This document provides an overview of a proposed Payroll Management System project. It discusses the background and rationale for developing the system, which aims to address common problems encountered with manual payroll processing. The proposed system would integrate biometric fingerprint scanning for timekeeping and automate payroll transaction generation. It would allow for easy timekeeping, secure payroll records, calculation of monthly pay and tax refunds, and generation of payroll reports. The objectives of the project are to evaluate whether the proposed computerized system would be more efficient and effective than the current manual process. User evaluations and system testing results will be analyzed to assess the system's performance.
This document provides an overview of a proposed Payroll Management System project. It discusses the background and rationale for developing the system, which aims to address common problems encountered with manual payroll processing. The proposed system would integrate biometric fingerprint scanning for timekeeping and automate payroll transaction generation. It would allow for easy timekeeping, secure payroll records, calculation of monthly pay and tax refunds, and generation of payroll reports. The objectives of the project are to evaluate whether the proposed computerized system would be more efficient and effective than the current manual process. User evaluations and system testing results will be analyzed to assess the system's performance.
This document provides an overview of a proposed Payroll Management System project. It discusses the background and rationale for developing the system, which aims to address common problems encountered with manual payroll processing. The proposed system would integrate biometric fingerprint scanning for timekeeping and automate payroll transaction generation. It would allow for easy timekeeping, secure payroll records, calculation of monthly pay and tax refunds, and generation of payroll reports. The objectives of the project are to evaluate whether the proposed computerized system would be more efficient and effective than the current manual process. User evaluations and system testing results will be analyzed to assess the system's performance.
This document provides an overview of a proposed Payroll Management System project. It discusses the background and rationale for developing the system, which aims to address common problems encountered with manual payroll processing. The proposed system would integrate biometric fingerprint scanning for timekeeping and automate payroll transaction generation. It would allow for easy timekeeping, secure payroll records, calculation of monthly pay and tax refunds, and generation of payroll reports. The objectives of the project are to evaluate whether the proposed computerized system would be more efficient and effective than the current manual process. User evaluations and system testing results will be analyzed to assess the system's performance.
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A Project Report on
Payroll Management System
SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND ECHNOLO!" Co#rse Name$ Project %or& Co#rse Co'e$ ()*+ A Project Prepare' ,y Ra-./#l Alam 01an S#per2.s.on Md. Jahirul Kader Institute of Science & Technology Approval The Project titled Payroll Management System is submitted by Ra-./#l Alam 01an3 Roll no$ )45)56*57)45**4 of Institute of Science & Technology under angladesh !"en #ni$ersity. The Project has been acce"ted as satisfactory for the "artial fulfillment of the re%uirements for the degree of &i"loma in 'om"uter Science & (""lication. Moreo$er) a""ro$ed for its style and contents. Payroll Management System Page 2 Acknowledgement (t first I *ould li+e to than+ the most gracious) the merciful (lmighty (llah for "ro$iding us enough strength and "atience that carried through the *or+ and enable me to com"lete this *or+. I *ould li+e to e,"ress my gratitude to all those *ho ga$e me hel"ing hand in com"leting this term "a"er. I *ant to than+ my Project Su"er$isor M'8 9a1.r#l 0a'er for hel"ing me *hene$er I needed it the most. My friends ha$e also su""orted me in my *or+. I *ant to than+ them all for their hel") su""ort) interest and $aluable hints. Payroll Management System Page 3 Abstract Payroll management system encom"asses all the tas+s in$ol$ed in "aying an organi-ation.s em"loyees. It ty"ically in$ol$es +ee"ing trac+ of hours *or+ed and ensuring that em"loyees recei$e the a""ro"riate amount of "ay. It also includes calculating ta,es and social security) as *ell as ensuring that they are "ro"erly *ithheld and "rocessed. &e"ending on the com"any in %uestion) a full range of other deductions may be calculated) *ithheld) and "rocessed as "art of "ayroll administration. (dditionally) the "rocessing of contractor "ayments may fall under the umbrella of "ayroll administration. The s"ecific tas+s in$ol$ed in "ayroll administration tend to $ary according to the needs of each uni%ue com"any or organi-ation. /or e,am"le) some com"anies ha$e *or+ers that recei$e commissions in addition to salaries. In these com"anies) including commissions in em"loyee salaries is a "art of "ayroll administration. /or some com"anies) it also in$ol$es assigning e,em"t or non0e,em"t status to *or+ers) adding bonuses into "aychec+s) calculating o$ertime "ayments) and adhering to a""licable em"loyment la*s. 1andling "ayroll0related "roblems are "art of "ayroll administration as *ell. If an em"loyee is "aid an incorrect amount or a direct de"osit fails to go through) both things are "ayroll administration issues. 2i+e*ise ta, filing and deduction errors are "ayroll administration matters as *ell. Payroll Management System Page 4 Payroll administration can be $ery sim"le) in$ol$ing the "ayment of just a handful of em"loyees) or $ery com"licated) in$ol$ing "ayroll for thousands of em"loyees and contractors. In some) $ery small com"anies) "ayroll may be handled by the o*ner of the com"any or an em"loyee. 1o*e$er) other com"anies may ha$e many em"loyees to "ay and +ee" trac+ of necessitating a *ell "lanned) efficient "ayroll administration system. Payroll is defined as a method of administrating em"loyees. salaries in the organi-ations. The "rocess consists of calculation of salaries and ta, deductions of the em"loyees) administrating the retirement benefits and disbursements of salaries to em"loyees. It can also be called as an accounts acti$ity *hich underta+es the salary administration of em"loyees in t he or gani -at i on. (dministrating the em"loyees. salaries is not an easy tas+) the 13 and accounts de"artment *or+ together to calculate and disburse the salary to the em"loyees. Thus) "ayroll management can be further subdi$ided into t*o sub "rocesses) i.e. Payroll accounting and "ayroll administration. Payroll refers to the administration of em"loyees4 salaries) *ages) bonuses) net "ay) and deductions. It consist of the em"loyee I&) em"loyee name) date of joining) daily attendance record) basic salary) allo*ances) o$ertime "ay) bonus) commissions) incenti$es) "ay for holidays) $acations and sic+ness) $alue of meals and lodging etc. There are some deductions such as P/) ta,es) loan installments or ad$ances ta+en by em"loyee. Payroll Management System Page 5 C1apter Contents Page no *) Intro'#ct.on 7 :ac&gro#n' ; Rat.onale )) Statement o- t1e Project )4 O,ject.2es )( Ass#mpt.ons )( Scope < L.m.tat.on )6 In-ormat.on ec1nology Inno2at.on )= )= *4 Concept#al Frame>or& ); Operat.onal De-.n.t.on o- terms 4* *( System Met1o' 4+ Data .nstr#ments 4? ools 47 ools () Process #se' .n ' t1e So-t>are (+ Analys.s #se' -or Project E2al#at.on (; *+ S#r2ey 6+ @ser ?) *6 Concl#s.on ?; Recommen'at.on =* Appen'.A =) :.,l.ograp1y ))6 Payroll Management System Page 6 A ConteAt D.agram =) : Data Flo> D.agram =4 C System Flo> C1art =( D Inp#t O#tp#t Process =+ E B.s#al a,le o- Contents CBOCD =6 F Ent.ty Relat.ons1.p D.agram 7( ! Econom.c Feas.,.l.ty 7+ H System ;? I @ser Man#al ;= (""endi, a,le o- Content CHAPTER 1 Payroll Management System Page 7 Intro'#ct.on The 'om"uter no*adays is a basic need for businesses or com"anies. It hel"s a lot in such a *ay that it ma+es *or+ more "rogressi$e and "roducti$e. It is an im"ortant thing that a com"any or small business should ha$e because it hel"s a lot in many *ays such as organi-ing) storing and mani"ulating data. 1a$ing com"uter "rograms may hel" a com"any gro* bigger and be com"etiti$e in the flo* of the business *orld. The com"anies no*adays uses com"uter literate and $ery com"etiti$e in the business.
5hile administrating the monthly "ayroll basic salary) 13() con$eyance) and other s"ecial allo*ances such mobile) etc are considered. There are some deductions. Payroll Management System Page 8 :ac&gro#n'
F.g#re )$ Components o- Payroll (llo*ances) incenti$es) bonuses and reimbursements are based on organi-ational "olicies. Some organi-ations "ro$ided the allo*ances on a fi,ed rate say 678 or 698 of the basic salary. Some organi-ations go for "erformance based incenti$es. Payroll Management Processes 'alculation of gross salaries and deductible amounts is a tedious tas+ *hich in$ol$es ris+. Some of the organi-ations use the traditional manual method of "ayroll "rocessing and some go for the ad$anced "ayroll "rocessing soft*are. (n organi-ation o"ts for any of the follo*ing "ayroll "rocessing methods a$ailable: a; Man#al System:0 Manual "ayroll system is the traditional "ayroll system *hich in$ol$es "en and in+) adding machine) s"readsheet) etc instead of com"uters) soft*are and other com"uteri-ed aids. The "rocess *as $ery "o"ular *hen there *ere no com"uteri-ed means for "ayroll "rocessing. Payroll Management System Page 9 b; Acco#ntant: (ccountant is a "rofessional ha$ing a degree or di"loma in finance or accountancy. 1e <she is res"onsible for all acti$ities related to "ayroll accounting. 1e<she has sound +no*ledge of accounting "rinci"le and globally acce"ted standards. The "rocess add cost and $alue to the organi-ation.
