23:31 PM (Night)
Oyun Dilini Türkçeye Çevir
Is Playing Games Waste of Time

PokemonPets is rated PG, therefore all content must be child-friendly. By creating an account at PokemonPets, you agree to remain PG and follow any and all rules associated with the game.

Main Rules

1. - Keep your chat and your profile PG. (Child Friendly)

2. - English only in global chat. Only speak the language assigned to each chat channel.

3. - No baiting or harassing allowed when chatting. Block a player if you can not be civil with them.

4. - If a mod (Chat Master) says drop it (argument in or a topic in chat), drop it. If you wish to argue, take it to private messages.

5. - Spam/roleplay, etc. are allowed only in Random Chat channel.

6. - Do not advertise or request trade/sells in any other channel than Trade Channel. You can make negotations etc. in Random Chat channel.

7. - No posting links or discussing games not related to PokemonPets, that includes youtube and other media sites. If you make videos or streams about the PokemonPets game, you can post their links on chat as long as they are child-friendly.

8. - Sharing your personal information in chat is not allowed.

9. - No Begging (Do not request free gold, item or Pokemon).

10. - No Account Sharing (No Account Buy/Sell/Trade/Free Giving)

11. - No joining daily boss battles, tournaments and daily rewards with multiple accounts of yours (Each day single account is allowed)

12. - You can have multiple accounts of yours in a Guild War. However, you can only attack with a single account of yours. Other accounts of yours can only stay at computer-controlled defense.

13. - Always remember that PokemonPets is just a game. Games can never be our top priority in our lives. Games are usually a waste of time. So play carefully without affecting your real duties!

Trade Chat

1. - Keep this chat for trade/sell advertisements only. Use Random Chat for discussions and negotiations.

Random chat

1. - You may do anything here as long as it is PG (child-friendly) and doesn't harass players.

Guild Recruitment

1. - Keep this chat for guild related advertisements/discussions only.

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