Pef131 PDF
Pef131 PDF
Pef131 PDF
INGS 279
Dear Student
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to this exciting course, The Personnel Function /
Human Resource Management I / Human Relations. This course falls within the field of
human resource management (HRM), which, according to the online Encyclopaedia of
Business (2006), ``entails planning, implementing, and managing recruitment, as well
as selection, training, career, and organizational development initiatives within an
The goal of HRM is to maximize the productivity of an organization by
optimizing the effectiveness of its employees while simultaneously improving the
work life of employees and treating employees as valuable resources.
Consequently, HRM encompasses efforts to promote personal development,
employee satisfaction, and compliance with employment-related laws
(Encyclopaedia of Business, 2006).
To achieve equilibrium between employer and employee goals and needs, this course
will introduce you to the general functions or activities that human resource
practitioners are responsible for in various organisations. These functions include
human resource acquisition, human resource development and utilisation, compensa-
tion and maintenance as well as human relations in organisations. The Encyclopaedia of
Business (2006) describes the first four as follows:
Ð Acquisition entails the hiring of workers most likely to help a company attain its
Ð The development function encompasses the training of workers to perform their
tasks in accordance with company strategy. This activity also involves company
efforts to control and change employee behaviour via reviews, appraisals,
incentives, and discipline.
Ð Compensation covers the payment of employees for their services.
Ð Maintenance requires structuring labor relations Ð the interaction between a
company's management and its unionised employees Ð and ensuring compliance
with government regulations and labour laws.
Finally, the human relations function includes the assessment of human interaction and
promotion of good interpersonal relationships within the organisation.
Icons used in this study guide
The following icons are used throughout this study guide:
The learning outcomes icon indicates what you should be able to achieve
after you have worked through the study guide.
The assessment icon indicates the sections of the study guide where you
must evaluate yourself to determine whether you have mastered the learning
outcomes set for each study unit.
The activity icon refers to activities that you must do in order to develop a
deeper understanding of the learning material. The activities will help you to
understand the study guide and assist you to make mind maps or summaries
that you can use in your preparation for the examination.
Learning outcomes
A learning outcome is a statement indicating the end result for a learner following a
learning activity, usually stated in terms of what a person can observe the learner do
at the end of a learning activity. Therefore, after completing this course, you should
be able to do the following:
Ð Understand and analyse the process of human resource planning in organisa-
Ð Conduct job analysis using different techniques with guidance
Ð Design, implement and evaluate a recruitment programme with guidance
Ð Design, implement and evaluate a selection programme with guidance
Ð Plan, implement and evaluate an employee induction programme with guidance
Ð Facilitate and evaluate the training process
Ð Implement and evaluate the performance management programme with
Ð Conduct career guidance and counselling of others with guidance
Ð Conduct job evaluation using different techniques with guidance
Ð Implement and evaluate the compensation management programme with
Ð Manage and analyse the cost of absenteeism and labour turnover with guidance
Ð Understand yourself and others and manage your and others' disclosure in
interpersonal contacts
Ð Communicate effectively with others and manage the communication process
taking into account the various steps
Ð Express your feelings and understand the feelings of others in interpersonal
Ð Understand and solve conflict situations using diverse techniques
Ð Understand and manage stress using various techniques
Assessment criteria
To master the content of this course and succeed in the examination, you must study
regularly and complete all the activities and self-assessment questions.
Make every effort to answer the self-assessment questions in as detailed a way as
possible. This will help you to assess how well you have mastered the learning
outcomes of the study units concerned. The questions for self-assessment are based on
the learning outcomes listed at the beginning of each study unit, and the learning
outcomes are related to possible examination questions. The questions do not
necessarily apply to a specific study unit but may test your ability to integrate the
content of different parts of the study guide.
Take your time in answering the questions, and if you have difficulty, do not give up Ð,
page back and study the relevant sections carefully again. If you still have problems, do
not hesitate to contact us.
Each of these topics is made up of study units which are structured in the following
Ð An outline of the contents of the study unit
Ð Learning outcomes that you should have achieved after working through the
learning unit
Ð Key concepts
Ð A brief introduction to provide you with background on the particular section
Ð Learning activities that will help you to master the subject matter
Ð Self-assessment questions to help you to achieve the learning outcomes of the
particular study unit
Therefore this study guide should help you to progress steadily through the learning
material of this course. To this end we will expect you to apply certain principles and
practices of HRM to fictitious as well as real life situations. We also encourage you to
relate the content of this course to a practical working environment. Should you not be
employed in a supervisory/managerial position or be responsible for any aspect of
HRM in your organisation, we suggest that you liaise with the HR manager or
practitioner to provide you with advice and relevant supporting documents that may
help you.
If you are unemployed, we suggest that you liaise with an HR practitioner in any
organisation of your choice to enhance your understanding of the application of the HR
processes that are covered in this course. However, your ultimate success in this course
will depend largely on your own ability to achieve the learning outcomes and meet the
assessment criteria. We therefore suggest that you take full responsibility for
empowering yourself in this regard.
Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4
Fundamentals of Human resource Managing compen- Human relations in
human resource development and sation systems and modern organisa-
management utilisation employment rela- tions
Study unit 3: Study unit 8: Study unit 13: Study unit 17:
Process of job analysis Performance manage- Managing labour turn- Interpersonal trust
ment process over
Study unit 4: Study unit 9: Study unit 14: Study unit 18:
Employee recruitment Career management in South African labour Communication pro-
organisations law cess and interpersonal
Study unit 5: Study unit 10: Study unit 19:
Employee selection Job evaluation systems Interpersonal behaviour
and expression of feel-
Study unit 20:
Resolving interpersonal
Study unit 21:
Workplace stress man-
through memorising the learning material but rather through engaging actively with it
and applying its content to the work environment. This study guide has been written in
a practical and user-friendly manner so that you are continuously encouraged to relate
your learning to the work environment. Because this course is based on best standards
in the field of HRM, we recommend that you do the following in order to succeed:
Ð Work actively through the learning material.
Ð Work continuously throughout the year.
Ð Talk to specialists or colleagues working in this field or other learners enrolled for
this course.
Ð Contact the lecturers responsible for this course if you require additional learner
support relating to the outcomes or content of the course.
Ð Complete all the activities and assignments.
Ð Focus on applying what you have learned in the work environment.
Ð Visit all the recommended websites to update your knowledge with the latest
information on a particular topic.
Ð Prepare thoroughly for the examination and start well in advance.
Ð We will provide you with clear indications of what we expect from you in terms of
your assessment.
Ð We will give you timely feedback on assignments.
In conclusion, we believe that once you have read all of the above, you should be able
to work through this study guide with a clear understanding of what is required of you
and of us. If you work through this study guide properly, you should succeed with your
Best wishes, and enjoy this very interesting course!
M C Tshilongamulenzhe, Lecturer
The Personnel Function / Human Resource Management I /
Human Relations
(PEF131-V / MHB101-Q / HUM161-Q)
Department of Human Resource Management
Topic 1
Fundamentals of human resource
Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4
Fundamentals of H u m a n re s o u rc e Managing compen- Human relations in
h u m a n r e s o u r c e development and sation systems and modern organisa-
management utilisation employment rela- tions
Study unit 1:
Introduction to human
resource management
Study unit 2:
Strategic human re-
source planning
Study unit 3:
The process of Job ana-
Study unit 4:
Employee recruitment
Study unit 5:
Employee selection
The human resource management (HRM) function includes a variety of activities, and
key among them is deciding what staffing needs you have and whether to use
independent contractors or hire employees to fill these needs, recruiting and training
the best employees, ensuring they are high performers, dealing with performance
issues, and ensuring your human resource management practices conform with
various regulations and labour laws.
In a nutshell, human resource management involves all those activities and actions
which have to do with getting competent employees (planning, workplace analysis,
recruitment and selection), doing something with them (training, development and
performance management) and looking after them (compensation, good employment
relations and employee assistance programmes).
The aim of this topic is to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the
initial processes of human resource management, such as human resource planning,
job analysis, recruitment and selection.
Topic contents
The topic ``Fundamentals of human resource management'' will include the following
study units:
Study unit 1 Study unit 2 Study unit 3 Study unit 4 Study unit 5
Introduction to Strategic human The process of job Employee recruit- Employee selec-
human resource resource planning analysis ment tion
Study unit 1
Introduction to human resource management
Contents Page
Learning outcomes 3
Key concepts 3
1.1 The importance of human resource management 4
1.1.1 The human factor 4
1.1.2 Co-ordinated, goal-directed teamwork 4
1.1.3 Productivity 5
1.1.4 Quality of working life (QWL) 6
1.2 Human resource management activities 8
1.3 The relationship between strategic planning and human resources 9
1.4 Evaluation of the human resource management function 10
1.5 Human resource management and the legislative framework in South Africa 11
1.6 Summary 12
Self-assessment 12
Learning outcomes
Key concepts
You will need to master the following key concepts in order to meet the study unit
learning outcomes:
Human resource management
Quality of work life
1.1 The importance of human resource management
Human resource management is important in organisations because:
Ð every enterprise is composed of people (the human factor)
Ð these people have to work together as a team to fulfil the organisation's purpose
(i.e. generate its product or service)
Ð they have to be maximally productive
Ð they have to be afforded an acceptable quality of life in the organisation
Let's consider each aspect briefly.
(1) made up of people (2) who perform specialized tasks (3) that are co-
ordinated (4) to enhance the value or utility (5) of some good or service (6)
that is wanted by and provided to a set of customers or clients.
1.1.3 Productivity
Productivity is the measure of the output of goods and services relative to the input of
labour, material and equipment. The higher the productivity of an industry, the better
its competitive position as the unit costs are lower. When productivity increases,
businesses can increase wages and salaries without affecting inflation, thus improving
the standard of living of the people. Improving productivity is not about increasing the
resources, but it is doing better with what you have (Cascio, 2006:22).
Activity 1.1
South Africa has improved from 46th place in 2005 to 44th in 2006 in the World
Competitiveness Yearbook, released by the International Institute for Management
Development (IMD) (
The country performed well in overall government and business efficiency. However,
the country continues consistently to perform poorly in the Human Development
and Employee Productivity Index, especially in the ``people'' dimensions such as
equal employment opportunity, skilled labour, AIDS, worker motivation, alcohol and
drug abuse, values of the society, and competent senior managers, to name a few.
(a) Why do you think South Africa is known as one of the most unproductive
countries in the world?
(b) How do you think quality and productivity in the workplace can be improved?
(c) What do you think South African organisations should do to improve the
country's position in the world competitiveness rankings?
1.1.4 Quality of working life (QWL)
Grobler, WaÈrnich, Carrell, Elbert and Hatfield (2006:24) say that the term ``quality of
working life'' refers to the extent to which employees' personal needs are met through
their work. It includes things like giving workers the opportunity to make decisions
about their jobs, the design of their workplace, and what they need in order to produce
or render a service more effectively.
Improvements in QWL enhance organisational performance and enable companies to
compete in a global environment. QWL tends to increase productivity and decrease
absenteeism and staff turnover. According to Grobler et al. (2006:24), an increasing
number of organisations are providing a good QWL for their employees, for example
through rearranging offices and using de
 cor that promotes a friendly atmosphere and
encourages employees to approach work more creatively.
Another facet of QWL is having fun at what you are doing. Here are some practical
examples of adding fun to the workplace (adapted from Grobler et al., 2006:25):
Ð Bulletin board. Put up a bulletin board near the coffee station or in the
staffroom where people are encouraged to put up their best jokes, or conduct a
``who is this baby today'' contest, with prizes going to winners. Personal
achievements can also be displayed this way.
Ð Theme days. On specific holidays or days like Valentine's Day, Red Nose Day,
Casual Day, etc. employees can dress according to a theme.
Ð Celebrate achievements. When goals, such as completing a project on time,
are achieved, throw an afternoon party to say thank you to all who helped.
Ð Birthday celebrations. Allow small working groups to take their members to
lunch on their birthdays.
Activity 1.2
Can you think of any other ways to improve the quality of working life by adding fun
to the workplace?
As Grobler et al. (2006:25) point out, creating a work environment that minimises the
likelihood of an accident or injury is also a goal of QWL programmes. There are a
number of safety and health issues that can be addressed. Grobler et al. (2006:25)
identify the following three:
Ð Regular healthcare check-ups, such as cholesterol and blood pressure checks,
weight and nutrition education can result in healthier and happier employees and
lower employer-provided healthcare costs.
Ð Some work environments can result in cancer, infertility, lung disease and other
illnesses. Occupational diseases are difficult to detect and often remain undetected
until it is too late for a remedy.
Ð Job-stress can lead to ulcers, heart failure, nervous conditions and other
physiological or psychological impairments. Stress and coping mechanisms are
discussed in study unit 21 of this study guide.
Additional concerns for the management of organisations are drug and alcohol abuse
and HIV and AIDS:
Ð According to Pieters (1996:419), research has shown that ``an alarming
percentage of workers are alcoholics and that an alcoholic worker has more
work-related problems than the non-alcoholic worker.'' Rehabilitation pro-
grammes for alcoholic employees should be available. This is an expensive option
for any organisation, but research has shown that rehabilitation programmes do
work and that the majority of alcoholic employees recover fully as a result of
rehabilitation efforts (Pieters, 1996:420).
Ð HIV is one of the health issues that have the most serious impact on society and
the organisation. The high costs of HIV and AIDS are embodied in aspects such as
the loss of human resources, reduced productivity and effectiveness, growing fears
among employees, high labour turnover and absenteeism (Pieters, 1996:422).
Employee assistance programmes (EAP) can be used to educate employees about
Activity 1.3
(a) Refer to study unit 21 in this study guide and write down things that you think
organisations can do to help employees cope with stress.
(b) If you were a manager who suspected that an employee was suffering from
alcoholism, what would you do? Do not guess. Consult your company's policy
on employee assistance or a reliable source from the library.
(c) If your company has an employee assistance policy, what does it entail?
(c) Refer to the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998 in study unit 14. Write down
how HIV should be managed in the workplace in terms of this Act.
The above activities are not the responsibility of the human resource department only;
every manager has a considerable impact on how workers actually behave.
Activity 1.4
Study the table below and critically analyse each activity and the responsibilities
bestowed on line managers and the HR department. Refer to your organisational
context, and use this table as a check list of what your organisation is doing. Then
advise the relevant authorities on how best to improve the situation.
Table 1.1: HRM activities and the responsibilities of line managers and the HR
Cascio (2006:174) agrees with this, saying strategic human resource management
means getting everybody from the top to the bottom of the organisation to work
towards implementing the strategy of the business effectively. The idea is to use people
more wisely in terms of the strategic needs of the organisation.
According to Cascio (1998:24), in order to use the human resource management
function most effectively as a corporate resource, top management should consider
the following points:
Ð Human resource executives must be experienced business people, interact with
managers in all other functional areas and be perceived as equals by their
corporate peers.
Ð The top human resource officer should be a key player in the development and
implementation of business plans Ð acting as the sounding board for the CEO
and providing early warning regarding the employees' acceptance of these plans.
Ð The human resource department's responsibility should be defined as the
maximisation of business profits through the better management and use of
people. The human resource management function should concentrate on ways
to make people more productive Ð such as implementing a skills development
programme, and increasing people's motivation by improving their quality of work
life (QWL).
Ð The human resource management function should not be saddled with unrelated
responsibilities, such as the mailroom and public relations. The focus should be on
the firm's productivity and profitability.
(iii) Employee satisfaction measures
Employees' satisfaction with their jobs and with human resource management
activities is measured by means of questionnaires, observation of behaviour or other
A number of statistical methods are available that can be used in the above
measurements, but for the purposes of this study guide, we do not need to elaborate
on these.
Activity 1.5
(a) What do you think are the five major challenges that face human resource
professionals in South Africa?
(b) Which of the challenges that you listed above have the most serious effects on
the productivity and quality of work life in organisations in this country?
(c) Provide your analysis of the demand and supply of skilled labour in the South
African labour market.
1.6 Summary
In this study unit, we have provided you with an overview of the process of human
resource management in organisations. We have also briefly touched on the effect
of legislation on human resource management. In the rest of the course material we
will focus on different functional areas within the field of human resource
management. These functional areas are important for both human resource
managers and line managers. The emphasis will be on the role of the line manager in
co-operation with the human resource department.
Study unit 2
Strategic human resource planning
Contents Page
Learning outcomes 13
Key concepts 13
2.1 Introduction 14
2.2 The importance of human resource planning 14
2.3 Types of plans 14
2.3.1 Strategic planning 14
2.3.2 Tactical or operational planning 15
2.3.3 Human resource planning 15
2.4 The relationship between human resource planning and strategic and
tactical planning 16
2.5 Human resource planning Ð a practical approach 17
2.5.1 Establish human resource objectives 18
2.5.2 Compiling personnel inventories 19
2.5.3 Doing a human resource forecast 20
2.5.4 Formulating action plans 22
2.5.5 Controlling and evaluating the human resource planning system 23
2.6 Summary 23
Self-assessment 24
Learning outcomes
Key concepts
You will need to master the following key concepts in order to meet the study unit
learning outcomes:
Human resource planning
Strategic planning
Operational planning
Tactical planning
2.1 Introduction
Human resources must be managed effectively and efficiently. This requires a number
of actions on the part of the manager. These actions are taken more or less in sequence
when a company is established. However, in an existing organisation the actions are
part of the daily tasks of managers and are taken when the need arises.
The first step in human resource management is to identify the nature and extent of
the human resources required. The required human resources must then be recruited,
selected, welcomed into the organisation, trained and developed as needed, and their
performance must be assessed. They must be rewarded for their labour and attractive
careers must be offered to them.
In this study unit we are going to look at the planning of human resources. We will look
at the other aspects in later study units.
Ð Defining philosophy. Why does the organisation exist? What unique
contribution does it make?
Ð Formulating statements of identity, purpose and objectives. What is
the overall mission of the organisation? What are its goals? Are the missions and
goals of strategic business units consistent with the mission of the organisation?
Ð Evaluating strengths, weaknesses and competitive dynamics. What
factors, internal or external, may enhance or inhibit the ability of the organisation
to achieve its objectives?
Ð Determining design. What are the components of the organisation, what
should they do, and how should they relate to one another to achieve the
objectives and fulfil the mission of the organisation?
Ð Developing strategies. How will the objectives, at every level, be achieved?
How will they be measured, not only in quantitative terms of what is to be
achieved, but also in terms of time?
Ð Devising programmes. What will be the components of each programme,
and how will the effectiveness of each programme be measured?
Cascio (2006:173) states that ``the biggest benefit of strategic planning is its emphasis
on growth, for it encourages managers to look for new opportunities rather than
simply cutting more workers''.
Cascio (2006:173) notes that strategic planning differs considerably from short-term
tactical or operational planning. It is about the very nature of the business. Strategic
planning may result in new business acquisitions, decentralising or centralising some
business activities, getting rid of product lines or new capital investments. It provides
direction to tactical planning.
The ultimate objective of HRP is the most effective use of scarce talent in the interests
of the worker and the organisation.
d d d
Issues analysis Forecasting Action plans
Business needs requirements Staffing authorisations
External factors Staffing levels Recruitment
HUMAN Internal supply analysis Staffing mix Promotions and
RESOURCE Management implica- (qualitative) transfers
PLANNING tions Organisation and job Organisational
design changes
Available/projected Training and develop-
resources ment
Net requirements Compensation and
Labour relations
Figure 2.1: Impact of three levels of business planning on human resource planning
(Source: Adapted from Cascio, 2006:176)
Figure 2.1 indicates how the human resources planning process is related to the
business planning process.
The long-range perspective (two to five years) of strategic planning flows naturally into
the middle-range perspective (one to two years) of operational planning.
At the level of strategic planning, according to Cascio (1998:150), HRP is
concerned with issues such as assessing the management implications of future
business needs, assessing factors external to the firm (e.g. demographic and social
trends) and estimating the internal supply of employees over the long term. The focus
is not to make detailed projections but rather to analyse issues.
At the level of operational planning, HRP is concerned with detailed forecasts of
employee supply and demand. Based on the forecasts, specific action plans can be put
into effect. These may involve recruitment, promotions, retrenchments, training or
transfers. Procedures must be established to control and evaluate progress toward
targeted objectives (Cascio, 1998:150).
As figure 2.1 shows, HRP is influenced by long-range, middle-range and annual
business plans. Examples of these influences (as pointed out earlier) include the impact
of rapid technological change, more complex organisations (in terms of products,
locations, customers, and markets), and responses to external forces such as
legislation, demographic changes and increasing multinational competition (Cascio,
Activity 2.1
Ð Doing a human resource forecast to predict future human resource require-
ments Ð that is, the number of workers needed (demand) and the number
expected to be available (supply)
Ð Formulating action plans to enlarge the pool of people qualified to fill the
projected vacancies through such actions as recruitment, selection, training,
placement, transfer, promotion, development and compensation
Ð Controlling and evaluating the human resource planning system to obtain
feedback on its overall effectiveness by monitoring the degree of attainment of the
human resource objectives
2. Strategic planning
3. Strategic and operational business plans
" 4. Human resource objectives
5. Personnel inventory
Current supply
6. External labour market
7. Forecast human resource supply and demand
8. Action plans
Figure 2.2: The human resource planning process and its integration with strategic
organisation planning
(Source: Adapted from Czanik, 1996:42)
current design of jobs and employee work behaviour (e.g. in McDonald's one of the
human resource objectives is to define jobs narrowly so that they are easy to learn in a
short period of time).
Obviously human resource objectives should be flexible Ð for example, if new
technology is introduced, existing skills, behaviour and attitudes should be readjusted
to fit the needs of the business.
Activity 2.2
Name any five examples of industries or fields of work you know in which existing
skills became obsolete and staff had to be retrained to keep up with the new
1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Common uses of a personnel inventory include the following:
Transfer planning
Training ~ ~
Assignment to
3 Uses of a personnel inventory " special projects
Promotion Career planning Affirmative action
type of internal supply forecast. ``The process of developing this type of plan includes
setting a planning horizon, identifying replacement candidates for each key position,
assessing current performance and readiness for promotion, identifying career
development needs and integrating the career goals of individuals with company
goals'' (Cascio, 2006:181).
The following factors must be taken into consideration when forecasting the internal
supply (Pettman & Travernier in Czanik, 1996:50):
Ð Age distribution of the work force (e.g. the more older staff there are, the more
younger appointments are necessary for the transfer of skills and experience)
Ð Length of service (e.g. an average length of service of under five years in an
organisation could lead to a loss of experience and skill, as it indicates a high
labour turnover)
Ð Geographical location (e.g. if all employees are located in one main centre, skills
and experience are transferred far more easily than in an organisation where the
employees are geographically scattered)
Ð Stability rates (the lower the labour turnover rate, the more stability in an
organisation, which makes succession planning much easier)
Ð Reasons for leaving (e.g. if people leave because of internal conflict, this problem
should be addressed)
The disadvantages of this technique are the following:
Ð It is highly subjective.
Ð Judgements may not use objective data efficiently.
Activity 2.3
(a) List any five of the factors that you think can influence internal HR supply.
(c) Why do you think it is important to have a good selection process in the
organisation? Give reasons.
Qualitative and quantitative objectives can both play useful roles in HRP. Cascio
(2006:187) explains that quantitative objectives ``make the control and evaluation
process more objective and measure deviations from desired performance more
precisely'', while in newly instituted HRP systems, evaluation tends to be more
qualitative than quantitative, with less emphasis on control.
In more established HRP systems, in which both objectives and action plans are
underpinned by measured performance standards, Cascio (2006:188) suggests the
following key comparisons for measuring performance standards:
Cascio (1998:164) provides a useful summary, as follows:
Strategic and operational business objectives dictate what human resource
objectives must be. So also do internal and external labor markets. Human
resource planning (HRP) parallels general business planning. Broadly speaking,
HRP is an effort to anticipate future business and environmental demands on an
organization and to meet the human resource requirements dictated by those
conditions. This general view suggests several interrelated activities that together
make up an integrated HRP system. These include (1) an inventory of talent
currently on hand, forecasts of human resource supply and demand over short-
and long-term periods, action plans such as training or job transfer to meet
forecasted human resource needs, and control and evaluation procedures.
Activity 2.4
Assuming that you are employed as a human resource manager at RMC RUCHCO
Consulting, indicate in detail how you would match the future human resource
demand with the available human resource supply. In your answer, take the South
African labour market into account, given its vulnerability to macro environmental
Study unit 3
The process of job analysis
Contents Page
Learning outcomes 25
Key concepts 25
3.1 Introduction and definition of terms 26
3.2 Uses of job analysis results 27
3.3 The job analysis process 28
3.3.1 Steps in the job analysis process 28
3.3.2 Who should conduct the job analysis? 28
3.4 Job analysis techniques 29
3.4.1 Observation 29
3.4.2 Questionnaires 30
3.4.3 Interviews 31
3.4.4 Critical incidents 31
3.4.5 Diary or logbook 32
3.5 Results of a job analysis 34
3.5.1 Job description 35
3.5.2 Job specification 36
3.6 Job analysis challenges 37
3.7 Summary 37
Self-assessment 38
Learning outcomes
Key concepts
You will need to master the following key concepts in order to meet the study unit
learning outcomes:
Job Job description
Job analysis Job specification
3.1 Introduction and definition of terms
How many times have you used the word ``job'' in conversations? For example, ``I've
lost my job''; ``I have been promoted to a new job''; ``I am looking for another job''; ``I
love my job''. Or as Samuel Gompers, first president of the American Federation of
Labour, once said: ``A job's a job; if it doesn't pay enough, it's a lousy job'' (Cascio,
Jobs are important to individuals, for obvious reasons, and they are important to
organisations because they are the vehicles through which work and organisational
goals are accomplished (Cascio, 2006:158). Jobs are the basic units of the organisation
structure. The organisation must therefore have a systematic way of determining
which tasks and functions should be grouped into jobs and how these jobs relate to
one another. This process is known as job analysis and is regarded as the foundation
of many human resource management programmes (Gael in Albertyn-Neuper,
The following job analysis terms are very important and will be used frequently in your
studies and in practice.
Job analysis: This describes the process of obtaining information about jobs (Cascio,
2006:158). It refers to breaking a job down into tasks performed by incumbents and
obtaining data about and studying those tasks and functions (Gael in Albertyn-Neuper,
1996:93). The results of job analysis are described in a job description and a job
Job description: This is an overall written summary of the basic tasks, functions and
working conditions of jobs. It describes what needs to be done by the incumbent.
Job specification: This is an overall written summary of worker requirements. It
describes the minimum qualifications, skills and experience the incumbent should have
before he/she is appointed. Job specifications represent the KSAOs (knowledge, skills,
abilities and other characteristics) deemed necessary to perform a job. For example,
keen vision is required of astronauts and test pilots.
An element: This is the smallest unit into which work can be divided without
analysing the separate motions, movements, and mental processes involved. Removing
a saw from a tool chest prior to sawing wood for a project is an example of a job
element (Cascio & Aguinis, 2005:212).
A task: This is a distinct work activity carried out for a distinct purpose. Running a
computer program, typing a letter, and unloading a truckload of freight are examples
of tasks (Cascio & Aguinis, 2005:212).
A duty: This includes a large segment of the work performed by an individual and
may include any number of tasks. Examples of job duties include conducting interviews,
counselling employees, and providing the public with information (Cascio & Aguinis,
A position: This consists of one or more duties performed by a given individual in a
given firm at a given time, such as Clerk Typist Ð level three. There are as many
positions as there are workers (Cascio & Aguinis, 2005:212).
A job: This is a group of positions that are similar enough in their job elements, tasks
and duties to be covered by the same job analysis, e.g. payroll manager (Grobler et al.,
2006:151) .
A job family: This is a category in which similar occupations are grouped together.
Training managers, compensation managers and recruitment managers can be
combined with other occupations in the field of human resources and placed in the
job family of human resource professional (Grobler et al., 2006:151).
An occupation: This is a group of similar jobs found in different organisations at
different times Ð for example, electricians, machinists, etc. (Cascio & Aguinis,
A career: This covers a sequence of positions, jobs, or occupations that one person
engages in during his/her working life (Cascio & Aguinis, 2005:212).
Ð Performance appraisal. If employees are to be judged in terms of how well
they do those parts of their jobs that really matter, to distinguish effective from
ineffective performers, it is important to specify critical and non-critical job
requirements through job analysis.
Ð Career planning. If the organisation and the individual do not understand the
requirements of available jobs and how jobs at succeeding levels relate to one
another, effective career path planning is impossible.
Ð Labour relations. The information provided by job analysis is helpful to both
management and unions for contract negotiations as well as for resolving
grievances and jurisdictional disputes.
Ð Job design. As with methods improvement, changes in the way work is
accomplished must be evaluated through a job analysis, focusing on the tasks to
be done and on the behaviour required of the people doing the tasks.
Ð Safety. Frequently, in the course of doing a job analysis, unsafe conditions are
discovered and thus may lead to safety improvements.
Ð Job classification systems. Selection, training and pay systems are often
keyed to job classification systems, also referred to as ``job families''.
3.4 Job analysis techniques
A number of methods are available to study jobs. Cascio (2006:165) points out that no
one method by itself is sufficient. It is therefore important to use a combination of
methods to obtain a total picture of the task and the physical, mental, social and
environmental demands of a job.
Below are five common techniques of job analysis:
3 "
Observation Critical incidents
Questionnaires ! Interviews
Diaries or logbooks
3.4.1 Observation
By means of observation a worker or group of workers is observed doing a job.
Without interfering, the analyst records the what, why and how of the various parts of
the job. This information is usually recorded in a standard format.
Job observation is appropriate for jobs that require a great deal of manual,
standardised, and short-cycle activities. The job analyst must observe a representa-
tive sample of individuals performing these jobs and may question them at any stage
of their performance for clarification (Albertyn-Neuper, 1996:100).
For example, the activity ``copes with emergencies'' may be crucial to effective nursing
performance; yet a continuous eight-hour observation of the activities of a group of
staff nurses tending to the needs of a dozen sleepy postoperative patients may reveal
little in the way of a valid picture of job requirements (Cascio & Aguinis, 2005:219).
The observation of several employees helps to avoid bias due to the unique manner in
which one employee may perform job tasks. Film or video recordings of job
activities may be a suitable indirect substitute for direct observations in manual
Advantage of observation
Cascio (2006:167) identifies the advantage that direct exposure to jobs provides a
fuller understanding of job requirements than workers' descriptions of what they do.
