Population, an English selection, 11ᵉ année, n°1, 1999.
ISBN : 2-7332-3016-6
www.persee.fr/issue/pop_0032-4663_1999_hos_11_1Liste des auteurs
Population, an English selection, 11ᵉ année, n°1, 1999.
Life Expectancies Applied to Specific Statuses: a History of the Indicators and the Methods of Calculation {Population, 3, 1998)  [article]
7 - 34
35 - 59
Reproductive Health and AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa: Problems and Prospects (Population, 4, 1998)  [article]
61 - 87
Contraception in France: An Assessment After 30 Years of Liberalization (Population, 4, 1998)  [article]
89 - 113
115 - 131
J.-N. Biraben's Survey of the Population of France from 1500 to 1700. Presentation, Sources, Bibliography (Population, 1-2, 1998)  [article]
133 - 154
Essay on the Population of Paris and its Vicinity Since the Sixteenth Century (Population, 1-2, 1998)  [article]
155 - 188
189 - 192
Nationality and Origins in French Statistics: Ambiguous Categories (Population, 3, 1998)  [article]
193 - 219
The Demographic Situation of Europe and the Developed Countries Overseas: An Annual Report (Population, 4-5, 1999)  [article]
221 - 247
Short Papers
251 - 276
Birth Rates and Fertility in China: How Credible are Recent Data? (Population, 4, 1998)  [article]
251 - 260
Concerning Eugenics in Scandinavia: An Evaluation of Recent Research and Publications (Population, 3, 1998)  [article]
261 - 270
About the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (Population, 4, 1998)  [article]
271 - 276
Abstracts from Population, 1999  [résumés]
277 - 288