DLL - Mathematics 6 - Q1 - W8
DLL - Mathematics 6 - Q1 - W8
DLL - Mathematics 6 - Q1 - W8
*Presentation of outputs
F. Paglinang sa Kabihasaan Ask pupil to get a partner and create Ask pupil to get a partner and Ask pupil to get a partner and Ask pupil to get a partner and Ask pupil to get a partner
(Tungo sa Formative Assesment a simple problem (localized) create a simple problem create a simple problem create a simple problem (localized) and create a simple
3) involving division of decimals,mixed (localized) involving division of (localized) involving division of involving division of decimals,mixed problem (localized)
Developing Mastery (Leads to decimals or whole numbers decimals,mixed decimals or decimals,mixed decimals or whole decimals or whole numbers involving division of
Formative Assesment 3) including money. whole numbers including numbers including money. including money. decimals,mixed decimals
money. or whole numbers
Ask: Ask: Ask: including money.
1. Who would like to share their Ask: 1. Who would like to share their 1. Who would like to share their
work in class? 1. Who would like to share work in class? work in class? Ask:
2. Let us analyze the problem. their work in class? 2. Let us analyze the problem. 2. Let us analyze the problem. 1. Who would like to
3. What operations are involved in 2. Let us analyze the problem. 3. What operations are involved in 3. What operations are involved in share their work in class?
the problem? 3. What operations are the problem? the problem? 2. Let us analyze the
4. Is the answer correct? involved in the problem? 4. Is the answer correct? 4. Is the answer correct? problem.
4. Is the answer correct? 3. What operations are
involved in the problem?
4. Is the answer correct?
G. Paglalapat ng aralin sa pang *Have the pupils make a poster that How will you show cooperation Are you wise in spending your Do you want to do what Medz and What is the importance
araw-araw na buhay (Finding shows the things they do at home and helpfulness at home? money? Rose did? WhY? of having patience in
Practical Applications of during week ends. How? Cite some instances. everything we do?
concepts and skills in daily
H. Paglalahat ng Aralin (Making How are you able to create a word How are you able to create a How are you able to create a word How are you able to create a word How are you able to
Generalizations & Abstractions problem with your Learning word problem with your problem with your Learning problem with your Learning create a word problem
about the lessons) Barkadas? Learning Barkadas? Barkadas? Barkadas? with your Learning
What helped you in the activity? What helped you in the What helped you in the activity? What helped you in the activity? Barkadas?
What steps have you employed to activity? What steps have you employed to What steps have you employed to What helped you in the
be able to create and answer the What steps have you employed be able to create and answer the be able to create and answer the activity?
word problem? to be able to create and word problem? word problem? What steps have you
answer the word problem? employed to be able to
create and answer the
word problem?
I.Pagtataya ng Aralin Have the pupils go to the school Have the pupils go to the Have the pupils go to the school Have the pupils go to the computer Have the pupils go to the
(Evaluating Learning) canteen. school nursery. library. room. tle Room.
*Have them list all the things they *Have them list all the things *Have them list all the things they *Have them list all the things they *Have them list all the
see with their corresponding price. they see with their see with their corresponding price. see with their corresponding price. things they see with their
*Instruct each pupil to create a corresponding price. *Instruct each pupil to create a *Instruct each pupil to create a corresponding price.
simple problem involving division of *Instruct each pupil to create a simple problem involving division simple problem involving division *Instruct each pupil to
decimals,mixed decimals or whole simple problem involving of decimals,mixed decimals or of decimals,mixed decimals or create a simple problem
numbers including money. division of decimals,mixed whole numbers including money. whole numbers including money. involving division of
decimals or whole numbers decimals,mixed decimals
including money. or whole numbers
including money.
J. Karagdagang gawain para Cut pictures from magazines or news Cut pictures from magazines or Cut pictures from magazines or Cut pictures from magazines or Cut pictures from
satakdang-aralin at papers,then create a word problem news papers,then create a news papers,then create a word news papers,then create a word magazines or news
remediation (Additional involving division of decimals,mixed word problem involving problem involving division of problem involving division of papers,then create a
activities for application or decimals or whole numbers division of decimals,mixed decimals,mixed decimals or whole decimals,mixed decimals or whole word problem involving
remediation) including money. decimals or whole numbers numbers including money. numbers including money. division of
including money. decimals,mixed decimals
or whole numbers
including money.
V.MGA TALA (Remarks)