Cheesy chicken enchiladas made with shredded chicken, enchilada sauce, sour cream, and tortillas. Easy, flavorful, and ready in 30 minutes!
This Sheet Pan Herb Chicken and Sweet Potatoes recipe combines seasoned chicken, sweet potatoes, and veggies on one sheet pan for an easy and...
Crispy, flavorful, and healthier than regular fries, vegetable fries are the ultimate snack or side! Try these 14 simple recipes with tasty seasonings...
A quick, wholesome, and high protein breakfast, these baked oats come together in minutes. Over 20 grams of protien made with just whole, simple...
This easy Mexican Quinoa with black beans, pinto beans, tomatoes, and zucchini is a healthy vegetarian main course or side dish!
This Chicken Tortilla Soup with Corn is a healthy, freezer-friendly meal that’s packed with bold Mexican flavors! Perfect for cozy nights and easy...
Whip up these vibrant Mediterranean Shrimp Bowls in under 30 minutes! Made with marinated shrimp, Mediterranean salad, and creamy tzatziki.
Whip up Healthy Kung Pao Chicken in just 30 minutes! Packed with bold flavors, tender chicken, and a savory-sweet-spicy sauce, it's perfect for a...
These Veggie Stir Fry recipes turn basic vegetables into stir-fried crunchy goodness! Eat them on their own, or pair them with your favorite main...
Slow Cooker Chicken Enchilada Soup packed with shredded chicken, beans, and corn in a creamy tomato broth is filling and delicious.
This Shortcut Enchilada Sauce is packed with authentic flavors and ready in under 10 minutes! Perfect for homemade enchiladas!
Check out these lightened-up pasta alternatives that actually taste GOOD! From zoodles to spaghetti squash, these recipes will keep you on track.