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Environmental protection and
What is Ecological
• Any natural or
human activity that
disturbs the natural
balance of the
ecosystem leads to
Ecological Imbalance.
• As everything is
interconnected in an
ecosystem, disturbance
at one end causes to
immense devastation
and damage to the
entire ecosystem.
• Each and every species
gets affected in some or
the other way.
Factors affecting
Ecological Imbalance
Ecological Imbalance
Gas Emission
Gases that trap the heat in the atmosphere
are called greenhouse gases.
The primary greenhouse gases that humans
emit directly in significant quantities in the
earth's atmosphere are carbon dioxide,
methane, nitrogen, nitrous oxide, and CFCs.
These gases cause global warming of the
Ecological Imbalance.pptx
• Water, land, and air play a crucial role
in the health of our ecosystems.
• Any kind of pollution releases
harmful chemicals (pollutants) into
the environment.
• Poisonous gases released into the
environment from vehicular
emissions and factory chimneys
cause air pollution and respiratory
• Dumping of industrial and city
sewage wastes into lakes, rivers, and
seas are causing water pollution.
Result of Environmental pollution
A large number of factories pop up
Pesticides and minerals are introduced in water bodies.
This leads to the growth of algae
Algae and bacteria consumes all the oxygen
Leads to the death of aquatic life.
Ecological Imbalance.pptx

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