Bible Study

Revelation Bible Study, Day 30

The Lamb Will Overcome Today’s passage: Revelation 17 Focus verse: “They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.” (Revelation 17:14) With God’s final wrath complete, we can now move steadily […]

Personal Posts

Celebrating St Patrick

Let’s play word association.  I say “St Patrick” and you might say “March 17,” “shamrock” (three leaf clovers), “Ireland,” “leprechaun,” or “green beverages.” To be cute, you might even answer with an Irish brogue. Just like Christmas and Easter, St. Patrick’s Day is a celebration of religious origin, of which the original meaning has been […]

Christian Living

How to Read the Bible

Study Scripture Circularly and Not Linearly When most people read the Bible, they do so linearly. They read a passage and form their understanding of what it means. They set this determination in their minds. They may even apply it to their lives. But this is not the best way of how to read the […]

Peter DeHaan News

Amanda Luedeke to Represent Peter DeHaan for Rights Management

Author Seeks to License Books for Creative Uses Worldwide Peter DeHaan announced that he is actively seeking to license his books and published works for creative uses worldwide. The rights management of Peter’s intellectual property is being handled exclusively by Amanda Luedeke, literary agent and president of MacGregor & Luedeke Collaborative LLC. Amanda is a respected literary […]

Bible Insights

Biblical People: Zipporah

Learn About Moses’s Wife When Moses flees for his life, he meets seven shepherdesses, the daughters of Reuel. Moses marries one of the daughters, Zipporah. Moses and Zipporah have two sons. They are Gershom and Eliezer. Years later when Moses and his family travel to Egypt, God afflicts Moses. This is apparently because Moses failed […]

Bible Insights

Plotting against Jesus

Today’s passage: Matthew 21:14–17, Mark 11:18–19, and Luke 19:47–48 Focus verse: The chief priests and the teachers of the law heard this and began looking for a way to kill him. (Mark 11:18) After Jesus clears the merchants from the courtyard around the temple, people come to him for healing. This includes the blind and […]

Bible Insights

How Can We Help the Poor?

Deuteronomy Instructs Us to Help Foreigners, Orphans, and Widows In the book of Deuteronomy, Moses reminds God’s people that when they’re harvesting a field to not pick it clean, to leave some of the produce for others. This includes foreigners, orphans, and widows (Deuteronomy 24:19). Help Foreigners Orphans and Widows Moses’s words reiterate the same […]

Bible Study

Revelation Bible Study, Day 29

It Is Done Today’s passage: Revelation 16:17–21 Focus verse: The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and out of the temple came a loud voice from the throne, saying, “It is done!” (Revelation 16:17) Jesus has just warned everyone to remain ready for his return, which will happen as unexpectedly as a thief coming […]

Bible Insights

The Number Twelve in the Bible

A Figure that Signifies Foundation We’ve covered the numbers three and seven in the Bible. Let’s now look at the number twelve. It occurs frequently but mainly references two parallel concepts: Jacob’s twelve sons and Jesus’s twelve disciples. We can consider the number twelve as foundational in the Bible. Twelve is the basis for government […]

Peter DeHaan News

The Revelation Bible Study Audiobook

New Format Now Available In the audiobook for Revelation Bible Study readers can dive into the Apostle John’s epic end-time vision like never before. The audiobook is AI narrated by Maxwell. In addition to audio, it’s also available in ebook, paperback, and hard cover. The book of Revelation is one of the most intriguing books […]