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Symposium international "Minéralogie dans les Sciences de la Terre et l'Industrie", Toulouse, Mai 1984. Message de Monsieur Michael Fleischer. Tribute to François Permingeat


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Symposium international "Minéralogie dans les Sciences de la Terre et l'Industrie", Toulouse, Mai 1984

Message de Monsieur Michael FLEISCHER Président d'honneur

de la Commission des nouveaux minéraux et noms de minéraux de l'Association Internationale de Minéralogie.

Tribute to François Permingeat

Few mineralogists are aware of the key role played by François Permingeat in the early years of the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names, 1. MA. As its secretary, he formulated procedures that have stood the test of time for twenty-years, organized the work of the Commission efficiently, gave much valuable advice on difficult problems of nomenclature , mediated among diverse and controversial viewpoints, and prepared admirable summaries of what had been done and what should be done. The success of the Commission during these 25 years is in large measure due to the foundation he built.


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Message de Monsieur Michael FLEISCHER Président d'honneur

de la Commission des nouveaux minéraux et noms de minéraux de l'Association Internationale de Minéralogie.