Biografi Imam Bonjol

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Tuanku Imam Bonjol Bonjol born in 1772, his real name is Muhammad Shahab. He was born
of a couple Bayanuddin and Hamatun. His father was one of the scholars of the River
Rimbang, Suliki. Imam Bonjol studied religion in Aceh in 1800-1802, he got the title of
Malin Basa.

As scholars and leaders of local communities, Tuanku Imam Bonjol gained several titles,
among others, the Peto Syarif, Malin Bases, and Tuanku Imam. Tuanku nan Renceh of
Kamang, Agam as one of the leaders of the Tiger nan Salapan who appointed as Imam
(leader) for Padri in Bonjol. He himself eventually known to the public as the Tuanku Imam

Biodata Tuanku Imam Bonjol

Name : Muhammad Shahab

Date of Birth : 1772, Bonjol, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Died : 6 November 1864, Minahasa
Nationality : Minangkabau
Parents : Bayanuddin (father), Hamatun (mother)

Indigenous to the contention of the Padri or religious people also involves Tuanku Imam
Bonjol. The vicar tried to clean the religious teachings of Islam which has been widely
distorted in order to be returned to the pure teachings of the Islamic religion.

At first the onset of the war was based on a desire among clerical leaders in the kingdom
Pagaruyung to implement and enforce Sharia Law in accordance with the Ahlus Sunnah wal
Jamaah who cling to the Qur'an and Sunnah-sunnah Rasullullah Allaah alaihi wasallam. Then
the leader of the clergy who joined the Tigers nan Salapan ask my lord to invite Yang Di-
Pertuan Lintau Pagaruyung along with Indigenous tribe to abandon some habits that are not
in accordance with Islam.

In some negotiations there is no agreement between The Padri with Indigenous People. As it
was in several villages in the kingdom Pagaruyung volatile, and until tribe Padri led Tuanku
Pagaruyung Pasaman attacked in 1815, and fighting broke out in Koto Tangah near stone
cage. Sultan Arifin Muningsyah forced to flee from the royal capital to Lubukjambi.

On February 21, 1821, the Indigenous formally cooperate with the Dutch East Indies
government fight the Padri in the agreement signed in Padang, as compensation for the
Netherlands got the right of access and control over the territory darek (inland Minangkabau).
The agreement was also attended by the rest of the family dynasty Pagaruyung under Sultan
Alam Tangkal Bagagar already in Padang that time.

Resistance conducted by Padri forces are strong enough so it is very difficult for the
Netherlands to defeat it. Therefore the Netherlands through the Governor General Johannes
van den Bosch invites Padri tribe leader who at that time was led by Tuanku Imam Bonjol to
terms with intimation Masang Treaty in 1824. But then this agreement is violated by the
Dutch by attacking villages Sikek Clever.

In 1833 the war turned into a war between the Indigenous and the Padri against the
Netherlands, both parties shoulder to shoulder against the Netherlands, Parties who originally
opposed finally united against the Netherlands. At the end of remorse appears consciousness,
invited the Netherlands in conflict precisely miserable Minangkabau society itself.

Merging of the Indigenous and Padri begins with compromise known as plaque Peak Pato in
Tabek Patah who embody the consensus Indigenous basandi Syarak (Adat based on religion).

Assault and siege of the fortress Padri in Bonjol by the Dutch from all directions for about six
months (16 March to 17 August 1837), led by generals and officers the Netherlands, but the
soldiers who are mostly indigenous people consisting of various ethnic groups, such as
Javanese, Madurese, Bugis, and Ambon.
3 times the Netherlands to replace the commander of the war to seize Bonjol, which is a small
country with a fortress of clay in the vicinity surrounded by moats. It was only on August 16,
1837, Fort Bonjol can be mastered after a long siege.

In October 1837, Tuanku Imam Bonjol was invited to Palupuh to negotiate. Arrived in the
area he was arrested and exiled to Cianjur, West Java. Then transferred to Ambon and finally
to Lotak, Minahasa, near Manado. In the last place that he died on November 8, 1864.
Tuanku Imam Bonjol buried at the site.


