston, TX (Residence) On March 16, 2021, at approximately 4:58
On January 25, 2021, at approximately p.m., an identified male, 21, armed with a handgun,
2:20 p.m., an identified male, 43, began shooting in began shooting inside Young’s Asian Massage,
a neighborhood in Houston, Texas. The shooter Acworth, Georgia. At approximately 5:45 p.m., the
went to a nearby convenience store and fired identified male began shooting inside Gold Spa and
several shots at bystanders. The shooter then Aromatherapy Spa, Atlanta, Georgia. Eight people
walked around the neighborhood firing his gun. (seven employees) were killed; one person was
One person was killed. The shooter was wounded. The shooter was apprehended by law
enforcement at another location.


7. Various locations, Austin, IL (Open Space) 11. Riverside Tech Park/Fort Detrick, Frederick,
MD (Government)
On March 20, 2021, at approximately
11:30 a.m., an identified male, 29, armed On April 6, 2021, at approximately 8:20
with a handgun, began shooting in various a.m., an identified male, 38, armed with a
locations in Austin, Illinois. Two people were handgun and a rifle, began shooting
wounded (including one law enforcement officer). outside a business in Riverside Tech Park,
The shooter was apprehended by law enforcement Frederick, Maryland. The shooter then fled to
at the scene. nearby Fort Detrick, Maryland. Two people were
wounded. The shooter was killed by the Fort
8. King Soopers Grocery Store, Boulder, CO Detrick security guards at the scene.
12. Kent Moore Cabinets Corporate, Bryan, TX
On March 22, 2021, at approximately (Commerce)
2:30 p.m., an identified male, 21, armed
with a handgun, began shooting inside/ On April 8, 2021, at approximately 2:30
outside the King Soopers Grocery Store, Boulder, p.m., an identified male, 27, armed with a
Colorado. Ten people were killed (including one handgun, began shooting inside Kent
law enforcement officer). The shooter was Moore Cabinets Corporate, Bryan, Texas. One
apprehended by law enforcement at the scene person (employee) was killed; six people (five
following an exchange of gunfire. employees and one law enforcement officer) were
wounded. The shooter was apprehended by law
9. Various locations, Baltimore County, MD enforcement at another location.
13. Snappy Mart Convenience Store,
On March 28, 2021, at approximately 6 Koshkonong, MO (Commerce)
a.m., an identified male, 27, armed with a
handgun, began shooting inside a resi- On April 10, 2021, at approximately 5 a.m.,
dence in Baldwin, Maryland. The shooter then an identified male, 28, armed with a
drove to the Royal Farms Store, Essex, Maryland handgun, began shooting inside and
and began shooting inside and outside the store. outside the Snappy Mart Convenience Store,
Four people were killed; one person (employee) Koshkonong, Missouri. One person was killed;
was wounded. The shooter returned to his home three people were wounded. The shooter was
and set fire to his apartment before committing apprehended by law enforcement at another
suicide. location.

10. Unspecified Commercial Office Complex, 14. 241 Main Street, Branford, CT (Commerce)
Orange, CA (Commerce)
On April 13, 2021, at approximately 12
On March 31, 2021, at approximately 5:34 p.m., an identified male, 38, armed with
p.m., an identified male, 44, armed with a several handguns and rifles, began shoot-
handgun, began shooting inside an ing outside 241 Main Street (situated in a
unspecified commercial office complex in Orange, commercial district), Branford, Connecticut. One
California. Four people were killed; one person was person was wounded. The shooter committed
wounded. The shooter was apprehended by law suicide at the scene when confronted by law
enforcement at the scene following an exchange of enforcement.


