Population (English edition), 59ᵉ année, n°3-4, 2004.
ISBN : 2-7332-3055-7
www.persee.fr/issue/pop_1634-2941_2004_num_59_3Liste des auteurs
Population (English edition), n°3-4, 2004.
Contraception and Abortion in France in the 2000s. The COCON survey: presentation and first results
347 - 454
Attrition in the COCON Cohort Between 2000 and 2002  [article]
357 - 385
The Pill and the Condom, Substitution or Association? An Analysis of the Contraceptive Histories of Young Women in France, 1978-2000  [article]
387 - 414
Social Inequalities in Access to Contraception in France  [article]
415 - 437
Demography of the World's Regions: Situation and Trends
455 - 555
457 - 555
Book Reviews  [note bibliographique]
1 - 2