The struggle has been done by Tuanku Imam Bonjol can be appreciation for his heroism in
resisting the occupation, as an award from the Indonesian government, Tuanku Imam Bonjol
was appointed as a National Hero of Indonesia on 6 November 1973.
( Biography Kapitan Pattimura English )

Thank you hopefully biography Biography and Profiles. Benefit for you to get to know more
of the world leaders, Pattimura, real name Thomas Matulessy (born in Hualoy, Hualoy, South
Ceram, Maluku, June 8, 1783 - died in Ambon, Maluku, December 16, 1817 at the age of 34
years) . He was the son of Frank Matulesi with Fransina Silahoi. As for the government's
version Pattimura biography was first published, M Sapija wrote, "That the noble hero
Pattimura classified as derivatives and from Nusa Ina (Seram). Dad named Antoni Mattulessy
he was the son of Kasimiliali Pattimura Mattulessy. The latter is the son of Sahulau king.
Sahulau is the name of the country that is located in a bay in the South Seram ".
From the history of the written Pattimura M Sapija, his lieutenant was giving the Netherlands.
They are not. According to historian Mansyur Suryanegara, ancestor of this nation, from the
point of history and anthropology, is homo religiosa (being religious). Their belief in
something beyond the power of their minds, give rise to interpretations that are difficult to
digest modern ratio. Therefore, their social behavior is controlled natural forces that they fear.
Their souls are united with the forces of nature, magic-magic special a person. Miracle was
later accepted as a noble and sacred event. If he sticks to a person, that person is a symbol of
their strength. He is considered a leader has charisma. The properties were attached and
proceeds down through the generations. Although then they have embraced, but the
genealogical / lineage / descent is an instance leader or lieutenant. From this fact as
"lieutenant" inherent in Pattimura it began.
Before you take the fight to the VOC he had a career in the military as a former British army
sergeant. The word "Moluccas" comes from the Arabic Al-Malik Al-Mulk or meaning Land
of Kings. remember at that time the number of royal
In 1816 the British handed over power to the Dutch and later the Dutch menetrapkan
monopoly policy, a tax on land (landrente), displacement of population and voyage Hongi
(Hongi Tochten), and ignore the Treaty of London I include in article 11 contains a provision
that the British Resident in Ambon must negotiate before removal koprs Ambon and in
agreement with the Governor also stated clearly that if the British government ended up in
the Maluku Ambon the soldiers should be released in terms of the right to choose to enter
military service out of the new government or military service, but in Pratiknya pemindahn
military service is enforced Coming back colonial Dutch in 1817 got a tough challenge from
the people.
This is due to political, economic, and social relations are bad for two centuries. Maluku
People finally rose up arms under the leadership of Kapitan Pattimura So when the war broke
out against the Dutch colonialists in 1817, Kings Patih, the Kapitan, Indigenous Elders and
people lifting as leaders and warlords as experienced and possesses sfat knight (kabaressi).
As a warlord, Kapitan Pattimura war strategizing with aides.
As a leader he successfully coordinated Patih Kings in carrying out the activities of
government, lead people, manage education, providing food and building fortifications.
Widely recognized authority in leadership by the king and the duke of ordinary people. In the
struggle against the Dutch he also unity to the kingdom of Ternate and Tidore, kings in Bali,
Sulawesi and Java. Pattimura a national scale war that the Dutch faced with the power of a
large and powerful military to send its own admiral Buykes, one Commissioner General to
face Patimura.
Great battles against the Dutch army inland and sea coordinated Kapitan Pattimura
penglimanya assisted by, among others Melchior Kesaulya, Anthoni Rebhok, Philip
Latumahina and Ulupaha. The battle that destroyed the Dutch troops listed as seizure
Duurstede Dutch fort, the battle on the beach Waisisil and jasirah Hatawano, Ouw-Ullath,
Jasirah Hitu Ambon and Seram Island South. Pattimura war can only be stopped by pitting
politics, deceit and earth scorched by the Dutch. The hero eventually captured and put an end
to his service on the gallows on December 16, 1817 in the city of Ambon. For service and
sacrifice, the Kapitan Pattimura confirmed as "FREEDOM STRUGGLE HEROES" by the
government of the Republic of Indonesia ...... National Hero of Indonesia. Belief in one God
infinitely just and civilized humanity unity of Indonesia, democracy guided by the wisdom of
representative deliberation wisdom in freedom for all people of Indonesia.
Statue Pattimura
Straighten history Kapitan Ahmad `Pattimura 'Lussy
Muslim leaders are actually named Ahmad Lussy, but he is better known by the identical
Mattulessy Thomas Christians. Here's one example of the minor deislamisasi and betrayal on
the history of terrorism in Maluku and / or Indonesia in general.
(I told you all (that) I was a big banyan andevery big banyan banyan will fall but others will
replace(So) I say unto you (that) I was a rocklarge boulders and any other stones will tumble
but willreplace it).
Utterances are full of poetic imagery were spoken by Kapitan Ahmad Lussy or known as
Pattimura, hero of the Moluccas. At that time, December 16, 1817, has been entwined rope
hanging around his neck. From his remarks, it appears that Ahmad Lussy a patriot with big
hearts. He was not afraid of death. Steadfast in character, personality and self-esteem in the
face of the enemy. Ahmad Lussy also seemed optimistic. But the courage and patriotism
Pattimura was distorted by the government's version of history writing. M Sapija, the first
historian to write a book about Pattimura, deciphering speech at the end of death by
"Pattimura-old Pattimura be destroyed, but later Pattimura-Pattimurayoung will rise "
But according to M Nour Tawainella, also a historian, Sapija interpretation is not fit for the
color of Indonesian grammar are too modern and different from the cultural context of the
time. Elsewhere, Sapija interpret,
"Goodbye brothers", or "Goodbye castings-Castings"
This also refuted Tawainella. Therefore, such talk is not typical Pattimura patriotic and
optimistic. The highlight of the controversy about who Pattimura is any mention of the names
Ahmad Lussy Thomas Mattulessy, from the name of a Muslim to become a Christian.
Amazingly, more people believe in the Christian predicates, because Maluku is often
identified with Christianity. that is the history of the debate until now.
Samanhudi atau sering disebut Kyai Haji Samanhudi (lahir di Laweyan, Surakarta, Jawa
Tengah, 1868; meninggal di Klaten, Jawa Tengah, 28 Desember 1956) adalah pendiri Sarekat
Dagang Islam, sebuah organisasi massa di Indonesia yang awalnya merupakan wadah bagi
para pengusaha batik di Surakarta. Nama kecilnya ialah Sudarno Nadi.