F.g#re 4$ Payroll
c; Pay roll: 0 Pay roll outsourcing in$ol$es a third "arty in the calculation of salaries and deduction. It sa$e time and cost for the organi-ation. If there is more number of em"loyees) say more than =7706777) in the organi-ation) "ayroll outsourcing must be $ery beneficial. The data is "ro$ided to the consultants<outsourcing firms. The $arious "ayroll functions underta+en by the outsourcing organi-ations are as follo*s: (nalysis of Payroll records) "ayroll ta,es Payroll Management System Page 10 Medical claim "rocessing >m"loyee Insurance & Pro$ident fund "rocessing ?uality (udit "rocedures & "lanning The "ro"osed system *ill run through com"uter for "ayroll record *ith an integration of biometric finger"rint scanner for time +ee"ing. It contains the automation of time +ee"ing for e$ery em"loyee to generate "ayroll transaction. It can u"date em"loyee information) indi$idual and grou"s re"orts) file lea$e) set a non0*or+ing or *or+ing 1oliday) access control and also calculation of 6@ th month "ay and ta, refund yearly re"ort. Payroll Management System Page 11 Rat.onale Statement o- t1e Project 6. Some common "roblems encountered by the accounting staff of some organi-ation in terms of using their manual system in "rocessing "ayroll and time +ee"ingA 9. &oes a 2(B0ased Time+ee"ing and Payroll system using iometrics *ill hel" the accounting staff in terms of the generating "ayroll transaction) easy *ay time+ee"ing using biometrics) secure all "ayroll records) calculating 6@ month "ay) ta, refund and generate all "ayroll re"ortsA @. If a 2(B0ased Time+ee"ing and Payroll system using iometrics *ill be used and *ill it be more efficient and effecti$e than the current manual systemA C. 5hat is the le$el of efficiency of the system *hen e$aluated by the user e$aluation result of the e,isting) the "rototy"e system and the "ro"osed system in terms of 'orrectness) 3eliability) >fficiency) Testability and "ortabilityA D. 5hat is the le$el of efficiency in the system *hen e$aluated by the system testing resultA E. Is there a significant difference bet*een effecti$eness of the system *hen e$aluated by the user e$aluation result of the "resent) the "ro"osed system and the "rototy"e system in terms of 'orrectness) 3eliability) >fficiency) testability and PortabilityA Payroll Management System Page 12 O,ject.2e A8 !eneral O,ject.2e This study aimed to hel" a com"any to ha$e an efficient and effecti$e *ay of monitoring their em"loyee.s time +ee"ing and "ayroll system to gi$e a higher %uality of ser$ice. :8 Spec.-.c O,ject.2es S"ecifically) attain to: .6 &e$elo" a system that *ill im"ro$e the com"any.s "rocess in the Time+ee"ing and PayrollF .9 &e$elo" a system that *ill monitor em"loyee.s data that is efficient to useF .@ #se biometrics tool G/inger"rint scanner; that *ill "ro$ide an easy log0in and log0out of the em"loyees and staff. .C Secure the records of em"loyees and to ha$e more manageable filesF .D 'alculate "ayroll transaction easilyF and .E Summari-e all the &educted 'ontribution of >m"loyees. The "ro"onents act fully res"onsibility to im"ro$e the lanco /amily (cademy o"eration in the Time Kee"ing and Payroll System to im"lement the needs of the user of the system. Payroll Management System Page 13 Ass#mpt.on The "ro"onents established that if the system *ill crash) the "ro"onents *ill "re"are a bac+0u" system *hich it can be restore the system but before the "ro"onents restore the system) the user should ha$e bac+0u" all the files and data in the system. The "ro"osed system *ill secure the records of em"loyees and ha$e more manageable files. The "ro"osed system *ill "ro$ide a G2ocal (rea Bet*or+; 2(B0ased to easily share information accurately and it also transfer data faster. (Figure 1 Network Diagram) The "ro"osed system *ill monitor em"loyees. data *hich is efficient to use. F.g#re ($ Net>or& D.agram Payroll Management System Page 14 /igure 6 sho*s the "ro"osed net*or+ diagram) it refers the configuration of cable) com"uter and other "eri"herals for 2(B0ased Time+ee"ing and Payroll using iometrics of /amily lanco (cademy. This is the method used to "ass information bet*een the *or+station. E/#.pments #ni$ersal T*isted Pair 'able 0 This is the ty"e of cable that *ill be use in our 2ocal (rea Bet*or+. 3outer H The 2ocal (rea Bet*or+ *ill use router that for*ards data "ac+ets bet*een com"uter net*or+s. Scope The "ro"osed Payroll System *ill co$er many as"ects of time +ee"ing and "ayroll "rocess. This includes the ca"ture of information based on the em"loyee.s *or+ schedule) daily time *or+ed and daily time rendered. The "ayroll "rocess encom"asses all acti$ities necessary to re"ort em"loyees. time *or+ed. The system *ill con$ert the current com"any.s time +ee"ing and "ayroll into Iisual asic Program. Payroll Management System Page 15 Scope an' L.m.tat.on The system *ill ha$e a file management *here it co$ers the records of em"loyee and system transaction log. The system also co$ers the Payroll Processing and 3e"orting *hich includes the "ay calculation of salary sli" and time off trac+ing. The em"loyee *ill use biometrics to time0in and time0out for recording of time+ee"ing. The system *ill ha$e a re"ort consist of summary of time sheet) summary of Payroll 'om"utation) Summary of Ta, 3efund and 6@ th Month Pay) 5ithholding Ta,) SSS) and Pag0IIJ 'ontributions. L.m.tat.on The em"loyee.s salary *ill not be sent through (utomated teller machine G(TMs; or che%ues) for the reason that the com"any insisted that salaries must be on a cash basis. Bo other currencies are com"uted in the system but Phili""ine Peso only. The "ro"osed system cannot be accessed online and it focuses only on the em"loyees. Time Kee"ing and Payroll System of the lanco /amily (cademy. The necessary re%uired remittance form gi$en by the SSS) P(J0IIJ) P1I21>(2T1 *ill be remitted manually. This "ro"osed system is only a""licable and can only be used by the management of any com"any. Payroll Management System Page 16 Biometrics If any com"any used time card in their time+ee"ing) *hen the system im"lemented) the em"loyees *ill use biometrics Gfinger scanner; for their time+ee"ing to ha$e an easy *ay of time+ee"ing and calculating their time of *or+. Local Area Network 2ocal (rea Bet*or+ in technology system is the connecting of t*o or more com"uters to common "eri"heral resources to com"ile all the data of Time+ee"ing and "ayroll system. To the management (n organi-ation *ill greatly benefit *ith the "ro"onent.s study because they don.t need to hire any "rogrammers to do the *or+ in their system. The Payroll Management System Page 17 In-ormat.on ec1nology Inno2at.on "ro"onents *ill de$elo" their system. So the "ro"onents as+ for the su""ort of the com"any. This *ill lead in lessening the e,"enses of the com"any *hich can be used in their other e,"enses. They *ill also find it easier to do tas+ *ith the system li+e the biometrics *herein they can assure that their time +ee"ing system is secure. To the employees The >m"loyees *ill benefit in the system. They *ill find it easier to transact about their records since searching in the system is faster than trac+ing in the record boo+ or log boo+. The biometrics *ill gi$e them an easier time *ith their time log and they don.t ha$e to *orry about losing their time cards because it is not necessary. 1uman 3esources Personnel managing the time +ee"ing *ill not be the same again as they *ill e,"erience relie$e. It *ould be fast and easy for them to handle transactions such as re"ort ma+ing and monitoring time entries. /urther determining or com"uting the "ayroll manually *ill be eliminated that *ill lead to faster transaction. (ccountant *ill able to manage em"loyee ser$ices) hours) "ay rates. (n automated time and attendance em"loyee system also hel"s in im"lementing and enforcing fair "ay "olicies. y using the Security) Time Kee"ing and Payroll System em"loyee soft*are) actual balances) and fle,ible labor distribution for Payroll Management System Page 18 "rojects and *or+ orders can be maintained. !ther benefits of the time and attendance em"loyees. soft*are include the elimination of time cards and unauthori-ed o$ertimes CHAPTER 2 This cha"ter includes a discussion of the related literature) theoretical /rame*or+ and conce"tual frame*or+ as com"onents of a faculty e$aluation. In this research) the researchers to "ro$ide a better *ay of monitoring the attendance of an organi-ation) *here the staff and the manager can handle a faster and easy *ay of recording and monitoring their daily (ttendances. !nly the (dmin) 13 and (ccounting de"artment has the authority to use the system that can mani"ulate the records in the system. The system *ill "ro$ide a reliable and Payroll Management System Page 19 Concept#al Frame>or& efficient *ay of Time+ee"ing acti$ity. The study aims to "roduce a result of Time +ee"ing and Payroll System that can co"e u" *ith the needs of the com"any.
Barcode This refers to acode consisting of a grou" of "rinted and $ariously "atterned bars and s"aces and sometimes numerals that is designed to be scanned and read into com"uter memory and that contains information Gas identification; about the object it labels. Basic Pay This refers to monthly rate di$ided by the number of *or+ing days multi"lied by the number of days *or+ed. Biometrics Payroll Management System Page 20 Operat.onal De-.n.t.on o- erms This refers to the measurement of "hysical characteristics such as finger"rints and &B() or retinal "atterns for use in $erifying the identity of indi$iduals. Bundy Clock This refers to a cloc+ card machine or "unch cloc+ or time recorder is a mechanical Gor electronic; time"iece used to assist in trac+ing the hours an em"loyee of a com"any *or+ed. Daily Time Record This refers to a record of ho* a "erson.s time has been s"ent. It is used to calculate "ay) asses the efficient use of time) or charge for *or+ done. Database This refers to a organi-ed collection of data for one or more "ur"oses) it is usually in digital form. Days Worked This refers to the actual days *or+ed by an em"loyee) often *ell in e,cess of those stated in the contract of em"loyment and sometimes *ithout the "ayment of o$ertime. Payroll Management System Page 21 Deduction This refers to business e,"enses or losses *hich are legally "ermitted to be subtracted from the gross re$enue of a firm in com"uting its ta,able income. mployee This refers to a "erson *ho is hired to "ro$ide ser$ices to a com"any on a regular basis in e,change for com"ensation. !ross Pay This refers to total of an em"loyee.s regular remuneration including allo*ances) o$ertime "ay) commissions and bonuses) etc. before any deductions are made. LAN "Local Area Network# This refers to su""lies net*or+ing ca"ability to a grou" of com"uters in close "ro,imity to each other such as in an office building) school or home. Loan This refers to funds transferred from one "arty to another as "ayment for "urchased goods or ser$ices. Payroll Management System Page 22 Net Pay This refers to the remaining amount of an em"loyee.s gross "ay) after deductions) such as ta,es and retirement contributions) are made. Payroll This refers to a sum of all financial records of salaries for an em"loyee) *ages) bonuses and deductions. In accounting) "ayroll refers to the amount "aid to em"loyees for ser$ices they "ro$ided during a certain "eriod of