15. San Antonio International Airport, San 19. Gaslamp Quarter, San Diego, CA (Open
Antonio, TX (Commerce) Space)

On April 15, 2021, at approximately On April 22, 2021, at approximately

2:30 p.m., an identified male, 46, armed 10:30 p.m., an identified male, 32, armed
with a handgun, began shooting outside with a handgun, began shooting in the
the arrivals area of Terminal B, San Antonio Gaslamp Quarter, San Diego, California. One person
International Airport, San Antonio, Texas. One was killed; four people were wounded. The shooter
person was wounded. The shooter committed was apprehended by law enforcement at the scene
suicide at the scene during an exchange of gunfire after being restrained by two citizens.
with law enforcement.
20. Various locations, Fullerton, CA (Open
16. FedEx Ground Plainfield Operations Center, Space)
Indianapolis, IN (Commerce)
On April 27, 2021, at approximately 1 a.m.,
On April 15, 2021, at approximately 11 an identified male, 50, armed with a
p.m., an identified male, 19, armed with handgun, began a series of drive-by
two rifles, began shooting inside and shootings in various locations in Fullerton,
outside the FedEx Ground Plainfield Operations California. Two people were killed; one person was
Center, Indianapolis, Indiana. Eight people wounded. The shooter was killed by law
(employees) were killed; seven people (employees) enforcement during an exchange of gunfire at the
were wounded. The shooter committed suicide at scene.
the scene as law enforcement arrived.
21. Oneida Casino, Green Bay, WI (Commerce)
17. Stop & Shop Store, West Hempstead, NY
(Commerce) On May 1, 2021, at approximately 7:27
p.m., an identified male, 62, armed with a
On April 20, 2021, at approximately handgun, began shooting inside the
11:19 a.m., an identified male, 30, armed Oneida Casino (Duck Creek restaurant inside the
with a handgun, began shooting inside the Radisson Hotel & Conference Center) Green Bay,
Stop & Shop Store, West Hempstead, New York. Wisconsin. Two people were killed (employees);
One person (employee) was killed; two people one person was wounded (employee). The shooter
(employees) were wounded. The shooter was was killed at the scene by law enforcement during
apprehended by law enforcement at another an exchange of gunfire.
22. Rigby Middle School, Rigby, ID (Education)
18. Wawa Gas Station, Allentown, PA
(Commerce) On May 6, 2021, at approximately 9:08
a.m., an identified female, 12, armed with
On April 21, 2021, at approximately a handgun, began shooting inside
4:48 a.m., an identified male, 45, armed and outside Rigby Middle School, Rigby, Idaho.
with a handgun, began shooting in the Three people (including two students and a school
Wawa Gas Station parking lot, Allentown, employee) were wounded. The shooter was
Pennsylvania. One person was killed; one person apprehended by law enforcement at the scene after
was wounded. The shooter committed suicide at being disarmed and restrained by a teacher.
another location.


23. Three Corners Townhouses, Fort Smith, AR Bar and Lounge, Houston, Texas, after being denied
(Residence) entry. Five people were wounded. The shooter
remains at large.
On May 15, 2021, at approximately 7:15
a.m., an identified male, 26, armed with 28. Publix Grocery Store, Royal Palm Beach, FL
a semi-automatic rifle, began shoot- (Commerce)
ing inside and outside the Three Corners
Townhouses (apartment complex), Fort Smith, On June 10, 2021, at approximately
Arkansas. One person was killed. The shooter was 11:34 a.m., an identified male, 55, armed
killed at the scene by an armed citizen. with a handgun, began shooting in the
Publix Grocery Store, Royal Palm Beach, Florida.
24. Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Two people were killed. The shooter committed
Rail Yard, San Jose, CA (Government) suicide at the scene before law enforcement
On May 26, 2021, at approximately
6:34 a.m., an identified male, 57, armed
with three handguns, began shooting in 29. Various locations, Phenix City, AL and
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Rail Columbus, GA (Open Space)
Yard, San Jose, California. Nine people (employees) On June 11, 2021, at approximately 8:11
were killed. The shooter committed suicide when p.m., an identified male, 39, armed with
confronted by law enforcement at the scene. a handgun, began shooting outside
the Courtyard by Marriott hotel in in Phenix City,
25. Various locations, Indianapolis, IN (Open Alabama, wounding one. Two hours later, the
Space) subject shot three more people at an unspecified
On May 29, 2021, at approximately 3:36 location in Columbus, Georgia. On June 12, 2021, at
p.m., an identified male, 22, armed with approximately 2 p.m., the subject shot an individual
two handguns, began shooting in and under the Oglethorpe Bridge in Columbus, Georgia.
around various locations in Indianapolis, Indiana. In total, five people were wounded. The shooter
Four people were wounded (including a law was apprehended by law enforcement at another
enforcement officer). The shooter was location.
apprehended by law enforcement after an
exchange of gunfire at the scene. 30. Winston-Salem Police Department District
One Office, Winston-Salem, NC (Government)
26. Various locations, Atlanta, GA (Open Space)
On June 14, 2021, at approximately 3:34
On June 5, 2021, at approximately 8:35 p.m., an identified male, 26, armed with a
a.m., an identified male, 22, armed with a rifle and a handgun, began shooting
handgun, began shooting at joggers at Winston-Salem Police Department District One
in two locations in Buckhead District, Atlanta, Office, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. There were
Georgia. One person was wounded. The shooter no casualties reported. The shooter was
was apprehended by law enforcement at another apprehended by law enforcement at another
location. location, following an exchange of gunfire.
27. Azuza Hookah Bar and Lounge, Houston, TX 31. Mueller Manufacturing Company,
(Commerce) Albertville, AL (Commerce)