Disadvantages of observation
Observation has the following disadvantages:
Ð It is limited to manual, standardised, short-cycle activities (Albertyn-Neuper,
Ð If the work in question is primarily mental, observations alone may reveal little
useful information or critical and rare job requirements, such as the ability to cope
with emergencies (Cascio, 2006:167).
3.4.2 Questionnaires
Albertyn-Neuper (1996:103) writes: ``A structured questionnaire includes specific
questions about the job, job requirements, working conditions and equipment. A less
structured, more open-ended approach would be to ask incumbents to describe
their job in their own terms.''
Cascio (2006:165±166) identifies the position analysis questionnaire (PAQ) as one of
the most popular structured questionnaires, consisting of 194 items that fall into the
following categories:
Ð Information input Ð where and how the worker gets the information to do
the job
Ð Mental processes Ð the reasoning, planning and decision making involved in a
Ð Work output Ð physical activities as well as the tools or devices used
Ð Relationships with other people
Ð Job context Ð physical and social
Ð Other job characteristics Ð for example, apparel, work continuity, licencing,
hours and responsibility
The items provide for either checking a job element if it applies or rating it on a scale,
for example in terms of importance, time or difficulty (Cascio, 2006:166).
Cascio (1998:143) identifies the following advantages and disadvantages of structured
3.4.3 Interviews
The interview, according to Cascio & Aguinis (2005:222), ``is probably the most
commonly used technique for establishing the tasks, duties, and behaviors necessary
both for standardized or non-standardized activities and for physical as well as mental
work''. It is necessary to use interviews because in some jobs it is impractical to conduct
observation of the workers (e.g. diamond divers in Swakopmund). In such cases it is
necessary to rely on the workers' own descriptions of what they do and why they do it.
As with recordings of observations, a standard format is used to collect input from all
workers sampled to interview. In this way all questions and responses can be restricted to
job-related topics. It is also possible to compare what different people are saying about
the job in question because of the standard format of the interview (Cascio, 2006:165).
Advantages of interviewing
Advantages of interviewing include the following:
Ð It is useful for jobs with both short- and long-cycle tasks and physical and mental
requirements (Albertyn-Neuper, 1996:101).
Ð Since the worker is his/her own observer, he/she can report on activities that
would not be observed often (Cascio, 2006:167).
Disadvantages of interviewing
Cascio (2006:167) names the following disadvantages of interviewing:
Ð Workers may be suspicious of interviewers and their motives.
Ð There could be a distortion of information (either as a result of honest
misunderstanding or as a result of purposeful misrepresentation).
Ð Interviews should never be used as the sole job analysis method but should be
used in combination with other methods, such as observation.
After collecting many of these little incidents from knowledgeable individuals, the
analyst abstracts and categorises them according to the general job area they describe.
The result is a fairly clear picture of actual job requirements (Cascio, 2006:165).
Activity 3.1
Provide an example of ineffective behaviour that you think could be used in a critical
incidents report.
Activity 3.2
Describe the five job analysis methods you know and provide an example of a
suitable job that can be analysed by each method below.
Example of a suitable job that could be analysed through observation:
Example of a suitable job that could be analysed by means of questionnaires:
Example of a suitable job that could be analysed by means of interviews:
Critical incidents
Example of a suitable job that could be analysed by means of critical incidents
Diary or logbook
Example of a suitable job that could be analysed by means of a diary or logbook:
Activity 3.3
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the various job analysis methods by
completing the table below.
Observation ............................................................ ............................................................
............................................................ ............................................................
............................................................ ............................................................
............................................................ ............................................................
............................................................ ............................................................
............................................................ ............................................................
Questionnaires ............................................................ ............................................................
............................................................ ............................................................
............................................................ ............................................................
............................................................ ............................................................
............................................................ ............................................................
............................................................ ............................................................
3.5.1 Job description
Activity 3.4
Take some time and consider what is involved in the job of a receptionist and then
write down all the tasks this person must carry out.
You have just performed a mini job analysis. A job description should, however,
provide more information than merely stating the tasks of the job. Let's take a look
at the criteria for a good job description.
A job description is a written description of what the job entails. According to Nel, Van
Dyk, Haasbroek, Schultz, Sono and Werner (2004:201±203), a specific job description
usually contains the following information in respect of job identification, job summary,
and job duties and responsibilities:
Identification information
The first part of the job description offers:
Ð The job title.
Ð The location of the job (department, branch, etc.).
Ð The reporting structure.
Ð The compiler of the job description.
Ð The date of the job analysis.
Ð Verification (name of the person authorising or approving the job description).
Job summary
This is a short written statement that concisely summarises the purpose of the job.
Gerber, Nel and Van Dyk (1999:76±77) outline other aspects that may also be
included in the job description, such as the following:
Job standards state how the employee is expected to carry out each of the
main duties and responsibilities spelled out in the job description.
Work circumstances: The job description should indicate any special work
circumstances for the job, for example the noise level, heat and other risk factors
such as the placement of equipment.
Activity 3.5
Look at the list you drew up of the tasks a receptionist has to do, and write down
what a receptionist would require in order to perform the work effectively. Refer to
the skills, knowledge, qualifications, etc. that this person will need.
Remember, each requirement you list must be one without which the receptionist
would not be able to perform the job. Thus a driver's licence would not be a
requirement. After completing this exercise, you will have drawn up a job
specification for the position of a receptionist.
The job specification covers the qualifications and attributes that an employee is
required to have in order to do the job. The job specification arises from the job
description. The information in the job specification will depend on the duties and
responsibiities specified in the job description.
Grobler et al. (2006:160) write that the job specification states the qualifications job
applicants must possess to be considered for the job:
These qualifications are often grouped into three categories: skills, knowledge
and ability (SKAs). Skills include observable capabilities performed on the job. In
order to avoid building on past disadvantages in South Africa, the role of skills
will become more prominent in the future rather than formal qualifications.
Knowledge constitutes the body of information in a particular subject area that is
required by a new employee to perform the job satisfactorily. Ability refers to any
mental or physical activities required of a new employee. For example, a section
supervisor might be required to know the safety regulations that affect the plant,
to have the skill to operate a quality-control laser machine and to have the ability
to write daily work assignments. SKAs are most useful in personnel decision-
making situations, such as selection, training and performance evaluation.
Which job analysis technique is the best to use?
The choice of a job analysis method is determined by circumstances such as the
purpose of the analysis, time and budget constraints (Albertyn-Neuper, 1996:105).
Please note that interviews as a method of job analysis should not be confused with
selection interviews (to be discussed in study unit 5).
3.7 Summary
This study unit has focused on job analysis, which is the process of examining the
content of a job. The results of job analysis are described in a job description
(describing what needs to be done by the incumbent) and a job specification
(describing the minimum qualifications, skills and experience the incumbent should
have before he/she is appointed).
The uses of job analysis information are plenty. In this study unit, 11 uses of job analysis
information were pointed out to you. Five general job analysis techniques were
discussed that could be used separately or in combination. The multi-method approach
to job analysis uses a combination of these five general methods.
When doing a job analysis, it is important for you to be transparent about the process.
One of the most common problems related to job analysis is employee fear. They often
see it as a threat to their current jobs or pay levels. One of the most successful methods
of reducing employee fear and uncertainty is to involve employees and their
representatives in as much of the process as possible. Employees should be told why
job analysis should be done, who will initiate it, how they will be affected and why their
input is critical (Grobler et al., 2006).
Study unit 4
Employee recruitment
Contents Page
Learning outcomes 39
Key concepts 39
4.1 Introduction 40
4.2 Issues affecting recruitment 40
4.2.1 External environment 40
4.2.2 Internal environment 41
4.3 Recruitment methods 42
4.3.1 External recruitment 42
4.3.2 Internal recruitment 45
4.4 Selecting a recruitment method 47
4.5 Recruitment and the law 47
4.6 The cost of recruitment 49
4.7 Summary 50
Self-assessment 50
Learning outcomes
Key concepts
You will need to master the following key concepts in order to meet the study unit
learning outcomes:
Recruitment process Equal opportunity
Employment equity Affirmative action
Internal recruitment Diversity management
External recruitment
4.1 Introduction
The recruitment process starts long before an organisation places an advertisement in
the press. Each organisation has a specific public image that either attracts or
discourages prospective employees. According to Cascio (2006:199), recruitment is a
form of business competition: In the same way businesses compete to develop,
manufacture and market the best product or service, so they must also compete to
identify, attract and hire the most qualified people. This process demands serious
attention from management. Although the needs of a small manufacturing business
will differ from a high-technology firm operating in global markets, both need people
with strategically relevant abilities.
When there is a vacancy, the recruitment process starts formally. The process begins by
specifying human resource requirements (numbers, skills mix, time frame), which are
the typical result of job analysis and HR planning activities (Cascio, 2006:199).
Recruitment is the process of acquiring applicants who are available and qualified to fill
vacant positions in the organisation. The general purpose of recruitment is to attract an
adequate number of applicants, from whom the most suitable person(s) can be
selected for employment.
A knowledge of the labour market is essential to ensure that recruitment is done cost-
effectively. For example, recruiting an expert computer programmer in a small village
where nobody even owns a computer would be a waste of money. You need to identify
first where the most likely candidates can be found, what kind of publicity will attract
them to the company and persuade them to apply for the job.
The Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 and the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998 form
part of the government's aim to regulate employment standards in South Africa. The
ultimate goal of the Employment Equity Act is to achieve a diverse work force that is
representative of the population. The Act makes provision for the elimination of unfair
discrimination and the implementation of affirmative action measures to promote
equity in the workplace.
There seems to be a fair amount of confusion with regard to various terms used in
relation to employment equity. The most important concepts in this wide field are
equal opportunity, affirmative action, employment equity and diversity management.
Description of concepts
Equal opportunity: Equal opportunity means providing all people with exactly the
same opportunities with regard to employment practices. According to the Employ-
ment Equity Act 55 of 1998, every employer must take steps to promote equal
opportunities in the workplace by eliminating unfair discrimination in any employment
policy or practice. This means that there should be no unfair discrimination on the
grounds of race, gender, pregnancy, marital status, family responsibility, ethnic or social
origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, HIV status, conscience, belief, political
opinion, culture, language and birth.
Affirmative action: Section 15(1) of the Employment Equity Act of 1998 describes
affirmative action measures as ``measures designed to ensure that suitably qualified
people from designated groups have equal employment opportunities and are
equitably represented in all occupational categories and levels in the work force of a
designated employer''. Affirmative action includes the preferential treatment of
designated employees and setting of numerical goals (section 15(3)).
Diversity management: Diversity management is a comprehensive and holistic process
for creating and sustaining an environment in which all employees feel comfortable,
recognised, valued and appreciated, based on differences such as race, gender, culture,
religion, disability and sexual orientation (Meyer, 2006:99). Diversity management plays a
crucial role in complementing equal opportunity, affirmative action and employment equity
by preparing an environment conducive to a more diverse work force.
Employment equity: Employment equity is the end result of equal opportunity,
affirmative action and diversity management, in other words when real equality is
achieved in the workplace. An organisation will achieve employment equity when its
employee profile reflects that of the population at all organisational levels.
Ð The availability of required human resources within the organisa-
tion. It is essential to have knowledge of the base of skills within the organisation.
This will indicate the extent to which skills must be recruited either externally, or
from different levels and structures within the organisation.
Smit (1996a:132) writes:
Posts are advertised in newspapers, magazines, professional trade journals, on
television and in radio broadcasts. These advertisements are used to recruit
candidates for all levels in the organisation. Advertisements must be prepared
professionally to ensure that the information included is accurate and
justifiable, that the appearance is acceptable, and that the content is legally
Critical/Key Area of Responsibility:
Ð Leadership of the Association's development & growth
Ð Leader of the executive team, focusing on the development of senior staff across the country
Ð Short-medium-long term Strategic Planning and Implementation of Plans
Ð Growth and Sustainability of the Association's image and credibility
Ð Lobbying/Nurturing of relationships with Government and other Key Partners
Ð Development & Empowerment of staff
Ð Effective implementation of policies, sustaining and improvement of operational standards,
Ð Effective Management of the Association's Resources.
Qualifications & Experience:
Ð At least a University Degree
Ð At least 5 years working experience in Administration, Management, Finance and/or Accounting
from middle to top management levels
Ð Studies and/or working experience in Social Work, Education, Sociology, Psychology Child and/or
Youth development fields would be an advantage;
Ð Working experience and/or exposure to internationally networked organisation
Ð Proven good leadership and communication skills;
Character/Personality Attributes:
Ð Self motivated, professionally dedicated;
Ð Level headedness Ð Calm & Confident: assertive/Firm yet Fair;
Ð Open-minded on issues relating to different cultures, religions, and social beliefs;
Ð Good Listening Skills;
Ð Sociable Ð Friendly & Approachable; Empathetic;
Ð Trustworthy.
/continued ........
Inter-Personal Skills:
Ð Well organised & Disciplined;
Ð Good Communicator (Verbal & Written);
Ð Analytical Ð Broad outlook on issues;
Ð Practical in Problem Solving;
Ð Consultative;
Ð Ability to balance demands from different quarters at the same time; Adaptable;
Ð Good at follow ups;
Ð Good Computer Skills.
Interested candidates who fit the profile above should forward their applications together with
motivation letter to MR JOHN TUMA at the following:
Fax: 09266/22310386;
Box 01180,
Maseru West (105),
Lesotho; ON OR BEFORE JUNE 30, 2006
The more accurate and informative the recruitment advertisement, the more
accurately people can assess their suitability for the job. This increases interest among
potentially suitable candidates and serves as a valuable, time-saving screening
mechanism to discourage entirely unsuitable applicants.
This term is used to describe those who literally walk into the organisation and ask for
employment, and also those who send in their CVs or letters asking for employment
(Smit, 1996a:134).
Employment agencies
Employers also use the service of employment agencies. There are many private
employment agencies (e.g. Capacity, Adcorp, DAV, Quest, Kelly Perms, PAG, etc.).
Some of these agencies also allow job seekers to submit their re
 sume s for future job
opportunities free of charge, while others charge an administrative fee. In the event
where the private employment agency is contracted, they usually conduct the whole
employment process from recruitment to selection. They present the best candidate
for the vacant position to the employing client.
The only public employment agency in South Africa is the Department of Labour. This
department maintains a list of unemployed people at various skill levels. Applicants are
interviewed by officials of the department and their details are entered in a database.
Employers can approach the department and indicate their specific requirements, and
receive this service free of charge (Smit, 1996a:134).
Educational institutions
Recruitment at Further Education and Training (FET) colleges and higher education
institutions is done mostly by the large companies, who need large numbers of well-
prepared staff at entry levels (Smit, 1996a:134).
Professional organisations
Organisations may send delegates to professional bodies' meetings, conventions and
conferences in order to attract young graduates who are also members of these
Employee referrals
Employees can be encouraged to help their employers locate and hire qualified
applicants by rewards, either money or otherwise, or by recognition for those who
assist the recruitment process. According to Grobler et al. (2006:176), ``employees
who recommend applicants place their own reputation on the line; therefore, they are
usually careful to recommend only qualified applicants''.
Grobler et al. (2006:176) provide the following advice:
Before taking advantage of the relatively inexpensive and easy method of
recruiting employees through employee referrals, administrators should mini-
mise possible problems by:
Ð Conducting objective recruiting, which will ensure compliance with employ-
ment equity guidelines;
Ð Establishing specific policies on nepotism. For example, the company may not
allow relatives to work in the same department or to supervise each other.
Ð Internal recruitment considers the desires, capabilities and potential of present
Ð It boosts morale and portrays an image of a company that cares for their human
Ð Internal recruitment is cheaper than external recruitment.
Ð Existing employees know the company rules and don't need time to adjust to the
new environment.
Ð Existing employees' skills and performance are known.
Ð Internal recruitment results in opportunities for internal transfers and promotions.
Job posting
Advertising of available jobs is done through job posting, for example on internal notice
boards or in internal memoranda (Cascio, 2006:208). Internal recruitment by means of
job posting must meet the same requirements as external advertisement Ð i.e. there
must be transparency, and job requirements must be well researched and
communicated throughout the organisation.
According to Grobler et al. (2006:173), job posting methods include at least three
proven, effective processes: (1) traditional bulletin boards, (2) computer email-based
systems and (3) telephone voicemail-based systems. Grobler et al. (2006:173)
continue as follows:
Managers should consider several aspects of the job-posting process.
First, the job-posting procedure should be clearly explained to the employees
and should be followed to the letter each time a position is open.
Second, job specification should be clear and should include the years of
experience, skills or training employees must have to apply for the posted
Third, job-posting procedures should specify the exact period during which
posted positions will remain open.
Fourth, the application procedure should be clear. For example, an employee may
apply for a posted position through the HR department or a supervisor.
Finally, and perhaps most important, the HR department should ensure that
applicants receive adequate feedback once a selection has been made.
Activity 4.1
Read the case study below and then answer the questions that follow:
Let's assume that you are employed as a chef at Happy Life Hotel. You have been
working for the hotel for five years and expect to be promoted to chief chef.
Magnus, your colleague, is also expecting to be promoted. He has attended several
workshops and has contributed a lot to improving the quality of the food prepared.
During the last few months he has turned out to be an excellent caterer at executive
functions. Unfortunately, he and Mrs Labala, the head of the Catering Services
Department, do not get on too well.
Mrs Labala is considering appointing someone from outside the organisation.
According to her, the kitchen staff are lazy and not performing well. She feels that
her cousin, July, will take things under control.
(a) If Mrs Labala goes ahead with her plans to appoint July, what problems do you
think will she face? (5)
(b) What do you think are the advantages of appointing someone externally? (5)
(c) The HR manager informs Mrs Labala that the recruitment policy stipulates that
employees may be recruited externally only if no suitable person can be found
internally. What possible reasons do you think the HR manager should use to
persuade Mrs Labala to appoint someone from within the department? (10)
Employment Act 75 of 1997 as amended (Act 11 of 2002) and the Employment
Equity Act 55 of 1998, a number of important issues relating to the recruitment
process have risen in South Africa.
According to Grobler et al. (2006:182), ``employers will now have to carefully
scrutinise their recruitment policies and procedures and, where necessary, compile new
recruitment and selection procedures to be applied consistently and fairly to all job
applicants''. A failure to do so could have major implications for business, including
possible litigation.
The Labour Relations Act (LRA) 66 of 1995 (as amended by Act 12 of 2002)
The LRA gives employees the right to be treated equally. It is an unfair labour practice
to discriminate against an employee on any grounds, including race, gender, sex, colour,
sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, conscience, sexual orientation, belief, political
opinion, culture, language, marital status or family responsibility.
Discrimination is ``automatically unfair'' if it breaks any of the basic rights of employees.
If a person is discriminated against because of his/her disability, for example, this is
automatically unfair and the case will go to the Labour Court. (In the next study unit,
see the Constitutional Court judgment in Mr. Hoffmann v South African Airways, 2000.)
Activity 4.2
Read the case study below and then answer the questions that follow:
You are appointed as a human resource manager at Xerox. You are considering the
need to recruit qualified blacks when Betty walks into your office. You say to her, ``Betty,
can you help me with this problem? How can we get more black people to apply for
work here? We're running advertisements on Radio Jacaranda and placing classified
advertisements in the Sowetan. You and John have made recruiting trips to every
tertiary institution within 200 kilometres and we have also encouraged employee
referral. I still think that this is our most reliable source of new workers, but still we do
not seem to be able to persuade black people to apply for jobs.''
Xerox has not succeeded in increasing the percentage of black employees. The work
force of Xerox consists of 5% blacks although the surrounding community is 42%
black. Xerox is further known for its competitive wages and provisioning of good
training opportunities.
Xerox has a particular need for machine operator trainees. The machines are not
difficult to operate and no special skills are needed for the job. There are also several
clerical and management trainee positions vacant.
(a) Evaluate the current recruitment effort at Xerox. Is your company using the
appropriate recruitment sources and methods?
(b) Explain what you would do to attract more black people to apply for jobs at
Activity 4.3
Which method of recruitment will you use to fill the following vacancies? Give a
reason for each answer.
(a) 10 newly qualified computer programmers
(b) 35 car watchers
(c) One senior lecturer: Human Resource Management
(d) One driver (heavy duty driver's licence, 1 year's experience)
Ð Staff cost Ð salaries, benefits, and overtime payments of staff involved in the
Ð Operational costs Ð telephone; recruiting staff travel and living expenses;
professional fees and services (agency fees, consultant fees, etc.); advertising
expenses (radio and TV, newspapers, technical journals, ads for field trips, etc.);
medical expenses for pre-employment physical examination (if applicable);
information services (brochures describing the company and its environment);
and supplies, material, and postage.
Ð Overhead Ð rental expenses for temporary facilities, office furniture, equipment,
Ð The cost of each recruited employee per recruitment source used
РThe number and quality of re  sume s per source
Ð Acceptance/offer ratio
Ð Salary offered Ð acceptances versus rejections
4.7 Summary
This study unit has focused on the recruitment process. This process results in the
applicant's first encounter with the organisation. It is essential for the organisation to
constantly be aware of the company image and the effect it could have on prospective
applicants. The organisation should also have a clear employment policy and act in
terms of this policy.
Study unit 5
Employee selection
Contents Page
Learning outcomes 51
Key concepts 52
5.1 Introduction 52
5.2 Selection steps and methods 52
5.2.1 Application forms 53
5.2.2 Interviews 55
5.2.3 Pre-employment testing 60
5.2.4 Assessment centres 63
5.2.5 Reference checks 64
5.2.6 Medical examinations 66
5.2.7 Security clearance 69
5.3 Record keeping 70
5.4 Selection procedure 70
5.5 Selection and the law 70
5.6 Recruitment and selection in practice 72
5.7 Summary 85
Self-assessment 85
Learning outcomes
Key concepts
You will need to master the following key concepts in order to meet the study unit
learning outcomes:
Selection process Medical testing
Interviews Assessment centre
Pre-employment testing Reference checking
5.1 Introduction
In the previous study units you learnt how a job analysis is done and that the job
description and job specification are based on information gathered by means of the
job analysis. This information is of the utmost importance when recruiting candidates
for the vacant positions. You also learnt how to recruit a pool of candidates.
The next step is to select the most suitable candidates from the pool. This study unit
deals with the methods that can be used to eliminate unsuitable candidates in the
fairest way possible.
Selection is a vital function in any organisation. When a suitable person is appointed,
this benefits both the organisation and the individual. If an unsuitable person is
appointed in a job, it is not easy to reverse such an appointment, and the expense to
both the organisation and the individual is high.
The line manager plays an important role in selecting and appointing the best
applicant. Contrary to what many line managers believe, selection is their task. The task
of the human resource practitioner is to assist the line manager with professional
advice and assistance.
Smit (1996b:151) writes: ``Various selection methods can be used. They can be applied
in isolation, but it is recommended that a combination be used, because each one has
its own weaknesses in addition to its strengths.''
It is advisable for each company to consider the cost-effectiveness of the various
selection methods before deciding on the final sequence of such methods.
The following are some of the selection methods that are available for employers to
Ð Application forms
Ð Interviews
Ð Psychometric testing
Ð Assessment centres
Ð Medical examinations
Ð Reference checks
information that is valid and fair with respect to the nature of the job. In the light of
Chapter 2 of the Constitution of 1996 (the Bill of Rights), the Labour Relations Act 66
of 1995 and the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998, it is important to ensure that no
questions that could be considered discriminatory appear on the application form.
Questions about religion, age, gender or disabilities are no longer acceptable (Smit,
The place of birth seldom has anything to do with ability to perform the job. Height
and weight requirements are often not adequate measures of physical strength,
although this is an inherent requirement for certain jobs. For example, air hostesses
have to be of a certain height and weight to be able to reach the overhead cabins inside
the plane and to be able to move with ease in the narrow space between the seats.
Smit (1996b:152) notes the following:
The application form can be used to decide whether the applicant meets the
minimum requirements of a position or not. This can be done only if these
minimum requirements have been well researched, and described in the job
specification. The strengths and weaknesses of different applicants can be
compared with the set requirements, and those applicants who deviate the most
from the requirements can be eliminated. Managers must be able to justify the
criteria used to eliminate applicants on the basis of information from the
application form.
According to Cascio (2006:239), the following questions should not be included on an
application form:
Ð Any question that might lead to an adverse impact on the employment of
members of groups protected under civil rights law
Ð Any question that cannot be proven as job-related or that does not concern a
bona fide occupational qualification
Ð Any question that could possibly be seen as an invasion of privacy
Activity 5.1
(a) Refer to the standard application form used in your organisation or which you
once completed. Which of the questions do not in any way relate to the
content of your own job and should not appear on the application form?
(b) Which of the questions you completed on the application form could be seen
as discriminatory? Why do you think they are discriminatory?
5.2.2 Interviews
A selection interview is a two-way process in which the candidate and interviewer(s)
exchange information that can be used to evaluate the suitability of the candidate to fill
the vacancy. It also provides the opportunity for the applicant to obtain information
about the job and the organisation (Smit, 1996b:153).
Although the interview can probably be regarded as the most common means of
selection, it remains a poor basis for employment decisions, as research has shown that
the selection interview is low in both reliability and validity. The interviewers' decisions
are influenced by factors such as first impressions, personal feelings about the kinds of
characteristics that lead to success on the job, and contrast effects.
Cascio (1998:221) explains contrast effects as follows:
Contrast effects describe a tendency among interviewers to evaluate a current
candidate's interview performance relative to those that immediately preceded
it. If a first candidate received a very positive evaluation and a second candidate is
just `average', interviewers tend to evaluate the second candidate more
negatively than is deserved. The second candidate's performance is ``contrasted''
to that of the first.
According to Smit (1996b:153), the most common objections to interviews are the
Ð Lack of interviewer training
Ð The fact that interview questions often are not related to the job content or
performance criteria
Ð Lack of structure in the interview
Ð Subjectivity of the whole process
One way to improve the interviewing process is to establish a specific system for
conducting the employment interview. According to Cascio (1998:222), the following
factors could be considered:
Ð Determine the requirements of the job through a job analysis that considers the
input of the incumbent with the inputs of the supervisor and the HR
Ð Focus on the competencies necessary for the job. Distinguish between entry-level
and full-performance competencies.
РScreen re sume s and application forms by focusing on key words that match job
requirements, quantifiers that show whether applicants have these requirements,
and skills that might transfer from previous jobs to the new job.
Ð Develop interview questions that are based strictly on the job analysis results, use
open-ended questions, and use questions relevant to the individual's ability to
perform, motivation to do a good job and ability to be part of the organisation.
Ð Consider asking situational questions such as: ``What would you do if ...?'' With
these kinds of questions candidates are asked to describe how they think they
would respond in certain job-related situations. Alternatively, they could be asked
to provide detailed accounts of actual situations.
Ð Conduct the interview in a relaxed physical setting. Begin by putting the applicant
at ease with simple questions and general information about the organisation and
the position being filled. Take note of non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions.
Ð To evaluate applicants, develop a form containing a list of competencies weighted
for overall importance to the job, and evaluate each applicant relative to each
Interviews can be classified into one-on-one interviews, group interviews and panel
One-on-one interviews
This type of interview involves one interviewer interviewing one applicant in
preparation to making an employment decision. Smit (1996b:156) continues:
This is cost-effective because only one person needs to leave his or her work to
conduct selection interviews. However, it also places the interviewer in a position
where he or she can be accused of bias and nepotism. If the interviewer later
needed to justify his or her selection decision, it would be a case of the word of
the interviewer against the word of the applicant. The interviewer could also
make the wrong decision, and this could be costly for the organisation.
Group interview
One interviewer interviews a group of applicants, who have applied for a number of
similar vacancies, at the same time (Smit, 1996b:157). This could be useful where there is
no need for an intensive selection process, for example where a number of learners are
required to work at a big sports event, selling programmes and checking tickets.
Panel interview
A number of interviewers interview a single applicant. The panel usually consists of
people who are directly or indirectly involved with the relevant position. For example,
when there is a vacancy for an accountant, the interview panel could consist of the
human resource practitioner, the financial manager, a senior accountant and a trade
union representative.
It is important that all panel members receive the same training in interviewing skills
(Smit, 1996b:158).
The advantage of such questions is that you get a specific answer to your question. The
disadvantage is that as an interviewer you have to provide all the information and do
not really obtain new information from the applicant. If you use only closed questions
in an interview, it could turn into an interrogation instead of a process of information
Open-ended questions
These questions require explanatory answers and cannot possibly be answered with
``yes'' or ``no''.
For example: ``Please explain the process of binding a book.''
Or: ``How do you feel about the smoking policy of the country?''
The advantage of such questions is that you will obtain a lot of information from the
applicant. However, the applicant could provide you with irrelevant information and as
an interviewer you need to be well prepared to ensure that you obtain relevant
Without going into too much detail, it is sufficient to note that there are many different
kinds of open questions, such as probe questions, reflective questions, summary
questions and comparative questions.
Multiple questions
This type of question entails more than one question in the same sentence.
For example: ``Do you prefer working alone or with a group of people, and would you
rather work in an open-plan office or in a traditional office with more privacy?''
It is hard to think of an advantage of this type of question! It could be very intimidating
to a nervous candidate who would not know which question to answer first.
Activity 5.2
Activity 5.3
(a) List the three types of questions that you think could be asked during an interview.
(d) What, in your own view, are situational questions?
Both line and staff managers often approach an interviewing situation not knowing
what to ask, but trying to sound intelligent because they have been told to participate.
They often come to interviews unprepared because they do not know what or how to
prepare. This dilemma can be solved if the line manager and the human resource
practitioner co-operate and if managers are provided with sufficient training.
Another very important factor is that an interviewer is there to listen to answers as much
as to ask questions. Good listening skills are discussed in study unit 18 in this study guide.
There are a number of psychological tests available in South Africa. These tests are
classified into the following categories:
Ð Intelligence tests
Ð Personality tests
Ð Aptitude tests
Ð Interest tests
These tests are classified as A-level, B-level or C-level tests by the Test Commission.
A-level tests may be administered by a psychotechnician.
According to the Health Professions Council of South Africa, the registration of
psychotechnicians is closed and there shall be no more additions to it, but those already
on this register will remain on it.
B-level tests may be administered by a psychometrist and registered counsellors.
The Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA, s.a.) has indicated that as from
1 January 2006 persons with academic honours degrees in psychology will not be able
to register as psychometrists with the Board. The last Board Examination for
psychometrists with an academic honours degree in psychology was conducted in
October 2005.