time. Pay slip This refers to a detailed brea+do*n on ho* much an em"loyee is "aid during a S"ecific "eriod. Report This refers to gi$e an official account or statement of as a treasurer re"orts the recei"ts and e,"enditures. Router This refers to a router is a de$ice that for*ards data "ac+ets bet*een com"uter net*or+s) creating an o$erlay internet*or+. $alary Payroll Management System Page 23 This refers to *ages recei$ed on a regular basis) usually *ee+ly) bi0*ee+ly or monthly. $preadsheets This refers to s"readsheet is a com"uter a""lication *ith tools that increase the user4s "roducti$ity in ca"turing) analy-ing) and sharing tabular data sets. %TP or %nshielded Twisted Pair This refers to ty"e of cable used in telecommunications and com"uter net*or+s CHAPTER 3 The Pro"onents used &escri"ti$e method of researchedF the K&escri"ti$eK method of research is *here the "erson doing the research "resents it in a descri"ti$e manner.K The descri"ti$e research designs enable Payroll Management System Page 24 System Met1o's researchers to describe or "resent the "icture of a "henomenon or "henomena under in$estigation. It is the o""osite of another form of research methodology called K(nalyticalK. )8 1e Met1o' The "ro"onents conduct a "ersonal inter$ie* *ith our client. The "roject team tal+ed to the security "ersonnel) 13) accountant for gathering of data about the system s"ecification) needed for creating our "ro"osed system that can hel" them for their security) time+ee"ing and "ayroll system in an efficient manner. )8) Inter2.e> &uring re%uirements gathering stage) the "ro"onents conduct inter$ie* *ith security "ersonnel) 13) accountant of lanco /amily (cademy) *ho ga$e the resources about the flo* of the current system and the "rocess of com"uting the salaries) monitoring and time+ee"ing of the em"loyees. )84 O,ser2at.on The "ro"onents had some ins"ection regarding the current system to gather more ideas on ho* to design our "ro"osed system. /rom this obser$ation) *e noted some "roblems being encountered. )8( Internet Researc1 Payroll Management System Page 25 The "ro"onents also conduct an internet research to gather more data and to"ics that are related to our study. )8+ L.,rary Researc1 The "ro"onents also used library materials li+e thesis documentation and boo+s that are related to our study in gathering significant information and $alidation of our study. )86 S#r2ey an' The "ro"onents conduct a sur$ey and user testing to deri$e inter"retations and inferences. The sur$ey is "resented in accordance *ith the statement of the s"ecific "roblem. Pro"onents also conduct #sability testing) it is a techni%ue used in user0centered interaction design to e$aluate a Payroll system using biometric for the com"any. )8? System Pro"onents also conduct System Testing of soft*are the testing conducted on a com"lete) *as based on the system4s com"liance *ith its s"ecified re%uirements . Payroll Management System Page 26 )8 Company O,ser2at.on8 The "ro"onents had some ins"ection regarding the current system to gather more ideas on ho* to design our "ro"osed system. /rom this obser$ation) *e noted some "roblems being encountered. )8) o,ser2at.on Baturalistic obser$ation is a research tool in *hich a subject is obser$ed in its natural habitat *ithout any mani"ulation by the obser$er. The Time Kee"ing and Payroll System of the lanco /amily (cademy are sometimes im"recise to use. (lso) the >m"loyees of the com"any are using undy 'loc+ to indicate in their &ate Time 'ard their time of *or+ in and out e$ery day and the (ccountant administrator based the *ages of each em"loyee in that time 'ard. It is hustle to use and long term creating the "ayroll sli") and the time +ee"ing *hich the 1uman 3esources need to encode all the attendance of em"loyee using s"readsheets. Therefore the School.s Time Kee"ing and Payroll system need im"ro$ement )84 Part.c.pant o,ser2at.on Payroll Management System Page 27 Data ! Instr#ments Partici"ant obser$ation is a structured ty"e of research strategy. It is a *idely used methodology in many disci"lines) "articularly) cultural anthro"ology ) but also sociology ) communication studies ) and social "sychology . Its aim is to gain a close and intimate familiarity *ith a gi$en grou" of indi$iduals Gsuch as a religious) occu"ational) or sub cultural grou") or a "articular community; and their "ractices through an intensi$e in$ol$ement *ith "eo"le in their natural en$ironment) usually o$er an e,tended "eriod of time. The Pro"onents Indicate the S"ecific Problem of the Time Kee"ing and Payroll for lanco /amily (cademy. 6.9.6. The information on time consumed by em"loyees can easily be change. 6.9.9. The data are harder to monitor and more time consuming on the "art of 1uman 3esources) (ccountant and (dministrator *hen it comes to "ayroll com"utation. 6.9.@. The &ate Time 'ard has a huge tendency to be lost by em"loyees. 6.9.C. It.s so hard to monitor the em"loyees attending by security "ersonnel. Payroll Management System Page 28 ools These tools *ere used to com"ute the data gathered in relation to the "ro"onents study. )8 Percentage D.str.,#t.on Percentage and fre%uency of distribution *ere used to describe the "rofile of the res"ondents of the study in terms of age) gender and "rofession using time +ee"ing and "ayroll system) and if they *ere the users) administrator or field e,"ertise on this systemF this is sol$ed by the formula: GProbability Statistics for scientist and >ngineer) Lth edition) 5al"ale Myer; Percentage CED F C- G nD H )** %1ere$ P5 Percentage distribution -5 Scores in the distribution n5 Bumber of res"ondents 48 %e.g1te' Mean8 This *as used for most of the item in the %uestionnaire chec+list) *eighted is utili-ed. The follo*ing scales and its e%ui$alency used as follo*s: S#r2ey Cr.ter.a Scale Bal#e Interpretat.on Male Mes 6 (gree Payroll Management System Page 29 /emale Bo 9 &isagree a,le )$ S#r2ey Cr.ter.a @ser E2al#at.on a,le 4$ @ser E2al#at.on Cr.ter.a System a,le ($ System Cr.ter.a It measures the a$erage numerical $alue of a set of scores. It is calculated by adding all the scores and di$iding the sum of its fre%uency. The formulas are as follo*s: Payroll Management System Page 30 Cr.ter.a Scale Bal#e Interpretat.on 'orrectness > D >,cellent 3eliability J C Jood >fficiency ( @ ($erage Testability P 9 Poor Portability B I 6 Beeds Im"ro$ement Cr.ter.a Scale Bal#e Interpretat.on loc+ and *hite Testing /ull 'om"liance @ /ull 'om"liance #nit Testing Partial 'om"liance 9 Partial 'om"liance Security Testing Bon0'om"liance 6 Bon0'om"liance 5M N O P B 5here: P N Score B N Bumber of cases or res"ondents The analytical tools in conducting the "ro"osed study *ere the 'onte,t &iagram) &ata /lo* &iagram) System flo*chart) 1IP! G1ierarchical In"ut0 Process0!ut"ut; and IT!' GIisual Table of 'ontents;. 'onte,t &iagram. It is a data flo* diagram) *ith only one massi$e central "rocess that subsumes e$erything inside the sco"e of the system. It sho*s ho* the system *ill recei$e and send data flo*s to the e,ternal entities in$ol$ed. The conte,t diagram sho*s ho* the main sco"e of the system *herein the em"loyee *ill login and the system *ill read the information entered by the em"loyee. The human resources manage the em"loyee.s details including the re"orts coming Payroll Management System Page 31 ools from the accountant *ho com"utes "ayroll transaction that *ill reflect on em"loyee.s "aysli". (See Appendix B for the Context diagram). &ata /lo* &iagram. It is a gra"hical re"resentation of the Kflo*K of data through an information system) modeling its "rocess as"ects. !ften they are a "reliminary ste" used to create an o$er$ie* of the system *hich can later be elaborated. It also sho*s *hat +inds of data *ill be in"ut to and out"ut from the system) *here the data *ill come from and go to) and *here the data *ill be stored. &ata flo* diagram sho* the ste" by ste" "rocedure that is more com"licated on ho* the system *ill *or+s for e,am"le) an em"loyee registers and it *ill $alidate the finger"rint automatically) the in"ut information going through the database that com"utes the time record) gross "ay and net "ay that generates the deduction one by one. It is much easier com"ared to the manual "rocedure *hich is time consuming. (See Appendix C for the Data Flow diagram) System /lo*chart. It is the gra"hical re"resentation of the flo* of data in the system) and re"resents the *or+ "rocess of the system. Information system flo*chart sho* ho* data flo*s from source documents through the com"uter to final distribution to users. Program flo*charts sho* the se%uence of instructions in a single "rogram or subroutine. Payroll Management System Page 32 It sho*s the flo* of the "ayroll system *ere the human resources is in charge in adding ne* em"loyee information including editing) deleting and set of salary for e$ery em"loyee. The user allo*s all the em"loyee to register their finger "rint for their time log) the system *ill ha$e a transaction *ere it *ill sho* all the com"utation of "ayroll and generate the re"orts for the em"loyee unli+e the e,isting system of lanco family academy it is more so"histicated *hen it comes into com"utation and filling the records of each em"loyee. It *ill be efficient for the user to use if the system is more accurate and fast *hen it comes into "re"aring the "ayroll of em"loyee. (See Appendix D for the Sytem Flow!hart) 1IP! G1ierarchy "lus In"ut0Process0!ut"ut; techni%ue is a tool for "lanning and<or documenting a com"uter "rogram. ( 1IP! model consists of a hierarchy chart that gra"hically re"resents the "rogram.s control structure and a set of IP! GIn"ut0Process0!ut"ut; charts that describe the in"uts to) the out"uts from) and the functions Gor "rocesses; "erformed by each module on the hierarchy chart. 1ierarchical In"ut "rocess out"ut is similar to $toc *here it sho*s the module needed by the system. The "rocess on ho* the data has been entered and ho* it.s being "rocess *ill sho* its out"ut or results. GSee Appendix " for the #ierar!hi!al input pro!e output ). IT!' or Iisual Table of 'ontents. It is an analytical tool for "lanning and<or documenting a com"uter "rogram. >ach function re"resented by a Payroll Management System Page 33 rectangular bo, can be described in further detail in an IP! Gor in"ut0"rocess0 out"ut; diagram. It also sho* the sco"e of the system *ere the module are connected. IT!' sho*s e$ery module of the system) their module contains the form *here it reflects on ho* the modules are connected and e$ery form re"resents the detailed information of e$ery module at it is arranged through tables.(See Appendix F for the $iual ta%le of !ontent) >3& or >ntity03elation &iagram is a s"eciali-ed gra"hic that illustrates the relationshi"s bet*een entities in a database. >3 diagrams often use symbols to re"resent three different ty"es of information. o,es are commonly used to re"resent entities. &iamonds are normally used to re"resent relationshi"s and o$als are used to re"resent attributes. >3& is used to see the relationshi" of different entity in the system. The entity relationshi" diagram sho*s the relations of entities or the user of the system on ho* he<she does the "rocess) you *ill see the flo* *here the user is connected to *hat he<she does. >,am"le is the in"ut of registrations in filling the records of e$ery em"loyee to the com"utation of salary deduction and to distribution of em"loyee.s "ay sli". GSee Appendix & for the "ntity 'elation Diagram) Payroll Management System Page 34 )8 Ag.le @n.