On June 8, 2021, at approximately 1:45 On June 15, 2021, at approximately 2:30

a.m., an unidentified male, armed with a a.m., an identified male, 34, armed with a
rifle, began shooting at the Azuza Hookah


handgun, began shooting in Mueller Manufacturing 36. Various locations, Winthrop, MA (Open
Company, Albertville, Alabama. Space)
Two people (employees) were killed; two people
(employees) were wounded. The shooter On June 26, 2021, at approximately
committed suicide at another location before law 2:45 p.m., an identified male, 28, armed
enforcement arrived. with two handguns, began shooting at
people in various locations in Winthrop,
32. Various locations, Phoenix, AZ (Open Space) Massachusetts. Two people were killed. The
shooter was killed at the scene by law enforcement
On June 16, 2021, at approximately 6 p.m., during an exchange of gunfire.
an identified male, 19, armed with a rifle,
began a shooting spree that continued for 37. Gallops Gas Station, Kendallville, IN
two days in various locations in Phoenix, Arizona. (Commerce)
One person was killed; 12 people were wounded.
The shooter was apprehended by law enforcement On June 27, 2021, at approximately
at another location. 11:59 p.m., an identified male, 24, armed
with a handgun, began shooting inside
33. Old Town Arvada, Arvada, CO (Commerce) Gallops Gas Station, Kendallville, Indiana. One
person was killed, two people were wounded. The
On June 21, 2021, at approximately 1:30 shooter was apprehended by law enforcement at
p.m., an identified male, 59, armed with a another location.
shotgun, began shooting in Old Town Arvada,
Arvada, Colorado. One person (law enforcement
officer) was killed. The shooter was killed at the 38. Various locations, Cleveland Park,
scene by an armed citizen. Spartanburg, SC (Open Space)

On July 1, 2021, at approximately 2:30

34. Walmart Supercenter #1217, Franklin, NC p.m., an identified male, 45, armed with a
(Commerce) gun, began shooting at Spartanburg Water
employees in Spartanburg, South Carolina. The
On June 23, 2021, at approximately shooter then went to a nearby home and began
12:15 a.m., an identified male, 58, armed shooting at people. One person was killed; four
with a rifle, began shooting at workers people were wounded (including one law
unloading a truck outside Walmart Supercenter enforcement officer). The shooter was killed at the
#1217, Franklin, North Carolina. There were no scene by law enforcement during an exchange of
casualties reported. The shooter was apprehended gunfire.
by law enforcement at another location.
39. Various locations, Boone, NC (Open Space)
35. Lock 4 Park, Gallatin, TN (Open Space)
On July 3, 2021, at approximately 10:03
On June 23, 2021, at approximately 3:45 a.m., an identified male, 24, armed with
p.m., an identified male, 22, armed with a two handguns, began shooting (from
handgun, began shooting in Lock 4 Park, Gallatin, a vehicle) at people (in vehicles) at various
Tennessee. Two people were wounded. The locations, Boone, North Carolina. One person was
shooter committed suicide at the scene before law wounded. The shooter was apprehended by law
enforcement arrived. enforcement at another location.