The requirements for registration as a psychometrist as from 1 January 2006 are as
follows (HPCSA, s.a.):
(i) Successful completion of a four-year degree in psychology that is accredited by
the Board for registration as a psychometrist (e.g. B Psych degree or an honours
degree that has been accredited by the Board as an equivalent to the B Psych
degree). The B Psych degree or equivalent degree is based on outcomes.
(ii) Successful completion of a period of 6 months (full-time) approved practicum.
The practicum forms part of the accredited 4-year degree in psychology, and
universities are responsible for the placement and oversight of the practicum.
(iii) Successful completion of the National Examination of the Board. Candidates are
required to obtain a minimum of 70% in the examination. This examination will be
conducted on the first Wednesday of February, June and October of each year.
Psychometrists have to register within two years of completion of the academic and
practical requirements for registration.
The requirements for registration as a Registered Counsellor are as follows (HPCSA, s.a.):
(i) Successful completion of a 4-year degree in psychology that is accredited by the
Board for registration as a registered counsellor (e.g. B Psych degree or an
honours degree that is based on outcomes and has been accredited by the Board
as equivalent to a B Psych degree).
(ii) Successful completion of an approved internship of 6 months' duration in the
designated practice area. The internship forms part of the accredited 4-year
degree in psychology, and universities are responsible for the placement and
oversight of the internships. The six months' internship included in the B Psych
must be done under supervision of a registered psychologist according to the
requirements for supervision, as determined by the Professional Board. This
internship may occur from the third year of the degree and shall be not less than
two months in any given setting. The internship may also occur after completion
of the degree.
(iii) Successful completion of the National Examination of the Board. Candidates are
required to obtain a minimum of 70% in the examination. This examination will be
conducted on the first Wednesday of February, June and October of each year.
Ð An accredited masters degree in the of the following registration categories:
. Clinical psychology
. Counselling psychology
. Educational psychology
. Industrial psychology
. Research psychology
This examination will be conducted on the first Wednesday of February, June and
October of each year.
According to the Health Professions Act 56 of 1974, only a registered psychologist is
allowed to interpret psychometric test results and convey the test results to the testees
and the interviewers. The reason for this is that the information obtained by means of the
tests is sensitive, and a large amount and depth of training is required to understand and
convey the test results in an understandable, sensitive and responsible manner.
The selection of the psychometric tests to be used during the selection process is, in
terms of the Health Professions Act 56 of 1974, the domain of the registered
psychologist. The psychologist, particularly the industrial psychologist, has an under-
standing of what the job entails and what type of person the organisation is looking for.
Psychologists also have expert knowledge regarding the attributes of psychometric
tests and can thus make an informed decision about test materials to be used in the
selection process.
The line manager can obtain information on psychometric test results from the
psychologist involved. However, the line manager also has a duty to respect the privacy
of testees and must co-operate fully with the psychologist in this matter.
Activity 5.4
(b) If so, do you use these facilities as an additional source of information about
Activity 5.5
(a) Discuss the basis on which you think assessment centres measure a candidate's
potential for management.
(b) Explain the three most common assessment centre exercises that you may
know or have heard of.
A recommendation will only be worthwhile if the person providing it has had adequate
opportunity to observe the applicant in job-relevant situations and is competent to
evaluate the applicant's performance.
When doing a reference check, the following should be considered:
Ð A reference check may be done only with the candidate's permission.
Ð Only job-related information should be requested. Questions about the
candidate's personality must be avoided.
Ð The reference must be obtained from a previous supervisor or manager.
Ð The information obtained should be validated by information obtained from other
selection methods as well.
When you are asked to provide information, take the following into account:
Ð The employee must give consent prior to providing the information.
Ð A written record of all released information should be kept.
Ð Avoid subjective statements, such as ``she is careless''. Be specific Ð rather provide
specific reasons.
Ð Only the following general types of information may be released: dates of
employment, job titles during employment, time in each position, promotions,
demotions, attendance record, salary and reason for termination.
As a line manager, you could either obtain these references yourself, or obtain the
information as a service from the human resource practitioner. In both cases, ensure
that the reference is based on a list of specific questions.
References could be obtained by means of a testimonial or an interview. Testimonials
with negative references simply do not exist. For this reason, testimonials should be
regarded with caution and key aspects of previous history should always be verified.
References obtained by means of an interview (either in person or by telephone) are
more reliable, provided they are based on specific, work-related questions and are
obtained by a skilled interviewer.
Activity 5.6
You heard a long and uncomfortable pause on the other end of the phone line. You
understood the hesitation. You were, after all, seeking a vital piece of information from
someone you had never met. It wasn't as if you were a private eye or investigator
reporting a controversial story, though. You merely wanted a reference for a job
applicant named Ben who was seeking a mid-level accounting position. From the
hemming and hawing, you could tell that Ben's former supervisor, Donald, wished he
hadn't picked up the phone.
``I am really sorry,'' Donald said. ``I can't tell you anything more than his job title and
dates of employment. Company policy.''
You understood and verified that Ben had been a staff accountant from May 2001 to
June 2006. Before you let Donald go, you asked if he would answer just one more
``Okay,'' Donald replied.
``This is an important job, and it would really help me out if you could just give me an
indication of Ben's work performance. If you were going to rate what kind of employee
he was on a scale of 1 to 10, would you give him an 8, 9 or 10?''
Donald thought for a moment and said, ``No doubt. He was a 9.'' Without prompting,
Donald gave a couple of reasons for the high rating. Within a few minutes, the two of
you were chatting like old friends.
Source: Adapted from Mullich, 2003
(a) What does Donald mean by ``company policy'' and why do organisations have
policies in respect of the giving of references?
(b) Why was Donald, after his initial reluctance to provide information, so co-
operative in giving a reference?
(c) Develop a background check form for a person seeking a job as a sales
(d) What type of questions would you ask an applicant's:
Ð supervisor
Ð colleague
Ð neighbour
Activity 5.7
(a) If you, as a line manager, are requested to provide reference information, what
guidelines would you follow to ensure that you are fair with regard to the
(b) List the kinds of information about a job applicant that you think can be
provided by a reference check.
Even though references are not the most reliable source of information about a
prospective candidate, ``employers can be held liable for negligent hiring if they fail to
check closely enough on a prospective employee who then commits a crime in the
course of performing his or her job duties. The employer becomes liable if it knew, or
should have known, about the applicant's unfitness to perform the job in question''
(Cascio, 2006:242).
contemplated in section 7 is justifiable, the Court may make any order that it
considers appropriate in the circumstances, including imposing conditions relating
to Ð
a. the provision of counselling;
b. the maintenance of confidentiality;
c. the period during which the authorisation for any testing applies; and
d. the category or categories of jobs or employees in respect of which the
authorisation for testing applies.
The word ``employee'' signifies also an applicant for employment, and consequently
pre-employment medical and HIV testing is prohibited unless the above conditions are
Medical testing is defined in the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998 as ``any test,
question, inquiry or other means designed to ascertain, or which has the effect of
enabling the employer to ascertain, whether an employee has any medical condition''.
For example, if the medical examination reveals that an applicant has cancer, the
employer cannot use that information to the disadvantage of an applicant, because the
information has nothing to do with the job requirements. Smit (1996b:172) provides a
further example: ``If the medical examination reveals that the applicant is HIV positive
or an AIDS sufferer, the examining doctor will be breaching confidentiality if he or she
discloses this information on the medical form, and the employment officer will not be
allowed to consider this type of information in the employment decision.''
If medical testing is approved in terms of the above situation, such information is
confidential and should be used in such a way that the dignity of the applicant is
Smit (1996b:173) states that ``before applicants are referred for medical examinations,
the relevance of the information that is obtained and the expense of such examinations
must be considered''.
Grobler, et al. (2006:198) write:
Thus, should such a test be allowed under the conditions mentioned above, the
process will normally consist of a health check list that asks the applicant to
indicate health information. If the answers provided cause any doubt about the
candidate's overall fitness, it will be supplemented with a physical examination by
a physician or company nurse. Physical examination can also include drug and
alcohol testing.
Read the Constitutional Court judgment below:
SAA had argued that its flight crew had to be fit for world-wide duty which meant that they would
have to fly to yellow fever endemic countries. To fly to these countries they must be vaccinated against
yellow fever. Persons who are HIV positive may react negatively to this vaccine and may therefore not
take it. If they do not take it however, they run the risk not only of contracting yellow fever but also of
transmitting it to others, including passengers.
Medical evidence was placed before the court that showed that only those persons whose HIV
infection had reached the immunosuppression stage and whose CD4+ count had dropped below 300
cells per microlitre of blood were prone to the medical, safety and operational hazards asserted. The
court therefore found that the assertions made by SAA were not only true of all persons who are HIV
positive, but they were not true of Mr Hoffmann.
The court declined to comment on a request by SAA to express an opinion on its policy of testing
applicants for HIV, and thereafter of refusing employment if the infection has progressed to such a
stage that the person has become unsuitable for employment as a cabin attendant. The court declined
on the basis that (a) the policy was not in issue in the High Court and should therefore not be in issue
at the Constitutional Court and (b) the question of testing in order to determine suitability for
employment is governed by section 7(2) read with section 54(4) of the Employment Equity Act. (The
Employment Equity Act states that pre-employment testing for HIV is prohibited unless authorisation
is obtained from the Labour Court.)
The court concluded that the refusal by SAA to employ Mr Hoffmann as a cabin attendant because he
was HIV positive violated his right to equality guaranteed by section 9 of the constitution (the equality
The court ordered SAA to offer to employ Mr Hoffmann as a cabin attendant; provided that should Mr
Hoffmann fail to accept the offer within 30 days of the date of the offer, the order would lapse. The
court stated that ``legitimate commercial requirements are, of course, an important consideration in
determining whether to employ an individual. However, we must guard against allowing stereotyping
and prejudice to creep in under the guise of commercial interests. The greater interests of society
require the recognition of the inherent dignity of every human being, and the elimination of all forms
of discrimination. Our Constitution protects the weak, the marginalised, the socially outcast, and the
victims of prejudice and stereotyping. It is only when these groups are protected that we can be
secured that our own rights are protected.''
Having found that the denial of employment to Mr Hoffmann because he was living with HIV impaired
his dignity and constituted unfair discrimination, the court stated that it was unnecessary to consider
whether Mr Hoffmann was discriminated against on a listed ground of disability, as set out in section
9(3) of the Constitution.
Activity 5.8
(b) When do you think medical testing of an employee can be legally allowed?
(c) Provide an example of a job you know for which medical testing would be
allowed. Substantiate your answer.
Activity 5.9
Read the case study below and then answer the questions.
(a) Does the hospital have the right to insist that you should undergo the blood
(b) On what grounds can the hospital prove that the test is justifiable?
(c) If you refuse to take the test, can the hospital discriminate against you by not
employing you?
manager can obtain this information with the assistance of the human resource
practitioner, but only if it is relevant to the contents of the job for which the selection is
(a) take affirmative action measures consistent with the purpose of this Act; or
(b) distinguish, exclude or prefer any person on the basis of an inherent
requirement of a job.
However, the Act categorically states that an employer is not required to appoint
people who are not ``suitably qualified'' for the job. To assist employers in this regard,
section 20 (3) to (5) of the Act defines the term ``suitably qualified'' as follows:
20 (3) ... a person may be suitably qualified for a job as a result of any one of, or
any combination of that person's Ð
(a) formal qualifications;
(b) prior learning;
(c) relevant experience; or
(d) capacity to acquire, within a reasonable time, the ability to do the job.
It is clear that any one of the factors mentioned above may amount to the person
being more suitably qualified.
Activity 5.10
Were you able to answer these questions? Compare your answers with the
following answers:
1 True 5 False
2 False 6 False
3 False 7 True
4 False 8 True
Activity 5.11
Now that you are familiar with the different steps in the selection process, complete
the following table:
Ð Conducting background discussion
Ð Conducting the competency interview
Ð Closing the interview
C Post-interview actions
Ð Evaluating and rating the interview
Ð Integrating and selecting data
Ð Checking references
Ð Offering employment
Ð Advising unsuccessful candidates
The more accurate and informative the recruitment advertisement, the more
accurately people can assess their suitability for the job. This increases interest among
potentially suitable candidates and serves as a valuable, time-saving screening
mechanism to discourage entirely unsuitable applicants.
process. Clearly you will have a job analysis or description of the requirements of the
job and you will use this as a basis for including suitable applicants to pursue the
selection process.
Things to remember are the following:
Ð Subjectivity: Avoid subjectivity in selecting applicants i.e. on the basis of untidy
handwriting, not including photographs, etc.
Ð Personal prejudices and preferences: All people have personal preferences and
prejudices, and everyone uses stereotypes to classify and simplify the information
overload with which the senses would otherwise flood consciousness. In the
context of recruitment and selection for appointments, the aim is not to attempt
to rid ourselves of our natural biases, but to ensure that they do not unfairly
exclude potentially competent candidates or create unfair advantage for
potentially incompetent ones.
The law:
Many of the traditional bases of selection are illegal in terms of the anti-discriminatory
and anti-discriminatory clauses of the Constitution. Others are likely to fall foul of new
labour legislation and possible affirmative action legislation. In addition, the law lays
down certain procedural requirements which affect recruitment and selection of staff.
Developing a shortlist
To facilitate this process it is helpful to prioritise selection criteria, so that candidates
meeting the most important requirements of the job have priority over others less
suitable. This part of the process is merely intended to set up a list of names you have
obtained from the CVs and applications which on paper seem to fit the requirements
of the position best. You may decide to limit your number of likely candidates.
Setting up appointments
You are now ready to set up appointments and start interviewing the job applicants.
This is going to be your first contact with the applicant and it can tell both you and the
job applicant a lot about one another. But be wary of delegating this to someone else
who may not have the same understanding as you of what is required and what the
applicant will be expected to do.
Sometimes it is very difficult to make the contact telephonically, and therefore sending
a letter or telegram is the next best option. Rather than specifying that the applicant
should report for a job interview, it is better to ask the applicants to make contact with
you, providing them with an appropriate telephone number.
B Conducting the interview
The interview is a discussion with the purpose of discovering whether there is a good
match between the requirements of a particular job and the abilities and aspirations of
a particular individual. And, if there are a number of people interested in the job
opportunity, the interview also seeks to establish which of them is best suited to the
particular position in the circumstances prevailing at the time.
While it is clearly preferable to have more than one person seeing a job applicant, in
some instances this is not possible as it can be a fairly expensive process to pursue.
Establishing rapport
First impressions, whether we like it or not, do play a role in how people behave. As the
interviewer, you control and dictate the process to a large extent. You also have the
responsibility of making sure that every job applicant has an equal and fair chance of
being considered for the position. In establishing rapport, the following will help:
Ð Make eye contact
Ð Be friendly and responsive
Ð Avoid distractions or doing things which make the applicants feel that their
presence is a hindrance
Ð Engage in ``small talk'', i.e. whether they found the venue for the interview all right,
what the weather is like, or what other current events are on
Ð Specific detail of job responsibilities for each of the applicant's previous positions,
including limits of authority and responsibility and standards of performance if
these were specified
Ð Reasons for leaving the previous positions
Ð Their motivation for applying for the current position
Ð Their reasons for wanting to work for the particular organisation
Ð What their remuneration expectations are
Make a note during the background discussion of areas you want to explore further to
get information on the applicant's particular abilities or competencies in job-related
fields. Also make a note of any queries that you may wish to explore during the
reference checking phase of the selection process.
When asking competency-based questions, you must specifically focus on the forms of
behaviour and what the applicant has actually done.
applicant's background and ability to function according to the competencies the job
requires, you need to provide any information the applicant may need to decide
whether he or she still wants the job.
Your organisation may want to provide any of the following items to help attract top
candidates for positions:
Ð Copy of the job description
Ð Annual report
Ð Recent press releases that say positive things about the organisation
Ð Copy of a recent in-house newsletter or other employee communications
Ð Summary of company benefits and conditions of employment
Ð Information on the local communities, housing, etc. (for people changing location)
For applicants to be able to make informed decisions about accepting the job if it is
offered to them, you need to give adequate information about the organisation (its
function, mission and organisational culture) and the significance of the job within it.
Inaccurate information at this phase in the interview can very easily result in expensive
labour turnover as applicants form inaccurate impressions of the nature of the
opportunity being offered. It is also important to keep this phase of the discussion to
the point, so pre-prepared notes are a good idea.
In the closure phase there are at least three key components which need to be covered.
These are:
1. discussion of the job as well as the organisation
2. clarification of expectations
3. discussion of concerns
2. Clarification of expectations
This provides you with an opportunity to explain the process that will be followed from
here onwards. You will indicate to the job applicant what still needs to be done before a
final answer can be given, i.e. the expected time by which you will be in a position to
make a decision. This will enable you to check out whether it fits with the applicant's
expectations as well.
3. Discussion of concerns
This is a closing stage which not only enables you to provide an end to the interview
but also allows you to give the job applicant an opportunity to express any concerns
which he or she may have, either about the interview or about his or her candidacy for
the position. One could use questions like the following:
Ð ``Is there anything that you are uncertain about or anything that worries you about
the interview we have had?''
Ð ``Is there anything that we have not yet covered during the interview but which
you feel is important for me to know about?''
C Post-interview actions
Evaluating and rating the interview
The interview with each application is evaluated and each competency is rated on a 5-
point scale. The rating scale is as follows:
5 = Excellent/outstanding
4 = Good
3 = Adequate for the position
2 = In need of some development
1 = Requires considerable development
Each competency is rated utilising the above scale, and the assessment of an applicant
would look something like the following:
Ratings of job applicants
Competencies John Mary Peter Susan
Sales ability 1 1 4 3
Process operation 1 4 2 3
Performance under pressure 1 5 3 2
Action orientation 1 4 3 3
Integrity 3 4 2 3
Ability to learn 2 3 1 1
Total of competencies which are adequate 3 8 4 7
Checking references
This part of the selection process is often ignored or done poorly, and yet it can be the
single most important aid to your decision making. You will have obtained references
from the job applicants either from their CVs or during your interviews with them. A
number of suggestions pertaining to reference checking are as follows:
Ð Unless you obtain permission from the job applicant, do not do a reference check
with an existing employer.
Ð Prepare your reference check queries as thoroughly as you prepared for the
Ð On contacting the relevant person, first indicate the purpose of your telephone call
and then secondly enquire whether it is convenient for such a discussion to take
place. Alternatively, offer to call at a time which would be appropriate for such a
discussion. Normally reference checks take about 15 to 20 minutes at most over
the telephone.
Ð Begin with a few basic, non-threatening, standard questions, such as: So-and-so
worked for you, didn't she/he? From when until when was that? What was his/her
job? What were the main responsibilities?
Ð Some organisations believe in written reference checking. While this may have
some utility, the usefulness for decision making purposes is rather questionable.
Furthermore, it is a tedious task, often delegated to some clerk to do. The only
valid information gained from a written reference check is that regarding the
period of a person's employment and, if you are lucky, their salary and the
circumstances of their resignation.
Ð To get meaningful information from a reference check, focus on the incidents
which the applicant would have told you about during the interview to confirm or
disagree with the information which you have.
Ð To get even more meaningful information from a reference check, focus on the
skills and competencies you are looking for in the applicant. Your reference should
be someone who was/is close enough to the applicant to be able to confirm or
disagree with the information you obtained in the interview.
Ð The usual last question asked of a referee is still useful: ``If you had a vacancy in
your organisation, would you appoint this person or not, and why?''
Offering employment
As soon as you have made a decision to appoint someone, you need to contact the
applicant as soon as possible to make the offer of employment. This you would
generally do over the telephone, and as a last resort you would do it by letter. Further
meetings may be necessary to finalise salary details, starting date, etc. As soon as all
relevant issue are agreed, a letter of appointment or written contract of employment is
essential to good human resource practice.
NAME: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Interviews Group/Exec Problem solving Total
Impact and influence
Achievement orientation
Information seeking
Problem solving & analytical
Planning & organising
(+ visionary leadership)
Developing organisational talent
Facilitating change
Tolerance for stress
NAME: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ð Work experience
Ð Education and training
Ð Check motivational fit
(1) What were your major duties? (most recent)
(2) What did you like best about the position? What did you like the least?
Situation Action Result
Maintaining effectiveness in varying environments and with different tasks,
responsibilities and people.
Key areas:
Adjust approach to match varied task requirements
Change priorities to meet changing demands
Ð Tell me about a situation when you had to adjust quickly to change in
organisational, department, or team priorities.
Ð Sometimes we have to work under new policies we don't agree with. Tell me
about the last time you disagreed with a new policy or procedure. (Why, what did
you do?)
Ð Did you ever work shifts or unusual hours or days. How did you arrange transport?
Ð Leaving school and starting a new job or looking for a new job can be a dramatic
change. Tell me about a particular problem you had when you made this
Ð Sometimes it is difficult to know when to quit a difficult project or job assigned/
given to you. Can you tell me about an experience in which you felt you persisted
too long? How could you have improved the situation?
Ð Things do not always go our way. Describe a situation when you tried your best
but did not achieve the result you wanted.
Ð Work assigned to you or that you do rarely proceeds without obstacles. Tell me
about a recent project or job that you had to do in which you encountered a major
Ð We all have subjects that are easier to learn than others. What school subject gave
you the most trouble? How did you handle it?
Ð Working with other people can be challenging at times. Have you ever had
difficulty getting along with peers and others at work (or when you were at
school)? Tell me about a specific time this had happened. How did you handle the
Ð Tell me about a situation when a team member or peer strongly disagreed with
your ideas or actions. How did you handle this situation?
Ð Often we deal with people who waste our time at work. Tell me about a similar
situation and how you dealt with it.
Ð We've all experienced times when we were just too busy to check all the details of a
project. Tell me about a time this happened to you and some errors slipped through.
Ð Describe the things you do to control errors in your work. Tell me about a time
these methods helped you. What did you do?
Ð When working on repetitive tasks, we all get bored and overlook important details
that could cause problems later on. Describe a time this happened to you.
Ð Tell me about an important paper you had to write at school. What steps did you
take before you considered it complete?
Ð At one time or another everyone is pressurised to get work done and sacrifices
quality. Tell me about a time this happened to you. What did you do?
Ð Tell about a time when you knew that a particular job or process was poorly done.
What did you do about it?
Ð We are not always satisfied with our performance. Tell me about the most
memorable time that you were not satisfied with your performance.
Ð Tell me about a time when you worked at a fast pace for a long period of time.
What kind of work did you do? How did you maintain your pace?
Ð Everyone makes errors when tired on the job. Tell me about the last time you
were really tired while working. What errors did you make in your work?
Ð Tell me about a time when you worked long periods (evenings or weekends). How
did your family cope?
Ð What job activity did you find required the most energy? What did you do to
maintain your effectiveness?
Ð Are you prepared to work shifts? This includes Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, public
holidays (including Christmas and New Year) and all religious holidays.
Ð How will you get to work?
Ð Do you smoke? Are you prepared to give up smoking completely while you are
working and even while you are on the work premises?
5.7 Summary
This study unit has focused on the selection process. The selection procedure in any
organisation can succeed only if the line manager and the human resource manager
work as a team. In this unit we looked at what methods are available for selection. A
combination of these methods and procedures should be used to ensure that all
relevant information is used in the selection procedure. The sequence in which the
different methods are combined is often based on the costs of each method. The
selection procedure must be logical and cost-effective.
Topic 2
Human resource development and
Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4
Fundamentals of H u m a n re s o u rc e Managing compen- Human relations in
h u m a n r e s o u r c e development and sation systems and modern organisa-
management utilisation employment rela- tions
Study unit 6:
Organisational sociali-
Study unit 7:
Employee training and
Study unit 8:
Performance manage-
ment process
Study unit 9:
Career management in
Study unit 10:
Job evaluation systems
Harbison and Myers (1964:2) write:
Human resources development is the process of increasing the knowledge, the
skills, and the capacities of all the people in a society. In economic terms, it could
be described as the accumulation of human capital and its effective investment in
the development of an economy. In political terms, human resource develop-
ment prepares people for adult participation in political processes, particularly as
citizens in a democracy. From the social and cultural points of view, the
development of human resources helps people to lead fuller and richer lives, less
bound by tradition. In short, the processes of human resource development
unlock the door to modernisation.
Reich (1992:264) writes:
The skills of a nation's work force and the quality of its infrastructure are what
make it unique, and uniquely attractive, in the world economy. Investments in
these relatively immobile factors of worldwide production are what chiefly
distinguish one nation from another; money, by contrast, moves easily around
the world.
A work force that is knowledgeable and skilled at doing complex things, and
which can easily transport the fruits of its labors into the global economy, will
entice global money to it.
The aim of this topic is to introduce you to the processes of organisational socalisation,
training and development, performance management, career management and job
evaluation systems.
Topic contents
The topic ``Human resource development and utilisation'' will involve the following
study units:
Study unit 6 Study unit 7 Study unit 8 Study unit 9 Study unit 10
Organisational so- Employee training Performance man- Career manage- Job evaluation sys-
cialisation and development agement process ment in organisa- tems
Study unit 6
Organisational socialisation
Contents Page
Learning outcomes 89
Key concepts 89
6.1 Introduction 90
6.2 Organisational socialisation/orientation 91
6.3 The responsibility for socialisation/orientation 92
6.4 The objectives of socialisation/orientation 92
6.5 The content of the socialisation/orientation programme 93
6.6 Evaluation of the socialisation/orientation programme 96
6.7 Summary 96
Self-assessment 96
Learning outcomes
Key concepts
You will need to master the following key concepts in order to meet the study unit
learning outcomes:
Organisational socialisation/orientation
Anticipatory socialisation
Change and acquisition
6.1 Introduction
Truesdell (1998) writes:
Remember your first day of school when you were just a youngster? It was a bit
frightening, if you were like most kids. You met a lot of new people and a
completely different environment.
You weren't quite sure how you would be accepted.
New employees feel much the same way. They are coming into a new
environment, meeting new people, and are not sure how they will be accepted.
Employers can ease the transition and take advantage of the opportunity to get
the relationship off to a good start.
Socialisation or orientation of a new employee to the company and its culture is, more
often than not, neglected. According to Cascio (2006:309), failure to provide a
thorough orientation can be a very expensive mistake, since most turnover occurs
during the first few months on the job. Cascio (2006:310) describes starting a new job
as a kind of culture shock, and new employees often find that the new job is not quite
what they had imagined it to be.
An effective orientation programme can help lessen the impact of this shock. ...
A new employee's experiences during the initial period at the new job can have a
major impact on his or her career. A new hire stands on the ``boundary'' of the
organization Ð certainly no longer an outsider but not yet embraced by those
within (Cascio, 2006:310).
The only way to reduce the stress is to become part of the organisation as soon as
possible. ``Consequently, during this period an employee is more receptive to cues from
the organizational environment than she or he is ever likely to be again'' (Cascio,
6.2 Organisational socialisation/orientation
Regarding organisational culture and socialisation, Field (2002) has the following to
An organization has a culture but its individual members will be replaced over
time. For the organization's culture to endure it must be transmitted from
current organizational members to new members. This process is called
organizational socialization. It is especially important in organizations with strong
cultures. Organizations with weak cultures have less to transmit and will tend to
experience culture change as members come and go with their own particular
societal cultures. Socialization has three phases: anticipatory socialization;
encounter; and change and acquisition.
Anticipatory Socialization
A certain degree of socialization occurs even before the new member joins the
organization. What a person has heard about working for a local fast food chain
can give him or her information of what to expect if hired. Individuals who do not
believe they would fit in may not even apply to join. The socialization of those
who do join is therefore easier.
Organizations use the interviewing process to begin the socialization of new
members. A realistic job preview attempts to paint a realistic picture of what to
expect from the job and the organization. The idea is that upon entry the recruit
is not shocked by unanticipated problems. Interviewing is also used to determine
the degree of match between the values of potential recruits and the values of
the organization. New recruits with personal values matching those of the firm
have been found to adjust to the organization's culture more quickly than
recruits with non-matching values.
Organizations also send cultural messages to potential new members during
interviews. When there are several rounds of interviews with progressively senior
members of the organization, the message sent is of the importance of finding
the best person for the position. In contrast, hiring for a part-time job at the
lowest level of the organization is often accomplished quickly, with a person
having minimally acceptable qualifications hired on the spot. The cultural
message in this case is that such employees are easily let into and out of the
The first day on a new job is one of encounter. The new recruit is told what to do
and how to do it. A common feeling in the encounter phase is of being lost,
confused, and overwhelmed with information. Since many new employees do not
get a very good first impression of the organization, a practical way to help the new
member become socialized is to provide a newcomer's welcome package that
contains useful information about the organization and how it works.
organization. This results in some change in their beliefs and values. When a
member of an organization is considered an old hand and is asked to show new
organizational members the ropes, that person may be considered to have
successfully acquired the organization's culture.
The change and acquisition process is made easier when organizational
newcomers are active in seeking information about their job, role, and the
organization's culture. This suggests that both the newcomer and the
organization affect socialization.
(Source: Field, 2002)
and the employee can become productive sooner. Absenteeism as a result of high
levels of uncertainty, anxiety and frustration can also be prevented if an effective
orientation programme is followed.
Ð Prevent labour turnover. Most turnover occurs during the first few months of
service. The careful matching of company and employee expectations during the
first year of service can result in positive job attitudes and high standards, creating
a long-term commitment to the organisation.
Ð Prevent unnecessary costs. Lack of proper orientation can result in labour
turnover and unnecessary costs. More productive hours are lost and the selection
process has to start from scratch, with the accompanying costs involved.
Ð Reduce stress and frustration. A new position in a new environment causes a
lot of uncertainty. Lack of information may lead to stress, anxiety and frustration. A
proper orientation programme prevents this and creates a sense of belonging and
Day one
The first day is crucial Ð it is the most important part of the socialisation process.
This day must be well planned in advance to make sure that all necessary elements are
covered (Smit, 1996c:185). The following are important considerations (Cascio,
2006:314; Smit, 1996c:186):
Ð All the information the employee needs to feel comfortable in a strange
environment must be provided.
Ð Specific information about the new employee's own job and department must be
provided. The employee is interested in learning about the organisation as a whole
and how he or she fits into the bigger picture.
Ð The necessary policies and procedures of the organisation must be commu-
Ð The employee must meet new colleagues, but not so many that he or she feels
Ð Care must be taken to prevent information overload Ð everything must be
provided in reasonable amounts.
Ð If possible the employee must be given or taught a job-related task which will help
him or her feel worthwhile during the first day.
