"Gold Laser Corydoras" Corydoras sp.

from £35.00

"Vietnamese Striped Loach" Micronemacheilus cruciatus

from £35.00

Otocinclus macrospilus


Tetra Keychains


Ancistrus sp. - Female Bristlenose Pleco


"Golden Sucking Loach" Gyrinochelius aymonieri


Thylacine Acrylic Keychain


CPD The Standing Iguanodon


3D Model Retro-Ichthyosaurus .stl file


Gift Card

from £10.00
Gone for now...

"Alligator Gar" Atractosteus spatula

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"Longnose gar" Lepisosteus osseus

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Sinosauropteryx prima

Sale Price:£160.00 Original Price:£180.00
Gone for now...

Lamprey and Lampern

from £45.00
Gone for now...

"Weather Loach" Misgurnus anguillicaudatus

from £30.00
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Velociraptor osmolskae

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Anzu wyliei

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"Oyster Toadfish" Opsanus tau

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Iguanodon bernissartensis

from £65.00
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Pride Shrimp (Neocaridina davidii)

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1:1 Hyaenodon microdon

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Ancistrus sp. - Male Bristlenose Pleco

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"Thylacinus cynocephalus" - Laying Thylacine 1:2 scale

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Polacanthus foxii

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Sunset Thylacine Coaster

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Beanie Gryposaurus notabilis

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Pangio sp. loaches

from £25.00
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Dimetrodon grandis

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Araripesuchus wegeneri Lifesize 1:1

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Loricariid Pleco Plushies

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Big Betta splendens

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"Golden Pencilfish" Nannostomus beckfordi

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"European Eel" Anguilla anguilla

from £35.00
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Metriorhynchus brevirostris

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Laying Beanie "Thylacine" Thylacinus cynocephalus

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"American Paddlefish" Polyodon spathula

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Big Kuhli Loaches

from £120.00
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"Dwarf Chain Loach" Ambastaia sidthimunki

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Betta dennisyongi

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Liopleurodon ferox

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Tylosaurus proriger

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"Aurochsen" Bos primigenius

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Polypterus sp. - Bichir

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Pliosaurus funkei

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Pliosaurus kevani

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Neocaridina Shrimp

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Moray Eels

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Rhamphorhynchus muensteri

from £45.00
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Ornithocheirus simus

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Anurognathus ammoni

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Juvenile Diplodocus

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Pteranodon longiceps

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Cetoniinae Beetles

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Tiktaalik roseae

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Utatsusaurus hataii

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"Coelacanth" Latimeria sp.

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"Atlantic sturgeon" Acipenser oxyrinchus

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Thylacinus cynocephalus Lifesize 1:1

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Pholiderpeton scutigerum

from £45.00
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Grippia longirostris

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Ichthyosaurus communis

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Stenopterygius quadriscissus

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Nothosaurus marchicus

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Shonisaurus popularis

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Elasmosaurus platyurus

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"Peacock Mantis Shrimp" Odontodactylus scyllarus

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Megalosaurus (Crystal Palace Dinosaurs)

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Beanie Iguanodon (Crystal Palace Dinosaurs)

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Beanie Olorotitan arharensis

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Beanie Parasaurolophus walkeri

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"Clown Loach" Chromobotia macracanthus

from £25.00
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Beanie Megalosaurus (Crystal Palace Dinosaurs)

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Phenacodus primaevus

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1:1 "Numbat" Myrmecobius fasciatus

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"Ribbon Eel" Rhinomuraena quaesita

from £45.00
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Beanie Hyaenodon microdon

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Dearc sgiathanach

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Life-size Larus Gulls

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Anchiornis huxleyi

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Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus


Thylacine Sewing Pattern - DOWNLOAD


Thylacine Nose and Eyelids Download

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Sus scrofa "Wild Boar"

from £420.00