1. The document discusses strength of materials concepts including stress-strain diagrams, Poisson's ratio, stress and strain definitions, stresses in rods and beams under axial loads. Assignments include calculations of stresses, strains, deflections for rods, beams and cantilever beams under various loading conditions.
2. Key concepts like maximum shear stress theory, bending equation, moment of inertia are derived. Design of beams for maximum shear and bending stresses is demonstrated.
3. Properties of materials like modulus of elasticity, shear strength, Poisson's ratio are used to solve practical problems. Stress distributions across sections like T-beam and rectangular beams are obtained.
1. The document discusses strength of materials concepts including stress-strain diagrams, Poisson's ratio, stress and strain definitions, stresses in rods and beams under axial loads. Assignments include calculations of stresses, strains, deflections for rods, beams and cantilever beams under various loading conditions.
2. Key concepts like maximum shear stress theory, bending equation, moment of inertia are derived. Design of beams for maximum shear and bending stresses is demonstrated.
3. Properties of materials like modulus of elasticity, shear strength, Poisson's ratio are used to solve practical problems. Stress distributions across sections like T-beam and rectangular beams are obtained.
1. The document discusses strength of materials concepts including stress-strain diagrams, Poisson's ratio, stress and strain definitions, stresses in rods and beams under axial loads. Assignments include calculations of stresses, strains, deflections for rods, beams and cantilever beams under various loading conditions.
2. Key concepts like maximum shear stress theory, bending equation, moment of inertia are derived. Design of beams for maximum shear and bending stresses is demonstrated.
3. Properties of materials like modulus of elasticity, shear strength, Poisson's ratio are used to solve practical problems. Stress distributions across sections like T-beam and rectangular beams are obtained.
1. The document discusses strength of materials concepts including stress-strain diagrams, Poisson's ratio, stress and strain definitions, stresses in rods and beams under axial loads. Assignments include calculations of stresses, strains, deflections for rods, beams and cantilever beams under various loading conditions.
2. Key concepts like maximum shear stress theory, bending equation, moment of inertia are derived. Design of beams for maximum shear and bending stresses is demonstrated.
3. Properties of materials like modulus of elasticity, shear strength, Poisson's ratio are used to solve practical problems. Stress distributions across sections like T-beam and rectangular beams are obtained.
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Department of mechanical Engineering