Ð Arrange for someone to spend the day with the new employee and show him or
her around and have lunch with him or her.
Ð Make the immediate supervisor ultimately responsible for the success of the
orientation process.
A short meeting at the end of the day to summarise the day's events and answer any
questions will ensure that the new person does not leave with a lot of uncertainties and
unnecessary stress (Smit, 1996c:187).
Activity 6.1
(a) Indicate the specific information that you think new employees need when
they join an organisation.
(b) Explain the importance of the very first day of the orientation programme
Week one
The following should be attended to during the first week (Smit, 1996c:187±188):
Ð The employee should have one-to-one interviews with the supervisors and co-
workers to learn about the necessary aspects of the job and the company, such as
the mission and values of the company and organised labour agreements.
Ð The employee must be partly integrated into a group or team and any adaptation
problems must be addressed.
Ð The progress and problems the employee experiences need to be discussed.
Ð The supervisor and co-workers must make themselves accessible to the employee
if and when necessary.
At the end of the first week it is essential to discuss the new employee's progress with
him or her and to make adjustments where necessary.
Activity 6.2
(a) If you think back to your first day on your job, what were your first
(b) What, if anything, would you have changed about your orientation
Long-term orientation
Orientation is not an event but should be regarded as a long-term process. Over the
first year aspects such as the following should be attended to on a regular basis (Smit,
Ð The policies and procedures that could affect the employee's job performance
Ð The training needs and objectives of the employee
Ð The allocation of specific tasks that will allow for growth in the person and the task
Ð Additional knowledge that the employee requires to become productive
6.7 Summary
This study unit has focused on the socialisation or orientation of new employees. Smit
(1995:69) comments that this process is often squeezed into a day's work, and she
continues as follows:
Few people realize that the impressions an employee forms of an organization
during his/her first few work days, will make the employee decide either to stay
and be loyal and productive, or stay until a better opportunity presents itself.
The line manager has a responsibility to both the new employee and the
organization to ensure that orientation is successful. A successful orientation
programme needs to be well designed and have clear objectives.
1 How would you describe the roles of the line manager and the human
resource practitioner in the orientation programme? (4)
2 Describe the objectives of orientation and give examples to illustrate
your answers. (8)
3 What general mistakes are normally made by supervisors or colleagues
during a new employee's first day on the job? (4)
4 Is it necessary to continue the orientation programme after the first day?
Give reasons for your answer. (3)
5 Design your own orientation programme for a new employee in your
organisation. (15)
Study unit 7
Employee training and development
Contents Page
Learning outcomes 98
Key concepts 98
7.1 Introduction 99
7.2 Training and development in South Africa today 99
7.3 Purpose of training and development 100
7.4 Assessing training needs and designing training programmes 101
7.5 Learning principles involved in training 103
7.5.1 Goal setting 103
7.5.2 Behaviour modelling 103
7.5.3 Meaningfulness of material 104
7.5.4 Practice 105
7.5.5 Feedback 105
7.6 Transfer of learning 106
7.7 Different training and development methods 106
7.8 Factors which determine training and development methods 107
7.9 Evaluating training programmes 107
7.10 Summary 108
Self-assessment 108
Learning outcomes
Key concepts
You will need to master the following key concepts in order to meet the study unit
learning outcomes:
Training Assessment/evaluation
Development Learning
7.1 Introduction
Cascio (2006:286) explains that training and development are interchangeable terms.
The term ``training'' is used to describe the minimum level of skills and knowledge
that employees require before they can be appointed in a specific position. Therefore,
employees are trained to do a job according to the minimum standards applicable to
that job. They cannot be appointed in the position unless they comply with the
minimum requirements of the position (Smit, 1995:72).
The term ``development'' is used to describe the additional skills and knowledge
that employees require to enable them to do the following (Smit, 1995:72):
Ð Perform above the minimum standard in their current position
Ð Become skilled to fill other future positions at the same or a higher level in the
Activity 7.1
How are the terms ``training'' and ``development'' defined in your organisation?
longer whether there should be training, but which employees should be trained, in
what area(s), by what method(s), by whom, when or how often, what outcomes
should be expected and what the cost will be.
Three key areas have been identified in which training is necessary to start correcting
competency imbalances among employees:
Ð Literacy training for illiterate and semi-literate employees
Ð Skills training to allow semi-skilled and skilled employees to qualify in a specific
field of expertise
Ð Management training for employees with managerial potential
Improving performance
``Employees who perform unsatisfactorily because of a deficiency in skills are prime
candidates for training'' (Grobler et al., 2006:302). Even though training is not the
answer to all ineffective performances, a sound training and development programme
can be extremely valuable in minimising these problems.
absenteeism and turnover, labour-management disputes and a restrictive legal
environment'' (Grobler et al., 2006:303). One way to address these problems is by
training and development courses.
Training personnel, educational institutions, and training and development consultants
assist employees in solving problems and performing their jobs more effectively.
Training and development courses for nearly every aspect in the day-to-day running of
a business are available, for example human resources, marketing, accounting, finance,
manufacturing, purchasing, information systems and general management (Grobler et
al., 2006:303).
Three levels of analysis for determining the needs that training can fulfil are organisational
analysis, operations analysis and individual analysis (Cascio, 2006:293±296).
Ð Organisational analysis focuses on identifying where training is needed within
the organisation. It involves analysing organisation-wide performance criteria (e.g.
accidents and injuries, absenteeism, turnover, productivity, quality, labour and
operating costs, sexual harassment charges, equal employment opportunity
problems, etc.).
Ð Operations analysis attempts to identify the content of training Ð in other
words, what is expected from an employee to perform competently. The purpose
is to determine how a job should be performed.
Ð Individual analysis determines how well each employee is performing the
tasks that make up his or her job. The purpose of individual analysis is twofold. It is
to find out the following: (1) Who currently needs training and development?
(2) What skills, knowledge, abilities or attitudes need to be acquired or
strengthened? This kind of analysis is important to ensure that employees who
need training are the ones who actually receive it and that programmes are
designed to fill the gap between actual and desired performance.
Cascio (1998:269) writes that it is important to analyse training needs with regard to
the organisation's goals and objectives before any decisions are taken. If this is not
done, time and money could be wasted on programmes that are not in the interest of
the organisation.
People may be trained in skills they already possess, the training budget may be wasted
on training sessions where entertainment forms the focus point and not learning job
skills or job knowledge or ``the budget may be spent on glittering hardware that meets
the training director's needs but not the organization's'' (Cascio, 1998:269, citing
Moore & Dutton).
Figure 7.1 helps to answer questions regarding training needs.
3 Training cycle 3
! O P E R AT I O N S
Yes Yes
" Training " viour: " Training " Knowledge
need? What an employ- need? Skills
Allocation of ee must do in Attitudes
resources order to perform "
No job effectively No (a) Current 3 (b) Optimal
~ level of level of
performance performance
! !
Alternative Alternative
solutions solutions !
Training Yes
Alternative 3 No
7.5 Learning principles involved in training
To promote efficient learning that will not be forgotten the moment the trainer leaves
the training session, and to ensure that the staff members will be able to apply to their
job situations the skills or factual information learned in training, training programmes
should incorporate principles of learning developed over the past century (Cascio,
To be effective, the learning of skills should include the following four essential
ingredients: (i) goal setting, (ii) behaviour modelling, (iii) practice and (iv) feedback
(Cascio, 2006:297).
If the focus is on learning of facts, the sequence should change slightly: (i) goal
setting, (ii) meaningfulness of material, (iii) practice and (iv) feedback (Cascio,
appropriate and will therefore be imitated. If the model's behaviour is rewarded (e.g.
pay, power, influence), the desire to imitate this model's behaviour is increased (Cascio,
For this theory to be successful, the following must be taken into account (Cascio,
Ð The model should be similar in age, gender and race. If the observer sees little
similarity between himself or herself and the model, it is unlikely that he or she will
imitate the model's behaviour.
Ð The behaviours to be modelled must be pointed out clearly and in detail. Cascio
(2006:300) supplies the following example: ``... when one group of supervisors
was being taught how to `coach' employees, the supervisors received a list of the
following key behaviours: (1) Focus on the problem, not on the person; (2) ask
for the employees' suggestions, and get their ideas on how to solve the problem;
(3) listen openly; (4) agree on the steps that each of you will take to solve the
problem; and (5) plan a specific follow-up date.''
Ð The behaviours to be modelled should be ranked in a sequence from least to most
difficult, and enough repetitions of the behaviours being modelled should be
observed by the trainees.
Ð More than one model should be used to portray the expected behaviour.
Behaviour modelling rests on the theory that showing is better than telling.
Activity 7.2
(a) Provide your own example of how behaviour modelling can be used in the
learning of skills.
(b) Try to think of any skill you have learned or tried to learn in the past. Was this
theory applied successfully or not, if it was applied at all? Substantiate your
To maximise the meaningfulness of material, the following should be taken into
consideration (Cascio, 2006:300):
Ð Provide trainees with an overview of the material to be presented during the
training. If the overall picture is clear, it is easier to understand how all the units of
the programme fit together and how each contributes to the overall training
Ð Present the material by using examples, terms and concepts that are familiar to
the trainees.
Ð Teach the more simple concepts before the complex ones. This is true regardless
of the subject, whether it be accounting, computer programming or learning a
foreign language.
7.5.4 Practice
Whether a skill or factual knowledge is learned, the learner must have the opportunity
to practise what he or she is learning. The following three aspects of practice should be
taken into account (Cascio, 2006:300±301):
Ð Active practice. During the initial stages of learning, the trainer should be
available to oversee the trainee's practice directly. In this way, inappropriate or
wrong behaviours can be corrected immediately, before they become ingrained in
the trainee's behaviour. This is why trainer±trainee (or teacher±pupil) ratios should
be low. It also explains why so many people go for private lessons when trying to
learn a sport or how to drive a car for instance, and why so many parents pay huge
amounts of money every month for private tuition (over and above the normal
school tuition) for their children, especially in subjects like mathematics and
Ð Overlearning. ``When trainees are given the opportunity to practice far beyond
the point where they have performed a task correctly several times, the task
becomes `second nature' and is said to be `overlearned' '' (Cascio, 2006:301).
Examples are driving a car, or attempting to kick a winning field goal with only
seconds left in a soccer match.
Ð Length of the practice session. Cascio (2006:301) uses the example of an
actor: If there is only one week to memorise the lines of a play, and during that
week only twelve hours are available to practise, would it be better to practise two
hours a day for six days (distributed practice), or should the practice take
place for six hours on the two days before the deadline (massed practice)?
Although there are a few exceptions, distributed practice is usually the better
option (for example, cramming the night before the examination does not usually
deliver the desired results).
7.5.5 Feedback
Feedback is the communication to the trainee about his or her actions. Feedback is
essential for both learning and trainee motivation. It is important to give the feedback
as soon as possible and to be specific in the feedback on where and how something
was done correctly. There should be no confusion regarding exactly what the trainee
did and the trainer's reaction to it Cascio (2006:302).
For example: ``Your speech yesterday was clear and to the point. I liked the way you
used the overhead projector.''
Feedback need not always be positive, but it is important that it should be given in a
non-threatening way. (Non-threatening feedback will be discussed in study unit 16 in
this study guide.)
Activity 7.3
(a) Distinguish between the sequence of steps when learning a skill and when
learning factual material.
(b) Explain the sequence of steps in the process of learning how to drive a bus.
Ð Information presentation techniques include lectures, conferences, corre-
spondence courses, videos, reading lists, closed-circuit TV, behaviour modelling
and systematic observation, programmed instruction, computer-assisted instruc-
tion, sensitivity training and organisation development.
Ð Simulation methods include role playing, programmed group exercises, the in-
basket technique and business games.
Ð On-the-job training methods include orientation training, apprenticeships,
on-the-job training, job rotation, on-the-job coaching and performance appraisal.
The training method that one chooses should meet the following minimal conditions
needed for effective learning to take place (Cascio, 2006:305):
Ð Motivate the trainee to improve his or her performance
Ð Clearly illustrate desired skills
Ð Allow the trainee to participate actively
Ð Provide an opportunity to practise
Ð Provide some means for reinforcement while the trainee learns
Ð Be structured from simple to complex tasks
Ð Be adaptable to specific problems
Ð Encourage positive transfer from the training to the job
Ð Have trainees achieved a specific level of skill, knowledge or performance?
Ð Did change occur?
Ð Is the change due to training?
Ð Is the change positively related to the achievement of organisational goals?
Ð Will similar changes occur with new participants in the same training programme?
Kirkpatrick's model is one of the most recognised and widely used evaluation models
within the training environment. Kirkpatrick (1994:21±26) identifies four levels at
which evaluation must take place:
Ð Level 1: Reaction Ð What is the reaction or feeling of the participants towards
the training programme?
Ð Level 2: Learning Ð To what extent have the trainees learned what they were
supposed to learn?
Ð Level 3: Behaviour Ð What changes in behaviour have occurred on the job
because of the attendance at the training programme?
Ð Level 4: Results Ð To what extent has training produced cost-related
behavioural outcomes (for example, reduced absenteeism or accidents, improved
sales figures or increased production rates)?
Reaction and learning are concerned with outcomes of the training programme itself,
and are therefore regarded as internal criteria. Behaviour and results concern the
impact of training on the job and are referred to as external criteria (Cascio, 1998:280).
Cascio (1998:280) also states that measures of reaction focus typically on
participants' feeling about the subject and the speaker, and the extent to which they
feel that the training will help them do their jobs better. The evaluation of what the
trainee has learned focuses on changing knowledge, skills, attitudes or motivation. It
is more difficult to measure changes in on-the-job behaviour, because factors other
than the training programme may also improve performance, such as changes in
7.10 Summary
This study unit has focused on employee training and development. Training and
development is viewed as an expensive human resource function. Therefore, as Smit
(1995:82) writes, it is essential to plan this function carefully and to ensure that the
objectives of training and development are clearly stated. The training techniques
should also be selected carefully to ensure optimal learning.
6 Briefly describe the steps involved when learning factual material. (12)
7 When learning a new skill, behaviour modelling forms a step in the
learning process. Describe this step in the learning process. (5)
8 Describe the aspects to consider when practising what has been
learned. (9)
9 Explain the term ``transfer of training''. (2)
10 Describe three main methods of training. (9)
11 Explain how you would determine whether the training of salespeople
had been successful or not. (10)
Study unit 8
Performance management
Contents Page
Learning outcomes
Ð list and describe the most common types of rating errors
Key concepts
You will need to master the following key concepts in order to meet the study unit
learning outcomes:
Performance management Performance appraisal
Performance evaluation Performance feedback
8.1 Introduction
Consider the following situations:
Ð The tennis player searching for a coach who really understands her
Ð The learner waiting for the assessment from his assessor
Ð The newly appointed worker, wanting to know if she is still on track
Ð A self-managing work team and a supervisor about to meet to discuss objectives
for the next quarter
According to Cascio (2006:328), all these situations have one thing in common,
namely the need to manage performance effectively, at the level of either the individual
or the work team. Cascio says performance management could be compared with a
compass Ð one that indicates an individual's or a team's actual direction as well as the
desired direction. Like a compass, the job of the manager (or the coach or the assessor)
is to indicate where the individual or team is now, and to help focus attention and effort
on the desired direction.
Performance management is part of a continuous process of improvement over time
which demands daily, not annual, attention. Think of it this way: why does a person
who goes to gym to stay fit and healthy pay a generous fee for a private instructor?
Not to participate in any body building competition or something like that, but so that
he or she can have a professional who understands and can demonstrate what good
performance looks like, observe the individual's exercise routine, make an appraisal of
it, and then provide real-time feedback to build sound habits and eliminate unsound
ones (Cascio, 2006:329).
Performance management is an ongoing process, which implies a continuous
action, and it refers to all the interaction between a team leader and a team member.
performance Ð capital resources, material resources, or human resources. If employ-
ees lack the resources to reach the challenging goals they have set, they will become
frustrated and demotivated (Cascio, 2006:330).
``A final aspect of performance facilitation is the careful selection of employees. After
all, the last thing any manager wants is to have people who are ill-suited to their jobs ...
because this often leads to overstaffing, excessive labor costs and reduced productivity''
(Cascio, 2006:330).
Set objectives
Encourage EMPLOYEE
performance Facilitate
PERFORMANCE performance
occupy specific jobs. Through this process of performance management, the
energy of employees is directed towards delivering specific outputs. The extent
to which these outputs are delivered should be evaluated, among other things,
to determine training needs and levels of remuneration (Liebenberg, 1996:291).
Focus Review of past performance Focus on entire performance management
process: defining, developing, reviewing
Assessment discus- Often one-way Collaborative
Scheduling Annual, administratively driven Initiated by performer or supervisor
Aligned to natural organisational perform-
ance (planning) cycles and administrative
Training Rater All participants
Link between per- Mostly direct Primarily reward higher-order unit of per-
formance and re- formance
ward Performance linked to predetermined con-
Promotion decisions Employee comparison methods Special assignments; simulations, e.g. as-
sessment centres; customer involvement
Therefore, performance management out
comes only one of a variety of inputs
Outcomes Individual effectiveness: evalua- Agreement on performance level
tion, guidance and development, Satisfaction (fairness and motivation)
motivation Individual growth, group and systems devel-
opment, organisational effectiveness and
(Source: Liebenberg & Van der Merwe, 1996:265, adapted from Spangenberg, 1994)
symptom of badly designed tasks; it may point to incorrect job analysis
information, inappropriate manpower plans or other weaknesses in the man-
power management information system.
Ð Performance evaluation is used as a criterion in test validation. Test results
are correlated with appraisal results to evaluate the hypothesis that test scores
predict job performance.
Ð Salary adjustments. Performance evaluation helps decision makers to decide
which employees qualify for salary increases.
Diagnosing organisa- PERFORMANCE " Test validation
tional problems EVALUATION
Activity 8.1
SELECTION .........................................
TRAINING .........................................
COMPENSATION .........................................
Activity 8.2
(a) How often does performance evaluation take place in your organisation?
8.7.1 Relevance
Relevance implies that there are clear links between the following (Cascio, 2006:334):
Ð Between the performance standards for a particular job and an organisation's goals
Ð Between the critical job elements identified through a job analysis and the
dimensions to be rated on an evaluation form (thus, relevance refers to the extent
to which dimensions on a performance evaluation form correspond to critical job
elements and the organisation's goals)
According to Cascio (2006:334), the essence of relevance lies in the question: ``What
really makes the difference between success and failure on a particular job, and
according to whom?'' Performance standards are the important job requirements
against which acceptable or unacceptable employee behaviour is measured. They play
a critical role in the linkage between job analysis and performance appraisal, as
indicated in table 8.2. Job analysis identifies what is to be done, while performance
standards indicate how well the work needs to be done. Such standards may be
quantitative (e.g. time, units produced, errors) or qualitative (e.g. quality of work, ability
to interpret market trends) (Cascio, 2006:334).
and personal requirements job-revelant
requirements into levels of strengths and
of a particular acceptable weaknesses of
job performance each individual
8.7.2 Sensitivity
Sensitivity refers to the ability of an evaluation system to distinguish between effective and
ineffective performers. If there is no difference in ratings for the best and worst
performers, the whole exercise can be seen as pointless paperwork (Cascio, 2006:335).
8.7.3 Reliability
This requirement refers to consistency of judgement, usually across time, but also
across judges.
For any given employee, appraisals made by raters working independently of one
another should agree closely. To provide reliable data, each rater must have adequate
opportunity to observe what the employee has done and the conditions under which
he or she has done it, or else the difference in ratings could be the result of insufficient
information or lack of knowledge (Cascio, 2006:335).
8.7.4 Acceptability
According to Cascio (2006:335), acceptability is the most important requirement of all
in practice. Any human resource programme must have the support of those who will
use them, or else it could be thwarted. It is said that performance evaluation systems
often do not work because most were designed mainly by HR specialists with limited
input from managers and even less input from the employees.
The whole process can gain so much more credibility if the active support and co-
operation of subordinates or teams are enlisted by making it clear what aspects of job
performance they will be evaluated on (Cascio, 2006:336).
8.7.5 Practicality
Evaluation instruments must be easy to use and understand by those who are going to
use them (Cascio, 2006:336). In other words, the managers and employees must find
the system easy to implement.
8.8.1 Behaviour-oriented rating methods
Narrative essay
This method requires the evaluator to write down the employee's strengths,
weaknesses and potential, together with suggestions for improvement. Underlying
this approach is the assumption that a candid statement from a rater who knows the
employee's performance well is just as valid as more formal and more complicated
rating methods (Cascio, 2006:339).
The advantage of this method is that it can provide detailed feedback to subordinates
regarding their performance. The disadvantage is that comparisons across individuals,
groups or departments are almost impossible since different essays focus on different
aspects of each subordinate's performance (Cascio, 2006:339). The results of this
technique depend not only on the performance of the individual but also on the writing
skills of the rater.
With this method the evaluator is asked to rank employees from the best to the worst
in terms of an overall criterion. The advantage of this method is that it is a quick and
fairly easy technique to use when a small number of employees are involved. The
disadvantages are that it is very difficult to appraise a group of more than 20
employees, and performance differences among subordinates are not indicated.
Although the top and worst performers are easily identified, the performers in the
middle group are not easily identified.
Paired comparisons
This is a more systematic method for comparing employees with one another. Each
employee is compared with every other employee with reference to each employee's
overall ability to execute a task (Cascio, 2006:339). The number of times one
employee is preferred to his colleagues is indexed and this determines his position on
the ranking order scale for appraisal.
The advantage of this method is that these comparisons are useful for purposes of
salary administration. The disadvantage is that these comparisons provide little basis
for individual feedback and development (Cascio, 2006:344).
Forced distribution
With this method the evaluator is asked to rate employees in a fixed category, for
example 10% in the weakest group, 20% in a low average group, 40% in an average
group, 20% in a high average group and 10% in an above average group.
The advantage of this method is that this type of distribution eliminates clustering
almost all employees at the top of the distribution (rater leniency), at the bottom
of the distribution (rater severity) or in the middle (central tendency). It is most
useful if a large number of employees must be rated and there is more than one
rater. The disadvantage is that it can lead to a great deal of employee resentment if
an entire group of employees as a group is either superior or substandard (Cascio,
An example of forced distribution is illustrated by figure 8.3.
MY TEACHER 5 4 3 2 1
13. maintains discipline in the class
14. sets realistic tests
15. uses tests as learning opportunities
16. feedback is timeous and clear
17. makes use of previous exam papers for exam
18. encourages students to do well/study hard
19. assists students on how to study effectively
Behaviourally anchored rating scales (BARS)
These scales make use of critical incidents as anchor statements on a scale. The major
advantage is that they define the dimensions to be rated in behavioural terms and use
critical incidents to describe various levels of performance (Cascio, 2006:342). The
disadvantage is that they are very time-consuming to develop (Cascio, 2006:344).
To establish objectives, the key people involved should do the following three things
(Cascio, 2006:343):
Ð Meet to agree on the major objectives for a given period of time
Ð Develop plans for how and when the objectives will be accomplished
Ð Agree on the standards for determining whether the objectives have been met
Cascio (2006:344±345) points out that no method is perfect, and that the choice of a
rating method should be done by looking at the relevance and acceptability of the
rating system. The following advice is based on systematic comparisons of the various
methods (Cascio, 2006:345):
Ð If the objective is to compare employees across raters for important employment
decisions (e.g. promotion, merit pay), do not use MBO or work planning and
review. They are not based on a standardised rating scheme for all employees.
Ð If BARS is used, a diary should be kept during the process. This will improve the
accuracy of the ratings, and will help supervisors distinguish between effective and
ineffective employees.
Ð If objective performance data is available, MBO is the best strategy to use. Work
planning and review is not as effective as MBO under these circumstances.
Ð In general, appraisal methods that are best in a broad, organisational sense Ð
BARS and MBO Ð are the most difficult to use and maintain.
Ð Methods that focus on describing, rather than evaluating, behaviour (e.g. BARS,
summed rating scales) produce results that are the most interpretable across
raters. They help remove the effects of individual differences in raters.
Ð No rating method has been an unqualified success when used as a basis for merit
pay or promotional decisions.
Ð When certain statistical corrections are made, the correlations between scores on
alternative rating formats are very high.
Immediate supervisor
The supervisor is probably most familiar with the individual's performance as well as
most informed as to what is to be expected of the employee with regard to what the
department and organisation are trying to accomplish. The supervisor is also
responsible for reward or withholding reward decisions, and for managing the overall
performance management process. Feedback from the immediate supervisor is seen
as more reliable than from any other source (Cascio, 2006:346).
Cascio (2006:346) writes:
Peers can provide a perspective on performance that is different from that of
immediate supervisors. ... a member of a cross-functional team may be in a
better position to rate another team member than that team member's
immediate supervisor.
Peer assessment must only be seen as one part of the performance evaluation
process, which includes input from all sources that have information or
perspectives to offer concerning the job performance of an individual or a work
group (Cascio, 1998:316).
Evaluation by subordinates can be useful input with regard to the immediate
supervisor's development. These people know by experience how well the supervisor
communicates, the type of leadership style he or she is exercising and the extent to
which he or she plans and organises. Just like peer assessments, subordinate ratings
provide only one piece of evidence in the whole process of evaluation (Cascio,
Although self-appraisals tend to be more lenient, less variable and more biased, the
opportunity to participate in the performance evaluation process improves employees'
motivation and reduces their defensiveness during the evaluation interview (Cascio,
More and more companies are realising that annual reviews do not work very well.
Many companies require managers to review employees formally at least twice a year
and to talk with them informally even more often about how they are doing (Cascio,
One way to reduce subjectivity is to make evaluators aware of typical rating errors
made during the evaluation process. A few common rating errors that occur during
the performance evaluation process are:
Ð the halo error
Ð leniency
Ð strictness
Ð the recency error
Ð the contrast error
Ð the central tendency error
Halo error
The rater assigns his or her rating on the basis of an overall impression of the
employee. The rater focuses on only one or two good or weak attributes of the
employee (Meyer, 2000:90). For example, an employee who is an excellent public
speaker is seen as an excellent performer in all aspects and is given a high rating.
The rater regards his or her subordinates as good performers and awards high marks.
This sometimes happens because the rater is inexperienced and/or wants to ``buy''
good relationships with his or her subordinates (Meyer, 2000:90).
Sometimes supervisors consistently give low ratings even though some employees
may have achieved an average or above-average performance level. This could be due
to the fact that the rater feels that none of the subordinates is living up to standards of
excellence, or he or she wants to motivate them to excel in future, but this approach
can be very demoralising (Grobler et al., 2006:278).
Recency error
Here the rater assigns his or her ratings on the basis of the employee's most recent
performance. This is most likely to occur when evaluations are done only after long
periods (Cascio, 2006:355).
Contrast error
The rater compares several employees with one another rather than with an objective
standard of performance (Cascio, 2006:355). It could also be that the rater compares
the subordinates with himself or herself and then gives a low rating if their attitude or
approach differs from that of the rater (Meyer, 1990:91).
Activity 8.3
Complete the following table by providing a practical example of the rater error and
an indication of how it should be rectified.
Rater error Practical example Corrective action
HALO EFFECT The employee is a very friendly Keep a list of all the strengths
person and is therefore seen as and weaknesses of each em-
competent and honest. ployee. Review this list before
evaluating an employee's per-
LENIENCY ........................ ........................
........................ ........................
........................ ........................
of their performance are more likely to be satisfied with the performance
management process and more likely to be motivated to improve their
Ð Encourage participation. Participation creates a feeling of ownership Ð a
perception that the interview was a constructive activity, that some current job
problems were cleared up and that future goals were set.
Ð Judge performance, not personality. Steer away from personality issues;
focus on the job behaviour.
Ð Be specific, and be an active listener. Candid, specific feedback
demonstrates knowledge of the subordinate's level of performance and job
duties. By being an active listener, the supervisor demonstrates genuine interest in
the subordinate's ideas.
Ð Avoid destructive criticism. Destructive criticism produces negative feelings
and increases chances for conflict; it reduces the preference of individuals for
handling future disagreements in a positive manner; and it has a negative effect on
Ð Set mutually agreeable goals. This fact has already been pointed out Ð
specific, challenging goals clarify precisely what is expected and lead to increased
levels of performance.
Ð Continue to communicate and assess progress toward goals reg-
ularly. This helps to keep behaviour on target; it provides a better understanding
of the reasons behind a given level of performance; and it enhances the
subordinate's commitment to perform effectively.
Ð Align organisational rewards with performance. If employees see a link
between evaluation results and rewards like merit pay and promotion, they are
more likely to prepare for performance feedback interviews, participate in them
and be satisfied with the overall performance management system.
8.13 Summary
This study unit has focused on the performance management process. As Cascio
(2006:361) notes, this process requires a commitment to improve performance or the
individual or team every day. An ongoing performance management system
provides instantaneous information that describes the difference between a person's
current and desired performance. Managers must provide timely feedback about
performance while keeping everyone's attention on the organisation's ultimate goal
(Cascio, 2006:361).
Performance evaluation serves two major purposes, namely to improve the job
performance of employees and to provide information to employees and
managers for use in making decisions. Performance evaluation should be done more
frequently than the traditional annual evaluation, such as upon the completion of
projects or upon the achievement of important goals (Cascio, 2006:361).
To improve the reliability and validity of ratings, raters should be trained to observe
behaviour more accurately (Cascio, 2006:362).
Annexure A
Performance period
Contract acceptance
Employee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cell leader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Brief description of the current position held by the individual in this team/cell:
Involved in improvements/changes to the Project System and Investment Management
modules, assisting end-users in the PA and IM environment with respect to queries and
business issue resolution. Co-ordinates the process regarding transportation of solutions to the
different boxes as well as the testing of the solution prior to the transport, with regard to
planned as well as emergency transports.
Rating equivalents. This is to facilitate the input of the Finesse ratings to the ``Home'' Business
Rating Finesse Generation Transmis- Distribu- Services Corporate
sion tion
Exceeded E1 E2 E EP E TE TE1 TE2
Met/ M1 M2 M QP A TM TM1 TM2
Not met/ Z N UP Z TZ TZ
Only deliverables are to be evaluated/rated and not input. The reference number refers to the
number on the project schedule/plan.
(Current period)
This relates to the degree of willingness to help other team members
Individual contribution
This relates to the degree of individual ability, knowledge and experience
Personal benefit to the team
This relates to the PERSONAL benefit that this individual provides to the cell.