-.e' Process (#P or (gile #nified Process is a sim"lified $ersion of the 3ational #nified Process G3#P;. It describes a sim"le) easy to understand a""roach to de$elo"ing business a""lication soft*are using agile techni%ues and conce"ts yet still remaining true to the 3#P. I4$e tried to +ee" the (gile #P as sim"le as "ossible) both in its a""roach and in its descri"tion. The descri"tions are sim"le and to the "oint) *ith lin+s to details Gon the *eb; if you *ant them. The a""roach a""lies agile techni%ues include test dri$en de$elo"ment GT&&;) (gile Model &ri$en &e$elo"ment G(M&&;) agile change management) and database refactoring to im"ro$e your "roducti$ity. Payroll Management System Page 35 Processes @se' .n t1e So-t>are F.g#re +$ 1e Ag.le @n.-.e' Process CA@PD l.-ecycle8 /igure sho*s de"ict the lifecycle of the (#P. The first thing that you4ll notice is that the disci"lines ha$e changed. /irst) the Model disci"line encom"asses the 3#P4s usiness Modeling) 3e%uirements) and (nalysis & &esign disci"lines. Model is an im"ortant "art of the (#P) as you can see) but it doesn4t dominate the "rocess you *ant to stay agile by creating models and documents *hich are just barely good enough. Second) the 'onfiguration and 'hange Management disci"line is no* the 'onfiguration Management disci"line. In agile de$elo"ment your change management acti$ities are ty"ically "art of your re%uirements management efforts) *hich is "art of the Model disci"line. .n t1e Large The serial nature of (gile #P is ca"tured in its four "hases 6. Incept.on. The goal is to identify the initial sco"e of the "roject) a "otential architecture for your system) and to obtain initial "roject funding and sta+eholder acce"tance. 9. Ela,orat.on8 The goal is to "ro$e the architecture of the system. @. Constr#ct.on8 The goal is to build *or+ing soft*are on a regular) incremental basis *hich meets the highest0"riority needs of your "roject sta+eholders. Payroll Management System Page 36 C. rans.t.on8 The goal is to $alidate and de"loy your system into your "roduction en$ironment. Iterat.2e .n t1e Small &isci"lines are "erformed in an iterati$e manner) defining the acti$ities *hich de$elo"ment team members "erform to build) $alidate) and deli$er *or+ing soft*are *hich meets the needs of their sta+eholders. The disci"lines are: Mo'el: The goal of this disci"line is to understand the business of the organi-ation) the "roblem domain being addressed by the "roject) and to identify a $iable solution to address the "roblem domain. Implementat.on: The goal of this disci"line is to transform your modelGs; into e,ecutable code and to "erform a basic le$el of testing) in "articular unit testing. est: The goal of this disci"line is to "erform an objecti$e e$aluation to ensure %uality. This includes finding defects) $alidating that the system *or+s as designed) and $erifying that the re%uirements are met. Deployment: The goal of this disci"line is to "lan for the deli$ery of the system and to e,ecute the "lan to ma+e the system a$ailable to end users. Payroll Management System Page 37 Con-.g#rat.on Management: The goal of this disci"line is to manage access to your "roject artifacts. This includes not only trac+ing artifact $ersions o$er time but also controlling and managing changes to them. Project Management: The goal of this disci"line is to direct the acti$ities that ta+es "lace on the "roject. This includes managing ris+s) directing "eo"le Gassigning tas+s) trac+ing "rogress;) and coordinating *ith "eo"le and systems outside the sco"e of the "roject to be sure that it is deli$ered on time and *ithin budget. En2.ronment: The goal of this disci"line is to su""ort the rest of the effort by ensuring that the "ro"er "rocess) guidance Gstandards and guidelines;) and tools Ghard*are) soft*are; are a$ailable for the team as needed. Agile Processing in the system de&elopment (gile "rocess in Payroll Systems team of "ayroll de$elo"ment "rofessionals combine decades of industry e,"erience to build an a""lication and business model that is an efficient and "recise "rocess for o"erating your business. 3educing your ris+ and ser$icing your clients are at the heart of the agile mission (gile Payroll Systems "ro$ides com"rehensi$e ser$ice bureau soft*are and ser$ices for those businesses dedicated to an integrated "rocess for "ayroll and "ayroll ta, "rocessing. Payroll Management System Page 38 6. Integrated Payroll and Payroll Ta, Processing (""licationF 9. Soft*are as a Ser$ice ModelsF and @. 1osted Solutions This 2(B0ased Time +ee"ing and "ayroll using iometrics for lanco /amily (cademy is using the agile soft*are de$elo"ment "rocess that "uts both clients and testing) front and center in the de$elo"ment "rocess. !ur system design and de$elo"ment are client and test dri$en to ensure the resulting a""lications are fle,ible) meet our clients4 re%uirements and are of the highest %uality. The /easibility Study is a critical document *hich defines the initial system conce"ts) objecti$es) re%uirements) and alternati$es. The study also forms the frame*or+ for the system de$elo"ment "roject and establishes a baseline for further studies. )8 Feas.,.l.ty lanco /amily (cademy has agreed to im"lement this "ro"osed system if it *ill succeedF they "ro$ide ade%uate hard*are and soft*are for the com"letion of this "roject. )8)8 Har'>are Re/#.rements Payroll Management System Page 39 Analys.s @se' -or Project E2al#at.on The hard*are minimum recommended re%uirements and ma,imum recommended re%uirements are listed belo*: Har'>are M.n.m#m Recommen'e' Re/#.rements MaA.m#m Recommen'e' Re/#.rements Internal Memory G3(M; 9.77 J @.77 J or 1igher 1ard &is+ 'a"acity G'P#; E7.77J Q7.77J or 1igher Processor Intel Pentium 6.E7J1R Pentium G3; &ual 'ore 9.97 J1R or 1igher Monitor 6L 'olored @9bit 6Q 'olored or 1igher @9bit Iideo 'ard 69QM (JP 9DE M (JP or 1igher iometrics &igital Persona u3u &igital Persona u3u 2atest Iersion a,le )$ Har'>are Re/#.rements )848 So-t>are Re/#.rements The soft*are minimum recommended re%uirements and ma,imum recommended re%uirements are listed belo*: Payroll Management System Page 40 a,le 4$ So-t>are Re/#.rements 48 Operat.onal Feas.,.l.ty (hi feai%ility tudy meaure how well a propoed ytem ol)e the pro%lem* and take ad)antage of the opportunitie identified during !ope definition and how it !an organi+ation adopt identified in the re,uirement analyi phae of ytem de)elopment. 48) a payroll system (ccording to Ste$en ragg on his boo+ entitled -A!!ounting for .ayroll/ he stated that the >m"loyers are res"onsible for "aying their *or+ers correctly and on time. To sim"lify the "ayroll "rocess) the em"loyer needs a "ayroll system. ( Payroll Management System Page 41 So-t>are M.n.m#m Recommen'e' Re/#.rements MaA.m#m Recommen'e' Re/#.rements System ty"e Microsoft 5inL or PP @9bit !"erating System Microsoft 5inL ECbit !"erating System &atabase MS (ccess 977L@ MS (ccess 977L Programming 2anguage Microsoft Iisual Studio 977Q Microsoft Iisual Studio 9767 "ayroll system streamlines the "ayroll as"ect of the business. 5ithout one) it is difficult to trac+ and "ay em"loyees4 time and to adhere to the changing "ayroll and ta, la*s set by the go$ernment. 5hen im"lementing a "ayroll system) the em"loyer must "erform se$eral ste"s. 9.6.6. &etermine the ty"e of "ayroll system you *ant to establish. The "ayroll system you choose should be based on the si-e of your business and ho* much "ayroll res"onsibility you *ould li+e to maintain. 9.6.9 Purchase "ayroll soft*are and hire a "ayroll staff) &e"ending on the si-e of your com"any. ( com"uteri-ed "ayroll system sa$es on time and gi$es you access to an onsite "ayroll staff. 9.6.@. >stablish a "ay date. 3e"ort "ay fre%uencies are u" to youF ho*e$er) *ee+ly and bi*ee+ly are most common for hourly *or+ers) and bi*ee+ly and semi0monthly are most common for salaried *or+ers. 9.6.C. &ecide on a time0+ee"ing method) such as a time cloc+. (ccording to the &e"artment of 2abor) an em"loyer can use *hiche$er time0+ee"ing strategy he chooses as long as it correct and com"lete. Payroll Management System Page 42 9.6.D. Train the "ayroll staff on the "ayroll system) if necessary. (s #ltimate Soft*are) consider hiring s"ecialists to train the "ayroll staff. 1a$e the "ayroll de"artment do a moc+ "ayroll before running the first "ayroll. ( test run *ill "in"oint any system glitches. (ddress issues before the time for doing the actual "ayroll arri$es. 9.6.E. >nsure your "ayroll de"artment and your finance de"artment is *or+ing together) if a""licable. Some "ayroll "ersonnel are res"onsible for *age re"orting and ta, matters. 1o*e$er) some com"anies ha$e a finance de"artment that handles ta, issues and "ayroll accounting. If so) ensure the t*o de"artments are "ro"erly streamlined. 484 Propose' System Component The in 2(B0ased Payroll System #sing iometrics for lanco /amily (cademy can be com"letely "arametai-ed to suit cor"orate salary < *ages in entire em"loyees of a 'om"any and is an ideal "ayroll management solution for this com"any. The follo*ing are the com"onents "ro$ided in 2(B0ased Payroll System. 9.9.6. >m"loyee Management !nce an em"loyee management is selected) a detailed em"loyee "rofile is u"dated *hich contains com"lete details. This information *ould then be Payroll Management System Page 43 used for creating "ayroll. 'reate) u"date and delete em"loyee accounts using this section. 9.9.9. /inger "rint Scanner The /inger "rint Scanner is use to register the em"loyees finger "rint to allo* them to scan their finger for their daily time record. 9.9.@. Payroll Transaction Payroll Transaction *ill generate monthly "ayroll em"loyee) a""ro$e o$ertime and "rint "ayroll sli". 9.9.C. 2oan This *ill be to ac%uire loan by selecting the loan ty"e and amorti-ation date. In this section it can also cash ad$ance. 9.9.D. 2ea$e This *ill be the em"loyee *ho *ants to re%uest $acation or Sic+ lea$e. 9.9.E. 1oliday This *ould enable to set the 1olidays GBational 1oliday or Bon0 *or+ing 1oliday. 9.9.L. 3e"orts Payroll Management System Page 44 This section *ould enable you to $ie* and "rint the "ayroll) 5itholding Ta,) SSS) Phil1ealth) 1&M/) 6@th month) ta, refund re"orts of all the em"loyees) indi$idually or grou"s. 9.9.Q. 'ontrol (ccess It gi$es you the ability to access user to a s"ecific section. 48( PA"ROLL POLIC" The "ur"ose of this Payroll Policy is to ensure that lanco /amily (cademy em"loyees are "aid correctly and timely. (ccounting 'ler+s</inance !fficers must *or+ as a team to establish a good relationshi" *ith our em"loyees to "ro$ide assistance *ith "ayroll in%uiries and "roduce accurate "ay chec+s. (ccounting 'ler+s</inance !fficers must be familiar *ith the "ro$isions of the $arious collecti$e bargaining agreements and need to +ee" informed of all changes. Payroll entries must be done in accordance *ith generally acce"ted accounting "rinci"les. Payroll Management System Page 45 INERNAL POLIC" PROCED@RES 48(8)8 Employee Respons.,.l.ty Time In < Time out Procedure. >m"loyees must scan their finger "rint to biometrics finger "rint scanner before they go in and out of *or+. 48(84 F.nance Respons.,.l.ty 9.@.9.6. (ccounting 'ler+</inance !fficer 9.@.9.6.6. The (ccounting 'ler+</inance !fficer is res"onsible for generate "ayroll. 