Pale Blue Dot Poem by Osiel Silverino

Pale Blue Dot

No one wants to look in the eyes.
Eye contact is to make contact.
No one wants to make contact.
Look in the eyes is to see the soul.
Nobody wants to see the soul of anyone.
Every one wants to hide her.

Everyone wants to be touched.
We lack Touch,
We wish the touch,
But touch our skin
Touches our soul.
We fear touch our soul.

Religious ideologues and scholars,
Hunter and hunted,
Hero and coward,
Creator and destroyer,
King and commoner,
Couple in love,
Mother and father, hopeful child,
Inventors and explorers,
Educators and students,
Honest politicians and corrupt,
Famous and unknown,
Dictators, despots, oppressed,
Saints and sinners.

Each full of himself,
Each with his reason,
Everyone is thinking so big,
Each feeling so true.
Each in their quest,
Each finding anything.

I wish if everyone knew
The Earth is a tiny stage in a vast cosmic arena,
We all live in a speck of dust suspended in a sunbeam,
That our address in the Universe is a pale blue dot.

By Osiel Basílio

Pale Blue Dot
Friday, October 2, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: life and death
Della Perry 04 October 2015

love this. puts it in perspective, that's all we are. love it x

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