This differs from the individual contribution as it focuses on the personal strength of the
individual as a person and covers words like friendly, hardworking, helpful, leader, calm,
dignified, spiritual, powerful, inspirational, sincere, bold, strong, caring, gutsy, tough, exciting,
talented, energetic, Miss/Mr/Mrs. Fix consistent, focused, ethical, helpful, humorous, etc.
Teamwork (participation)
This relates to the degree of interdependent working Ð work with each other regularly
This is how work is done and relates to attitude to work i.e. professionalism
This is the maturation level and relates to the willingness to learn
This relates to the degree of openness and honesty when communicating
Rating equivalents. This is to facilitate the input of the Finesse ratings to the ``Home'' business
Rating Finesse Generation Transmis- Distribu- Services Corporate
sion tion
Exceeded E1 E2 E EP E TE TE1 TE2
Met/ M1 M2 M QP A TM TM1 TM2
Not Met/ Z N UP Z TZ TZ
Period Rating
Personal Development Plan
Deliverable/ Competency gap Priority Proposed ac- Target date Indicator of
KPI/output identified tion success
Competence gap identified Priority Proposed Target date Indicator of
action success
Self evaluation
This is where the individual looks at his/her own performance, developmental and
improvement areas.
If I were to do the following things (outputs, activities, behaviours) more or better it would
help increase my effectiveness.
If I were to do the following things (outputs, activities, behaviours) less of, or stop doing it
would help increase my effectiveness.
The following things (outputs, activities, behaviours) which I have been doing have helped to
increase me/my team's effectiveness.
I personally would like to develop further in the following areas.
Do the following Finesse Courses:
P.A. calculation
Weight Rating Result
FSC 20 100 20
Cell 20 106 21.2
Individual 60 69
User User User User User Cell lea-
Out- Description 80 92
5. KT for conversion process
6. Testing for PS solutions 2 110 2
7. Knowledge base of PS/IM 5 118 6
8. Knowledge transfer with- 5 118 6
in cell
9. Comms to users/stake- 2 100 2
10. Analysis of change re- 2 110 2
quests, spe
11. Assist periodic processing 2 110 2
12. Config tax client 20 118 24
13. Projects 40 115 46
14. 0
Soft issues 20 0 23
1. Co-operation 20 118 24
2. Teamwork 20 118 24
3. Behaviour 20 118 24
4. Development 20 118 24 Tx 0-80
5. Communication 20 115 23 TM2 81±90 TE2 101±110
Subtotal (weighting to equal 100) 100 117 TM1 91±100 TE1 111±120
Study unit 9
Career management in organisations
Contents Page
Learning outcomes
Key concepts
You will need to master the following key concepts in order to meet the study unit
learning outcomes:
Career Dual career
Career development Career management
9.1 Introduction
In the past, many organisations took responsibility for the career paths and growth of
their employees. There were predetermined career paths in place for employees. In
recent years acquisitions, rapid growth and downsizing have left many organisations
unable to deliver the promised careers to their employees. In some cases employees
who expected career growth within their company are now even finding themselves
without a job! (Cascio, 2006:373)
9.2.1 Career
A career is a sequence of jobs held during a person's working life. Cascio (2006:375)
points out that the word ``career'' is used in a number of different ways in everyday
``That movie `made' his career'' (i.e., it enhanced his reputation) or in a
derogatory tone, after a subordinate has insulted the CEO, ``she can kiss her
career good-bye'' (i.e., she has tarnished her reputation).
These examples clearly illustrate that the word ``career'' can mean different things.
According to Cascio (2006:375), there are two perspectives from which a career can
be viewed, namely an objective career perspective and a subjective career perspective.
Ð An objective career is a sequence of positions occupied by a person during the
course of a lifetime.
Ð A subjective career consists of a sense of where one is going in one's life. This
is influenced by one's perceptions of one's talents and abilities, basic values and
career motives and needs.
Both of these perspectives assume that individuals have some degree of control over
their destinies and can manipulate opportunities in order to achieve success and derive
satisfaction from their careers. Cascio (2006:375) continues: ``Career planning is
important because the consequences of career success or failure are linked closely to
each individual's self-concept, identity, and satisfaction with career and life.''
Table 9.1: Development of a career system
The employer/management
The organisation should decide on the availability of jobs and the budget for training
and development. The different career paths available should be made known to the
employees, and the means to achieve career goals must be made available. If the
organisation's structure does not have room for a certain career path, it would be of no
use for an employee to plan for that career path. The organisation has to specify career
opportunities for its employees (Neuper, 1996:69).
The employee
The individual employees are the ones who know what they want from a career and
how they intend to perform in the organisation. An employee's potential, commitment
and interest will largely determine the degree to which the employee will pursue career
goals. The employee is responsible for decisions that may influence his or her career
choices in the organisation (Neuper, 1996:69).
Ultimately each individual is responsible for his or her own career management.
Unfortunately, this is not a skill that many prospective employees are prepared for at
high schools, colleges or universities.
Below are a few guidelines by Cascio (2006:378) to consider when deciding to make a
career change. The guidelines relate to:
Ð selecting a field of employment and an employer
Ð knowing where you are
Ð planning your exit
Cascio (2006:378) mentions five important symptoms that point towards the fact that
a change in your career should take place:
Ð You are not excited by what you are doing.
Ð Advancement is blocked.
Ð Your organisation is poorly managed.
Ð It is losing market share.
Ð You feel you are not adequately rewarded for your work or you are not fulfilling
your dreams.
Ð Don't burn bridges Ð leave your current organisation on good terms and not
under a cloud of suspicion or sour relationships.
Ð Do not leave your current job until you have secured another one. It is easier to
find a new job when you are currently employed.
Ð Dissatisfaction due to fact that the reality is not exactly as pictured and
expectations are not met
Ð Problems with the first supervisor
Ð Uncertainty in the new employee about what is expected of him or her
Ð Conflict between younger and older employees due to different experiences,
needs and interests (younger people are sometimes not as committed as older
employees, and this can cause tension)
9.5.3 Mid-career
This is a stage in which one's career is a major consideration. The rapid growth of
technology and the ever-increasing development of new knowledge require that a
person in midlife make some sort of change for his or her own survival (Cascio,
Between the ages of 35 and 55 the following issues may arise (Cascio, 2006:384):
Ð A search for new life goals
Ð An awareness of advancing age
Ð A change in family relationships
Ð A feeling of decreased job mobility and increased concern for job security
Ð A growing sense of obsolescence at work
Not everyone necessarily goes through these problems during this stage of life, and
some people are better equipped to cope than others. One way to handle midlife
career crises is to train mid-career employees to develop younger employees (i.e. to
serve as mentors) (Cascio, 2006:385). Other strategies for coping with mid-career
problems are to send employees to seminars, workshops and training courses, to vary
assignments, projects or jobs periodically, and to attach rewards to assignments.
There is, however, a bright side to all of this. Because of increased competition for
fewer jobs, the quality of middle managers should improve, and others may simply
readjust their life and career goals, become entrepreneurs and start their own
businesses (Cascio, 2006:386).
Unfortunately, there are a lot of stereotypes about the older worker, which research
has shown to be untrue (see the myths below). Older employees feel their biggest
problem is discrimination by would-be employers who underestimate their skills.
During the late career two issues should be considered (Neuper, 1996:87):
Ð The employee must continue to be productive and contribute to the success of the
Ð The employee must anticipate and plan for effective retirement.
Myths and facts about the older worker
Below are some of the myths and facts identified by Cascio (2006:388±389):
Sure, not all older employees are model workers, and not all older employees fit
traditional stereotypes. But the fact remains that there is a growing group of able-
bodied older individuals that will have an implication for human resource management
(Cascio, 2006:390).
Two solutions are the following (Cascio, 2006:390):
Ð Make the job more attractive than retirement and keep employees who would
otherwise need replacing.
Ð Survey the needs of older workers and, where feasible, adjust human resource
practices and policies to accommodate those needs.
Activity 9.1
(a) List the various career stages that you think should be managed in an
(b) At which stage of your career are you at the moment?
(c) What are the important issues you have to deal with in your career right now?
Cascio (2006:392±393) writes:
Promoted employees usually assume greater responsibility and authority in
return for higher pay, benefits and privileges. Psychologically, promotions help
satisfy the employee's needs for security, belonging, and personal growth.
Promotions are important organizational decisions that should receive the same
careful attention as any other employment decision.
The problem with promotions is the people who have not been promoted. They often
feel they have not been treated fairly, with the result that they react with hostility
towards the promoted employee, their commitment decreases and their absenteeism
increases. The only way to minimise this is to make sure that the procedures used for
promotion decisions are acceptable, valid and fair to everybody (Cascio, 2006:393).
Demotions ``usually involve a cut in pay, status, privilege, or opportunity. They occur
infrequently since they tend to be accompanied by problems of employee apathy,
depression and inefficiency that can undermine the morale of a work group'' (Cascio,
Demotion could be the result of a disciplinary action, inability of an employee to handle
the requirements of a higher-level job, health problems or changing interests (Cascio,
Relocations are not always welcomed by employees because of the costs of moving
and the complications resulting from upsetting routines, losing friends and changing
schools (Cascio, 2006:395).
Retrenchments occur when organisations experience financial difficulties or cut back
production. Although retrenchments are intended to reduce costs, some costs may in
fact increase, such as severance pay, accrued vacation leave, pension and benefit pay-
offs and administrative processing costs. Some of the indirect costs are the low morale
among remaining employees, and the heightened insecurity and reduced productivity
of those who stay behind (Cascio, 2006:397).
One alternative to retrenchments is to start a programme of job sharing to undertake
the reduced workload. While no one is retrenched, everyone's work week and pay are
reduced. The advantages to this approach are that overtime is reduced, workers retain
a career orientation, and it eliminates the need for training a temporary employee.
However, disadvantages to this approach include a lack of job continuity, inconsistent
supervision, and accountability not being centred in one person (Cascio, 2006:397).
Retirements usually take place due to age, normally between the ages of 60 and 65.
Some employees may be able to choose to retire early rather than being retrenched.
Cascio (2006:398) points out that there are many factors which influence people's
choice of retirement age. Research has shown that people with Type A personality
(hardworking, aggressive, impatient) are less likely to retire early, while those with
obsolete job skills, chronic health problems and sufficient financial resources are more
likely to retire early.
Resignations occur because people seek greener pastures or new job opportunities, or
for personal reasons. This is a voluntary worker turnover and is increasing among
white-collar and professional workers (Cascio, 1998:363).
According to Grobler et al. (2006:254, citing Giacalone) the personal and
organisational problems that dual-career couples face include the following:
Ð Conflicting alternatives: The advancement of the husband's or wife's career
often means a move in a different geographical direction, with unavoidable conflict
over deciding whose career is the more important. The ``trailing spouse'' often has
difficulty in finding employment again.
Ð Reluctance to approach the company: Many dual-career couples are
reluctant to discuss their problems with management; they are afraid that
openness about their career problems may harm their chances of advancement.
Ð Family versus work: If both husband and wife have professional jobs, who will
stay home when a child is sick? Who assumes responsibility for raising the children
when both have demanding jobs, requiring work over weekends or evenings?
Who goes to watch the hockey game, or attends the parent evening?
Ð Lack of experience with conflict resolution: Many couples lack the skills to
solve career-family crises, such as when to start with a family or how to divide the
family responsibilities.
Ð Baby panic: ``Should the dual-career couple have children, and if so, when?
Sometimes referred to as the 30-year baby panic, this problem is inevitably faced
by professional couples who postpone having children in their 20s for the sake of
their careers'' (Grobler et al., 2006:254).
Ð Possibility of a no-career couple: ``As downsizing continues in South Africa
an increasing number of couples are both retrenched within the same time period,
sometimes from the same company'' (Grobler et al., 2006:254).
Activity 9.2
(a) How does your organisation deal with the issue of dual-career couples when
key employees are transferred?
(b) Do you agree with the methods applied in your organisation? Substantiate
your answer.
(c) List the advantages and disadvantages of hiring the spouse of a transferred
(d) Do you perceive a need for child care programmes in South Africa?
Substantiate your answer.
(e) List any organisations you know of that offer child care programmes.
9.8 Summary
This study unit has focused on the process of career management. A career is a
sequence of positions occupied by a person during the course of a lifetime. Career
management involves a constant interaction between the employee, the employer and
the environment. Human resource practitioners play an integral part in this whole
process. Although they are not responsible for the actual career development of the
employees, they are able to provide the resources and infrastructure for effective
development to take place.
Study unit 10
Job evaluation systems
Contents Page
Learning outcomes
Key concepts
You will need to master the following key concepts in order to meet the study unit
learning outcomes:
Job evaluation Factor comparison
Job classification Point method
Job ranking
10.1 Introduction
Job evaluation is the process of evaluating every job in an organisation in terms of
every other job. This evaluation is used to place the jobs in a hierarchy and determine
the worth of the job in relation to other jobs. The emphasis is on the content of the
job and not on the incumbent. Job evaluation should not be confused with
performance evaluation, in which the incumbent is evaluated on how well he or she is
doing the job.
As with many other human resource management programmes, job analysis is the
foundation of job evaluation. Before jobs can be ranked in terms of their overall worth
to an organisation or compared with jobs in other firms for purposes of pay surveys, it
is important to understand what the jobs require. Job descriptions and specifications
(the results of job analysis) provide the necessary information to those who must make
job evaluation and compensation decisions (Cascio, 2006:159±60).
Job ranking
Job ranking is a simple, inexpensive method of job evaluation which only requires a job
evaluation committee of assessors to rank the jobs in accordance with the value they
would ascribe to each job. As already stated, the greatest advantage of this
method is that it is simple and cheap, but the method has several disadvantages
(Gerber et al., 1998:194; Schenk, 1996:334):
Ð The assessment is extremely subjective, as there is no predetermined scale of
values for each assessment team.
Ð Because subjective views are involved in the ranking of jobs, incumbents cannot
always understand why their jobs are evaluated in a particular way.
Ð Job ranking cannot indicate the degree of difference in worth between job levels.
Ð It cannot be used in organisations with a large number of jobs.
Job classification
This method entails the classification and grouping of jobs in a number of grades or job
classes. A scale of values is drawn up according to which jobs and their accompanying
job descriptions are compared. In contrast with the job ranking method, this method
makes use of a predetermined standard assessment scale (Gerber et al., 1998:194).
According to Grobler et al. (2006:356), this method has two major disadvantages:
Ð The classification descriptions are so broad that they do not relate to specific jobs,
and this causes employees to question the grades of their respective jobs.
Ð Because of the broad and general classifications, job evaluators may abuse the
The popular Paterson job grading system is based on the classification method.
Activity 10.1
(a) What do you think is the main advantage of the non-quantitative methods?
(b) What do you think is the main disadvantage of the non-quantitative methods?
Factor comparison
This method entails a one-by-one comparison of tasks with reference to five factors,
namely mental requirements, skills requirements, physical requirements, responsibil-
ities and working conditions. A monetary value is allocated to each factor (Grobler at
al., 2006: 355; Gerber et al., 1998:195).
Schenk (1996:337) divides this method into the following steps:
Step 1: Select the key/benchmark jobs. These are usually jobs that are widely known
and have a relatively stable job content.
Step 2: Identify compensable factors Ð mental, skill and physical requirements,
responsibility and working conditions.
Step 3: Rank key jobs. Committee members rank the key jobs on each of the five
factors independently.
Step 4: Assign monetary amounts to each job on each factor. The committee agrees
upon the hourly rate for each of the key jobs and then allocates this base rate
among the five factors. These amounts then become standards according to
which other jobs in the organisation can be evaluated.
Step 5: Compare all other unique jobs with the key jobs.
The disadvantages of this method are its complexity and its dependence on key jobs
as anchor points. Most jobs change over time and so the whole process needs to be
repeated at regular intervals (Schenk, 1996:338).
An example of the factor comparison method is the Hay method (also known as the
Hay Guide Chart-Profile Method). This method is based on factors such as
know-how, problem solving, accountability and, where appropriate, working condi-
Activity 10.2
Give an example of how each of the following job evaluation methods can be
applied in an organisation:
Ð Classification method:
Ð Point method:
You may use the organisation where you are employed as a reference point.
Table 10.1 illustrates the various decision-making bands related to the different
activities within an enterprise.
The way in which the system works can be illustrated by referring to examples of two
extreme bands: A and F.
Band F Ð Policy making
Jobs in this band require decisions to be taken at the highest level in the organisation.
For example: ``Must a new branch be opened in another region to broaden the
Activity 10.3
Can you name any other two organisations in South Africa, besides the one
mentioned above, that use the Paterson method of job evaluation?
(a) .............................................................
(b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Table 10.1: Paterson's job grading structure
Decision-making band Job Grade Sub-Grades
F Policy formulation Higher F Ð Coordinating Ð 11 F5
(Top management) Lower F Ð Policy formulating Ð 10 F4
Higher E Ð Coordinating Ð 9 E5
E Programming
(Senior management) Lower E Ð Programming Ð 8 E3
Higher D Ð Coordinating Ð 7 D5
D Interpreting (Middle management)
Lower D Ð Interpreting Ð 6 D3
Higher C Ð Coordinating Ð 5 C5
C Routine (Skilled workers and
supervisory management) Lower C Ð Routine Ð 4 C3
Higher B Ð Coordinating Ð 3 B5
B Automatic (Semi-skilled workers) Lower B Ð Automatic Ð 2 B3
Lower A only Ð Defined Ð1 A3
A Defined (Unskilled workers) A2
Factor 6: Understanding
Factor 7: Educational qualifications
Factor 8: Training/experience
For each factor nine descriptions are compiled. Each of these descriptions is formulated
so that the intensity of the particular dimension increases progressively. The first
description, for example, will indicate that the job involves almost no problem solving.
The second description of the same factor implies a greater degree of problem solving,
up to the ninth description which indicates an extremely high degree of complicated
problem solving.
In respect of each factor and next to the nine descriptions, a scale of 0 to 36 is
provided. Next to the simplest description the scale is from 0 to 4, while the second
description has a scale of 5 to 8. The last description has a scale of 33 to 36. This
implies that the more complicated the factor is in the job, the more points are allocated
to it.
In the following table, approximate descriptions of grouped approaches are given.
Grades Description
1±3 Top executive officials and the most senior professional
people and specialists.
4±6 Senior managerial staff, as well as high level professional
people and specialists.
7±9 Middle managers, supervisors and lower level professional
people and specialists.
10±12 Supervisors and higher level skilled and clerical positions.
13±16 Low level skilled and clerical positions.
17±19 Low level skilled and unskilled positions.
Table 10.3: Castellion method elements and factors
In the Castellion method, the factor of decision making underlies all other factors. It
may therefore be regarded as the main or most important factor.
Activity 10.4
(a) Describe the job grading method that is used in your organisation.
(b) What is your own assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of the
method used in your organisation?
The committee should be composed of between three and eight members who have
all been trained in the use of job evaluation. A committee should consist of the
following (Schenk, 1996:343):
Ð Key members who attend each evaluation meeting and who have an expert
knowledge of job evaluation and can therefore ensure that the principles of job
evaluation are applied correctly.
Ð Expert members who should not only be trained in job evaluation but should also
have expert knowledge of the subject field of the post which is being evaluated.
Ð Co-opted members who represent the post which is being evaluated. These
members are usually the actual incumbents or their direct supervisors. They can
provide information concerning the job and job content.
10.5 Summary
This study unit has focused on the process of job evaluation. Job evaluation refers to
methods used to determine the relative worth of a job in an enterprise as well as to
indicate the monetary value linked to the various posts. Although a job evaluation
committee does much to limit subjectivity, they can also make mistakes. An appeal
procedure should therefore always be in place.
Topic 3
Managing compensation systems
and employment relations
Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4
Fundamentals of H u m a n re s o u rc e Managing compen- Human relations in
h u m a n r e s o u r c e development and sation systems and modern organisa-
management utilisation employment rela- tions
Study unit 11:
Compensation systems
and employee benefits
Study unit 12:
Employee absenteeism
Study unit 13:
Managing labour turn-
Study unit 14:
South African labour
According to the online HR guide (2000), compensation is a tool used by management
for a variety of purposes to further the existence of the company. It may be adjusted
according the business needs, goals, and available resources. It will be perceived by
employees as fair if based on systematic components. Various compensation systems
have been developed to determine the value of positions in organisations. These
systems utilise many similar components including job descriptions, salary ranges/
structures, and written procedures (HR guide, 2000).
These systems also have serious implications for employment relations in organisations
today. For example, the perceived fairness of a compensation system will determine
the degree of employee's loyalty to the organisation and the time and speed with
which negotiations over salary and other conditions of service can be finalised.
The aim of this topic is to introduce you to various compensation systems; the
management of absenteeism and employee turnover; as well as the South African
labour legislation.
Topic contents
The topic ``Managing compensation systems and employment relations'' will involve
the following study units:
Study unit 11
Compensation systems and employee benefits
Contents Page
Learning outcomes
Key concepts
You will need to master the following key concepts in order to meet the study unit
learning outcomes:
Compensation Wage Pay structure Equity
Reward Salary Employee benefits Incentive
11.1 Introduction
It should very clear to you that all employees must be rewarded for their labour. This is
partly because compensation affects their productivity and their willingness to stay
with the organisation. Every employee has the need to be treated fairly by the
organisation, which makes the development of the compensation programme one of
the most important and sometimes most difficult tasks of the human resource
According to Grobler et al. (2006:350), the term ``compensation'' is a broader concept
than wage and salary administration. Cascio (2006:418) explains that compensation
refers to both financial and non-financial rewards: Financial rewards include payments
such as salary as well as indirect payments in the form of benefits. Non-financial
rewards include everything in a work environment that enhances a worker's sense of
self-respect and esteem, such as achieving personal goals, autonomy, recognition and
more challenging job opportunities.
Compensation refers to ``all forms of financial returns and tangible services and
benefits employees receive as part of an employment relationship'' (Grobler et al.,
Reward systems
3 "
Financial Non-financial
Direct payments Recognition
(wages and salaries) Training opportunities
Indirect payments Supportive, positive organisation
(benefits) culture
Health care programmes
Involvement in decision making
compensation system. Job analysis is the process of obtaining information about
the jobs in question. As mentioned before, job analysis has many uses Ð these
include remuneration and compensation management. In this context job analysis
is done to determine the value of a particular post in order to attach a monetary
value to it.
Ð Job description: Job description is a component of job analysis and it spells out
the purpose, responsibilities and tasks of a particular job. Effective job descriptions
provide the basis for establishing a job evaluation system.
Ð Job specification: Job specification and job description are the results of job
analysis. A job specification describes the minimum skills, qualifications and
experience the incumbent should have before he or she is appointed. These
requirements play a specific role in the establishment of an effective compensation
administration system.
Ð Job evaluation: Job evaluation is the process of evaluating every job in an
organisation in terms of every other job. This evaluation is used to place the jobs in
a hierarchy and determine the worth of the job in relation to other jobs.
Ð Compensation surveys: These are extremely important in the job evaluation
process. Compensation surveys outside an enterprise affect the compensation
structure during the process of job evaluation by making information available on
current compensation for similar jobs in other enterprises. It would be risky to
make salary comparisons in accordance with post gradings only. Other influencing
factors like conditions in the labour market and geographical position of the
organisation should be taken into account.
Ð Equity with regard to the external labour market
Ð Equity within the organisation
Ð Treatment of each member of the organisation in terms of his or her individual
If the answer to any one of the questions asked in the examples above is no, then there
is no equity in that specific area, be it external, internal or individual equity.
Activity 11.1
(a) Write down a few of the reasons why an organisation should pay you a salary
after you have worked for it.
(b) What do you think the organisation hopes to achieve by doing so?
(c) Why do you think employees are often dissatisfied with their salaries?
11.4.2 Legislation
The compensation system must comply with relevant legislation and wage
agreements, such as legislative measures to protect and encourage collective
bargaining and determine minimum wages.
The Basic Conditions of Employment Act of 1997 stipulates how payment of
remuneration must take place (refer to study unit 14 in this study guide). For example,
section 32 (1) states the following:
An employer must pay to an employee any remuneration that is paid in
money Ð
(a) in South African currency
(b) daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly; and
(c) in cash, by cheque or by direct deposit into an account designated by the
11.4.3 Collective bargaining
Wages can be determined by collective bargaining whereby unions and employers or
groups of employers bargain collectively on wages and other conditions of employ-
ment. Collective bargaining affects two key factors, namely the level of wages and the
behaviour of workers in relevant labour markets. In addition to wages and benefits,
collective bargaining is also used to negotiate procedures for administering pay,
procedures for resolving grievances regarding compensation decisions, and methods
that can be used to determine the relative worth of jobs (Cascio, 2006:424).
Generally compensation systems are based on a graded structure. A graded structure
consists of a sequence of pay grades or ranges, each one with its own minimum and
maximum rate. All jobs falling into a particular grade are of broadly equal value
(Schenk, 1996:345).
The actual development of a pay structure is not an easy process, but Cascio
(2006:430) gives the following guidelines:
Ð Jobs of the same general value should be clustered into the same pay grade.
Ð Jobs that clearly differ in value should be in different pay grades.
Ð There should be a smooth progression of point groupings.
Ð The new system should fit realistically into the existing allocation of pay within a
Ð The pay grades should conform reasonably well to pay patterns in the relevant
labour markets.
Once the pay structure is in place, the determination of each individual's pay (based on
experience, seniority, length of service and performance, etc.) is a more structured,
systematic procedure (Cascio, 2006:430).
It is clear from the above that an objective and credible performance appraisal
system is absolutely essential to both merit systems and incentive systems (Schenk,
Activity 11.2
(b) What do you think are the objectives of performance appraisal?
Properly designed incentive programmes work because they are based on two well-
accepted psychological principles (Cascio, 2006:437):
Ð Increased motivation improves performance.
Ð Recognition is a major factor in motivation.
Measurable 3 employee incentive " Specific
11.7.2 Types of incentive schemes
The following are some of the types of incentive schemes that organisations use to
motivate employees:
Ð Individual incentive schemes
. Piece-rate plans
. Standard-hour plans
. Commission plans
. Individual bonuses
Ð Group incentive schemes
. Gain sharing
. Profit sharing
. Employee share ownership plans (ESOPs)
Piece-rate plans
These are the most common incentive plans. With this incentive scheme, individual pay
is directly linked to the number of units produced.
Standard-hour plans
Standard-hour plans differ from piece-rate plans only in the sense that the productivity
standard is set not in terms of output units but in terms of time units needed to
complete a particular task. If the employee completes his or her task in less than the
standard time, an award is given for the time saved.
Piece-rate and standard-hour plans are commonly implemented for production workers.
Commission plans
Commission plans are popular among salespeople, whose type of work demands
independent and competitive performance. Financial rewards help to keep these
people motivated and enthusiastic about their work. With straight commission
plans, pay is determined only by the volume of sales, while combination plans
include a guaranteed basic salary plus a commission (usually smaller) on sales.
Individual bonuses
A bonus is an additional cash award for high performance or excellent achievement
and is not guaranteed. It does not become part of the recipient's basic salary and does
not increase benefits such as pension. Bonuses are often used for managerial or
professional employees.
Popular group incentive approaches include gain sharing, profit sharing and employee
share ownership plans, which Schenk (1996:354±355) explains as follows.
Gain sharing
Gain-sharing plans aim to bring about co-operation between employees and
management through the sharing of ideas, problems and goals. Bonuses are based
on improved productivity or tangible savings in costs and are usually paid quarterly.
Profit sharing
In the case of profit-sharing plans, employees share in the organisation's profit over and
above their normal wage or salary. Allocation of money from profit sharing to
individuals may be based on the level of responsibility, seniority or merit, and payments
are usually annual.
will be more concerned about the efficiency and profitability of the organisation than
employees who do not share in such ownership (Grobler et al., 2006:369; Schenk,
Activity 11.3
1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................................
............................... ..................................
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2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................................
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............................... ..................................
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3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................................
............................... ..................................
............................... ..................................
............................... ..................................
compensation to persons who are injured or who contract a disease while
working. All employers who have one or more employees in connection with their
business or farming activities are required to register and to pay annual
assessments to the Compensation Fund (Grobler et al., 2006:375).
Ð Annual leave: The Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997 (sections
20 and 21) stipulates the following: Employees are entitled to three weeks' fully
paid annual leave after every 12 months of continuous employment. An employer
cannot pay an employee instead of granting annual leave. However, an employee
whose employment is terminated must be paid out any leave pay due that he or
she has not taken.
Activity 11.4
(a) List any five benefits offered by your organisation or the organisation where
you wish to be employed.
(b) Which ones do you think are required by law and which ones are voluntary?
11.9 Summary
This study unit has focused on the compensation systems used in organisations. It is
imperative to acknowledge that compensation issues are very important for every
organisation. Compensation packages are often taken for granted by line managers.
Such packages are most effective when they not only reward employees for their
labour but also take the needs of individuals into consideration. Line managers should
be actively involved in compiling compensation packages in consultation with human
resource practitioners.
Study unit 12
Employee absenteeism
Contents Page
Learning outcomes
Key concepts
You will need to master the following key concepts in order to meet the study unit
learning outcomes:
Absenteeism Unauthorised absence
Authorised absence Sickness
12.1 Introduction
Think of the number of days you have been absent with or without notice this year. Have
you ever thought that your absence affected the organisation in any way? Imagine if all
the employees in your organisation were absent for a day Ð what could happen?
Absenteeism is a serious problem in many workplaces and industries. It has costly and
far-reaching implications, not only for effective functioning and productivity, but also
for relationships among the people in an organisation. And, contrary to the belief that
it affects only the employer, it also has disruptive effects on the workers and their trade
unions (Van der Merwe & Miller, 1988:3).
How should the line manager deal with absenteeism? Line managers often believe that
absenteeism is an unavoidable fact of life that they cannot do anything about. This
study unit will deal with absenteeism and its implications.
Wood (1998:26) writes:
Whatever its causes, absenteeism erodes productivity. When absenteeism is
abnormally high management intervention will result in fewer employees being
absent from work. But for absenteeism to be normalised a relationship of trust
must be built between all levels of employees.
Personal factors
Personal factors are those that are unique to the individual, such as the following (Van
der Merwe & Miller, 1988:7):
Ð Age of employee
Ð Gender
Ð Length of service
Ð Marital status
Ð Income level
Ð Education
Ð Health
Ð Previous attendance record
Ð The personal value each individual attaches to non-work activities
However, you should keep in mind that the work force consists of unique individuals,
and you should be careful not to generalise. Now, let us look at some of these factors
more closely.