9.@.9.6.9 The (ccounting 'ler+</inance !fficer must then com"ute the a""ro"riate hours and date under the a""ro"riate "ay ty"e code in the "ayroll system so as to trac+ the actual time *or+ed<used for each em"loyee. 9.@.9.6.@ !nce all "ayroll generate) the (ccounting 'ler+</inance !fficer must run a JrossPay <&eduction Proof re"ort. 9.@.9.6.C !nce the >arnings<&eduction Proof has been re$ie*ed and a""ro$ed) the (ccounting 'ler+</inance !fficer can run the "ayroll chec+s and the corres"onding $endor "ayroll chec+s. 48(8(8 an' D.str.,#t.on o- Payroll C1ec&s < rans-ers !nce the chec+ run is com"leted and all $endor "rocesses are com"leted) the "ayroll chec+s are gi$en to the Treasurer for distribution. Payroll Management System Page 46 The Treasurer *ill recei$e a re"ort from the (ccounting 'ler+ on the total amount to transfer) by fund) into the Payroll chec+ing account to co$er the chec+s issued. 48(8+8 Recor's (ll records shall be +e"t in the /inance Section in com"liance *ith the retention schedule. &estruction of any financial record *ill be done in com"liance *ith the "rocedures set forth in the lanco /amily (cademy 3ecords Managements Manual Payroll. 48(868 SLGBL o- A,sence Proce'#res 9.@.D.6.6 Sic+ lea$es are filled by the em"loyee L days before the date of lea$e and *ith the a""ro$al of their heads. 9.@.D.6.9 The (ccounting 'ler+</inance !fficer must then collate the lea$e form for >arnings<&eduction as of 9.@.9.6.@ "ayroll "olicy. 9.@.D.6.@ >$ery em"loyee has number of S2<I2 "er year based on the a""ro$al of their heads *hen their hired. 48(8?8 Compensat.on an' :ene-.ts 48(8?8)8 )( t1 Mont1 Pay The com"any gi$e the 6@ month "ay for com"ensation and benefits to the entire em"loyee. The L78 of the total basic income gi$en e$ery 9 nd "ayroll of &ecember and the other @78 of the Payroll Management System Page 47 total basic income *ill be gi$en on the 9 nd "ayroll of March the other year. 48(8?848 Hol.'ays Pursuant to the "ro$isions of the 2abor 'ode) as amended in relation to the obser$ance of declared holidays and in res"onse to the %ueries recei$ed e$ery time a Presidential Proclamation or a la* is enacted by 'ongress *hich declares certain days either as a regular holiday) a s"ecial day or a s"ecial *or+ing holiday) the follo*ing guidelines shall be obser$ed by all em"loyers in the "ri$ate sector 48(878 Comp#tat.on 48(878)8 Form#lat.on o- lates an' Lates Monthly Salary CQ7min of 6day 0 Minutes of 2ates 97 days Monthly Salary CQ7min of 6day S Minutes of !$ertime 97days Payroll Management System Page 48 48(87848 Form#lat.on )(mont1 Pay Ste" 6. Monthly Salary < 69 N 6@month "ay Monthly Ste" 9. 6@month Pay Monthly S Months of *or+ N 6@month "ay yearly Ste" @. 6@month "ay yearly S .L7 N6@month "ay gi$en by &ecember Ste" C. 6@month "ay yearly S .@7 N6@month "ay gi$en by March 48(878(8 Form#lat.on aA Re-#n' Ta, 3efund N Mearly Ta, 'om"utation 0 Mearly Ta, 'ontribution 48(8;8 Cas1 A'2ance 'ash ad$ance *ill be limited to 6thousan a month only. EAternal 48(8)*8)8 Contr.,#t.on an' loan Rem.ttances 3emittance *ill only be done after the accom"lishing the necessary re%uired form gi$en by the SSS) P(J0IIJ) P1I21>(2T1 and other remittance offices. 4848)*848 :an& ransact.on Payroll Management System Page 49 The Treasurer *ill recei$e a re"ort from the (ccounting 'ler+ on the total amount to transfer) by fund) into the Payroll chec+ing account to co$er the chec+s issued and the ban+ *ill res"onsible to di$ide the de"osited chec+ to distribute to the list account on the re"ort gi$en by the accountant. 48+8 D.saster Reco2ery Plan &isaster reco$ery is the "rocess) "olicies and "rocedures related to "re"aring for reco$ery or continuation of technology infrastructure critical to an organi-ation after a natural or human0induced disaster. &isaster reco$ery is a subset of business continuity. 5hile business continuity in$ol$es "lanning for +ee"ing all as"ects of a business functioning in the midst of disru"ti$e e$ents) disaster reco$ery focuses on the IT or technology systems that su""ort business functions. 48+8)8 Plan A$ Main database *ill be located on a area that is *ater "roof) fire "roof to ha$e ma,imum security for the system and database that can only be access solely by an administrator this is to "re$ent any forms of loss) lea+age) corru"tion and tam"ering of the data.s due to other uncontrollable and unforeseen circumstances. 48+848 Plan :$ System Payroll Management System Page 50 The 2(B0 ased Time Kee"ing and Payroll using iometrics for lanco /amily (cademy system *ill be u"loaded to *** a hosting *eb site *here you can u"load unlimited storage u" to of 977 M "er file GCJ for Pro users and 67J for usiness users; Media/ire does not enforce *aiting times for do*nloads) limit simultaneous do*nloading or set band*idth limits. The admin of the system *ill solely assign this for the bac+u". Data,ase The &atabase of this system is u"loaded also to Media/ire e$ery end of the day to bac+0u" the record file of this system. The admin of this system assign to u"date bac+0u". 4868 Data Lang#age The Pro"onents use Microsoft Iisual asic 977Q >,"ress edition the system can be u"date *ith the latest Microsoft Iisual asic "rogramming language by the "rogrammer *hen it.s necessary. (8 Econom.c Feas.,.l.ty (hi i where the feai%ility !ould %e eta%lihed %y !ondu!ting a 0arket Analyi or Cot Benefit Analyi. (he reear!her !ould !hooe the appropriate tool. 1f the propoed oftware i !utomi+ed for a parti!ular !ompany and there Payroll Management System Page 51 will a %ai for the !omputation of the operating !ot* %enefit* 'eturn on 1n)etment ('21)* .ay%a!k .eriod. (he reear!her hould preent under thi u%e!tion* the formula he3he will ue in eta%lihing the e!onomi! feai%ility of hi3her tudie. (8) costs$ !"erating costs stated the annual of "ersonnel e,"ense) su""lies and e%ui"ment cost re%uired for the e,isting and "ro"osed system) the use of this is to com"are both of them to analy-e *hich sa$e more. The total annual cost for e,isting is Ph".@QL)LQC.97 and in the total annual cost for "ro"osed is Ph".6=E)L7@.=D (See Appendix # for "!onomi! Feai%ility Study) (84 De2elopment costs$ &e$elo"ment cost is incurred during the de$elo"ment of the system are one time in$estment) its Include the (de%uate Soft*are) 1ard*are re%uirements) labor cost) su""lies cost) electric consum"tion) food and trans"ortation cost. (nd total de$elo"ment cost is Ph".99)=DE.DL (See Appendix #. "!onomi! Feai%ility Study) (8( Cost an' :ene-.ts Analys.s Payroll Management System Page 52 'ost benefit analysis G'(; it is im"ortant to identify cost and benefit factors. It.s a techni%ue designed to determine the feasibility of a "roject or "lan by %uantifying its cost and benefits. Through this analysis you *ill be able to com"ute the total cost sa$ing) "aybac+ "eriod and net sa$ing by use of this formulation.(See Appendix #. "!onomi! Feai%ility Study) Ann#al Cost N >,isting 'ost H Pro"osed 'ost Pay,ac& Per.o' N (nnual 'ost < Present Ialue Net N >nd 'umulati$e Present Ialue H Total &e$elo"ment 'ost (8+ Ret#rn o- In2estment CROID ( "erformance measure used to e$aluate the efficiency of an in$estment or to com"are the efficiency of a number of different in$estments. To calculate 3!I) the benefit Greturn; of an in$estment is di$ided by the cost of the in$estmentF the result is e,"ressed as a "ercentage or a ratio. The return on in&estment 'ormula( 3eturn of In$estment G3!I; GD years; N GG>nd 'umulati$e Present Ialue H Total &e$elo"ment 'ost < >nd 'umulati$e Present Ialue; S 677 Payroll Management System Page 53 The Kend cumulati$e "resent $alueK formula refers to the "roceeds obtained from selling the in$estment of interest. 3eturn on in$estment is a $ery "o"ular metric because of its $ersatility and sim"licity. That is) if an in$estment does not ha$e a "ositi$e 3!I) or if there are other o""ortunities *ith a higher 3!I) then the in$estment should not be under ta+en. (See Appendix #. "!onomi! Feai%ility Study) CHAPTER 4 Payroll Management System Page 54 This cha"ter "resents the data gathered through the research instrument. These data are analy-ed and statistically treated in order to deri$e inter"retations and inferences. The data are "resented in accordance *ith the statement of the s"ecific "roblem. The >m"loyees of an organi-ation res"ond in terms of gender and age to ans*er the sur$ey form to e,"ress the situation in their time +ee"ing and "ayroll. Table ) Payroll Management System Page 55 S#r2ey Distribution o' Respondents in Terms o' !ender !en'er Employees E Ran& Male 9C CD8 9 /emale @E DD8 6 otal ?* )**E In Table sho*s the distribution of lanco /amily (cademy em"loyees res"ondents in terms of gender. It can be seen from this figure that DD8 of the res"ondents are female *ith a fre%uency of 66. !n the other hand) CD8 of the res"ondents are male *ith a fre%uency of =. It a""ears therefore that there are more female res"ondents than the male res"ondents. Table * Distribution o' Respondents in Terms o' Age Table sho*s the fre%uency of the res"ondents. "rofile in terms of age. The figure sho*s that majority is E78 of the res"ondents are aged 970@7 years. Be,t Payroll Management System Page 56 Age Employees E Ran& 4*5(* @E E78 6 () an' A,o2e 9C C78 9 otal ?* )**E age re$eals *ith a "ercentage of C78 *ere res"ondents *hose ages *ere @6 and abo$e years old. ?uestion no. 6: (re you satisfied in your current Time +ee"ing system using undy cloc+A Table + Distribution o' the Respondents in Terms o' $atis'action o' using Bundy clock in their time keeping Male Female "es 6Q 9C E78 No E 69 C78 otal 4+ (? ?* )**E Table sho*s the distribution of the res"ondents. in terms of satisfaction of >m"loyees in using undy cloc+ in their time +ee"ing. It can be seen from the data that E78 of the em"loyees. res"ondents says yes) that they satisfied of using undy cloc+ in their time +ee"ing) on the other hand C78 says no) that they are not satisfied of using undy cloc+ in their time +ee"ing. ?uestion no. 9: &o you *ant to change your current time +ee"ing and "ayroll system in com"uter time +ee"ing and "ayroll system using biometricsA Payroll Management System Page 57 Table , Distribution o' the Respondents in Terms o' %pgrading in Computeri-e time keeping and Payroll Male Female "es 6Q @7 E78 No C E C78 otal 4+ (? ?* )**E Table sho*s the distribution of the res"ondents. in terms of #"grading in 'om"uteri-e time +ee"ing and Payroll. It can be seen from the data that Q78 of the em"loyees. res"ondents says yes) they *ant to u"grade their current time +ee"ing and "ayroll system into com"uteri-e time +ee"ing and Payroll) on the other hand 978 says no) they don.t *ant to u"grade their current time +ee"ing and "ayroll system into com"uteri-e time +ee"ing and Payroll. ?uestion no. @: &o you thin+ using biometrics is more accurate than using usual time cardA Table . Distribution o' the Respondents in Terms o' biometrics is more accurate than using the usual time card/ Male Female Payroll Management System Page 58 "es 9@ @C E78 No 6 9 C78 otal 4+ (? ?