Every year we put together a new color palette. These colors are shared by all Custom Speedvagen for the year to create a family of bikes and a cross section of Speedvagen culture and history. People often ask how we pick our colors? Our answer is “we don’t, we make our colors.”
For 2020 we are going a bit old school. Our palette consists of a lot of “heritage” Speedvagen colors. On top of that we are bringing in new bench mixed hues to compliment the classics. Each of these colors work well with minimal graphics, but will also play nicely in a more robust graphics schemes. There is a little sass, surprise, metallics, and ultimately custom colors bench mixed here that can only be described as Speedvagen. There are no stock “paint codes”, only our formulations put together by our expert paint team. We love hearing i’ve never seen anything like that when talking about our bikes.
Most notably the return of an Icon. Our Ichico scheme is back. 5 years after the original release it is back for the first time. Only available on custom bikes.
Our SV scheme shown above with tone on tone graphics is included in the cost of each custom Speedvagen. Each other option carries an upcharge to cover the extra time and materials needed to layout, mix, and hand-paint your Speedvagen. Of course there is also the Surprise Me option. Should be tasteful, but that’s relative isn’t it? Shops choice. No hints, no regrets!
Ghost $1000.00
We’ve loved the look of a great color with minimal graphics, leaving the racy shape of the bike as a whole to speak for itself. “Ghost,” named both for the ghost-like nature of the graphics and for the friend whose bike we experimented on to develop our process.
Rather than using contrasting colors for branding, our Ghost graphics are three dimensional and painted in the same color as the frame, so the definition comes from the way the light hits the edges, rather than a different color element.
Color is important to us and a beautiful bike is going to make you want to ride more. It’s also important to us that fancy paint does not get in the way of you attacking your goals. The Ghost Scheme is a pure embodiment of that belief.
HORIZON $1200.00
A Speedvagen original.
The Horizon scheme will give your bike depth and intricacy; and while it isn’t graphics heavy, it is bold and stripe-y like a race machine ought to be. Horizon blends our original intentions of a minimalist Speedvagen aesthetic (embodied by the Ghost scheme) with our compulsion to bring more color and “fast” into our frames.
We are offering 6 color combinations — some bright, some bold and some more subtle with a kick. All Horizons will come with our ghost graphics. Check out all paint scheme options below.
West Coast Horizon
West Coast Horizon in Alpers and Toddy
The West Coast Horizon: $1350
In love with the “glassed effect” we created on the 2019 Surprise Me Scheme. We carry that technique over on the West Coast Horizon. A loose and surfy Horizon with a stacked up transparent paint effect. Each one is 100% unique and the transparent effect has a hit of surprise that cannot be fully controlled. (any Horizon can be made a WC Horizon $1350 upgrade)
Holla text $1450
Everything in our shop is an evolution. For years we’d been kicking around the idea of color fading in the text. We fell in love with the result. HollaText, features a two color fade as well as extra linework to make the graphic sections taper off into the main color.
For 2019 we are offering 5 HollaText color combinations.Check out all paint scheme options Below.
A-Team Scheme $1550 Steel $1750 Ti
Introduced last year and quickly became a customer favorite. The A-team has racy diagonal color blocking, large downtube and fork logos, and a strong pop of contrasting color. All of these ingredients build a fantastic team scheme. Designed to be seen and to fly the Speedvagen flag to the fullest extent.
For 2022 we are offering numerous stock A-Team color combinations. Check out all paint scheme options below.
Ichicho 2021 $3500 steel $3750 Ti
Introduced in 2015 for Surprise Me, Ichico brought our Surprise Me program to the forefront of the custom bike world and is now one of the most iconic schemes we have ever produced
For 2020 its coming back in 6 colors, this is the first time a surprise me has ever been re issued and we are not sure it will be here to stay.
Surprise Me 2020-2021 Price: $4750
No hints. No regrets.
Surprise Me is our most popular paint option each year. We feel it reflects the gusto of Speedvagen riders as well as how much they trust in Speedvagen design abilities.
Each year, we develop a color scheme and layout for the Surprise Me bikes that becomes a cultural snapshot of what is going on in The Vanilla Workshop that season. Shared among Road, CX, Rugged Road and Urban Racer, all Surprise Me bikes get the same graphic layout with changes to base color to complement the rider.
Do you like more of a tough look? Or fruity, or euro-racy, or classy There’s a Surprise Me for that. Talk to us about your likes or dislikes and we’ll tailor your Surprise Me to your personal style.