Pick an RGB Using a Color Palette

Recommended Color Palette

It's a recommended RGB list. You can explore various colors by changing the saturation and luminance modes.

Web-safe Color Palette

It's the list of 216 web-safe colors.

List of Color Names

There are 147 color names available in HTML and CSS.

Pick an RGB Using a Color Picker

HSL Color Picker

You can easily pick an RGB adjusting hue, saturation, and lightness.

Wheel Color Picker

You can intuitively pick an RGB using a circular color palette.

HSV Color Picker

You can pick an RGB adjusting hue, saturation, and brightness.

RGB Color Picker

You can pick an RGB modifying red, green, and blue.

Generate an RGB

Color Scheme Generator

We generate your color scheme patterns.

Approximate Color Generator

We generate approximate colors for your color. You are also available to fine-tune your color.

Random Color Generator

Every time you press the button, we generate 100 random colors.

What is Selecolor?

  • There are color palettes, color pickers, and color scheme generators supported by RGB, HSL, and HSV.
  • You can use it for free for website development, creating advertisements, and design production.
  • The name comes from ‘select + color.’
  • Selecolor's slogan is ‘Quick and Easy Color Picker.’