* )**E Table sho*s the distribution of the res"ondents. in terms of iometrics is more accurate than using usual time card. It can be seen from the data that =D8 of the em"loyees. res"ondents says yes) iometrics is more accurate than using usual time card) on the other hand D8 says no) using usual time card is more accurate than iometrics. Project Statement C: &o you agree that im"lementing the "ro"osed system to your com"any *ould lessen the fraud committed by some of the em"loyeesA Table 0 Distribution o' the Respondents in Terms o' proposed system would lessen the 'raud committed by some o' the employees/ Male Female "es 9C @D E78 No 7 6 C78 otal 4+ (? ?* )**E Payroll Management System Page 59 Table sho*s the distribution of the res"ondents. in terms of "ro"osed system *ould lessen the fraud committed by some of the em"loyees. It can be seen from the data that =D8 of the em"loyees. res"ondents says yes) "ro"osed system *ould lessen the fraud committed by some of the em"loyees) on the other hand D8 says no) "ro"osed system *ould not lessen the fraud committed by some of the em"loyees. Project Statement D: &oes the "ro"osed system *ill o"timi-ed the "rocess of the com"any in com"uting *ages and time +ee"ingA Table 1 Distribution o' the Respondents in Terms o' proposed system will optimi-ed the process in computing wages and time keeping/ Male Female "es 9C @E E78 No 7 7 C78 otal 4+ (? ?* )**E Table sho*s the distribution of the res"ondents. in terms of "ro"osed system *ill o"timi-e the "rocess of the com"any in com"uting *ages and time +ee"ing. It can be seen from the data that 6778 of all em"loyees. res"ondents Payroll Management System Page 60 says yes) "ro"osed system *ill o"timi-ed the "rocess of the com"any in com"uting *ages and time +ee"ing. 2e$el of efficiency of the system *hen e$aluated by the #ser >$aluation result of the e,isting) the "rototy"e system and the "ro"osed system in terms of: 'orrectness) 3eliability) >fficiency) Testability and Portability. a,le )* Res#lts o- So-t>are E2al#at.on Accor'.ng to Respon'entIs Category o- System Cr.ter.a ec1n.c al Mea n Nonec1n. cal Mea n ota l Mea n Interpretat. on Ran & Correctness D 9.97 D 9.Q7 9.E7 ( 9 Rel.a,.l.ty D 9.97 D @.77 9.L7 ( 6 E--.c.ency D 9.C7 D 9.Q7 9.D7 ( C Payroll Management System Page 61 @ser esta,.l.ty D 9.97 D 9.E7 9.@7 P D Porta,.l.ty D 9.Q7 D 9.C7 9.E7 ( 9 O2erall Mean 486+ O2erall Interpretat. on$ A Legend( " 4 "x!ellent . 5 .oor & 4 &ood N1 4 Need 1mpro)ement A 4 A)erage The table illustrates the user e$aluation results according to the res"ondents. categoryF the com"uted *eighted mean for 'orrectness corres"onds to a 9.E7 a$erage *hich is inter"reted as ($erage. !n the other hand the com"uted *eighted mean for 3eliability category is 9.L7 *hich describe the analysis as ($erage. ( 9.D7 *eighted mean is seen on the >fficiency category that e%uates to the inter"retation of ($erage) 9.@7 *eighted mean is sho*n on the Testability describe as Poor category and 9.E7 for Portability *hich e%uates to ($erage. The total com"uted *eighted mean for the user e$aluation result is 9.DC *hich describes as the o$erall com"uted mean as ($erage. /rom the tabulated result) the le$el of efficiency of the e,isting system e$aluated is ($erage. Payroll Management System Page 62 a,le )) Res#lts o- So-t>are E2al#at.on Accor'.ng to Respon'entIs Category o- Prototype System Cr.ter.a ec1n.c al Mea n Nonec1n. cal Mea n ota l Mea n Interpretat. on Ran & Correctness D @.77 D @.C7 @.67 ( C Rel.a,.l.ty D 9.E7 D @.Q7 @.@7 ( 9 E--.c.ency D @.97 D @.C7 @.@7 ( 9 esta,.l.ty D @.77 D @.E7 @.C7 J 6 Porta,.l.ty D @.97 D @.C7 @.97 ( @ O2erall Mean (84? O2erall Interpretat. on$ A Legend( " 4 "x!ellent . 5 .oor & 4 &ood N1 4 Need 1mpro)ement A 4 A)erage Payroll Management System Page 63 The table illustrates the user e$aluation results of the "rototy"e system according to the res"ondents. categoryF the com"uted *eighted mean for 'orrectness corres"onds to a @.67 a$erage *hich is inter"reted as ($erage. !n the other hand the com"uted *eighted mean for 3eliability category is @.@7 *hich also describe the analysis as ($erage. ( @.@7 *eighted mean is seen on the >fficiency category that e%uates to the inter"retation of ($erage) @.C7 *eighted mean is sho*n on the Testability category and @.97 for Portability *hich e%uates to ($erage. The total com"uted *eighted mean for the user e$aluation result is @.9E *hich describes as the o$erall com"uted mean as ($erage. /rom the tabulated result) the le$el of effecti$eness of the "rototy"e system e$aluated is ($erage. Payroll Management System Page 64 a,le )4 Res#lts o- So-t>are E2al#at.on Accor'.ng to Respon'entIs Category o- Propose' System Legend( " 4 "x!ellent . 5 .oor & 4 &ood N1 4 Need 1mpro)ement A 4 A)erage Payroll Management System Page 65 Cr.ter.a Mean Mean otal Mean Interpretat.on Ran& Correctness D C.77 D C.97 @.=7 J 9 Rel.a,.l.ty D @.C7 D C.E7 C.67 J 6 E--.c.ency D @.E7 D C.97 C.67 J 6 esta,.l.ty D @.E7 D C.97 @.=7 J 9 Porta,.l.ty D @.Q7 D C.97 C.67 J 6 O2erall Mean +8*4 O2erall Interpretat.on$ ! The table illustrates the user e$aluation results of the "ro"osed system according to the res"ondent.s categoryF the com"uted *eighted mean for 'orrectness corres"onds to a @.=7 a$erage *hich is inter"reted as Jood. !n the other hand the com"uted *eighted mean for #ser 3eliability category is C.67 *hich describe the analysis as Jood. C.67 *eighted mean is seen on the >fficiency category that e%uates to the inter"retation of Jood) @.=7 *eighted mean is sho*n on the Testability category and C.67 for Portability *hich e%uates to Jood. The total com"uted *eighted mean for the user e$aluation result is C.79 *hich describes as the o$erall com"uted mean as Jood. /rom the tabulated result) the le$el of effecti$eness of the "ro"osed system e$aluated is good. C8 System a,le )( Percentage o- t1e System E--.c.ency E2al#ate' ,y t1e System Res#lt Payroll Management System Page 66 System ( 4 ) AB! :loc& an' %1.te :oA Q L D 9.6D @n.t = Q @ 9.@7 Sec#r.ty 67 = 6 9.CD Integrat.on 69 E 9 9.D7 No8 o- Respon'ents 97 O2erall Interpretat.on$ 48(6 CF#ll Compl.anceD ('eult of Sytem (eting in term of "xpertie) The Table illustrates the system testing according to the field e,"ertise) the a$erage measurement of loc+ and 5hite testing 9.6D) for the a$erage measurement of #nit Testing 9.@7) for the a$erage measurement of system testing 9.CD and for the a$erage measurement of integration testing 9.@D. The res"ondents ga$e higher rating on system testing of 9.D7 than res"ondents *ho ga$e lo* rate of 9.6D. The total com"uter *eighted mean for the system e$aluation result is 9.@D *hich describes as /ull 'om"liance. There is no significant difference bet*een effecti$eness of the system e$aluated by the user e$aluation result of the "resent) the "ro"osed system and the "rototy"e system in terms of: 'orrectness) 3eliability) >fficiency) Testability and Portability. a,le )+ Res#lt o- So-t>are E2al#at.on comp#te' .n One >ay ANOBA A2eJE2al S#m o- S/#ares D- Mean S/#are F S.g Payroll Management System Page 67 :et>een !ro#ps 6E.=6L 66 6.D@Q Q.=LQ 7.777 %.t1.n !ro#ps @.7Q@ 6Q 7.6L6 otal 97.777 9= a,le )6 Res#lt o- So-t>are E2al#at.on$ Prototype an' Propose' System Payroll Management System Page 68 A2eJRes#lt A2eJProt A2eJProp Mean 9.DC @.9E C.79 Interpretat.on ($erage ($erage Jood The Table illustrate the com"uted difference *as found to be significant since the com"uted $alue 9.DC from the >,isting System) and @.9E from the Prototy"e System is less than the tabular $alue of the Pro"osed System *hich e%uates to C.79 *ith this result the researcher rejects the null hy"othesis that there is no significant difference bet*een the effecti$eness of the system e$aluated by the user e$aluation result of the "resent) the "ro"osed system and the "rototy"e system. CHAPTER 5 The system "ro"osal entitled Payroll Management System *ill be beneficial to the com"any for ma,imi-ing its "rofitsF and minimi-ing man"o*er and additional e%ui"ments necessary for 2(B0ased Time +ee"ing and Payroll System. Payroll Management System Page 69 Concl#s.on 5ith the use of this ne* system) com"utations and gathering are all accurate) &ata mani"ulating and "rocessing are e,"edited) re"ort generations ate faster and security for the held are better) and consumes less office s"ace) a "o*erful business tool that *ould greatly aid u"dating of ne* time +ee"ing and "ayroll system. The com"uted difference *as found to be significant since the com"uted $alue 9.DC from the >,isting System) and @.9E from the Prototy"e System is less than the tabular $alue of the Pro"osed System *hich e%uates to C.79 *ith this result the researcher rejects the null hy"othesis that there is no significant difference bet*een the effecti$eness of the system e$aluated by the user e$aluation result of the "resent) the "ro"osed system and the "rototy"e system. This 2(B0ased Time+ee"ing and Payroll System by using iometrics thus increasing effecti$eness by a $ery considerable amount. ased on the "erformance of the 2(B0ased Time+ee"ing and Payroll system using iometrics) the researchers highly recommend that this study be im"lemented to any com"any and other "ossible branches. (lso *ith its de"endable "erformance and easy to use "rocedures) this study can be a great hel" Payroll Management System Page 70 Recommen'at.on 0 LAN-BASED TIMEKEEPING AND PAYROLL SYSTEM FOR BLANCO FAMILY ACADEMY Employee Human Reou!"e A""oun#an# Payl$p F$n%e!P!$n# In&al$' F$n%e! P!$n# Pay!oll Repo!# Lo%$n Employee De#a$l SSS(P)$lHeal#)( Pa%-I*$%( TA+ De#a$l SSS(P)$lHeal#)( Pa%-I*$%( TA+ De#a$l Pay!oll Repo!# Employee De#a$l Lo%$n for com"anies and organi-ations concerning their Time Kee"ing and Payroll system using iometrics. Appen'.A A ConteAt D.agram Payroll Management System Page 71 F.g#re +8)$ ConteAt D.agram -or .me & an' Payroll System Appen'.A : Payroll Management System Page 72 Data Flo> D.agram F.g#re 6$ Data Flo> D.agram -or .me & an' Payroll System Appen'.A C Payroll Management System Page 73 , -al$'a#e F$n%e!p!$n# Employee D, Employee F$le F$n%e!p!$n# In&al$' F$n%e!p!$n# Employee A##en'an"e Re"o!' Employee Re"o!' . Compu#e G!o Pay D. De'u"#$on F$le /0 A'' Employee A""oun#an#1 A'm$n Employee De#a$l Employee De#a$l Compu#e' G!o Pay 2 Compu#e Ne# Pay D2 De'u"#$on Ta*le 3SSS( P)$lHeal#)( Pa%-I*$%4 5 Gene!a#e Payl$p 6 Gene!a#e pay!oll Repo!# D, Employee F$le D. De'u"#$on F$le A'm$n A""oun#an# Payl$p De#a$l 3Employee !e"o!'( De'u"#$on De#a$l4 De'u"#$on De#a$l Employee A##en'an"e Re"o!' Compu#e' De'u"#$on 3SSS( Pa%-I*$%( P)$lHeal#) ( 7$#)Hol'$n% Ta84 Compu#e' G!o Pay SSS( Pa%-I*$%( P)$lHeal#) De'u"#$on Compu#e' pay!oll 3Ne# pay( De'u"#$on4 D, Employee F$le Employee Payl$p Pay!oll Repo!# Pay!oll Repo!# 0 9p'a#e De'u"#$on o! Employee F$le D. De'u"#$on F$le D5 7$#))ol'$n% Ta8 D2 De'u"#$on 3SSS( Pa%-I*$%( P)$lHeal#)4 A'm$n1A""oun#an# Employee De#a$l De'u"#$on De#a$l SSS( Pa%-I*$%( P)$lHeal#) De'u"#$on 7$#))ol'$n% Ta8 Compu#e' Pay!oll 3ne# pay 'e'u"#$on4 De'u"#$on 'e#a$l( Employee 'e#a$l SSS( Pa%-I*$%( P)$lHeal#) De'u"#$on Human Reou!"e A'' Employee Se# Ba$" Sala!y Allo:an"e De'u"#$on an' Loan En#e! Ne: Employee $n;o!ma#$on Employee F$n%e! P!$n# Re%$#!a#$on S"ann$n% F$n%e! P!$n# T$me In < Ou# Cal"ula#e To#al )ou! o; :o!=e' Cal"ula#$n% Pay!oll P!o"ee Payl$p T$me)ee# Cal"ula#$n% all #)e Ea!n$n% an' De'u"#$on Payl$p Employee Repo!# T$me=eep$n% An' Pay!oll Re#!$e&e Ol' Employee Re"o!' System Flo>c1art F.g#re ?$ System Flo>c1art -or .me & an' Payroll System Appen'.A D Payroll Management System Page 74 Inp#t Process O#tp#t F.g#re =$ Inp#t Process O#tp#t -or .me & an' Payroll System Payroll Management System Page 75 Employee Mana%emen# A''( E'$#( Dele#e( a&e(< ea!") Employee( Se# ala!y> Ne: employee !e"o!' a''e' F$n%e! P!