our journey so far…
… and how He’ll continue to show us more
Thank you for visiting our website! wherever you may be coming from, we’re glad you’re here. we officially launched in November of 2023, and we’ve been learning and growing so much about what it means to be a church. And we’d love for you to check out how God is at work! We hope you find some helpful information here, but if you have questions, we would love to connect with you! Don't hesitate to get in touch with us! Thanks again for stopping by.
in Him,
josh and christina kim
planting pastor
sunday service
Join us as we sing, listen, pray, and honor God while connecting with one another.
Directions: 1821 Boren Ave Seattle, WA 98101 →
Parking*: Amazon Arizona →
*Free parking available on Sundays
Visiting for the first time?
Check out our I’M NEW page to plan your visit.
living room
Our weekly small group time where we learn to do life together as a family. Each time we gather, we discuss how to apply this past week’s sermon, check in on how we’re doing, and most importantly, spend time ministering to one another in prayer.
Season 2 is underway, and it’s never too late to join. Sign up using the link below and become part of the SUR family!
inner room [friday night prayer/praise]
matthew 6.6 But you, when you pray, go into your INNER ROOM, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.
Creating a space to quiet ourselves to hear the voice of God. Come pray for yourself, our community, and our city every Friday from 7-8:30PM 6-6:50PM* at the Fairview Church, 3rd floor. Parking is available at the church lot. Someone will be at the door between 5:55-6:15PM. If you are running late, please contact us via Instagram or text us.
* Inner Room will be shortened for the next few months due to our Experiencing God discipleship course.