Age of employee
A fair amount of evidence supports the findings that older workers, with a longer
service record, are absent less frequently (Compare this with myths and facts about
older workers in study unit 9.). As the person/work relationship develops, there is an
increase in stability and responsibility towards the workplace.
Marital status
It seems that married people tend to be more responsible and will therefore be less
absent than younger, unmarried people. On the other hand, family responsibilities, such
as sick children, could cause one of the spouses to be absent.
Income level
People who earn lower salaries seem to be absent more frequently. This could be due
to fewer responsibilities in the workplace or general dissatisfaction with their income.
Employees who are paid less are generally also less educated Ð see the following
Education seems to develop people's sense of responsibility towards most aspects of
life, including their attitude towards their employer. Upbringing also plays a role in how
people view their responsibility towards their employer.
Sickness falls under unavoidable causes of absenteeism. More and more emphasis is
placed these days on educating employees on how to lead healthier lifestyles.
Personal value attached to non-work-related activities
People who participate seriously in activities outside the workplace (e.g. hobbies,
sports, part-time work) could become so involved in them that they would rather
face the consequences of being absent from work than neglect those outside
Activity 12.1
Can you describe three examples of your activities outside the workplace that could
cause you to be absent from work the following day?
Organisational factors
These factors refer to aspects related to the organisation, such as the following (Van
der Merwe & Miller, 1988:7):
Ð The size of the organisation
Ð Size of the work group
Ð Quality of supervision
Ð Shift work
Ð Overtime
Ð Organisation control systems and absence control policies
Ð Incentive schemes
Ð Type of work
Research has found a correlation between higher rates of absenteeism and larger
groups, but only for blue-collar workers. This is probably because of poor
communication and lower group cohesiveness among large work groups, making it
more difficult for employees to feel part of the company and to fulfil their expectations
(Porter & Steers in Van der Merwe & Miller, 1988:7).
Attitudinal factors
Employees who are dissatisfied with their jobs are more inclined to stay away from
work. Job satisfaction tends to be associated with less absenteeism, especially when
employees have some control over absences, that is, when they are not really sick or
injured (Lussier, 1990:64).
The state of the economy also contributes to rates of absenteeism. When there is a
high rate of unemployment, workers place a high value on their jobs, fearing dismissal,
and will not stay away from work for any reason (Van der Merwe & Miller, 1988:8).
Social factors
Social problems such as an inadequate transportation system, violence, HIV/AIDS and
other difficult community circumstances may also contribute quite significantly to
employees' absenteeism.
Activity 12.2
Causes of absenteeism
Another classification of the causes of absenteeism, according to Sherman et al.
(1988:622), is to divide it into unavoidable and avoidable causes.
Unavoidable Avoidable
Sickness Internal problems in the work situation
Serious family problems
Other legitimate reasons
According to Van der Merwe and Miller (1988:9), analysis of the problem includes
documenting the causes of absenteeism (as indicated above) and classifying the causes.
Before proceeding to classify the causes, it is important to note that there are mainly
two types of absenteeism, namely authorised and unapproved absence:
Ð Authorised absence implies that, in the eyes of the employer, the employee's
absence is beyond the employee's control, or at least it will not be held against the
Ð Unapproved absence is seen as deliberate or irresponsible; the employee may
have an excuse, but the employer does not accept it as valid.
Authorised absence need not be paid absence. For example, an employee who is paid
hourly may spend a day in court through no personal fault, but the employer may
decide not to pay him or her. The classification of absence can be broadly categorised
as follows (Van der Merwe & Miller, 1988:9):
Ð Sickness
Ð Authorised absence or absence with permission
Ð Unexcused absence, or absence without leave
12.4.1 Sickness
This includes absenteeism due to both physical and mental illness, ranging from a few
days to much longer periods. In terms of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75
of 1997, paid sick leave is compulsory. During every sick leave cycle (that is, a period of
36 months' employment with the same employer), an employee is entitled to an
amount of paid sick leave equal to the number of days the employee would normally
work during a period of six weeks. Most employers require a doctor's certificate for
absences of three days and longer.
Employees should be encouraged to notify the employer if they cannot be at the
workplace; they should not merely return after one or two days with the excuse that
they had been ill.
Table 12.2: Categories of absenteeism with permission
Vacation leave Military leave Leave for domestic problems
Study leave Examination leave Leave to appear in court
Leave to attend funerals Leave to obtain a driver's licence
Leave to participate in sports at
national level
Activity 12.3
(a) Find out if there is a classification system for absenteeism in your organisation.
If so, write it down and compare it to the one given by Van der Merwe and
(b) Which of the mentioned leave categories cause(s) the biggest problems in your
Let's look at each, as explained by Van der Merwe and Miller (1988:13±14).
The gross absence rate (GAR)
This measures the extent of absence, where lost time is expressed as a percentage of
the total possible working time. GAR is normally calculated at month end, and the total
possible working time is calculated by multiplying the average number in employment
for that month by the total working days in the period.
Total days lost through all absences
GAR = 6 100
Total possible working days
The gross absence rate is often referred to as just the absence rate (AR).
In organisations where work is done in shifts, the gross absence rate can also be
expressed as:
Shifts lost
GAR = 6 100
Total possible shifts
A disadvantage of the GAR is that it is an overall figure, gives no indication of the kind
of absence (reason or duration) and tends to be distorted by single, long absences Ð
particularly in groups smaller than 50 (Van der Merwe & Miller, 1988:13).
The AFR counts each absence, irrespective of length, as one incident; and the normal
period for data collection is one month. The rate is expressed as a ratio; this in effect
means that it is an expression of the number of absence incidents per person per
month (Van der Merwe & Miller, 1988:13).
Activity 12.4
(a) Which formulas are used in your organisation to measure the rate of
absenteeism? If a different formula is used, describe it and write it down.
(b) Calculate the cost of absenteeism in your section over the last month.
12.5.2 Recording absenteeism
Absenteeism figures for individuals should be recorded, indicating the individual
involved, period of absenteeism and reasons for each absence. Where applicable, proof
of the reason for the absence should be obtained, such as sick notes or court orders.
Individual records should be analysed regularly to establish whether steps can be taken
to reduce the absenteeism. The absenteeism records of a work group should also be
analysed to establish whether there are discernible trends and also whether specific
action steps can be taken to prevent or reduce the absenteeism.
For example, some employees regard paid sick leave as a fringe benefit they lose if they
do not take it. This results in absenteeism that cannot be justified. Such employees
should be taught that paid sick leave is a privilege that should not be abused.
Activity 12.5
(a) Are absenteeism records regularly analysed in your workplace? If they are
analysed, what are the conclusions about the reasons for absenteeism?
(b) If these records are not analysed, do you think there is a need to do so?
Van der Merwe and Miller (1988:26) believe that the mere fact of introducing absence
records brings down absenteeism. Reasons given for this are that individual workers
become aware that:
Ð they have to report to the supervisor on their return after the absence and offer
some sort of excuse
Ð continuing records of the absences are being kept
Ð they are now being looked at as individuals
Ð their record, if unsatisfactory, could be used against them
Supervisors (including line managers) have an important role to play in the control of
absenteeism. Van der Merwe and Miller (1988:27±28) recommend the following:
Ð Supervisors should be consulted when absenteeism control measures are
Ð Employees should be encouraged to make arrangements when they are absent
from work. Supervisors should not be placed in the position of having to approve
absenteeism on the employee's return to work.
Ð There should be regular communication between the supervisor and human
resource practitioner about problem cases. This will help to obtain the supervisor's
co-operation in influencing employees to reduce their absenteeism rates.
Ð Once a month the human resource department should provide the line manager
or supervisor with information on absenteeism in an understandable format.
Ð The importance of absenteeism control should be emphasised on a regular basis.
If attention to absenteeism lapses, improvements in attendance will not be
Even if an absence control method is used, Grobler et al. (2006:124) believe that the
problem of absenteeism will continue if there is:
Ð no written absenteeism policy
Ð inconsistent enforcement
Ð a lack of documentation on absenteeism
Grobler et al. (2006:124±125) feel that effective forms of employer discipline for
absenteeism should include the following measures:
Ð There should be a written policy statement.
Ð A distinction should be made between absenteeism and other forms of employee
misconduct as a reason for discipline.
Ð A definition of excessive absenteeism should be provided.
Ð Progressive discipline should be used on the absence record, and should be
separated from other misconduct issues.
Ð Employees should be allowed to improve their records through good attendance.
Ð The policy should be applied consistently.
Table 12.3: A no-fault absentee programme
As a result of excessive absenteeism and/or tardiness, disciplinary action may be
required and will be based on frequency of occurrences in accordance with the
Ð Absenteeism is defined as being absent from work on any scheduled work day,
whether the absence is excused or unexcused.
Ð Each period of consecutive absence will be recorded as ``one occurrence''
regardless of the number of days' duration.
Ð Tardiness will be considered reporting to work within ten (10) minutes of the
scheduled starting time. One occasion of tardiness will be charged as one quarter
(1/4) occurrence of absenteeism.
Ð Employees who report to work late, as provided for in the reporting regulations,
or who leave before the end of the shift (with management's permission) will be
charged with one-half (1/2) of an absence occurrence for either of these.
Ð Employees who are absent without call-in will be charged with two occurrences
of absence for that occasion.
Ð Absence due to funeral leave, military obligation, or union business (each as
defined by the contract), and further including hospital confinement and work-
incurred injury will not be recorded as an occurrence of absence for purposes of
disciplinary action.
Ð For each calendar month of perfect attendance, an employee with an absentee
record will have one occurrence deducted from his or her absentee record.
Ð Absence records will be maintained for a consecutive twelve-month period,
starting with the employee's first occurrence of absence. All absence records and
warning slips that are one year old, or older, shall not be considered for purposes
of disciplinary action under this policy.
The above policy is in addition to action that may be taken when cumulative time lost
from work for any reason substantially reduces the employee's services to the
company, or as may be related to provisions of the contract (Grobler et al., 2006:126).
Ð Creating a safe and healthy work environment
Ð Providing day-care facilities at the workplace
Ð Creating programmes to assist troubled employees
Ð Providing programmes for reducing job stress
Ð Providing recreational and exercise facilities
Four important aspects of the differences and relationship between the two
phenomena are their negative consequences, their degree of permanence, the effect
of absenteeism on turnover, and the external environment (Van der Merwe & Miller,
1998:32±34). Let's look briefly at each aspect.
12.9 Summary
This study unit has focused on the problem of absenteeism in organisations.
Absenteeism in the workplace cannot be avoided, for example paid sick leave and
annual leave. There will always be circumstances which will encourage employees to be
absent from the workplace. However, absenteeism records need to be analysed
regularly to ensure that avoidable reasons are identified and steps are taken to
eliminate these problems. Proper control of absenteeism can save the organisation a
lot of money and increase productivity. Woods (1998:28) writes: ``The bottom line is
that to normalise absenteeism levels management must work to build trust with
employees as well as act in a firm and fair manner with those abusing sick and
compassionate leave.''
Read the case study below and answer the questions that follow.
Absenteeism at Parker Electronics
Paul Walker, HR manager for Parker Electronics, quickly glanced over his quarterly
personnel report. He was due to go over the report with plant manager Jane Newberry
in about five minutes. The report contained information on a wide range of HR areas,
including direct and indirect labour costs, cost of employee benefits, new hires,
transfers, resignations and discharges, and data on the firm's absenteeism rate. Parker
Electronics is a medium-sized maker of computer components located in Midrand,
Gauteng. It sells its parts to large computer manufacturers. The firm has enjoyed
relatively peaceful labour relations and is not unionised. Paul walked a few doors down
to Jane's office and took a seat. After exchanging a few pleasantries, they turned their
attention to the report.
Newberry: Paul, all the data look pretty good. Our labour costs are in pretty good
shape, and our turnover is a little below the industry average. But there
seems to be one problem Ð absenteeism. I see our overall absenteeism
rate is 8,5%. That's pretty high, I believe. And the quarterly trends are
slightly increasing. How do our absenteeism rates compare with industry
Paul: Uh, Jane, I'm not sure. It's quite hard to find comparable absenteeism
data. I suppose most firms don't want to air their dirty laundry. But I'll
check around and see what I can find.
Newberry: Okay. Incidentally, just what does that 8,5% absenteeism rate represent?
How is it figured? Do you have departmental breakdowns so we can see
where the problem is the greatest?
Paul: Well, the 8,5% figure is for the whole company Ð all twelve hundred
employees. I'm sure it represents the total time lost to all kinds of
absenteeism. My assistant prepares the data, and I'm not positive just
how the statistic is computed. I'll check when I get back to the office. I
don't have any breakdown on the figure, but it shouldn't be too hard to
Newberry: I think we'll need some more details on that 8,5% figure. We need to
compare departments, shifts and maybe even look at male and female
rates. But Paul, the real question is, how can we get that rate down to
about 3 or 4%?
Paul: Well Jane, I'm not sure. You know, absenteeism is a really tough problem,
but I don't think there's a whole lot that can be done about it. Maybe we
should hire a consultant to look into the problem.
1. How is the gross or ``overall'' absent rate calculated? (4)
2. What is the disadvantage of using this formula? (2)
3. What would you advise Paul to do in order to calculate a more accurate
absenteeism rate? (4)
4. Newberry pointed out that their turnover was ``a little below average''.
Is there always a relationship between labour turnover and absentee-
ism? Discuss this in detail. (10)
5. What should the management of Parker Electronics do to control the
high rate of absenteeism? (10)
6. What causes employee absenteeism? (12)
7. List three aspects that should be considered in order to deal with
absenteeism effectively. (3)
8. Briefly explain the classification of absenteeism. (15)
9. Write down the three formulas given in this study unit for calculating
absenteeism. (9)
10. Whose responsibility is it to control employee absenteeism Ð that of
the line manager or the HR manager? Explain how responsibility for
controlling this problem might be shared. (10)
11. Name a few positive measures that can be taken to reduce
absenteeism. (6)
12. Discuss the relationship and differences between absenteeism and
labour turnover. (8)
Study unit 13
Managing labour turnover
Contents Page
Learning outcomes
Key concepts
You will need to master the following key concepts in order to meet the study unit
learning outcomes:
Labour turnover Functional turnover
Turnover costs Dysfunctional turnover
13.1 Introduction
In the previous study unit we said that absenteeism may be an indication of
dissatisfaction. If this dissatisfaction is not identified and resolved in time, the employee
may decide to leave the organisation. Many of the reasons for measuring absence can
also be applied to labour turnover, although turnover is more easily measured than
Van der Merwe and Miller (1988:37) point out that turnover measures are indicators
which may be used to locate problem areas within an organisation and to pinpoint
possible causes. Excessive turnover is costly and disruptive. However, not all turnover is
undesirable. A certain amount of turnover is unavoidable and even beneficial to the
organisation. New employees bring with them new ideas and methods, new ways of
doing things, and prevent the organisation from stagnation. Turnover also helps to get
rid of poor performers and can help to rectify poor selection and placement decisions
(Grobler et al., 2006:125).
One thing is clear from all the above definitions Ð they all exclude the interdepart-
mental movement of employees. In study unit 9 we discussed the internal career
movements of employees: up (promotions), over (transfers and relocations), down
(demotions) and out (resignations, retrenchments and retirements). Labour turnover
refers to the ``out'' movement.
Grobler et al. (2006:125) and Cascio (2006:55) distinguish between functional and
dysfunctional turnover.
In short, some types of turnover are advantageous for the organisation (functional
turnover), and other types of turnover do not hold any advantages for the organisation
(dysfunctional turnover).
13.3 Classification and measurement of labour turnover
First of all, turnover can broadly be divided into voluntary and involuntary turnover.
3 "
Voluntary turnover Involuntary turnover
This type of turnover is controllable. This type of turnover is uncontrollable,
The employee voluntarily departs normally due to retirement, death,
from the organisation. ill health, pregnancy, etc.
Van der Merwe and Miller (1988:45) classify turnover into the following four
Ð Voluntary turnover
Ð Dismissed
Ð Retrenched
Ð Other
Voluntary turnover
This refers to voluntary terminations or resignations. It also includes desertion or
absence without leave (where the employee does not return to work). One should ask
who initiates the separation. Thus, if the separation is initiated by the deserter, then the
classification is ``voluntary''. On the other hand, if the employee returns after an
unexcused absence, and the employee's contract is terminated for this reason, the
classification is ``dismissal'' (Van der Merwe & Miller, 1988:45).
Dismissal refers to the discharge of the employee because of unsatisfactory
behaviour Ð whether for disciplinary reasons or because of unsuitability. Also included
in this category are dismissals following strike action.
Both voluntary turnover and dismissals are controllable turnover. Dismissals are
considered controllable because they can be avoided if due attention is given to proper
selection and induction procedures and training programmes (Van der Merwe & Miller,
Van der Merwe and Miller (1988:46) define retrenchment as a discharge due to a
reduction in the size of the work force because of restructuring in the organisation or
department. This is uncontrollable turnover, because retrenchments are due to
external economic factors or internal factory reorganisation.
This category includes terminations of service as a result of ill health, retirement, death
and pregnancy. These, too, are part of uncontrollable turnover.
Length of service
According to Van der Merwe and Miller (1988:74), it is not the length of service per se
which affects employee stability but factors such as the formation of group ties, a sense
of familiarity with the job situation, and other benefits which arise from long service.
Resignations are most likely to occur in the first few weeks of employment when the
person/work relationship has not yet been formed. This is also why a well-planned
induction programme is essential, so that the new employee is given an opportunity to
adjust to the new social, psychological and physical environment.
Numerous studies have proven that younger people tend to be involved in increased
turnover. This is closely related to length of service in that younger people do not stay
long enough to become integrated into the organisation.
Other variables
Other personal factors that are positively related to high turnover include marital
status, attitude to work, socio-economic background, educational level, family stability,
and standards and norms of the community from where the worker comes (Van der
Merwe & Miller, 1988:75). For example, the extent to which an employee is bound to a
particular area because of family or other social ties is a decisive factor in the worker's
decision to leave or to stay in a particular job. Employees with relatively large families
and family responsibilities tend to remain in one job.
Companies that pay relatively higher salaries and wages tend to have a lower turnover
The size of the work group has been found to be more related to turnover than the
size of the organisation itself. Some of the largest firms have relatively low turnover
and so do some of the smaller organisations, depending on other factors such as job
satisfaction, remuneration and work climate. But if there are poor relationships in the
work group, turnover rates increase.
The quality of supervision has a serious influence on turnover figures.
Geographic location
Van der Merwe and Miller (1991:77) mention that similar employment available in the
area will influence ease of movement and may also mean competition from other
employers in the labour market. Other factors that influence the mobility of employees
are transport facilities and distances to work.
Grobler et al. (2006:126) point out that general economic conditions have an
important effect on the overall availability of jobs. Turnover is generally high during
periods of growth or prosperity and low during recessions. The supply of and demand
for specific kinds of occupations and professions in the labour market also play a
decisive role in the mobility of employees.
! ! !
Length of service Compensation Geographic location
Age Size of the workgroup State of the economy
Marital status Supervision
Education Job satisfaction
Grobler et al. (2006:127) point out that an interesting way to research turnover is to
determine why people stay. Attention is given to four profiles to describe most
Ð Turnovers Ð These include people who are highly dissatisfied at work, free of
external pressures to stay and will quit at the first chance.
Ð Turn-offs Ð These involve people who dislike the job but will stay because of
the pay, benefits or some extrinsic job reward.
Ð Turn-ons Ð These are employees who are highly satisfied and motivated at
work, but may leave if external pressure becomes significant.
Ð Turn-ons plus Ð These include employees who are highly motivated at work
and satisfied with the local environment. They are likely to stay and continue to be
The number of leavers during a period includes voluntary turnover and dismissals.
Grobler et al. (2006:126) mention three formulas for computing turnover for a given
period of time:
Total Separation Rate = 6 100
Average number of employees
Resignation Rate = 6 100
Average number of employees
Total separations ± Unavoidable separations
Avoidable Turnover Rate = 6 100
Average number of employees
Activity 13.1
(a) Does your organisation pay attention to the turnover rate? That is, does it
measure turnover, investigate the causes of turnover, carry out exit interviews,
(b) If your organisation does not pay attention to turnover, do you think it should?
What are the reasons for not paying attention to turnover?
(c) If the organisation does pay attention to turnover, which formula does it use for
measuring turnover?
(d) What was the turnover rate at your workplace for the last year or six months?
Separation costs
Separation costs relate to the following:
Ð The exit interview (cost of interviewer's time, cost of the terminating employee's
Ð Administrative functions related to termination (removal of the employee from
the payroll, any other administrative work that needs to be done to finalise the exit
of the employee)
Ð Separation pay if applicable
Replacement costs
Replacement costs relate to the following:
Ð Advertisement of the available job
Ð Administrative functions with reference to the recruitment process (screening
application forms, checking references, etc.)
Ð Selection procedures (interviewing, testing and other assessment procedures)
Ð Staff meetings (to determine if replacements are needed, verify job analyses and
job specifications, gather information, finalise selection decisions)
Ð Travel and moving expenses (travel expenses for applicants, travel and moving
expenses for new appointments if applicable)
Ð Medical examinations (if applicable and approved by law)
Training costs
Training costs relate to the following:
Ð Informational literature (written information about the organisation)
Ð Training by means of a formal training programme
Ð On-the-job training, simulation training, training courses, seminars
The causes of labour turnover are complex, and there are no easy and foolproof
remedies. However, attention to the following aspects could help control the problem:
Ð Job satisfaction
Ð Selection
Ð Induction
Ð Training
Job satisfaction
Lussier (1990:64±65) points out that there are a variety of determinants of job
satisfaction, which differ in their level of importance to different people:
Ð Satisfaction with the work itself: People who view their work as boring,
meaningless and unchallenging tend to have low levels of job satisfaction. One
way to prevent this is to give prospective employees realistic job previews to make
sure that they understand what their future job is all about. In study unit 9 we
mentioned that realistic job previews are important when one decides on a career.
Ð Compensation: Dissatisfied employees may steal from the company, perform
below their potential and have a higher absenteeism and turnover rate. Various
factors influence the employees' acceptance or non-acceptance of a certain
wage Ð such as the availability of jobs, motivation, status, fringe benefits and
perceptions of fairness.
Ð Growth and upward mobility: People with a need for challenge and
development may not be satisfied if there is no room for growth and promotion.
Ð Supervision: The relationship between the supervisor and subordinate affects
job satisfaction. Too much control, no control or direction, poor human relations
and incompetence on the part of the supervisor all affect job satisfaction.
Ð Work group: People who like their co-workers often have higher levels of job
satisfaction than employees who do not like their co-workers.
Ð Attitude toward work: This is internal to the employee. Lussier (1990:65)
points out that ``people with a positive attitude toward work tend to have higher
levels of job satisfaction''.
Research has found that organisations which had tightened their selection standards
had lower levels of turnover. A few steps that can prevent an expensive ``hire and fire''
attitude are:
Ð ensuring that proper job descriptions and job specifications are available
Ð maintaining close contact between the persons responsible for selection and
Ð proper pre-screening
The importance of a well-planned induction programme is stressed in study unit 6. If
the socialisation process does not take place successfully and no satisfying person/
work relationship is formed, turnover tends to be high, especially during the first few
months of employment.
There are few things so frustrating and demotivating as not knowing how to do the job
you are supposed to do. According to Van der Merwe and Miller (1988:80, citing
Lefkowitz), it has been found that the greatest contribution towards decreased
turnover is a three-day, on-the-job training programme. However, training pro-
grammes should be undertaken according to the needs of the different groups of
employees in the enterprise. Feedback is essential so that trainees stay motivated,
especially where longer training programmes for more complex jobs are involved.
13.8 Summary
This study unit has focused on the challenge of labour turnover. This challenge can be
confronted by taking appropriate action. Although a certain amount of turnover is
expected and may even be to the advantage of the organisation, excessive turnover
can be costly and harmful to the organisation's image. The line manager can play a
major role by being aware of the causes of labour turnover and making an effort to
eliminate or reduce these causes in the work situation.
4 Write down the classification of labour turnover according to Van der
Merwe and Miller (1998). (12)
5 Discuss the major causes of labour turnover. (15)
6 Which formula can be used to measure the labour turnover rate for a
specific six-month period? (2)
7 Discuss the three components of labour turnover costs. (12)
8 Briefly discuss four aspects in the control of labour turnover. (12)
Study unit 14
South African labour law
Contents Page
Learning outcomes
Key concepts
You will need to master the following key concepts in order to meet the study unit
learning outcomes:
Labour relations Collective bargaining Leave
Discrimination Affirmative action Dismissal
Accreditation discipline Lockout Strike
Skills development levy Workplace skills plan
Employment equity Learnerships
14.1 Introduction
Labour relations and all its related aspects constitute one of the greatest challenges for
South Africa. Grobler et al. (2006:416) write:
Without sound labour relations, or better still, work relations, South African
organisations can forget about becoming more competitive. Whether you are
self-employed, work for a company or are employed by the government, you will
be working with people, and good relationships between people in the
workplace are a key requirement for sound labour relations.
The aim of this study unit is to provide you with an overview of the legislation affecting
employers and employees in South Africa. This study unit merely points out the most
relevant aspects of labour legislation. Should you require further detail, refer to the
original texts of the applicable laws, signed by the President. You can obtain copies of
these Acts from the nearest Government Printer office or from the website of the
Department of Labour (
14.2 Overview of South African labour law
There is no simple definition of ``labour relations''. It may be a simple interpersonal
process involving only two people; or it may occur between groups at a workplace, for
instance between management and a group of shop stewards. It covers a broad,
interdisciplinary field of study and practice that includes all aspects of the employment
Although one tends to think of strikes the moment labour relations is mentioned, it is a
stable, ongoing activity at countless workplaces all over the world. However, the mere
fact that people with different needs, beliefs and objectives are put together in the
same environment gives ample opportunity for conflict.
Before considering the different aspects of South African labour law covered in this
unit, it is important to note that the provisions of all South African statutes must
conform to the basic principles contained in South Africa's Constitution. The
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 gives very clear guidelines with
regard to labour relations. Section 23 stipulates the following regarding labour
Ð Everyone has the right to fair labour practices.
Ð Every worker has the right to form and join a trade union, to participate in the
activities of a trade union, and to strike.
Ð Every employer has the right to form and join an employers' organisation and to
participate in the activities of an employers' organisation.
Ð Every trade union and employers' organisation has the right to determine its own
activities, to organise, to bargain collectively and to form and join a federation.
Ð Every trade union, employers' organisation and employer has the right to engage
in collective bargaining.
Compensation for
Occupational Injuries Skills Development Skills Development
and Diseases Act 130 Levies Act 9 of 1999 Act 97 of 1998
of 1993
In this study unit we will look specifically at the Labour Relations Act, Basic Conditions
of Employment Act, Employment Equity Act and Skills Development Act.
The Act applies to all employment relationships between employers and employees
and makes no distinction as to whether these relationships are in the private or the
public sector. The only exclusions, according to section 2, are:
Ð members of the National Defence Force
Ð members of the National Intelligence Agency
Ð members of the South African Secret Service
Here we will discuss only the first five briefly. Dispute resolution and unfair dismissal will
be discussed in section 14.6 (``Workings of the CCMA'').
14.3.2 Freedom of association and general protections
One of the rights of freedom of association, stated in section 1 of the Labour Relations
Act, is that workers have the right to form and to join trade unions, and employers
have the right to form and to join employers' organisations.
Another right, stated in section 4 of the Act, is that of union members to elect office
bearers, officials, or trade union representatives (shop stewards).
Collective bargaining
The Act promotes collective bargaining, in particular sectoral level collective
bargaining, as the desired method of settling wages and conditions of employment.
Organisational rights
Unions have the right to access the workplace, to hold meetings with employees
outside working hours, to conduct an election at the workplace, and to be granted stop
order facilities (sections 12 and 13).
Disclosure of information
Section 16 provides that an employer must disclose to a trade union representative all
relevant information needed for the effective performance of his or her functions.
However, if any information disclosed is confidential, the representative should be
notified in writing.
Collective agreements
A collective agreement is a written agreement between one or more registered trade
unions and one or more employers or registered employers' organisations concerning
terms and conditions of employment or any other matter of mutual interest (section
The right to strike is subject to certain limitations concerning:
Ð forbidden strikes and lockouts
Ð procedures for engaging in protected strike action
Ð strikes and lockouts in compliance with the Act
Ð secondary strikes
Ð essential and maintenance services
Secondary strikes
Section 66 contains provisions relating to secondary strikes. A secondary strike is one
which supports other workers who are on strike against their employer. In other
words, the employees go on strike to pledge their solidarity with fellow unionists who
are on strike, and their action has nothing to do with their own employer and is not
even directed at their employer (Gerber et al., 1998:386±387).
Activity 14.1
(a) Discuss in detail the meaning of ``employee'' in terms of the Labour Relations
Act of 1995.
(b) Discuss the main objectives and the application of the Labour Relations Act of
(c) What is the meaning of a secondary strike?
(d) Employee A works for employer B and wishes to become a member of trade
union C. Employee A's employment contract stipulates that A does not have the
right to become a member of any trade union. Discuss whether this stipulation
in A's contract is valid.
Ð attempt to resolve, through conciliation, any dispute referred to it in terms of the
Labour Relations Act
Ð arbitrate disputes if the Act requires arbitration or if the dispute remains
unresolved after conciliation, or any party has requested that the dispute be
resolved through arbitration
Ð assist in the establishment of workplace forums
Ð compile and publish information and statistics about its activities
The CCMA must attempt to resolve disputes through conciliation and/or arbitration.
These approaches are briefly outlined in the next three subsections.
The Act makes provision for arbitration under the auspices of the CCMA in the
following cases:
Ð Disclosure of information disputes
Ð Disputes relating to collective agreements Ð interpretation or application
Ð Alleged unfair dismissal concerning misconduct
Ð Alleged unfair dismissal concerning incapacity
Ð Alleged unfair labour practice
Ð Unfair suspension of an employee or other disciplinary action short of dismissal
Ð Failure to pay severance pay
Ð Disputes concerning organisational rights of trade unions
Ð Where the Labour Court has jurisdiction, but parties agree to refer the dispute to
arbitration under the CCMA rather than the court
Activity 14.2
14.5.1 Discipline
Grobler et al. (2006:453) write:
The primary objective of disciplinary action is to motivate an employee to
comply with the company's performance standards. An employee receives
discipline after failing to meet some obligation of the job. The failure to perform
as expected could be directly related to the tasks performed by the employee or
to the rules and regulations that define proper conduct at work.