II CIVIL - ISEM STRENGTH OF MTERILS !ear" #$%&-%' (NIT )I **ignment I 1 (a) Draw the stress-strain diara! "#r !i$d stee$ %nder tensi$e test indi&atin sa$ient '#ints and e('$ain )rie"$*+ ()) A )ar #" ,- !! dia!eter is s%).e&ted t# a '%$$ #" /0 1N+ The !eas%red e(tensi#n #n a a%e $enth #" ,00 !! is 0+02- !! and the &hane in dia!eter is 0+003 !! + Ca$&%$ated the 4#iss#n5s rati# and the 6a$%es #" the three !#d%$i+ ,+ De"ine 7tress And 7train8 A r#%nd &#''er r#d9 -:0 !! $#n9 has a dia!eter #" 30 !! #6er a $enth #" ,00!!9 a dia!eter #" ,0 !! #6er a $enth #" ,00 !! and dia!eter #" 10!! #6er its re!ainin $enth+ Deter!ine the stress in ea&h se&ti#n and e$#nati#n #" the r#d when it is s%).e&ted t# a '%$$ 301N+ Ta1e E;100 1N<!! , + 3+ A &#!'#%nd )ar 1 !eter $#n is /0 !! dia!eter "#r 300 !! $enth9 30 !! dia!eter "#r the ne(t 3-0 !! $enth+ Deter!ine the dia!eter #" the re!ainin $enth s# that its e$#nati#n %nder an a(ia$ $#ad #" 100 1N d#es n#t e(&eed 1!!+ Ta1e E ; ,(10 - N<!! , + (NIT )I **ignment II 1. E('$ain the "#$$#win= i+ 4rin&i'$e #" s%'er'#siti#n ii+ Fa&t#r #" sa"et* iii+ E$asti& $i!it i6+ >#r1in stress 6 6#$%!etri& stress 6i+ 4#iss#n5s rati# ,+ A) Deri6e the re$ati#nshi' )etween the e$asti& &#nstants B) An %n1n#wn weiht "a$$s / &! #n t# a &#$$ar riid$* atta&hed t# the $#wer end #" a 6erti&a$ )ar /! $#n and 2 &!, in se&ti#n+ I" the !a(i!%! instantane#%s e(tensi#n is "#%nd t# )e 0+/, &!9 "ind the &#rres'#ndin stress and the 6a$%e #" the %n1n#wn weiht+ E ; ,00 1N<!! , 3+ A r#d #" stee$ is ,0 !eters $#n at a te!'erat%re #" ,0? @+ Find the "ree e('ansi#n #" the $enth when the te!'erat%re is raised t# :-?+ Find the te!'erat%re stress 'r#d%&ed I+ when the e('ansi#n #" the r#d is 're6ented II+ >hen the r#d is 'er!itted t# e('and )* -+2 !!+ Ta1e ; 1, ( 10A : and E ; , ( 105N/mm 2 Prepared by: O.Y.VENKATASUBBAREDDY Assistant prof of Me!ania" En##. Depart$ent. GLOBAL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Department of mechanical Engineering II CIVIL - ISEM STRENGTH OF MTERILS !ear" #$%&-%' (NIT )II **ignment III 1+ (a) O)tain the re$ati#n )etween shear "#r&e9 )endin !#!ent and rate #" $#adin at a se&ti#n #" a )ea!+ ()) Draw the shearin "#r&e and )endin !#!ent diara!s "#r the )ea! sh#wn in "i%re+ ,+ (a) A )ea! #" s'an L ! si!'$* s%''#rted at the ends9 is $#aded with %ni"#r!$* 6ar*in $#ad #" intensit* 0 1N<! at #ne end t# > 1N<! at the #ther end+ Draw 7FD & BBD indi&atin 'rin&i'a$ 6a$%es+ 3+ (a) De"ine )ea!+ 71et&h three di""erent t*'es #" )ea!s indi&atin na!e #" )ea!+ ()) Draw 7FD and BBD "#r the )ea! sh#wn in "i%re+ (NIT )II **ignment IV 1+ Draw the shear "#r&e and B+B+ diara!s "#r a si!'$* s%''#rted )ea! #" $enth 2! and &arr*in a %ni"#r!$* distri)%ted $#ad #" 10 CN<! "#r a distan&e #" /! as sh#wn in "i%re+ ,+ Draw 7FD and BBD "#r the )ea! sh#wn in "i%re+ Find the '#siti#n #" '#int #" &#ntra- "$e(%re(s)+ 3+ De"ine &anti$e6er )ea! 8 A &anti$e6er )ea! #" $enth ,! &arries the '#int $#ads as sh#wn in "i%re+ Draw the shear "#r&e and B+B diara!s "#r the &anti$e6er )ea!+ Prepared by: O.Y.VENKATASUBBAREDDY Assistant prof of Me!ania" En##. Depart$ent. GLOBAL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Department of mechanical Engineering II CIVIL - ISEM STRENGTH OF MTERILS !ear" #$%&-%' (NIT )III **ignment V 1+ Deri6e the )endin eD%ati#n= B<I;"<* ; E<R+ writin a$$ the ass%!'ti#ns !ade ,+ >hat d# *#% %nderstand )* se&ti#n !#d%$%s8 O)tain the di!ensi#ns #" the str#nest re&tan%$ar se&ti#n that &an )e &%t "r#! a &ir&%$ar $# #" w##d #" 30&! dia!eter+ 3+ An I-)ea! ha6in "$anes ,00 ( ,0 !! and we) 1-0 ( ,0 !! is si!'$* s%''#rted #6er a s'an #" - !+ It &arries a EDL #" F 1N<! #6er its entire s'an+ Ca$&%$ate the !a(i!%! &#!'ressi6e and tensi$e stress #&&%rrin in the se&ti#n+ >hat is the !anit%de #" "$e(%ra$ stress at the .