There are various elements that work together to make a great website. User Experience is an essential element of any design that determines if the website is user-friendly.
User Experience (UX) or Website User experience is the process of enhancing user satisfaction by improving the usability, accessibility, and comfort provided in the interaction with the website.
The process of enhancing user satisfaction by improving the usability, accessibility, and pleasure provided in the interaction between the user and the product. –
Saying that UI or User Interface is an equally important aspect of web design that compliments UX with design, color, and typography desired by the user. Hence, UX and UI are both essential factors in deciding the user-interaction and usability of any website.

Hierarchy of UX Design
- Skeleton
- Interface design
- Navigation design
- Information design
- Structure
- Interaction design
- Information architecture
- Scope
- Functional Specs
- Content Requirements
- Strategy
- User needs
- Site Objectives
What UX Designers should be able to comprehend?
- Empathy - It is extremely important for UX Designers to understand why people behave the way they do!
- Insatiable curiosity – UX designers should keep themselves updated with the latest trends.
- Clarity of Expression – UX designers should be able to express their ideas and concepts clearly. Assertive designs are clearer than vague concepts.
The Five Elements of UX
There are five dependent layers in UX design where each level builds on the level before it. They start with an abstract level towards concrete one.
a.Strategy (Abstract)
The strategy for UX design is determined by following;
- Reason for building the product
- Application or usage
- Why create
- Who are the clientele
- Why use it
The goal here is to define the user needs and business objectives which can be done through Strategic Research Process.
b. Scope
The scope defines the functional and content requirements of any product. Function requirement includes what features does the product has and content focuses on the content type of product. For example, a functional requirement is like a media player while the content requirement is the audio file.
c. Structure
The structure defines how a user can interact with the product and how should the information be displayed on the webpage. The structure is split into two components, Interaction Design & Information Architecture.
d. Skeleton
Skeleton defines the visual form on the screen, presentation, and arrangement of all elements that make a user interact with the functionality of the system that exists on the interface. It also determines how the user moves through the information, and how it should be presented to make it effective and assertive.
e. Surface (Concrete)
The surface component determines how does the final product will look like, the right layout, typography, colors etc. Surface deals with Visual or Sensory Design and is concerned about the visual appearance of content or control.