A second objective of discipline is to create or maintain mutual respect and trust
between the supervisor and employee. Improperly administered discipline can
create such problems as low morale, resentment and ill-will between the
supervisor and the employee.
Grobler et al. (2006:453) differentiate between incorrect discipline, preventive
discipline and positive discipline.
Incorrect discipline
Grobler et al. (2006:453±454) compare incorrect discipline with the type of punitive
discipline parents apply in supermarkets Ð it is done by means of threats, harassment
and intimidation. The authors describe other characteristics of incorrect discipline as
Ð Negative feedback Ð This is feedback only when unsatisfactory performance
Ð Late intervention Ð This occurs when supervisors allow a problem to drag on
until it reaches a serious level.
Ð Inadequate definition Ð This occurs when telling an employee he or she is
``uncooperative'', ``disloyal'', or ``not a team player''. These terms are vague and
ambiguous and serve only to confuse and frustrate the employee.
Ð Labelling employees, not behaviour Ð Unsatisfactorily performance may result in
an employee being labelled ``lazy'' or ``shiftless'', etc. The problem with this is the
employee may carry the label over to other jobs, and it may serve as a self-fulfilling
Preventive discipline
Of all the approaches, this type is the most desirable. By means of preventive discipline,
people are managed in a way that prevents behaviour that would need to be
disciplined (Grobler et al., 2006:454).
Positive discipline
Grobler et al. (2006:454±455) comment as follows:
Positive discipline corrects unsatisfactory employee behaviour through support,
respect and people-oriented leadership. The purpose of positive discipline is to
help rather than harass the employee: it is not an attempt to soft-pedal or
sidestep an employee problem. Rather it ... assumes that improved employee
behaviour is most likely to be long-lived when discipline is administered without
revenge, abuse or vindictiveness.
Clarifying responsibility
In theory, responsibility for discipline should fall on an employee's immediate
supervisor. In practice, ``many organisations give the supervisor authority to administer
less severe forms of discipline, such as an oral warning or a written notice. For
situations involving suspension or dismissal, the supervisor is often required to consult
with an HR representative'' (Grobler et al., 2006:455).
It is important that a fair procedure be applied when disciplinary action is to take place.
Schedule 8 of the Labour Relations Act provides the following guidelines for
disciplinary action:
Ð The employer should notify the employee of all the allegations using a form and
language that the employee can reasonably understand.
Ð The employee should be allowed the opportunity to state a case in response to
the allegations.
Ð The employee should be given a reasonable time to prepare the response and to
obtain the assistance of a trade union representative or fellow employee.
Ð After the enquiry, the employer should communicate the decision taken, and
preferably furnish the employee with written notification of that decision.
14.5.2 Dismissal
A disciplinary dismissal occurs when an employee has done any of the following:
Ð Committed a serious offence
Ð Repeatedly violated rules and regulations
Ð Shown a consistent inability to meet performance expectations
Note that if an employee is laid off because a company has severe financial problems or
a plant closes, this is not part of disciplinary dismissal.
Activity 14.3
(a) What are the three broad categories of accepted reasons for dismissal?
(c) Write down the guidelines to be followed when disciplinary action is taken.
(d) Go to the library or search the Internet and look for an explanation of unfair
dismissal. Write down at least three characteristics of unfair dismissal.
conflicts over matters of mutual interest, for instance wages and working
conditions, may be channelled and resolved in a controlled manner thus reducing
unnecessary disputes
Ð The creation of conformity and predictability through the development of and
commitment to collective agreements which establish common substantive
conditions and procedural rules
Ð The promotion of employee participation in managerial decision-making that
concerns the working lives of employees
Ð The enhancement of democracy, labour peace and economic development at a
national and even international level
For the purpose of this course only the bargaining council in the private
sector will be discussed.
14.6.2 The structure and function of a bargaining council in the private sector
Finnemore (2002:135±136) writes as follows:
The constitution must make provision for the banking and investment of funds.
The main functions of bargaining councils are to:
Ð conclude collective agreements concerning wages, working conditions and other
procedural issues
Ð promote, monitor and enforce agreements, usually by means of designated
agents, who are employed to check that agreements are being adhered to and, if
necessary, issue compliance orders requiring any person bound by a collective
agreement to comply within a specific period
Ð prevent and resolve labour disputes, thus every bargaining council must make
provision for dispute resolution procedures by means of conciliation and
Ð promote and establish training and educational schemes
Ð establish and administer benefit schemes, such as pension and provident funds,
medical aid, sick pay, holiday, unemployment and training schemes or funds
Ð develop proposals for submission to NEDLAC or any other appropriate forum on
policy and legislation that may affect the sector and area
Ð deal with requests for exemptions from the agreement
(i) by establishing and enforcing basic conditions of employment; and
(ii) by regulating the variation of basic conditions of employment;
(b) to give effect to obligations incurred by the Republic as a member state of the
International Labour Organisation.
In terms of section 10, overtime may be worked only by agreement. An employee may
not work more than 3 hours' overtime in a day, or 10 hours' overtime in a week.
Overtime work must be compensated by paying the employee at 1,5 times the
employee's normal wage, or if agreed, by granting the employee a period of paid time
off, equivalent to the value of the overtime pay (Nel, 1997:103).
Meal intervals
Section 14 prescribes that an employee must have a meal interval of at least 60
minutes after five hours. This may be reduced to 30 minutes by agreement.
who normally works on a Sunday must be paid at 1,5 times his or her normal
wage. By agreement, an employer may compensate an employee for Sunday
work by granting paid time off.
Night work
Section 17 of the Act stipulates that employees doing night work (between 18:00 and
06:00) must be compensated by the payment of an allowance or by reduction of
working hours. Transportation must be available for employees.
Public holidays
Public holidays are covered by section 18. Nel (1997:104) explains: ``All employees
must be paid their normal wage for a public holiday that falls on a working day. Work
on public holiday must be remunerated at double rates.''
Annual leave
According to section 20, employees are entitled to three weeks' fully paid leave after
every 12 months of continuous employment. (This may also be calculated as one day's
leave for every 17 days of employment.) An employer must not pay an employee
instead of granting annual leave.
Sick leave
Sick leave is covered by section 22. Nel (1997:104) writes:
An employee is entitled to six weeks' paid sick leave for every 36 months of
continuous employment. However, during the first six months of employment an
employee is entitled to only one day's paid sick leave for every 26 days worked.
An employer may require a medical certificate from an employee who is away
from work for more than two days ... .
Maternity leave
An employee is entitled to four months of maternity leave (section 25).
During the first four weeks of employment, an employment contract may be
terminated on one week's notice. The notice period during the remainder of the
first year of employment is two weeks, and 30 days for employees with more
than a year's service. Notice must be given in writing.
An employer may pay the employee the remuneration for the notice period instead of
giving notice (section 38).
Activity 14.4
(a) In terms of various pieces of labour legislation in South Africa, the rights of
women in the workplace are a high priority. In what ways do you think the Basic
Conditions of Employment Act of 1997 reflects this?
(b) State whether the following statements are true or false and substantiate your
(i) Employers cannot address employees regarding their absenteeism due to
medical reasons until the employees have exhausted their sick leave in a
particular cycle.
(ii) Employees can stay away from work for up to two days, often linked to
weekends or public holidays, without being ill.
(c) Explain the ordinary hours of work as prescribed by the Basic Conditions of
Employment Act of 1997.
The most important provisions in the Act to achieve these objectives can be
summarised as follows:
Ð All employers are required to take steps to end unfair discrimination in their
employment policies and practices (section 5).
Ð Medical testing of employees and psychometric testing are prohibited unless
justified (section 7).
Ð Designated employers must prepare and implement employment equity plans
(section 13).
Ð Designated employers must report to the Department of Labour on their
implementation and progress of employment equity (section 13).
Ð Designated employers must take measures to progressively reduce dispropor-
tionate income differentials (section 27).
Ð Any employer who intends to contract with the state must comply with its
employment equity obligations (section 53).
Ð Have a dress size between 16 and 28
Ð Be presentable in appearance
Ð Have excellent customer service skills
Ð Be proficient in English
Ð Preferably be unmarried as working overtime is inevitable
As this position entails contact with the public, a pre-employment HIV test is
None of the above is a valid job requirement for this position. The requirements have
no relevance to the nature of the position, which requires excellent customer service
skills, presentability, English proficiency and a fuller figure. The target market is ``the
fuller figure'' and the age requirement is therefore irrelevant.
No mention should be made of marital status, since it is up to the candidate to decide
whether it is possible for her to work overtime.
Although the position entails contact with the public, it does not necessitate a pre-
employment HIV test as the risk of HIV transmission in this workplace is minimal.
Testing of an employee (which includes an applicant for employment) is prohibited.
The advertisement contains the following fair discrimination:
Ð The employer can discriminate on the grounds of size, the rationale being that the
employees must be able to wear and promote the garments, and customers
would relate better to a saleswoman with a fuller figure.
Ð ``Be presentable in appearance'' and ``Have excellent customer service skills'' are
inherent requirements of the job, as the salesperson must be able to promote the
garments, which entails that she relate to all kinds and levels of people and be well
groomed and presentable.
The advertisement complies with section 2 (b) of the Employment Equity Act as it
addresses affirmative action issues. Firstly, an advertisement may state that the
employer is an ``affirmative action employer'', thereby indicating to persons from non-
designated groups (white males) that they need not apply for the position. Women
(the target market for this advertisement) are part of the designated groups.
Secondly, it was placed in a national newspaper. This ensures that the recruitment
message will reach or be exposed to a broad range of groups. The advertisement has
not been confined to a specific area, which avoids excluding or minimising applicants
from a particular group.
Activity 14.5
(e) to improve the employment prospects of persons previously dis-
advantaged by unfair discrimination and to redress those disadvantages
through training and education;
(f) to ensure the quality of education and training in and for the workplace;
(g) to assist Ð
(i) work-seekers to find work;
(ii) retrenched workers to re-enter the labour market;
(iii) employers to find qualified employees; and
(h) to provide and regulate employment services.
3. Interpretation
``Any person applying this Act must interpret its provisions to give effect to Ð
(a) its purposes; and
(b) the objects of the South African Qualifications Authority Act.''
Who must pay the levy?
Payment towards the levy grant scheme is legislated in terms of the Skills Development
Levies Act, 1999. Under this Act every employer in South Africa who is registered with
the South African Revenue Service (SARS) for PAYE and has an annual payroll in excess
of R500 000 must register with SARS to pay the skills development levy.
All employers need to complete a form, which is provided by the South African
Revenue Services, and select the SETA which best represents their core business Ð e.g.
if the employer is an insurance company or an insurance intermediary, it will register
with the Insurance SETA (INSETA). Once the employer has completed the form and
submitted it to the South African Revenue Service, SARS will register the employer
with the SETA that the employer has selected.
The employer can recover a further 45% of the total levy payment by preparing and
submitting an annual training report or ATR, based upon the approved WSP. An annual
training report describes all the training (in-house and external) completed over the
past year.
Discretionary grants
Each SETA is allowed to make grants available of up to 10% of the total levy payment
paid by the employer for specific sector skills plan initiatives. Each SETA determines the
criteria for these initiatives as well as the amount of the grant, which is dependent upon
the funds available.
How will the employer know what to do in order to comply with the requirements?
The SETA will send the employer all the information needed, including the
requirements and timetable for action. The employer will be supplied with contact
details of employees of the SETA who are available to help maximise the benefits of the
employer's participation.
Are any employers exempt from paying the levy?
Yes. The exemptions are applicable if certain provisions are met. Application for such
exemptions is made on the SDL 101 form, issued by the Commissioner of SARS, who
will ultimately adjudicate whether the employer qualifies for exemption or not.
training provided. Using this report, the SETA can establish whether training has been
done or is in the process of being done. This report will allow the SETA to compensate
the employer for money spent when implementing the workplace skills plan for the
training that the employer has funded for its staff.
For which different kinds of registered providers can the organisation make a claim
for training completed?
There are four kinds of recognised providers for which claims will be recognised:
Ð Internal education and training providers, such as human resources or training and
development departments
Ð External education and training providers, such as training companies and
Ð Education and training quality assurance bodies (ETQAs), who will be responsible
for assessing the quality of training, as well as the moderation of learnerships and
Ð Recognition of prior learning (RPL) providers, who will be responsible for
assessing and moderating applications for qualifications based on prior learning
Does this mean that employers will not be able to claim for employees sent
overseas for training?
Any training towards unit standards and qualifications will be eligible. Training not
associated with credits for unit standards and towards qualifications will not be eligible
for grant funds.
How does an employer know which ETQA it should use to accredit its training
SAQA's organising principle for the provider-to-ETQA relationship is a simple one-to-
one relation, namely that the provider is accredited by one ETQA on the basis of
primary focus. The first issue to be decided would be which ETQA sector the provider
falls within, and then which NQF-registered standards or qualifications it wishes to
provide. This should indicate the ETQA to which the provider should apply. There may
be some instances in which the indication is not clear as it should be.
The provider is then advised to approach SAQA for further guidance. Providers should
note that even if they are multi-purpose providers for a range of standards and
qualifications in different areas of learning, there will probably be a number of ETQAs
involved in the ongoing accreditation and quality assurance of the institution,
particularly in relation to the different learning programmes, courses and assessments
on offer. To all intents and purposes this multiplicity of relations will not impact on the
provider in that the accrediting, primary-focus ETQA will take responsibility for
organising the necessary evaluations and even site visits with all relevant parties.
If the majority of the employer's learning programmes (its primary focus) fall within
the scope of one SETA ETQA but some programmes fall within the scope of other
ETQAs, does the employer need to apply to the other relevant ETQAs as well to get
all its programmes accredited?
If the employer's primary business focus falls within the scope of one SETA ETQA, it is
that SETA' s responsibility to take the training programmes that do not fall within their
primary focus to the relevant ETQA to be accredited. They will sign a memorandum of
understanding with other SETAs in this event and will ensure that the responsible
authorities thus accredit the training courses. Please note: one training provider, one
What does the employer present to its clients as proof that it is in the process of
becoming accredited?
At this moment the only documentation the SETA can provide with regard to proof of
a company going through the accreditation process is the confirmation of the receipt
of the letter of intent, the confirmation of receipt of application for accreditation letter,
the confirmation of compliance letter, the confirmation letter that the provider is in the
evaluation for quality phase, and the confirmation letter of application to serve in front
of the ETQA committee for ratification. It should be noted that no evaluation has yet
taken place of providers who have only submitted letters of intent to be accredited. For
this reason the Services SETA is willing to confirm that the provider has applied and is
in the process of accreditation.
If the provider decides to develop more courses or diversify after it has been
accredited, does it need to go through the whole process again?
Should the provider decide to diversify at a later stage, it needs only apply for an
extension of accreditation for those courses it wishes to add. Should the extension
mean that another ETQA must get involved, the primary-focus ETQA will still manage
and administer the extension of accreditation but will establish a framework for
collaboration with the secondary ETQA.
What can a provider do if it needs help with its application for accreditation?
To help providers understand the application for accreditation documentation, the
SETQAA has trained a group of consultants (internal and external) who will sit with
providers at their premises for a maximum of two hours to answer questions. The
consultant will not complete the documentation for the provider, but will assist the
provider in understanding the requirements of the SETQAA. No fee is charged to the
14.10 Summary
This study unit has focused on South African labour law. From the foregoing, it is
evident that the spate of labour legislation that has been promulgated in South Africa
since 1994 has had significant implications for the practice of human resource
management today. Human resource practitioners have to be very cautious about the
decisions they make, as they may be in contravention of these labour laws. Thus, this
legislation provides a framework for the development of policies and procedures that
are consistent with the provisions of the Constitution, especially Chapter Two (the Bill
of Rights).
Topic 4
Human relations in modern
Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4
Fundamentals of H u m a n re s o u rc e Managing compen- Human relations in
h u m a n r e s o u r c e development and sation systems and modern organisa-
management utilisation employment rela- tions
Study unit 15:
Understanding the self-
Study unit 16:
The dynamics of self-
disclosure in interper-
sonal relations
Study unit 17:
Interpersonal trust
Study unit 18:
Communication pro-
cess and interpersonal
Study unit 19:
Interpersonal behaviour
and expression of feel-
Study unit 20:
Resolving interpersonal
Study unit 21:
Workplace stress man-
The Southwest Center for Human Relations Studies (Southwest, 2003) writes:
... human relations provide the catalyst for achievement in a society of social
beings. At the center of every human endeavor or cooperative venture is a
relationship. Relationships that exist among individuals Ð whether in the family,
in the community, or in the society Ð define the essence of the group. The
strength of each relationship defines the effort and commitment of the group.
The spirit of each relationship defines the group's purpose and direction. The
quality of each relationship defines the value and growth of the group and each
person involved. Human relations define our groups, our society, and even
ourselves. At the center of every social issue is a human aspect; at the center of
every social change is a human relations dimension.
The study of human relations therefore focuses on key factors that help and hinder
effective relationships in the work environment. It seeks to understand those aspects of
interpersonal relations most directly linked to the attainment of organisational and
individual goals in work settings.
The aim of this topic is to help you to improve your understanding of people and the
relationships that evolve between them, and how this impacts on individual and
organisational goal attainment.
Topic contents
The topic ``Human relations in modern organisations'' will involve the following study
Study unit Study unit Study unit Study unit Study unit Study unit Study unit
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Understand- The dy- Interperso- Communica- Interpersonal Resolving in- Wor k p l a c e
ing the self- n a m i c s o f nal trust tion process b e h a v i o u r terpersonal stress man-
concept self-disclo- and interper- and expres- conflict agement
sure in inter- sonal rela- sion of feel-
personal re- tions ings
Study unit 15
Understanding the self-concept
Contents Page
Learning outcomes
Key concepts
You will need to master the following key concepts in order to meet the study unit
learning outcomes:
Self Self-actualisation Self-image
Self-concept Identity
15.1 Introduction
In the previous study units we looked at various aspects of human resource
management. In this study unit and those that follow, we are going to deal with
interpersonal relations. Although human resource management and interpersonal
relations focus on different aspects, both will help you in your daily interactions with
your staff and colleagues.
Interpersonal relations are important for all people who have to deal with other people
in their daily tasks. Whether you are a police officer, housewife, engineer or teacher,
you will always have to interact with other people. This study unit and the subsequent
units will deal with the various aspects of interpersonal relations and problems which
might arise as a result of such relations.
Although this study unit might at first seem very theoretical, you will be able to put the
theory into practice in your job and in your private life. However, to be able to do this, it
is imperative that you complete the activities and questions in each study unit.
At the end of study unit 21, you will find a list of questions for self-assessment. These
questions are directly linked to the learning outcomes and will therefore provide you
with a good indication of what to expect in the examination. They have been
specifically designed to check your ability to integrate the different study units of this
study guide.
15.2.1 Definitions
Various words are used to describe the self, such as ``self-concept'', ``self-image'', ``self-
perception'' and ``identity''. The following definitions illuminate the meaning of ``self''.
Johnson (1986:174) describes identity as a consistent set of attitudes that defines
who a person is.
Moorhead and Griffin (2000) describe the self-concept as a person's perception of
himself or herself. We tend to refer to a positive self-concept when people see
themselves and the world in a positive light. We refer to a negative self-concept when
people are ready to believe the worst of themselves or the world around them.
Luthans (2005:198) describes the self-concept as a person's attempt to understand
himself or herself. People cannot have any self-worth or understand others if they do
not first have knowledge of themselves.
In addition, a person's self-concept largely determines how a person will react in a
particular situation (Sherman, Bohlander & Chruden, 1988:291). If an individual's self-
concept can be understood, the person's behaviour can also be understood. It is
therefore very important for you, as a manager or supervisor, to understand what self-
concept means and how it develops.
Activity 15.1
Comparing ourselves with others
We compare ourselves with others and form an impression of ourselves. We can
compare ourselves with reference groups that include people who are similar to us in
certain key ways, and in this way we can form an impression of what we are like
(Johnson, 1986:175).
Activity 15.2
Describe how your self-concept developed, based on each of the above points.
born with the skills they require for successful interpersonal relations. These skills are
learnt when a person interacts with other people and gains experience and insight into
his or her own behaviour.
A small child is not interested in interpersonal skills because its own needs are most
important. When children go to school and start interacting with other children, they
need to learn to deal with conflict, anger, sharing and other emotions and situations.
These skills are acquired by receiving feedback about your own behaviour and how
others perceive you, and by noting the responses of others to your actions.
This learning process continues every time we experience something unfamiliar or new
situations Ð for example, when we study after school or are employed and have to
deal with colleagues.
Learning about ourselves and obtaining more information about how others perceive
us is essential to our psychological health. For example, if a battered wife is told by her
husband every day that she is inadequate and needs to change her behaviour, she will
eventually believe that she is not acceptable, and act in a way that will prove her
husband's words. Her belief in herself and her abilities will be destroyed and she will
become an inadequate person. However, if a woman is told every day how much her
family appreciates her and how much she means to her husband, she will strive to meet
the positive image that other people have of her.
As Johnson (1986:3) puts it, ``we need to be confirmed as a person by other people.
Confirmation consists of response from other people in ways that indicate we are
normal, healthy, and worthwhile''.
This also applies to the work situation. It is very important that you answer the
following questions because these will help you to gain an understanding of your own
behaviour, which is essential for successful interpersonal relations.
Activity 15.3
(a) How did you experience your first days at work? Were you required to deal
with people in different ways from before? Substantiate your answer.
(b) What kind of feedback do you receive about yourself from your supervisor?
(d) Think about the subordinate whom you like most. What kind of feedback do
you give this person about himself or herself?
(e) Think about the subordinate whom you like least. What kind of feedback do
you give this person about himself or herself?
(g) How can we obtain information about how others perceive us?
15.4 Self-actualisation
15.4.1 Maslow's hierarchy of needs
The term ``self-actualisation'' was coined by Maslow when he described the hierarchy
of needs. This hierarchy is illustrated in figure 15.1, and organisational examples of
each need are given below.
Self-actualisation needs
Esteem needs
Social needs
Security needs
Physiological needs
Physiological needs
Physiological needs refer to the need for food, air, water and shelter. These are the
strongest of all the needs because they focus on the physical survival and biological
maintenance of the body. A person who is hungry and thirsty will not pay attention to
the other needs before these physical needs have been satisfied. The basic salary or
wage can be used to fulfil these needs.
Security needs
Security needs refer to the need for a secure environment free from threats of physical
or psychological harm. These needs include stability, protection, structure, order and
obedience. The satisfaction of this need can be achieved by means of taking out a
pension plan or medical aid plan, or by guarantees of permanent employment
(Greenberg & Baron, 2003:193).
Social needs
Social needs are also known as affiliation needs.
These needs are satisfied when a person has friends and feels loved and accepted by
others. At work social needs are satisfied by having friends in the workplace,
participating in sports or taking coffee breaks with colleagues.
Esteem needs
Esteem needs refer to ``a person's need to develop self-respect and to gain the
approval of others'' (Greenberg & Baron, 2003:193). There are two parts to this need:
Ð Needs that are based on a person's achievements: The individual wants to feel
that he or she has achieved something, has self-confidence and is independent.
Ð The need to be respected by other people: The individual wants his or her status
to be acknowledged, wants to feel important and appreciated, and wants to be
treated with respect and dignity.
In the workplace these needs are satisfied when the employee has an impressive job
title, receives recognition for achievements, qualifies for a private parking space, is
selected as the ``employee of the month'', and so on.
Self-actualisation refers to the ability to use all of one's talents and potential and to
become all one wants to become. When the other needs are satisfied on a regular
basis, the individual will reach the level of self-actualisation. This need is fulfilled in the
work situation when employees have challenging jobs or autonomy and responsibility
in their job.
Activity 15.4
(a) Provide two examples of how each of the following needs can be satisfied in
the workplace:
Physiological needs:
Security needs:
Social needs:
Esteem needs:
Self-actualisation needs:
(b) Which of the above needs is most important in your life right now?
(c) What are you doing to satisfy your most important needs?
(d) In what ways does your organisation help you to satisfy these needs?
Self-actualisation is not easy to achieve in the work situation because most jobs are
clearly defined and limited in scope. Therefore the person who strives for self-
actualisation cannot rely on the organisation to provide these opportunities for self-
The characteristics of a self-actualised person, as described above, indicate that such
people use their own resources to find opportunities for self-actualisation. Since all
their other needs have been satisfied, they can be creative and spend time and energy
exploring talents they have not used before.
The line manager needs to be aware of this and should encourage employees to find
ways of self-actualisation which can also benefit the organisation.
Activity 15.5
(b) Which aspects of your job allow for self-actualisation? How can you use them
for your own benefit and the benefit of the organisation?
15.5 Summary
Knowledge of the self is essential for successful interpersonal relations. This knowledge
can be obtained in various ways. The organisation can contribute towards a positive
self-concept and make opportunities available for self-actualisation, but ultimately the
onus is on the individual to find opportunities for improving their interpersonal
relations and growing on a personal level.
Study unit 16
The dynamics of self-disclosure in interpersonal
Contents Page
Learning outcomes
Key concepts
You will need to master the following key concepts in order to meet the study unit
learning outcomes:
Self-disclosure Self-awareness
Interpersonal effectiveness Feedback
16.1 Introduction
In the previous study unit, we explained that the information individuals receive about
themselves from other people influences their self-concept. However, the individual can
receive such information from others, whether positive or negative, only if he or she is
aware of and willing to receive it.
In this study unit we are going to look at the concept of self-disclosure and its role in
interpersonal relations.
According to Schultz, Bagraim, Potgieter, Viedge and Werner (2003:131), the ability to
disclose one's own feelings promotes trustworthiness and credibility. However, it is
important that the self-disclosure be ``appropriate'', with a fine line being drawn
between too much and too little. Appropriate self-disclosure of feelings can facilitate
dialogue and sharing of work-related problems.
On this subject, Reece and Brandt (2006:42) write:
Self-disclosure is the process of letting another person know what you think,
feel, or want. It is one of the important ways you let yourself be known by others.
Self-disclosure can improve interpersonal communication, resolve conflict, and
strengthen interpersonal relationships.
People do not respond to one another's feelings but to one another's reactions. For
example, if you feel embarrassed I may not know it. But if your face turns red, you
avoid eye contact, you speak more softly and you try to withdraw from the situation, I
will identify with these reactions and remember that this happened to me the last time
I felt embarrassed. I will then be able to deduce that you feel embarrassed, but I can be
sure of this only once you have confirmed it.
I will only know how you experience a situation once you have disclosed your feelings
about it. If you are not prepared to do this, I will not be able to learn more from you or
give you accurate feedback on how I perceive you.
Self-disclosure contains an element of risk, because the feedback you receive could be
either positive or negative. However, your own judgement will help you decide
whether or not you should accept the feedback you receive.
Self-disclosure means sharing a moment and experience with another person, so that
you get to know yourself and the other person better.
Activity 16.1
Do you believe that self-disclosure can be used in the work situation? Substantiate
your answer.
Activity 16.2
(a) We have all experienced frustration in the work situation because of actions
taken by other people. Describe a situation in which you experienced
frustration but did not disclose your feelings.
(b) Why did you decide not to disclose your feelings?
(c) How could you have benefited by disclosing your feelings to the other person
D ?
Known to Public Blind
S Others Area ? Area
L ?
U Unknown Hidden Unknown
R to Others Area Area
Ð Quadrant III, the avoided or hidden areas, represents things we know but
do not reveal to others (e.g. a hidden agenda, or matters about which we have
sensitive feelings). This quadrant is also called the ``facËade''.
Ð Quadrant IV, the area of unknown activity, is where neither the individual
nor others are aware of certain behaviour or motives. Yet we can assume their
existence because eventually some of these behaviours and motives have
influenced our relationship all along.
3. Threat tends to decrease awareness; mutual trust tends to increase awareness.
4. Forced awareness (exposure) is undesirable and usually ineffective.
5. Interpersonal learning means a change has taken place so that Quadrant I is
larger, and one or more of the other quadrants has grown smaller.
6. Working with others is facilitated by a large enough area of free activity. This
means more of the resources and skills in the membership can be applied to the
task at hand.
7. The smaller the first quadrant, the poorer the communication.
8. There is universal curiosity about the unknown area; but this is held in check by
custom, social training, and by diverse fears.
9. Sensitivity means appreciating the covert aspects of behavior, in Quadrants II, III,
IV, and respecting the desire of others to keep them so.
10. Learning about group processes, as they are experienced, helps to increase
awareness (larger Quadrant I) for the group as a whole as well as for individual
11. The value system of a group and its membership may be noted in the way
unknowns in the life of the group are confronted.
12. A centipede may be perfectly happy without awareness, but after all, he restricts
himself to crawling under rocks.
The arena is the area containing information known to the self and to others. This area
contains information others have about you and which you do not mind sharing with
others. The larger this area, the more open the communication will be, and the less
conflict there will be as a result of misunderstanding.
Blind spot
The blind spot contains information known to others but not to the self. This includes
other people's perceptions of your behaviour or attitudes. Since this information is
known to others but not to you, you cannot learn from it or reduce negative
perceptions about you. As a result both communication and interpersonal relationships
are hampered.
The facËade or false front contains information about the self of which the self is aware
but is not prepared to share with others. We tend to withhold this information out of
fear, a desire for power or a need to reduce potential prejudice. We do not know how
other people will react if they have this information, and we feel safer when we
withhold it.
This could reduce interpersonal communication and increase the potential for conflict,
because we expect others to understand our behaviour while they do not have all the
relevant information which we have.
The unknown contains the information not known by the self or by others. The
unknown may contain information such as unrecognised talents, unconscious motives
or early childhood memories that influence your behaviour but of which you are not
The four parts of the Johari window are not necessarily of equal size. For example, at
the beginning of a relationship the Johari window of a person may be as follows:
After a closer relationship has developed, the same person's Johari window may be as
Activity 16.3
The Johari window can help you to identify your own possible weaknesses in terms of
self-disclosure in interpersonal relations. Depending on the feedback you receive from
others, you will then be able to confirm or reject these weaknesses.
Activity 16.4
What can you do to increase the size of the arena in your Johari window?
You can disclose your feelings, opinions and perceptions to others only if you are
aware of what they are. You can also respond to feedback from others only if you
are prepared to accept the feedback (Johnson, 1986:22).