%n&ti#n #" "$ane and we)8 Draw the 6ariati#n #" stress a&r#ss the se&ti#n+ (NIT )III **ignment VI 1+ A si!'$* s%''#rted )ea! &arries a %ni"#r!$* distri)%ted $#ad #" intensit* 30 N<!! #6er the entire s'an #" , !+ The &r#ss se&ti#n #" )ea! is a T-se&ti#n ha6in "$ane 1,- ( ,- !! and we) 1G- ( ,- !!+ Ca$&%$ate the !a(i!%! shear stress "#r the se&ti#n s%).e&ted t# !a(i!%! shear "#r&e+ A$s# draw the shear stress distri)%ti#n ,+ Fi%re sh#ws the &r#ssHse&ti#n #" the )ea! that is !ade "r#! !a$$ea)$e ir#n9 A7TB A,,09 rade 2000,+ The )ea! is s%).e&ted t# a !a(i!%! shear "#r&e #" ,- 1N9 &#!'%te the res%$tin desin "a&t#r ("a&t#r #" sa"et*) "#r the )ea! )ased #n %$ti!ate strenth #" the ir#n+ 4r#'erties #" !a$$ea)$e ir#n= E$ti!ate shear strenth9 Is ; -1G B4a+ 3+ (a) 7h#w that "#r a )ea! #" re&tan%$ar se&ti#n9 the !a(i!%! shear stress is ti!es #" a6erae shear stress+ ()) A ti!)er )ea! #" re&tan%$ar se&ti#n 100 ( 1-0 !! is si!'$* s%''#rted at the ends and &arries a '#int $#ad #" ,0 1N at the &enter #" the )ea!+ The $enth #" the )ea! is : !+ 71et&h the shear stress distri)%ti#n "#r a &r#ss se&ti#n s%).e&ted t# !a(i!%! shear "#r&e+ A$s# "ind the !a(i!%! shear stress+ Prepared by: O.Y.VENKATASUBBAREDDY Assistant prof of Me!ania" En##. Depart$ent. GLOBAL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Department of mechanical Engineering II CIVIL - ISEM STRENGTH OF MTERILS !ear" #$%&-%' (nit-IV **ignment VII 1+ A :+-! $#n &anti$e6er &arries a %ni"#r!$* distri)%ted $#ad #6er the entire $enth+ I" the s$#'e at the "#r&e end is 1 0 (#ne deree)9 what is the de"$e&ti#n at the "ree end8 ,+ Draw the B#hr5s &ir&$e #" stress i" a 'ie&e #" !ateria$ is s%).e&ted t# tensi$e stresses #" 20 B4a and 3-B4a #n !%t%a$$* 'er'endi&%$ar '$anes+ Find the '$ane a&r#ss whi&h the res%$tant stress is !#st in&$ined t# the n#r!a$+ Find a$s# the !anit%de #" the res%$tant stress #n this '$ane+ 3+ (a) >rite the e('ressi#ns "#r !a(+ s$#'e and de"$e&ti#n #" a &anti$e6er )ea! with a '#int $#ad at "ree end+ ()) Find the !a(+ s$#'e and de"$e&ti#n #" a &anti$e6er )ea!9 when $#aded with %ni"#r!$* distri)%ted $#ad (nit-IV **ignment VIII 1+ A &anti$e6er #" %ni"#r! &r#ss-se&ti#n and #" - ! $enth "i(ed at #ne end rests #n a s%''#rt at , ! "r#! the "ree end +It is $#aded %ni"#r!$* with 1+- 1N<! #6er the entire $enth #" - !+ The s%''#rt sett$es -+-&! )e$#w the $e6e$ #" the "i(ed end +Deter!ine the rea&ti#n at the s%''#rts+ EI ; F0 ( 10 / N-! , ,+ A )ea! : ! $#n9 si!'$* s%''#rted at this its ends9 is &arr*in a '#int $#ad #" -0 1N at its &enter+ The !#!ent #" inertia #" the )ea! (i+e+ J) is i6en as eD%a$ t# G2 ( 10 : !! / + I" E "#r the !ateria$ #" the )ea! ; ,+1 ( 10 - N<!! , 9 &a$&%$ate= (i) de"$e&ti#n at the &enter #" the )ea!+ (ii) s$#'e at the s%''#rts+ 3+ Draw B#hr5s &ir&$e "#r dire&t stresses #" /-N<!! , (tensi$e) and ,-N<!! , (&#!'ressi6e) and "ind the !anit%de and dire&ti#n #" res%$tant stresses #n '$anes !a1in an$es #" 30 0 & :0 0 with the '$ane #" "irst 'rin&i'a$ stress+ A$s# "ind n#r!a$ & tanentia$ stress+ + Prepared by: O.Y.VENKATASUBBAREDDY Assistant prof of Me!ania" En##. Depart$ent.
GLOBAL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Department of mechanical Engineering II CIVIL - ISEM STRENGTH OF MTERILS !ear" #$%&-%' (nit-V **ignment I+ Prepared by: O.Y.VENKATASUBBAREDDY Assistant prof of Me!ania" En##. Depart$ent.
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