$n# Re%$#!a#$on Sea!") Employee( e# name o; F$n%e! #o *e en!olle'1"an> Ne: employee ;$n%e! p!$n# !e"o!' a''e' A##en'an"e Mon$#o!$n% Re#!$e&e #)e employee In an' ou#> A##en'an"e1Da$ly #$me !e"o!' Pay!oll T!ana"#$on Sea!") employee( S")e'ule In;o!ma#$on Gene!a#e Pay!oll P!$n# Payl$p Repo!# Loan Se##$n% #)e loan #ype( amoun# an' paymen# pe!$o' Ne: loan a''e' #o employee !e"o!' Lea&e Se# #)e lea&e 'a#e ;o! employee Ne: lea&e a''e' #o employee !e"o!' Hol$'ay Se# Hol$'ay Ne: )ol$'ay Re"o!' a''e' Repo!# Gene!a#$n% Repo!# ;o! payl$p( Ta8e an' #$me)ee# Summa!y Repo!# A""e Con#!ol P!$&$le%e #o a""e ome ope!a#$on 9e! p!$&$le%e up'a#e Input Process Output , . 2 5 6 / 0 ? @ Proponents: C)e#e! I> Ba!!y an' Aoemel A> -alenBuela Program: LAN-BASED T$me=eep$n% an' Pay!oll Sy#em u$n% B$ome#!$" ;o! Pa%-IBIG Fun' Module: ,>0 F.g#re =8)$ Inp#t Process O#tp#t -or .me & an' Payroll System Payroll Management System Page 76 P!oponen#C C)e#e! I> Ba!!y an' Aoemel -alenBuela P!o%!amC LAN-BASED T$me=eep$n% an' Pay!oll Sy#em u$n% B$ome#!$" ;o! Blan"o Fam$ly A"a'emy Mo'uleC ,>, Employee Mana%emen# INP9T PROCESS O9TP9T A'' Ne: EmployeeD In;o!ma#$on Inpu# an' Sa&e EmployeeD In;o!ma#$on Ne: Employee In;o!ma#$on E'$# EmployeeD In;o!ma#$on Sea!") Employee an' e'$# Employee In;o!ma#$on up'a#e' Se# S")e'ule Sea!") Employee #o *e S")e'ule' Employee S")e'ule 9p'a#e' Se# Employee Sala!y Inpu# Ba$" Sala!y Ra#e An' !ee# 'e'u"#$on Employee Sala!y 9p'a#e' P!oponen#C C)e#e! I> Ba!!y an' Aoemel -alenBuela P!o%!amC LAN-BASED T$me=eep$n% an' Pay!oll Sy#em u$n% B$ome#!$" ;o! Blan"o Fam$ly A"a'emy Mo'uleC ,>. F$n%e! P!$n# Re%$#!a#$on INP9T PROCESS O9TP9T Employee Name ReEue# Se# Name o; F$n%e! P!$n# -al$'a#$n% Employee F$n%e!p!$n# F$n%e! #o *e en!olle' S"ann$n% o; F$n%e!p!$n# Employee F$n%e!p!$n# up'a#e' F.g#re =84$ Inp#t Process O#tp#t -or .me & an' Payroll System Payroll Management System Page 77 P!oponen#C C)e#e! I> Ba!!y an' Aoemel -alenBuela P!o%!amC LAN-BASED T$me=eep$n% an' Pay!oll Sy#em u$n% B$ome#!$" ;o! Blan"o Fam$ly A"a'emy Mo'uleC ,>2 A##en'an"e Mon$#o!$n% INP9T PROCESS O9TP9T S"ann$n% o; Employee F$n%e!p!$n# -e!$;y$n% #)e F$n%e! P!$n# Lo%$n1Lo%ou# T$me lo% up'a#e' Manual Inpu# o; T$me Ge##$n% #)e S")e'ule #o *e Lo%%e' T$me lo% up'a#e' P!oponen#C C)e#e! I> Ba!!y an' Aoemel -alenBuela P!o%!amC LAN-BASED T$me=eep$n% an' Pay!oll Sy#em u$n% B$ome#!$" ;o! Blan"o Fam$ly A"a'emy Mo'uleC ,>5 Pay!oll T!ana"#$on INP9T PROCESS O9TP9T Employee Name Gene!a#e #)e employeeD Pay!oll Pay!oll Reul# P!oponen#C C)e#e! I> Ba!!y an' Aoemel -alenBuela P!o%!amC LAN-BASED T$me=eep$n% an' Pay!oll Sy#em u$n% B$ome#!$" ;o! Blan"o Fam$ly A"a'emy Mo'uleC ,>6 Loan INP9T PROCESS O9TP9T Sea!") Employee Name Se# Type o; Loan an' In#e!e# An' Amo!#$Ba#$on Pe!$o' Loan 9p'a#e' Inpu# amoun# o; "a) a'&an"e C)e"=$n% o; "a) #o *e *o!!o:e' Ca) a'&an"e up'a#e' F.g#re =8($ Inp#t Process O#tp#t -or .me & an' Payroll System Payroll Management System Page 78 P!oponen#C C)e#e! I> Ba!!y an' Aoemel -alenBuela P!o%!amC LAN-BASED T$me=eep$n% an' Pay!oll Sy#em u$n% B$ome#!$" ;o! Blan"o Fam$ly A"a'emy Mo'uleC ,>/ Lea&e INP9T PROCESS O9TP9T Se# Da#e Pe!$o' #o *e u*m$##e' C)e"=$n% o; #ype o; Lea&e Ne: Lea&e F$le P!oponen#C C)e#e! I> Ba!!y an' Aoemel -alenBuela P!o%!amC LAN-BASED T$me=eep$n% an' Pay!oll Sy#em u$n% B$ome#!$" ;o! Blan"o Fam$ly A"a'emy Mo'uleC ,>0 Hol$'ay INP9T PROCESS O9TP9T Se# Type o; Hol$'ay A''( 'ele#e an' a&e #ype o; Hol$'ay Ne: Hol$'ay A''e' P!oponen#C C)e#e! I> Ba!!y an' Aoemel -alenBuela P!o%!amC LAN-BASED T$me=eep$n% an' Pay!oll Sy#em u$n% B$ome#!$" ;o! Blan"o Fam$ly A"a'emy Mo'uleC ,>? Repo!# INP9T PROCESS O9TP9T Sele"# #ype o; !epo!# Se##$n% #)e name o; employee( mon#) an' yea! -$e: Repo!# P!oponen#C C)e#e! I> Ba!!y an' Aoemel -alenBuela P!o%!amC LAN-BASED T$me=eep$n% an' Pay!oll Sy#em u$n% B$ome#!$" ;o! Blan"o Fam$ly A"a'emy Mo'uleC ,>@ A""e Con#!ol INP9T PROCESS O9TP9T Sele"# 9e! En!olle' e"#$on #o *e a""ee' *y a ue! Ne: 9e! A''e' Appen'.A E B.s#al a,le o- Contents CBOCD F.g#re 7$ B.s#al a,le o- Content -or .me & an' Payroll System F.g#re 78)$ F.nger Pr.nt Reg.strat.on Payroll Management System Page 79 1.0 T$me=eep$n% an' Pay!oll Sy#em 1.1 Employee Mana%emen# 1.2 F$n%e! P!$n# Re%$#!a#$on 1.3 A##en'an"e Mon$#o!$n% 1.4 Pay!oll T!ana"#$on 1.5 Loan 1.6 Lea&e 1.7 Hol$'ay 1.8 Repo!# 1.9 A""e Con#!ol 1.2 F$n%e! P!$n# Re%$#!a#$on 1.2.1 Sea!") Employee 1.2.2 S"an F$n%e! F.g#re 784$ Employee Management F.g#re 78($ Atten'ance Payroll Management System Page 80 1.1 Employee Mana%emen# 1.1.1 A'' Employee 1.1.2 E'$# Employee 1.1.3 Dele#e Employee 1.1.4 Sa&e Employee 1.1.5 Se# Sala!y 1.1.6 Se# S")e'ule 1.1.7 Sea!") Employee 1.3 A##en'an"e Mon$#o!$n% 1.3.1 T$me In < Ou# I'en#$;$e! F.g#re 78+$ Payroll ransact.on F.g#re 786$ Loan Payroll Management System Page 81 1.4 Pay!oll T!ana"#$on 1.4.1 Sea!") Employee 1.4.2 Cal"ula#e 1.4.3 P!$n# 1.4.4 S")e'ule In;o!ma#$on 1.5 Loan 1.5.1 Sea!") Employee 1.5.2 Loan Type 1.5.3 Loan Amoun# 1.5.4 Amoun# Pe!$o' 1.6 Lea&e 1.6.1 Sea!") Employee 1.6.2 Se# Da#e 1.6.3 Su*m$# Lea&e F.g#re 78?$ Lea2e F.g#re 78=$ Hol.'ay Payroll Management System Page 82 1.7 Hol$'ay 1.7.1 Se# Hol$'ay 1.7.2 Sa&e 1.7.3 Dele#e F.g#re 787$ Reports F.g#re 78;$ Access Control Appen'.A F Ent.ty Relat.ons1.p D.agram Payroll Management System Page 83 1.8 Repo!# 1.8.1 Payl$p 1.8.2 Ta8 1.8.3 SSS 1.8.4 P)$lHeal#) 1.8.5 Pa%-IBIG 1.8.6 T$me)ee# 1.8.7 Loan Con#!$*u#$on 1.8.8 ,2 #) Mon#) 1.8.9 Ta8 Re;un' 1.9 A""e Con#!ol 1.9.1 Sele"# 9e! 1.9.2 En!olle' 1.9.3 Non En!olle' 1.9.4 Su*m$# 1.9.5 Can"el 1.9.6 Se# 9e!name < Pa:o!' F.g#re ;$ Ent.ty Relat.on D.agram o- .me an' Payroll System Payroll Management System Page 84 A'm$n Re%$#e! Employee 7o!= Fo! Depa!#men# F$le Re"o!' Ha Da$ly T$me Re"o!' Goe To A""oun#an# D$#!$*u#e Payl$p Employee Compu#e De'u"#$on EmployeeD Sala!y De#e!m$ne Loan < Ta8e EmployeeID Name Empname A''!e EmployeeID Po$#$on D$&$$on A%e S#a#u Po$#$on Po$#$onID Po$#$onName Dep#ID Dep#Name Da#e T$me In < Ou# Depa!#men# Po$#$on EmployeeID Name Depa!#men# IT7 3BIR4 Pa%IBIG G!o Pay Ne# Pay SSS P)$lHeal#) Appen'.A ! Econom.c Feas.,.l.ty 2PRAT32N C2$T "4isting 'or a Pen 5anu'acturing Company# A. Personnel Monthly (nnually G9; Payroll Personnel T 6E)777 @9)7777.77 @QC)777.77 (43***8** (7+3***8** :8 G9; 2og boo+ T QD.77 6L7.77 9)7C7.77 GD; all "en T L.77 @D.77 C97.77 G9; T*o small bo, sta"le *ire T 6=.9D @Q.7D CE9.77 G6; 2i%uid eraser T 9D.77 9D.77 @77.77 G6; Small bo, of "a"er cli" T 96.77 96.77 9D9.77 otal Cost 47;8*6 (3+=+8** C8 E/#.pment G6; 'alculator T 9L7 Sal$age $alue N 9L7.77 S .9 F 6+8** &escri"tion $alue N 9L7.77 H DC.77 6 F 4)?8**Gyear Payroll Management System Page 85 G6; Medium sta"ler T LD.77 Sal$age $alue N LD.77 S .9 N 6D.77 &escri"tion $alue N LD.77 H 6D.77 6 F ?*8**Gyear G6; 69inch ruler T 9C.77 Sal$age $alue N 9C.77 S .9 F +87* &escri"tion $alue N 9C.77 H C.Q7.77 6 F);84*Gyear otal E/#.pment Cost$ ()*84* A. Personnel @QC)777.77 B. Su""lies @)CLC.77 '. >%ui"ment @67.97 otal Ann#al Cost SystemD (7=3=7+84* 2PRAT32N C2$T "Proposed# Payroll Management System Page 86 A. Personnel Monthly (nnually G6; Payroll Personnel T 6E)777 6E)777.77 6=9)777.77 ((he other peronnel will %e aign )?3***8** );43***8** .ro)ided a new 6o% de!ription %y the employer) :8 G9; all "en T L.77 6C.77 6EQ.77 GC; /older T Q.77 @9.77 @QC.77 GC; /astener T @.77 69.77 6CC.77 G6; 3eam bond "a"er T 6E7.77 6E7.77 6)=97.77 4)78** 43?)?8** C8 E/#.pment G6; Medium sta"ler T LD.77 Sal$age $alue N LD.77 S .9 F )68** &escri"tion $alue N LD.77 H 6D.77 6 F?*8**Gyear G6; 'anon "rinter T ED9D.77 Sal$age $alue N ED9D.77 S .9 F )3(*68** &escri"tion $alue N ED9D.77 H 6@7D.77 @ Payroll Management System Page 87 F)3=+*8**Gyear 6!P 2(B '(2> T Q77.77 Sal$age $alue N Q77.77 S .9 F )?*8** &escri"tion $alue N Q77.77 H 67D.77 @ F4)(8((Gyear 6!P 3JCD T 6D7 .77 Sal$age $alue N6D7.77 S .9 F (*8** &escri"tion $alue N 6D7.77 H @7.77 @ F+*8**Gyear G6; 3outer T 6@=Q .77 Sal$age $alue N6@=Q.77 S .9 F 4=*8*? &escri"tion $alue N6@=Q.77 H 9L7.7E @ F(=68*7Gyear otal E/#.pment Cost$ 647*8(( A. Personnel 6=9)777.77 :8 Su""lies 9)@E=.6@ C8 >%ui"ment 9@@C.Q9 Payroll Management System Page 88 otal Ann#al Cost CPropose' SystemD );?=*(8;6 De&elopment Cost A8 Har'>are Cost G@; 'om"uter set T 6E6Q6.77 &iamond >$olution 2'&6L inch Monitor N D7Q9.77 &iamond >$olution (I3 N D@D.77 &iamond >$olution Mouse N 6D7.77 &iamond >$olution Key oard N 9D7.77 &iamond >$olution &es+to" N676EC.77 &es+to" S"ecs. Internal Memory 3(M N 9.77J 1ard &is+ 'a"acity NE7.77J Processor N Intel Pentium 6.E7J1R Iideo 'ard NC77 @77 (JP 5indo* System Ty"e N MS 5indo*L @9bit Sal$age $alue N CQDC@.77 S .9 F ;=*78*? &escri"tion $alue N CQDC@.77 H =L7Q.7E Payroll Management System Page 89 @ F)43;++8;7Gyear G6; iometrics T CD77.77 Sal$age $alue N CD77.77 S .9 F ;**8** &escri"tion $alue N CD77.77 H =77.77 @ F)4**8**Gyear 6!P 2(B '(2> T Q77.77 Sal$age $alue N Q77.77 S .9 F )?*8** &escri"tion $alue N Q77.77 H 67D.77 @ F4)(8(( year 6!P 3JCD T 6D7 .77 Sal$age $alue N6D7.77 S .9 F (*8** &escri"tion $alue N6D7.77 H @7.77 @ F+*8**Gyear G6; 3outer T 6@=Q .77 Sal$age $alue N 6@=Q.77 S .9 F 4=*8? Payroll Management System Page 90 &escri"tion $alue N6@=Q.77 H 9L7.E @ F(=687Gyear G6; 'anon "rinter T ED9D.77 Sal$age $alue N ED9D.77 S .9 F )(*68** &escri"tion $alue N ED9D.77 H 6@7D.77 @ F)=+*8**Gyear otal Har'>are Cost )?)(78() :8 So-t>are Cost C6; Iisual Studio 977Q T 6Q9D.77 Sal$age $alue N6Q9D.77 S .9 F (?68** &escri"tion $alue N6Q9D.77 H @ED.77 @ F +7?84? otal So-t>are Cost +7?84? C8 La,or Cost Programmer 69)777 "er Month N CQ777.77 otal La,or Cost N CQ777.77 Payroll Management System Page 91 D8 Cost Printer In+ D77.77 3eam bond "a"er 6E7.77 all "en L.77 &I&03 6D.77 otal La,or Cost ?748** E8 Electr.c Cons#mpt.on Cost /lorescent 9D*atts S 1rs usage in C months< Cmonths 9D*atts S 69Q < C N Q77.77 'om"uter 997$ S 1rs usage in C months< Cmonths 997$ S 69Q < C N 9DE7.77