Pondok Pesantren yang pernnah ia menimba ilmu didalamnya al : Pontren KM Sayuthy

(Ciawigebang), Pontren KH Abdur Rozak (Cipancur) ,paman ia, Pontren Sarajaya (Kab
Cirebon), Pontren (di Kab Tegal, Jateng), Pontren Ciwaringin (Kab. Cirebon) dan Pontren
KH Zaenal Musthofa (Tasikmalaya. ) . Catatan : Ia sangat ta,zdim trhdp guru guru ia . Trlebih
trhdp Asysyahid KH Zainal Mushtofa (Pahlawan Nasional) ia banyak bercerita tentang
heroisme perjuangan gurunya yang satu ini ketika berjuang melawan penjajah Jepang hingga
beluau gugur sebagai pahlawankusuma bangsa didepan regu tembak srdadu Jepang. Ketika
makbarohgurunya ini telah dipindahkan ke Taman Pahlawan Sukamanah Tasikmalaya,

Dalam dunia perdagangan, Samanhudi merasakan perbedaan perlakuan oleh penguasa Hindia
Belanda antara pedagang pribumi yang mayoritas beragama Islam dengan pedagang
Tionghoa pada tahun 1905. Oleh sebab itu Samanhudi merasa pedagang pribumi harus
mempunyai organisasi sendiri untuk membela kepentingan mereka. Pada tahun 1905, ia
mendirikan Sarekat Dagang Islam untuk mewujudkan cita-citanya.

Ia dimakamkan di Banaran, Grogol, Sukoharjo. Sesudah itu, Serikat Islam dipimpin oleh
Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto.
Samanhudi or Kyai Haji Samanhudi (born in Laweyan, Surakarta, Central Java, 1868 died in
Klaten, Central Java, December 28, 1956) is the founder of Sarekat Dagang Islam, a mass
organization in Indonesia which was originally a venue for batik entrepreneurs in Surakarta.
His first name is Sudarno Nadi.
Pondok Pesantren which he studied there are: Pontren KM Sayuthy (Ciawigebang), Pontren
KH Abdur Rozak (Cipancur), uncle he, Pontren Sarajaya (Kab Cirebon), Pontren (in Tegal,
Central Java), Pontren Ciwaringin (Cirebon District ) and Pontren KH Zaenal Musthofa
(Tasikmalaya.). Note: He is very ta, zdim teacher teacher he. Train of Asysyahid KH Zainal
Mushtofa (National Hero) he tells a lot about the heroism of this teacher's struggle when
fighting against Japanese invaders to beluau autumn as pahlawankusuma nation in front of
shooting squad srdadu Japan. When this makbarohgurunya has been moved to Taman Hero
of Sukamanah Tasikmalaya,
In the commercial world, Samanhudi felt the difference of treatment by the Dutch East Indies
rulers between indigenous traders who were predominantly Muslim with Chinese merchants
in 1905. Hence Samanhudi felt that indigenous traders should have their own organizations to
defend their interests. In 1905, he founded the Sarekat Dagang Islam to realize his ideals.
He was buried in Banaran, Grogol, Sukoharjo. After that, the Islamic Society was led by
Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto.

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