Cycle of self-disclosure, feedback and self-awareness
Feedback 3
Johnson (2006:55±57) describes six ways of becoming more aware of your self:
Ð Introspection. ``You can look inward and examine the `inside information' that
you, and you alone, have about your thoughts, feelings, and motives. Introspection
does help you become more aware of who you are and how you are feeling and
reacting'' (Johnson, 2006:55).
Ð ``Watch'' yourself in order to understand how you are feeling and
reacting and what is causing your feelings and reactions. This is called
the self-perception theory.
Ð Practise expressing your feelings, perceptions, reactions and experi-
ences in words. This will not only make you more aware of your feelings but
also help you express them when you want to disclose information about yourself
to the people around you. Expressing yourself will help reduce the size of the
Ð Compare yourself to others. It is easy to evaluate your physical appearance,
such as how tall or old you are, but there is no objective standard to determine
how kind, considerate, intelligent, assertive or clever you are socially. By
comparing yourself with others, especially with groups who have much in
common with you, you discover similarities and differences and your own
uniqueness. ``From knowing others you know yourself'' (Johnson, 2006:56).
Ð Interact with a wide variety of diverse people. Much of your self-
awareness arises from your interaction with other people. As you get to know
others, you get to know yourself.
Ð Request feedback from others. You can reduce the size of the blind spot by
indicating to others that you would appreciate feedback, and even by specifically
asking for feedback on how they see you and how they react to your behaviour.
Answering the following questions will help you become aware of your own feelings,
opinions and perceptions.
Activity 16.5
16.5 Feedback
The purpose of feedback is to provide constructive information to help a person
become more aware of how his or her behaviour affects others and is perceived by
others. The person receiving the feedback can decide whether his or her present
behaviour is going to continue or be changed. By increasing another person's self-
awareness through feedback, you provide him or her with a more informed choice for
future behaviour. It is important to give feedback in a way that will not be threatening
to the receiver and make the receiver defensive.
Johnson (2006:59±60) describes the following eight characteristics of non-threatening
feedback you could apply when giving feedback to another person about his or her
(i) Focus on behaviour. Focus your feedback on the behaviour, not the
personality. Anyone can observe and describe behaviour, whereas few people
are competent to describe personality.
(ii) Provide descriptions. Provide descriptions rather than judgement. For
example, say ``Your presentation was difficult to follow because I could not
discern the structure you used'' rather than ``You talked a lot of nonsense which
nobody understood''.
(iii) Refer to a specific situation. Refer to a specific situation when giving
feedback, instead of generalising. For example, say ``You did not acknowledge
my presence in the meeting yesterday, even when I raised my hand'' rather than
``You are always ignoring me''.
(iv) Give feedback about the present. Give feedback about the present rather
than the past. A person can do something to correct the effect of yesterday's
behaviour but cannot do anything about something said three years ago.
(v) Express your own perceptions and feelings. Express your own
perceptions and feelings when giving feedback and be careful not to give
advice. The person who receives the feedback must have the opportunity to
interpret your feedback and change his or her own actions. When you give
advice, you tell the person what to do.
(vi) Do not force feedback on other people. Do not force feedback on other
people. People stop listening when they do not want to listen. When you give
unsolicited feedback you are wasting your time, and ill feelings may result.
(vii) Do not give too much feedback. Give only as much feedback as the
receiver can understand at the time. If you give too much feedback, the person
will not be able to remember everything.
(viii) Give feedback on aspects the person can change. Give feedback on
those aspects the person can change. For example, do not tell a person that he
or she is too tall or too short. Nothing can be done about that.
Activity 16.6
Review the feedback that you gave your colleague in the previous exercise. How
would you reword the feedback in the light of the above rules?
Alternatively you could wear the safety clothing and tell a person who is not wearing it
why you prefer to reduce your own chances of injury at work. You could then ask the
other person why he or she had chosen not to wear safety clothing. This would make
the other person think about personal safety, and he or she would probably take the
necessary corrective action.
Activity 16.7
(a) Describe a situation in which your supervisor said one thing, while you believed
he or she meant something else. Why did you believe that the person did not
mean what he or she said?
(b) What behaviour by the supervisor would have been more appropriate in the
above situation?
16.7 Summary
We can take specific measures to improve our interpersonal relations. Such an
improvement requires that we be willing to accept criticism and to give information
about ourselves to others. We tend to perceive self-disclosure as a threat until we start
to practise it and experience positive consequences. Self-disclosure is not always easy,
but the benefits of practising it far outweigh the losses.
Study unit 17
Interpersonal trust
Contents Page
Learning outcomes
Key concepts
You will need to master the following key concepts in order to meet the study unit
learning outcomes:
Interpersonal trust
17.1 Introduction
In study unit 16 we learnt that interpersonal relations can be improved through self-
disclosure and feedback. However, as we explained, there is always a risk involved,
because self-disclosure can be rejected and feedback may be negative. This risk is
acceptable if the receiver believes in the honesty and integrity of the giver and trusts
the giver.
In this unit we will look at the effect of trust on interpersonal relations. Remember to
complete the activities and questions, which will help you to apply the concepts in your
work situation and master the theoretical content of this study unit.
Activity 17.1
Ð Trust can be described as a high regard for another person and a belief that the
person will act morally or ethically.
Ð Reece and Brandt (1999:214) maintain that trust implies an instinctive,
unquestioning belief in another person or thing. They say that trust exists when
you believe fully in the integrity or character of the other person.
Elements of trust
According to Johnson (2006:95, citing Deutsch), trust contains the following elements:
Ð Risk: You could gain or lose from trusting another person. Thus there is a risk
involved in trusting.
Ð Beneficial or harmful consequences: You are aware that beneficial or
harmful consequences could result from the behaviour of the other person.
Ð Suffering and gain: You are aware that you could suffer more from the harmful
consequences than you could gain from the beneficial consequences.
Ð Behaviour of the other person: You have reason to believe that the other
person will behave in a way that would benefit you.
Activity 17.2
(a) How will the extent to which you trust a colleague affect your willingness to
risk self-disclosure?
(b) How will you perceive feedback about your behaviour from a person who has
acted to your detriment in the past?
Remember the discussion on the Johari window in study unit 16? Use the
information provided there to indicate how a trust relationship can be built up
through disclosure and feedback.
The facËade includes information about yourself that you prefer to conceal because you
believe that it could be detrimental to your relationship with another person. The only
way to reduce the facËade is to risk disclosing such information.
The response you would hope for is continued acceptance in the relationship. If you
risk disclosing information about yourself and the other person reacts by continuing to
support and accept you, you will tend to place your trust in that person. If the other
person in turn discloses personal information, you could in turn accept them and be
This process of disclosing information and accepting disclosures from another person
in a supportive way takes place over time. One such exchange will not necessarily build
up trust.
Activity 17.4
What type of behaviour will ensure that trust is not the result of self-disclosure?
Harmful behaviour
Johnson (2006:100) describes three types of behaviour that will harm trust in a
Ð Rejection, ridicule or disrespect: One person reacts with rejection, ridicule
or disrespect to the other's self-disclosure. This will ensure that there is no further
disclosure in future.
Activity 17.5
Think of a person you do not trust. What behaviour did this person exhibit to
convince you that he or she should not be trusted? Could you take any action to
create a trust relationship?
The people involved in a relationship will both disclose and receive information. This
means that each person must be both trusting and trustworthy.
Activity 17.6
(a) Think about a fulfilling relationship in which you are involved. Does trust have
anything to do with the success of the relationship? Substantiate your answer.
(b) Think about an unsatisfactory relationship in which you are involved. What role
does trust play in the relationship?
For example, Mary and John commence duties on the same day. They report to the
same supervisor. Mary believes that the supervisor is not to be trusted. The supervisor
is friendly and encourages self-disclosure from her, but Mary perceives the friendliness
as a deceptive facËade that proves the supervisor cannot be trusted, and she withdraws.
The supervisor becomes less friendly because of Mary's withdrawal, and the result is a
lack of trust between them.
John believes that the supervisor is trustworthy and returns the friendliness extended
to him. The supervisor and John both disclose information about themselves and build
up a relationship of trust based on positive impressions of each other. John regards this
relationship of trust as proof that his original belief in the trustworthiness of the
supervisor was correct.
The moral of the story is that it is to our advantage to assume that a person is
trustworthy until that person proves us wrong. Not all people can be trusted. However,
if we mistrust all people until we are proven wrong, we may lose valuable friends and
isolate ourselves from those around us.
Activity 17.7
(a) Think of a person you do not trust because you believe that he or she is not
trustworthy. Could your perception be a self-fulfilling prophecy?
(b) What can you do to correct your perception of the person above? What action
can you take as a line manager to ensure that you are not rejected as a result of
incorrect perceptions?
17.6 Summary
Interpersonal trust is an essential component of a healthy relationship. However, trust
is not given by only one person to the other. Both individuals in a relationship have to
work constantly at earning each other's trust.
Study unit 18
Communication process and interpersonal relations
Contents Page
Learning outcomes
Key concepts
You will need to master the following key concepts in order to meet the study unit
learning outcomes:
Active listening
18.1 Introduction
Self-disclosure and feedback can take place only as part of the communication process.
In this study unit we will discuss this process and the processes of transactional analysis
and active listening which you can use to improve your understanding of
**** ! ****
Communicator Who
****! ****
**** ! ****
Message and says what
in what way Feedback
**** ! ****
Receiver to whom
**** = Noise
Ð The message: The message can be either verbal or non-verbal.
Ð The medium: The medium is the means by which the message is sent. Examples
are face-to-face communication, telephone calls, fax messages, internal memos,
meetings and policy statements.
Ð Decoding: Decoding takes place when the receiver interprets the message and
attaches a meaning to it.
Ð Feedback: Feedback is given to the communicator who sent the message, which
means that the receiver indicates what was received. This allows the commu-
nicator to correct any errors and ensure accurate communication.
Noise can be defined as anything that interferes with the communication process. For
Ð The communicator chooses ambiguous words with which to send the message.
Ð The verbal message is friendly but the body language accompanying it is
Ð The medium is inappropriate, such as when one describes a diagram over the
telephone when a fax would be more appropriate.
Ð The message is decoded inaccurately because the receiver does not have the same
vocabulary as the communicator.
Ð There is interference from noise in the true sense of the word (like a machine
making a noise that prevents people from hearing each other).
Ð The sender does not speak loudly enough or clearly enough.
Activity 18.1
(a) Write down a message you would like to communicate to another person.
(b) Send the message, and then analyse the message and the feedback you have
received by indicating the different components of the communication process.
Noise encountered:
(c) How could you improve the quality and understanding of the message you
So you approach your supervisor and ask him to explain how to complete the new
form. The supervisor throws his arms in the air and shouts ``I have explained this
already. Why did you not listen like the rest of the group? Go and find out from them
what you must do!''
There are two different types of parent ego states, namely the sympathetic parent
state and the critical parent state:
rational, calculating, factual, and unemotional (Davis & Newstrom, 1989:261). The
adult bases decisions on objectivity and is the rational, analytical thinker. The person
functioning in this ego state is relatively free of feelings and opinions and is not easily
upset when unreasonably accused of something, being more inclined to focus on facts
The most effective behaviour, human relations and performance generally come from
the adult ego state.
Any transaction between two people can be analysed on the basis of these ego states.
For example, the transaction between you and the supervisor at the beginning of this
section reflects both the adult and critical parent states:
Adult: You approach your supervisor and ask him to explain how to complete the
new form.
Critical parent: The supervisor throws his arms in the air and shouts ``I have
explained this already. Why did you not listen like the rest of the group? Go and find out
from them what you must do!''
Activity 18.2
(a) From which ego state did you respond to your supervisor when you wrote
down your response above?
(b) Would you like to write a new response to the comment of the supervisor that
could improve communication?
Complementary transactions
A complementary transaction occurs when a message sent from one ego state evokes
the predicted or desired response from a specific ego state in the other person (Reece
& Brandt, 1990:249).
Philemon: ``I've got the flu and feel terrible!'' (Natural child)
Bongi: ``You sure do look ill. Here, drink this medicine.'' (Sympathetic parent)
Anne: ``How many times have I told you to close the safety door behind you?''
(Critical parent)
Melanie: ``Oh, all right! You don't need to perform like this!'' (slams the door)
(Adapted child)
Chris: ``The boss isn't here today. Let's sneak off and have a pub lunch.''
(Natural child)
Â: ``Okay, I'll meet you at my car.'' (Natural child)
Crossed transactions
A crossed transaction occurs when the sender of the message does not evoke the
required or expected response from the other person (Reece & Brandt, 1990:249).
Client: ``I've noticed on a number of occasions that you have not had the correct
change for me. Would it be acceptable if I paid by cheque instead?''
Salesperson: ``Are you telling me that I cannot do my job?'' (Adapted child)
Bonga: ``If that man insults me again, I'm going to hit him across the mouth.''
(Adapted child)
Gladys: ``If you do that, a disciplinary complaint will be laid against you.'' (Adult)
Activity 18.3
(b) How would you describe the effect of crossed transactions on communication?
(c) A number of transactions are described below. For each statement indicate the
ego state from which the speaker functions. If communication is hampered,
replace the damaging statement with one that would improve communication.
A You have deviated from
the rules again. What's
wrong with you?
B Stop preaching to me, I did
the job and that's all that
A This is the most difficult
project I have ever dealt
B So far you're on schedule,
and you're being consid-
ered for promotion.
A Do you have information
on absences from work on
B Yes, I have. I also noticed a
problem with absences on
Friday and I will provide
this information as well.
A I noticed that you leave the
office five minutes earlier
than the others every day.
Would you like to talk
about it?
B Are you spying on me?
A John really behaved badly
at the office party. Did you
notice how he flirted with
that new secretary?
B Yes, they stood talking the
whole evening. I'm sure
that they must be having
an affair.
(d) As a line manager, how can you use transactional analysis to improve
communication in the workplace?
Activity 18.4
List four reasons why you sometimes do not remember what you have been told.
Activity 18.5
Which of the above poor listening habits do you sometimes display? Try to think of
specific examples to prove this.
by asking ``Aren't you satisfied with the content of the report?'' or ``Don't you like
the words I've used?'' The supervisor will then be able to respond and indicate
exactly why he or she is dissatisfied.
Ð Ask questions that will improve your understanding of what has been said to you.
Ð Describe the behaviour of the other person or your own feelings. This will allow
the sender of the message to assess whether you have received the correct
message and to make any corrections.
Activity 18.6
(b) Paraphrase the following sentences (repeat them in your own words as you
understand the message).
18.6 Summary
Effective interpersonal relations depend on effective communication. The line manager
must ensure that the messages sent are clear and unambiguous and that the correct
medium is used. Feedback also plays an important role in the communication process.
Feedback makes communication a two-way process.
Communication can be improved by listening carefully to the sender of a message, by
responding from an ego state that can contribute to communication, and by creating
an atmosphere of trust.
Study unit 19
Interpersonal behaviour and expression of feelings
Contents Page
Learning outcomes
Key concepts
You will need to master the following key concepts in order to meet the study unit
learning outcomes:
Feelings Non-verbal communication
19.1 Introduction
Interpersonal communication is based on facts and feelings. A computer can process
facts but cannot feel anything. A person who interacts with others must understand his
or her own feelings and be able to deal with the feelings of other people. In this study
unit we will look at the role of feelings in interpersonal communication.
19.2 What are feelings?
Johnson (2006:169) defines feelings as internal physiological reactions to our
experiences. These cause external physical reactions that others can observe. These
observed physical reactions communicate our feelings to others.
For example, when a person scowls, clenches his fists, glares at another person and
raises his voice, we can assume that the person is angry.
Activity 19.1
In the table below, list a number of feelings you experience regularly. Indicate what
physical reactions can be observed for each feeling.
1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...........................
2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...........................
3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...........................
4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...........................
5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...........................
6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...........................
7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...........................
8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...........................
9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...........................
10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...........................
Should you express your feelings in the work situation? Substantiate your answer
It is not always easy to express feelings. People often believe that there is no place in
the work situation for feelings. However, a human being is an emotional being, and we
spend at least a third of each day at work. We have no option but to express feelings in
the work situation. The important issue is whether we express our feelings
Consequences of suppressing feelings
What will happen if we do not express our feelings? Johnson (2006:176±177)
describes the following six consequences of suppressing or expressing feelings in an
unconstructive way:
Ð Misunderstandings and increased conflict
Ð Difficulty in resolving relationship problems
Ð Ignoring facts (selective perception)
Ð Biased judgements
Ð Power struggles
Ð Denial of feelings
Biased judgement
Your judgement will be biased when you suppress your feelings. For example, if you
really dislike a person but do not acknowledge this (even to yourself), you may find that
you cannot accept good ideas suggested by that person. You may not realise that this
is because you dislike the person rather than his or her ideas.
Power struggles
If you express your feelings, you must concentrate on doing just that. Expressing your
feelings in the form of a demand for another person to change his or her behaviour
could result in a power struggle.
For example, suppose a person says to you: ``You are really the most competent person
and I would be very happy if you would accept this responsibility.'' The person may not
be expressing satisfaction with you but rather trying to force you into accepting an
unpleasant task, knowing that it might be embarrassing for you to refuse. If you refuse,
the other person will have ill feelings. If you accept, you may have ill feelings, because
you could feel forced into doing something you would rather not do.
Denial of feelings
Other people often ask you to suppress or deny your feelings. For example, suppose
you say of someone: ``He makes me so angry!'' Somebody may respond: ``Just ignore
him. He is really not so bad.'' You are entitled to express your feelings in an appropriate
manner and you cannot take responsibility for the fact that other people may not be
able to deal with your feelings.
Activity 19.3
(a) Describe a work situation in which you suppressed your feelings. If you are not
working, describe a social situation in which you did this. What was the
(b) Why did you feel that it was appropriate to suppress your feelings?
Activity 19.4
How do you know what a colleague feels if he or she frowns while you are talking to
him or her?
Activity 19.5
(a) Why do you need to confirm your perception of another person's feelings?
(b) What benefit could confirming perceptions have for you in the work situation?
How can you communicate with another person if you are not allowed to speak?
As we have seen, non-verbal messages can be ambiguous Ð reread the examples in
section 19.6 of this study unit.
Here is another example: Anne is a member of a group discussing different methods of
conflict resolution. Early in the discussion Anne folds her arms. As the discussion
progresses, she hunches her shoulders and sits forward. She looks more and more
uncomfortable. Eventually John says: ``Anne, I notice that you've folded your arms.
Don't you want to participate in the discussion?'' She replies: ``Oh, yes Ð I find the
discussion fascinating, but this room is very cold and I'm sitting like this to feel warmer.''
Activity 19.7
(a) What assumption could John have made about Anne's non-verbal commu-
nication if he had not asked her for confirmation?
(b) What lesson can we learn from the above example about interpreting non-
verbal communication?
Non-verbal messages can contradict verbal messages, and then the receiver does not
know what message to accept. For example, if I congratulate you on an achievement
but I do not smile, look into your eyes or extend my hand, you will not be sure whether
I admire or resent your achievement.
Cultural differences
There are cultural differences in the interpretation of non-verbal behaviour. For
example, in some cultures it is customary for a person to sit down in the presence of a
superior, while in others it is customary to stand.
Activity 19.8
How can you ensure that you correctly interpret the non-verbal communication of a
person from another culture?
19.6 Summary
People are often embarrassed when required to express their feelings. However, we
express our feelings all the time without being aware of it. Therefore, when we
become aware of the benefits of expressing our feelings, we tend to believe that it is
something new.
The newness is not in expressing feelings but in concentrating on the appropriate
expression of feelings and in understanding the feelings expressed by others. This does
not mean that we need to express our emotions all the time. The emphasis is still on
the appropriate expression of feelings.
Study unit 20
Resolving interpersonal conflict
Contents Page
Learning outcomes
Key concepts
You will need to master the following key concepts in order to meet the study unit
learning outcomes:
Constructive interpersonal conflict
Destructive interpersonal conflict
Conflict management
20.1 Introduction
Successful interpersonal communication has many benefits for the participants. As we
have seen in previous study units, there are many ways to improve interpersonal
communication. However, things cannot always go well. Every relationship contains
elements of conflict, disagreement and opposed interests. What do we do when there
is conflict in interpersonal relations? What is conflict?
Activity 20.1
(b) How do you deal with conflict in your work situation? Illustrate your answer by
describing a specific situation.
20.4 Dimensions of conflict
According to Johnson (1993:254), the following four dimensions are found in almost
any conflict situation:
Ð Mirror image: Party A believes that they represent truth and justice and want a
just solution to the conflict. Party B believes the same about themselves.
Ð Mote-beam mechanism: Each party clearly sees the underhand tactics of the
other while being blind to the identical acts they are engaging in themselves.
Ð Double standard: Even if both parties are aware of identical acts that they are
both engaged in, each party strongly believes that what is legitimate for them is
not legitimate for the other.
Ð Polarised thinking: Each party has an oversimplified view of the conflict. Each
believes that what they do is good, and everything the other party does is bad.
Activity 20.2
(a) Think of a conflict situation in which you were involved. Which of the above
four dimensions were present?
(b) How can you, as a line manager, reduce the effect of these dimensions in a
conflict situation?
Ð Grudges. Conflict is often caused when people who have lost face in dealing with
someone plan some form of revenge to `get even'.
Ð Distrust. People who suspect that some other individual or group is out to get
them are more likely to have a conflictual relationship with that person or group.
Ð Competition over scarce resources. Because organisations never have
unlimited resources, conflict inevitably arises over distributing those resources.
Ð Destructive criticism. Communicating negative feedback in organisations is
inevitable but often arouses unnecessary conflict. To avoid this, the most effective
managers use constructive criticism instead.
Activity 20.3
Do you think conflict can be constructive? Substantiate your answer and give
relevant examples.
Johnson (2006:258, 271) states that conflict is constructive under the following
conditions (the opposite is applicable to destructive conflict):
Ð The relationship is stronger and interaction is improved as a result of the successful
resolution of the conflict.
Ð The people involved in the conflict trust each other more as a result of its
Ð The conflict clarifies how you need to change.
Ð Everybody involved is satisfied with the outcome of the conflict.
Ð All participants improve their ability to resolve future conflicts.
Activity 20.4
The strategy you use depends on how important your personal goals are to you and
how important the relationship is to you. Let's look at each of the five strategies.
When both the goals and the relationship are unimportant, it is not worth
trying to resolve the conflict. It is wiser to withdraw from the conflict situation.
For example, when two people argue about the best location for a wastepaper basket,
leave them to resolve their own problem.
The withdrawing style is appropriate when:
Ð one's interest in the issue is not high
Ð confrontation would damage a critical working relationship
Ð there is no time for interference
When the goals are extremely important and the relationship is less
important, the solution to the conflict is to force all parties to realise the goals at all
For example, if one of the engines of an aeroplane fails and the other engine shows
signs of malfunctioning, there is no time to be concerned about offending the
commanding officer if a subordinate can deal with the situation more competently.
The forcing style is appropriate to use when:
Ð maintaining close, supportive relationships is not critical
Ð the conflict resolution is urgent
When the goals are less important than the relationship, the correct strategy
is to smooth over the conflict. This means that one party will have to give up its goals
to ensure that the relationship improves.
For example, if your supervisor feels threatened by your competence and you are not
able to find another job because of the economic recession, you may find it easier to be
friendly towards your supervisor until you can find another job.
The accommodating or smoothing strategy is appropriate when:
Ð the importance of the relationship outweighs all other considerations
Ð the changes agreed to are more important to the other party than to the
Ð time to resolve the conflict is limited
When the goals and the relationship are highly important, the aim should
be to find a middle ground where both parties sacrifice part of their goals.
For example, a trade union demands a 20% increase in wages with no increase in
productivity, while management insists on a 20% increase in productivity without
improving the equipment. Both parties will have to settle for less than originally
The compromising style is appropriate when:
Ð the issues are complex and critical, and there is no simple and clear solution
Ð all parties have a strong interest in different solutions
Ð time is short
Where the goals and the relationship are moderately important, it is wise
to confront the problem and search for a solution that satisfies both parties.
For example, if the production division continually manufactures fewer products than
the marketing division sells, staff from the two divisions should sit together and discuss
the problem. They should find a way of working together that will solve their problems
and improve their relationship.
Activity 20.5
(a) Which of the above strategies for conflict management do you normally
prefer? Give a first and second choice, and substantiate your answer.
(b) Would you agree that each of the above strategies could be used by the same
person in different situations? Substantiate.
(c) A list of methods that can be used to resolve conflict is given below. Next to
each, indicate which of Johnson's five conflict resolution strategies is relevant.
An example is given at the start.
Example: Put people in a posi-
tion where they have to compete Forcing
more for scarce resources.
Ð Train people to recognise
the value of conflict. ......................................
Ð Alter objectives, resources
or the organisation itself to
resolve the conflict. ......................................
Ð Ignore the conflict. ......................................
Ð Tell people how the conflict
will be resolved and do not
accept any objections. ......................................
Ð Convince both parties to
lower their demands. ......................................
Ð Rely on rules and procedures
to resolve conflict. ......................................
Ð Form task forces. ......................................
Ð Integrate departments. ......................................
Ð Find an intermediary who
can negotiate with both par-
ties. ......................................
Ð Form a task force to resolve
the conflict. ......................................
Activity 20.6
(a) How could you use the components of the communication model to manage
conflict more effectively?
(b) How could you use the dynamics of the Johari window to resolve conflict?
20.8 Summary
Interpersonal conflict can be dealt with constructively. It is essential for a line manager
to identify a conflict situation early and assess the seriousness of the situation. If it is
necessary to be involved, a number of communication skills can be used to resolve the
Study unit 21
Workplace stress management
Contents Page
Learning outcomes
Key concepts
You will need to master the following key concepts in order to meet the study unit
learning outcomes:
Stress Coping strategies
21.1 Introduction
In this study unit we will discuss a major source of conflict, namely stress, which can
result in lower levels of interpersonal trust and, eventually, lower productivity in the
Everybody needs stress to be able to function well. However, if you are under too much
or too little stress, you will experience distress.
Ð Distress resulting from too much stress may take the form of health problems
such as high blood pressure, ulcers or headaches.
Ð Distress resulting from too little stress may take the form of boredom and
Activity 21.1
Think of occasions when you experienced stress at work. What were the reasons or
These roles all have their own demands and may cause conflict and stress. For example,
if the child of the accountant is hospitalised during the financial year end, what should
the accountant do?
Type A characteristics
Personality theories indicate that a certain type of personality is more prone to stress.
This is called the type A personality. Typically a person with such a personality works
long hours under pressure, takes work home, sets high standards of productivity and
behaves in an aggressive and competitive manner. The opposite of this is the type B
personality, which is far more relaxed, fun-loving and patient.
Activity 21.2
(a) Is your work stress always caused by stressors in the workplace? Substantiate
your answer.
(b) Which of the stressors described above have you experienced in your work
situation? Give an example of each one.
What strategies do you use to deal with stress? Describe any five that you have used
in the past.
Activity 21.4
(a) Which of the above coping strategies can you use to cope better with stress in
your job? Substantiate your answer.
(b) What steps can you take as a line manager to help your subordinates cope
better with their stress?
21.4 Summary
We experience many feelings in the work situation. Often we tell ourselves that in the
workplace there is room only for facts, and that feelings should be dealt with at home.
However, this is not possible because we are human. We even respond to our jobs and
employers with emotion.
Study units 15 to 21 should help you to recognise and deal with the role of feelings in
the workplace. Some techniques for understanding and coping with your own feelings
and those of other people have been described. Now it is your responsibility to
acknowledge and deal with your own feelings. Once you can do this, you will
experience an improvement in interpersonal relations.
This study unit marks the end of your prescribed work for this course.
5 Draw a Johari window for a person who does not get along with his or
her supervisor and who is constantly in conflict with that supervisor.
Explain your drawing. Also refer to the state that best permits openness
and better communication. (12)
6 Which strategy for resolving conflict would you choose in the following
situations? Substantiate your answer.
(a) A supervisor needs two of the three women in his or her office to
work on a public holiday. The supervisor asks them individually, but
each claims she has made a date that she cannot cancel. The fact
that working on a public holiday pays double does not interest
them. If you were the supervisor, what would you do? (3)
(b) An airline has to choose a new uniform for its stewardesses to
mark the introduction of the company's new jet. The uniform
should match the design of the plane's interior decor. How would
you go about resolving the conflict between management and the
stewardesses? (3)
(c) Two men are arguing about which team will win the rugby Currie
Cup final. How could you resolve the conflict? (3)
(d) A parent has to decide which of his or her two children's tennis
matches (being played at the same time) he or she is going to
watch. If you were the parent, what would you do to resolve the
potential conflict situation? (3)
7 Describe five ways in which the self-concept develops, and provide your
own example of each method. (10)
8 (a) Read through the characteristics of non-threatening feedback and
decide whether or not the following feedback complies with these
characteristics. If the feedback is ineffective, also indicate what you
would have said to make it non-threatening. (4)
Mpho: ``We've been working at this for 20 minutes now Jabu!
You think you're such an expert!''
Jabu: ``Well, if you would just pay attention, you might also
eventually get something right!''
(b) Paraphrase the message that Jabu received above so that Mpho
would be able to correct Jabu if she felt he had received the wrong
message from her. (2)
Glossary of terms
Career planning Ð An ongoing process by which an individual sets career goals and
develops a plan to achieve them.
Dual-career couples Ð Couples in which both the husband and wife follow their own
careers and support each other.
Halo effect Ð Occurs when an appraiser rates an employee high (or low) on all items due to
performance in one area.
Job Ð A group of tasks and duties that must be performed if an organisation is to achieve its
Job analysis Ð A systematic process of obtaining information about the content, context and
human requirements of a job.
Job description Ð A document containing a written summary of the tasks, duties and
responsibilities of a job.
Job evaluation Ð A systematic process of determining the relative worth of jobs within an
organisation in order to establish which jobs should be paid more than others.
Job posting Ð A method of making employees aware of job vacancies through bulletin
boards, in employee publications and on company intranets and giving them a specific period
of time to apply for the jobs.
Job specification Ð A written summary of the minimal knowledge, skills and abilities a
worker needs to perform a job.
Labour market Ð The external supply pool (i.e. geographical area) from which organisations
obtain their staff.
Leniency or strictness error Ð The tendency to rate employees either unusually high or
unusually low.
Merit pay Ð Pay increase given to employees based on their performance appraisal ratings.
Progressive discipline Ð A formal discipline process that proceeds from an oral warning to
a written warning to a suspension and finally dismissal.
Stress Ð The body's non-specific reaction (e.g. physical, mental or emotional) to any demand
made on it.
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