Bible, The Word Of God! Poem by Shaila Touchton

Bible, The Word Of God!

Rating: 5.0

Bible is the Holy Book inspired by God and is life-changing
It's the word of God, living and active,
Sharper than any double edged sword
It's the revelation of God to the world
It's a breathe of God useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting
And training in righteousness equipping for every good work

It's the greatest Book on the earth
Which will keep us away from sin and temptations
Giving a sinner an opportunity to transform into saints
The word of God is living and powerful which lights our path
Giving us direction and clarity for our future by overcoming sin

The bible has the Power to save our soul from eternal fire
It has the power to teach us to live a holy life
It has the keys for unlocking a hardened heart
And showing us to live a life of God's way
It comforts the lonely, hope to hopless, rest to the weary
It lifts us up when we are discouraged and hurt in our despair
In the beginning was the word and the word was with God
And the word was God.

Jesus Christ is that living word of God
It's the living word of God that saved us.
God speaks to us through Bible
Through our conscience which is Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit is nothing but Jesus Christ
Who is our comforter, counselor, Helper, Intercessor,
Advocate and Strengthener
The Bible gives us wisdom, good conscience,
Peace and security from danger
Deliverance, healing and protection from all evil.
For everything in the world reveals the power of Gods Word.
Heaven and earth will pass away,
But Gods word will not pass away
Grass may withers, the flower may fades
But the word of our God stands forever.

Thursday, October 30, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: bible
Chinedu Dike 23 June 2020

Well penned in persuasive expressions with spiritual insight. Remain blessed.

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Shrishial G P 01 May 2016

It is true the Bible is the one of the most great ethics created by lord Jesus it is for world people thank u Medam for writing the importance of the Bible

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Kumarmani Mahakul 30 October 2014

Very true awareness about God's advice in Bible. Sacred word of God are shining in Holy Bible and humanity should drink the nectar of these to up lift humanity. Excellent poem written on Bible. Awarding @10

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