40. Various locations, Tucson, AZ (Open Space) 44. Various locations; Richmond County, Wrens,
GA; and Graniteville, SC (Open Space)
On July 18, 2021, at approximately 3:45
p.m., an identified male, 35, armed with a On August 14, 2021, at approximately 8
handgun, began shooting at people, a.m., an identified male, 33, armed with a
emergency personnel, and law enforcement in handgun, began shooting at a vehicle on
various locations in Tucson, Arizona. Three people U.S. Highway 1, Richmond County, Georgia. At
were killed (including one emergency personnel); approximately 8:55 a.m., the shooter began
four people were wounded (including two shooting inside a Family Dollar store in Wrens,
emergency personnel). The shooter was killed by Georgia. At approximately 11:49 a.m., the shooter
law enforcement during an exchange of gunfire at began shooting inside a residence in Graniteville,
the scene. South Carolina. In total, one person was killed;
three people were wounded. The shooter was
41. Palace Inn Motel, Houston, TX (Commerce) apprehended by law enforcement at the scene.

On July 18, 2021, at approximately 11:08

p.m., an identified male, 35 armed with gun, began 45. Mt. Zion Church, Scott County, MS (House of
shooting at the Palace Inn Motel, Houston, Texas. Worship)
Two people were killed; two people were wounded. On August 14, 2021, at approximately 1:45
The shooter was killed by law enforcement during p.m., an identified male, 50, armed with a
an exchange of gunfire at the scene. rifle and a shotgun, began shooting
at workers at the Mount Zion Church, Scott County,
42. Marathon Gas Station and Tony’s Gas Mississippi. There were no casualties reported. The
Station, Toccoa, GA (Commerce) shooter was killed by law enforcement after an
exchange of gunfire at the scene.
On August 1, 2021, at approximately
11:37 a.m., an identified male, 31, armed
with a handgun, began shooting at 46. South Beach Pier, South Haven, MI (Open
Marathon Gas Station, Toccoa, Georgia; at Space)
approximately 12:42 p.m., the subject began On August 20, 2021, at approximately 2:15
shooting at Tony’s Gas Station, Toccoa, Georgia. p.m., an identified male, 19, armed with a
Three people were wounded. The shooter was handgun, began shooting at people
apprehended by law enforcement at another at the South Beach Pier, South Haven, Michigan.
location. One person was killed; one person was wounded.
The shooter committed suicide at the scene before
43. Smile Direct Club Facility, Antioch, TN law enforcement arrived.

On August 3, 2021, at approximately 47. La Cerveceria de Barrio Restaurant, Miami

5:58 a.m., an identified male, 22, armed Beach, FL (Commerce)
with a handgun, began shooting inside the On August 24, 2021, at approximately 6:30
Smile Direct Club facility, Antioch, Tennessee. p.m., an identified male, 22, armed with a
Three people were wounded, including one handgun, began shooting at people
employee and two security personnel. The shooter in the La Cerveceria de Barrio restaurant, Miami
was killed by law enforcement at the scene. Beach, Florida. One person was killed. The shooter
was apprehended by law enforcement at the scene.


48. Redondo Beach Pier, Redondo Beach, CA shooting at people inside and outside Elks Lodge
(Open Space) 473, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Two people
(managers) were killed. The shooter was
On August 25, 2021, at approximately apprehended by law enforcement at another
8:20 p.m., an identified male, 36, armed location eight days later.
with a handgun, began shooting at people
at the Redondo Beach Pier, Redondo Beach,
California. Two people were wounded. The shooter 53. Various locations (La Palace nightclub and
was killed by law enforcement at the scene. unspecified neighborhood), Orlando, FL
(Open Space)