otal La,or Cost (?6*8** F8 Foo' an' ransportat.on Cost 4***8** (. 1ard*are 'ost 6E)6@Q.@6 B. Soft*are 'ost CQE.9E C. 2abor 'ost CQ)777.77 D. Su""lies 'ost EQ9.77 E. >lectric 'onsum"tion 'ost @)ED7.77 /. /ood and Trans"ortation 'ost 9)777.77 otal De2elopment Cost 443;6?86= Payroll Management System Page 92 Cost and Bene'its Analysis Cost (7=3=7+84* Propose' System Cost );?3=*(8;6 Ann#al Cost );)3;7*846 "EAR ANN@AL COS :ENEFI PRESEN BAL@E C@MMLAIBE PRESEN BAL@E ) );)3;7*846 )=)3+(78** )=)3+(78** 4 );)3;7*846 )6(34**8** (4+3?478** ( );)3;7*846 )(?3?;*8** +?)3()78** + );)3;7*846 )443*;;8** 67(3+)=8** 6 );)3;7*846 )*7376(8** ?;434=*8** o get t1e Present Bal#e$ Payroll Management System Page 93 Present Ialue N6=6)=Q7.9DS 6 G6U69<677; N6=6)=Q7.9DS 6 < G6.69; N6=6)=Q7.9DS .Q=@ 6L6)C@Q.77 -or -.rst year Present Ialue N6=6)=Q7.9DS 6 G6U69<677;9 N6=6)=Q7.9DS 6 < G6.69 , 6.69; N6=6)=Q7.9DS .L=L 6D@)977.77 -or secon' year Present Ialue N6=6)=Q7.9DS 6 G6U69<677;@ N6=6)=Q7.9DS 6 < G6.69 , 6.69 , 6.69; N6=6)=Q7.9DS .L69 6@E)E=7.77 -or t1.r' year Present Ialue N6=6)=Q7.9DS 6 G6U69<677;C N6=6)=Q7.9DS 6 < G6.69 , 6.69 , 6.69 , 6.69; N6=6)=Q7.9DS .E@E 699)7==.77 -or -o#rt1 year Present Ialue N6=6)=Q7.9DS 6 G6U69<677;D N6=6)=Q7.9DS 6 < G6.69 , 6.69 , 6.69 , 6.69 ,6.69; N6=6)=Q7.9DS .DEL 67Q)QD@.77 -or -.-t1 year o get t1e pay,ac& per.o'$ Form#la$ Pay,ac& Per.o' F Ann#al Cost G Present Bal#e Payroll Management System Page 94 Pay,ac& Per.o' per "ear Ann#al Cost Present Bal#e )8));7 "EAR ) );)3;7*846 )=)3+(78** )846() "EAR 4 );)3;7*846 )6(34**8** )846() "EAR ( );)3;7*846 )(?3?;*8** )86=4("EAR + );)3;7*846 )443*;;8** )8=?(?= "EAR 6 );)3;7*846 )*7376(8** o get t1e net$ Form#la$ Net F En' C#m#lat.2e Present Bal#e K otal De2elopment Cost Net per "ear En' C#m#lat.2e Present Bal#e otal De2elopment Cost )+73+7)8+( year) )=)3+(78** 443;6?86= (*)3 ?=)8+( year4 (4+3?478** 443;6?86= +(73(?)8+(year( +?)3()78** 443;6?86= 6?*3+?*8+(year+ 67(3+)=8** 443;6?86= ??;3()(8+(year6 ?;434=*8** 443;6?86= o get t1e ROI$ Form#la$ Payroll Management System Page 95 Ret#rn o- In2estment CROID C6 yearsD F CCEn' C#m#lat.2e Present Bal#e K otal De2elopment Cost G En' C#m#lat.2e Present Bal#eD H )** Appen'.A H System The !rgani-ation *hich is maintaining most of their day0to0day transactions date in the register Gmanually;. The em"loyees of the organi-ation are doing the *hole *or+ manually. (ll the *or+ is done manually Gmaintained and registers; so different em"loyees are a""ointed for the maintenance of register containing all information related to the organi-ation The Time+ee"ing and Payroll System of any com"any is inaccurate sometimes *hen it comes to com"uting their time logs and "ayroll. (lso) the >m"loyees of the com"any are using undy 'loc+ to indicate in their &ate Payroll Management System Page 96 ROI En' C#m#lat.2e Present Bal#e otal De2elopment Cost En' C#m#lat.2e Present Bal#e 7?8?) "ear ) 6L6)C@Q.77 99)=DE.DL 6L6)C@Q.77 ;48;( "ear 4 @9C)E9Q.77 99)=DE.DL @9C)E9Q.77 ;68*4 "ear ( CE6)@6Q.77 99)=DE.DL CE6)@6Q.77 ;?8*? "ear + DQ@)C6L.77 99)=DE.DL DQ@)C6L.77 ;?8?7 "ear 6 E=9)9L7.77 99)=DE.DL E=9)9L7.77 Time 'ard their time of *or+ in and out e$ery day and the (ccountant administrator based the *ages of each em"loyee in that time 'ard. It is hustle to use and long term creating the "ayroll sli") and the time +ee"ing *hich the 1uman 3esources need to encode all the attendance of em"loyee using s"readsheets. Therefore the 'om"any.s Time Kee"ing and Payroll system need im"ro$ement. Appen'.A I @ser Man#al Payroll Management System Page 97 F.g#re )*$ Ma.n Form Ma.n Form 6.; P.ct#re0 it dis"lay the em"loyee "hoto. 9.; Employee In-ormat.on0 it sho*s the information of the em"loyee that has been logged. @.; Log.n0 it dis"lay the login name and time of the em"loyee. C.; .me0 dis"lay the current time. D.; Logo#t0it dis"lay the logout name and time of the em"loyee. E.; Man#al log.n0 it allo* the user to in"ut the logged manually. F.g#re ))$ Form Man#al Log.n Form Man#al Log.n 6.; @sername0 5here the user in"uts the username. 9.; Pass>or'0 5here the user in"uts the "ass*ord. @.; Log.n0 Submit the username and "ass*ord to enter the /orm schedule. C.; :ac&0cancel the session and to go bac+ to the Main /orm. Payroll Management System Page 98 F.g#re )4$ Form Man#al Form Man#al 6.; Employee In-ormat.on0 Select an >m"loyee that *ill add a date and time schedule. 9.; Date0 it allo* the user to select a date that *ill to set the schedule. @.; !et Sc1e'#le0 it allo*s the user to $ie* the Schedule. C.; .me0 *here the user in"uts the time of the em"loyee.s time in and out. D.; Sa2e0 it allo*s the user to sa$e the schedule. E.; :ac&0 it allo* the user to close the form and go bac+ to the main form. Payroll Management System Page 99 F.g#re )($ Log.n Form Log.n Form 6.; @sername0 5here the user in"uts the username. 9.; Pass>or'0 5here the user in"uts the "ass*ord. @.; Log.n0 Submit the username and "ass*ord to enter the /orm Management. C.; Cancel 0cancel the session and to go bac+ to the Main /orm. Payroll Management System Page 100 F.g#re )+$ Form Management Form Management 6.; Employee Management0 it allo*s the user to add ne* em"loyee Information) *ere it can be edited) set it salary delete and $ie* the information about the em"loyee. 9.; F.nger Pr.nt Reg.strat.on0 It allo*s the user to select an em"loyee that *ill enroll its finger"rint. @.; Payroll ransact.on0 5here the user select an em"loyee to $ie* the *or+ details and com"ute its salary deduction. C.; Loan0 it allo* the user to $ie*) add a ne* loan and cash ad$ance for an em"loyee. D.; Lea2e0 it allo* the user to set a lea$e for an em"loyee *hether it Iacation) Sic+) Paternal or Maternal lea$e. E.; Hol.'ay0 It set a 1oliday if it.s S"ecial or non *or+ing 1oliday. L.; Reports0 it allo* the user to $ie* all +ind of re"orts. Q.; Control access0 It allo*s the admin to add an account that can be access a limited section in the system. =.; Logo#t0 it allo*s the user to close the /orm Management. Payroll Management System Page 101 F.g#re )6$ Employee Management Form Employee Management Form 6.; Searc10 It allo*s the user to search the name of the >m"loyee. 9.; NeAt < Pre2.o#s H it allo*s the user to $ie* the ne,t or "re$ious >m"loyee. @.; Employee In-ormat.on0 it allo* the user to enter ne* and edit information of the em"loyee. C.; A'' Employee0 *here the user can add ne* em"loyee Information. D.; E'.t Employee0 *here the user can edit the em"loyee information. E.; Salary0 allo*s the user to set the salary for the em"loyee. L.; Set Sc1e'#le0 allo*s the user to set the schedule of the em"loyee Q.; Delete Employee0 *here the user can delete the current em"loyee. =.; Clear0 *here the user can clear the information of the em"loyee. 67.; Sa2e Employee0 allo*s the user to sa$e the ne* em"loyee information. 66.; :ac& H it allo*s the user to go bac+ in the /orm Management Payroll Management System Page 102 F.g#re )?$ Form Sc1e'#le Form Sc1e'#le 6.; Day0 it allo* the user to select the days of *or+ of an em"loyee. 9.; Start .me0 It allo*s the user to select *hat time of start of *or+ on the em"loyee. @.; En' .me0 It allo*s the user to select *hat time of end of *or+ on the em"loyee. C.; A''0 *here the user can add the days and time of schedule of the em"loyee. D.; Delete0 *here the user can remo$e the days of *or+ed the em"loyee. F.g#re )=$ Salary Form Salary Form 6.; Allo>ances0 it allo*s the user to add some aalo*ances into the em"loyee. 9.; Mont1ly Salary0 it allo*s the user to enter the basic salry of the em"loyee. Payroll Management System Page 103 @.; De'#ct.ons0 it allo* the user to see the deductions of SSS) Philhealth and Ta, and its contributions e$ery month. C.; a,le0 it *ill $ie* the deduction table of SSS) Philhealth and Ta,. D.; Reset0 it resets all the deduction of em"loyee. E.; Sa2e0 it sa$es the deductions of an em"loyee.
F.g#re )7$ F.nger Pr.nt Reg.strat.on Form F.ngerpr.nt Reg.strat.on Form 6.; Emloyeename0 it allo*s the user to select the em"loyee to be registered its finger"rint. 9.; Searc10 it allo*s the user to search em"loyee. @.; Inp#t -.nger0 it allo* the user to select *hat finger to be registered. C.; Reg.ster0 it registered the finger "rint of the em"loyee. D.; Cancel0 cancel the registration of the finger "rint. E.; Sensor0 it recogni-e the finger"rint of em"loyee to be registered. Payroll Management System Page 104 F.g#re );$ Payroll ransact.on Form Payroll ransact.on Form 6.; Searc10 it allo*s the user to search the em"loyee. 9.; Pr.nt0sho*s the "rint results of "aysli" of the em"loyee. @.; Close0it close then form and sto" the transaction. C.; NeAt < Pre2.o#s0 it $ie* the ne,t and "re$ious em"loyee. D.; Late an' H it &is"lay the $alue of lates and o$ertime. E.; %or& Deta.ls0 it sho*s the *or+ed hours) days) "resent absent and lea$e of em"loyee. L.; De'#ct.ons0 it dis"lay the deduction of SSS) Philhealth) Ta, and 2oans. Payroll Management System Page 105 Q.; Mont10 it allo*s the user to select on *hat month of the transaction he<she *ants to transact. =.; "ear0it allo*s theuser yto in"ut on *hat year he<she *ants to transact. 67.; Calc#late0 it com"utes the *or+ed details) !T)2ates adn deductions. 66.; O2ert.me0 it sho*s if the user *ants to add the o$ertime in the com"utations. 69.; B.e> calc#lat.ons0 it allo*s the user to $ie* the com"utations of the transaction. F.g#re 4*$ Loan Form Loan Form 6.; Searc10 it allo*s the user to search the em"loyee.s name. 9.; Loan ype0 it allo*s the user to select on *hat ty"e of loan that it *ill be gi$en to the em"loyee. Payroll Management System Page 106 @.; Loan Amo#nt an' Interest0 it in"uts the amount and interest the loan. C.; Amort.Lat.on Per.o'0 it set the "eriod of starting date to end and ho* long it *ill be a fiished. D.; Comp#te0 it com"utes the loan amount and interest. E.; Sa2e0 sa$e the current ty"e of loan. L.; Cas1 A'2ance Amo#nt0 it in"uts the amount needed by the em"loyee ma,imum of D77 "esos. Q.; Sa2e0 sa$e the cash ad$ance. =.; Cancel0 cancel the transaction. Payroll Management System Page 107 F.g#re 4)$ Lea2e Form Lea2e Form 6.; Searc10 it allo* the user to search the name of em"loyee. 9.; Date Per.o'0it set the date of 2ea$e. @.; ype o- lea2e0 *here the user can select *hat ty"e of lea$e. C.; S#,m.t0 submit the lea$e form of em"loyee. D.; EA.t0 it close the form and bac+ to the /orm Management. F.g#re 44$ Hol.'ay Form Payroll Management System Page 108 Hol.'ay Form 6.; Date0 sets the date of 1oliday. 9.; the user in"uts the descri"tion of holiday. @.; Hol.'ay ype0 it allo*s the user to choose *hat ty"e of holiday he<she *ants to add. C.; A''0 add ne* ty"e of holiday. D.; Sa2e0 sa$es the ne* ty"e of holiday. E.; Delete0 It allo*s the user to delete a ty"e of holiday. L.; :ac&0 it close the form 1oliday. Payroll Management System Page 109 F.g#re 4($ Form Reports Form Reports 6.; Reports0 it allo*s the user to select a ty"e of re"orts. 9.; Report ype0 *here the user can select a ty"e of re"ort *hether its grou" or indi$idual. @.; Searc10 it allo*s the user to search the name of em"loyee. C.; Mont10 it allo*s the user to select *hat month he<she *ants to generate. D.; "ear0 it allo*s the user to select *hat year he<she *ants to generate. E.; !enerate0 it allo*s the user to generate the 3e"ort. Payroll Management System Page 110
56 F.g#re 4+$ Form Access Control Form Access Control 6.; Select #ser H it allo*s the admin to select user that he<she *ants to gi$e some access on the system. 9.; S#,m.t0 it allo*s the admin to submit the enrolled section that *ill be accessed by the user. @.; Cancel0 'ancel the enrolled section . C.; Enrolle' ,#tton0 it allo*s the admin to enroll some section that he<she *ants to gi$e some access in the system. D.; @sername0 it allo*s the user to in"ut its username to accessed the system. E.; Pass>or'0 it allo*s the user to in"ut its "ass*ord to accessed the system. Payroll Management System Page 111 A8 :oo&s Ste$en bragg) -A!!ounting for .ayroll/ "age C90CQ) 977C 5al"ale Myer) Probability Statistics for scientist and >ngineer) Lth edition) :8 9o#rnals an' MagaL.nes Mendr-) (ndre*: Iision &esigner Inc.) 9767 3a+s) 3amon: -(he Computer "dge of the New "mployment and 2pportunitie/* The &aily Star) Page 6C) !ctober 977D. Primer) Thomas: -Automated Computeri+e .ro!e/ 3eaders &igest maga-ine) "age CD) May 977D. etter 1umans: -Sweet Finger.rint/* 977@ 5atson: >SI>S iometrics System) 9766 Johnson: Modern 'om"uter (ccelerates) 6==C Payroll Management System Page 112 :.,l.ograp1y C8 @np#,l.s1e' Mater.als C1esesD (lam) Khan: -Automation of time attendan!e Sytem/) Jagannath #ni$ersity) &ha+a) March 977C. 'om"uter >ngineers: Computeri+ed Daily (ime 'e!ord Sytem/* #>T) &+aha) (ugust 977L. !$ic (lam: Biometri! Attendan!e 'e!ord Sytem/* #ni$ersity of &ha+a) Manila) March 9776. D8 Electron.c So#rces htt":<<***<doc<CD9E9Q99<Thesis060C0ted 5i+i"edia: Terminologies 1tt":<<5i+i" Payroll Management System Page 113