Prune Kek Lapis

Flavour : Rempah spice | Filling : Prunes | Size : About 7.5″ x 7.5″ weight : approx 1 kg | Price : $52 | Kek lapis prune or called cake lapis prune is a layer cake with multiple layers. Pitted sweet prunes have been added to some of the layers for that favourite specialMore info…

tapak kuda

Filling : Nutella hazelnut spread with cocoa | Length : About 9.5″ or 24 cm | Tapak Kuda is a traditional cake popular during the Hari Raya Adilfitri festive celebrations. Shaped like a horseshoe, the skin of the cake is tender while the cake itself is spongy and soft. The Nutella cocoa hazelnut spread insideMore info…