49. Specified residential locations, Lakeland, FL On September 10, 2021, at

(Residence) approximately 12 a.m., an identified male,
29, armed with a gun, began shooting at
On September 5, 2021, at approximately people outside Le Palace nightclub, and in an
4:30 a.m., an identified male, 33, armed unspecified neighborhood, Orlando, Florida. Four
with three guns, began shooting at people people were wounded (including a security guard).
in two separate residences, Lakeland, Florida. Four The shooter was apprehended by law enforcement
people were killed; one person was wounded. The at another location.
shooter was apprehended by law enforcement after
an exchange of gunfire at the scene.
54. Kroger Grocery Store, Collierville, TN
50. Various locations, Las Vegas, NV (Open
Space) On September 23, 2021, at approximately
1:30 p.m., an identified male, 29, armed
On September 6, 2021, between with two handguns and a rifle, began
approximately 7:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m., an shooting at people in Kroger Grocery Store,
identified male, 35, armed with a handgun, Collierville, Tennessee. One person was killed; 14
began shooting at people at various locations in Las people were wounded (10 employees). The shooter
Vegas, Nevada. Three people were killed. The committed suicide at the scene before law
shooter was apprehended by law enforcement the enforcement arrived.
following day at another location.
55. Various unspecified locations, Los Angeles,
51. Enigma Club & Lounge, Wichita, KS CA (Commerce)
On October 8, 2021, at approximately
On September 7, 2021, at approximately 3:45 p.m., an identified male, 45, armed
12:38 a.m., an identified male, 23, armed with a handgun, began shooting at people
with a handgun, began shooting at people at various unspecified locations in Los Angeles,
inside the Enigma Club & Lounge, Wichita, Kansas. California. One person was wounded. The shooter
One person was killed; five people were wounded. was killed by law enforcement at the scene.
The shooter was apprehended by law enforcement 56. Agrex Elevator, Superior, NE (Commerce)
at another location.
52. Elks Lodge 473, Colorado Springs, CO On October 21, 2021, at approximately
(Commerce) 1:20 p.m., an identified male, 61, armed
with a handgun, began shooting inside
On September 9, 2021, at approximately Agrex Elevator, Superior, Nebraska. Two people
3:30 p.m., an identified male, 43, armed were killed (employees); one person was wounded
with a handgun and a shotgun, began (employee). The shooter was killed at the scene by


an armed citizen (employee) prior to arrival of law identified male, 47, armed with a handgun
enforcement. and a
rifle, began shooting at people at various locations
57. Chevron Gas Station, Las Vegas, NV in Denver and Lakewood, Colorado. Five people
(Commerce) were killed (two employees); two people (including
one law enforcement officer) were wounded. The
On November 4, 2021, at approximately shooter was killed by law enforcement after an
12:30 a.m., an identified male, 22, armed exchange of gunfire at another location.
with a handgun, began shooting at people
at a Chevron Gas Station, Las Vegas, Nevada. One
person was killed. The shooter was apprehended
by law enforcement at another location.

58. Interstate 65, Louisville, KY (Open Space)

On November 20, 2021, between

approximately 10:11 a.m. and 11:28 a.m.,
an identified male, 51, armed with a
began shooting at people in vehicles on Interstate
65, Louisville, Kentucky. One person was wounded.
The shooter was apprehended by law enforcement
at the scene.
59. Kalamazoo Transportation Center,
Kalamazoo, MI (Commerce)

On November 27, 2021, at approximately

9:12 a.m., an identified male, 54, armed
with a handgun, began shooting inside a
bus at Kalamazoo Transportation Center,
Kalamazoo, Michigan. Three people were wounded.
The shooter was killed by law enforcement at the
scene following an exchange of gunfire.

60. Oxford High School, Oxford, MI (Education)

On November 30, 2021, at approximately

12:51 p.m., an identified male, 15, armed
with a handgun, began shooting inside
Oxford High School, Oxford, Michigan. Four people
were killed (students); seven people (six students
and one teacher) were wounded. The shooter was
apprehended by law enforcement at the scene.

61. Various locations, Denver, CO (Commerce)

On December 27, 2021, between

approximately 5:25 p.m. and 6:11 p.m., an


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Active Shooter Resources, visit our website:




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