PlantSnap - Plant Identifier App, #1 Mobile App for Plant Identification

A plant expert

at your fingertips

Identify plants, flowers, cacti, succulents and mushrooms in seconds with the click of a button on your mobile device.


Paid version

Partnering with Snapchat in our journey to map
out every plant species on the planet by 2022


We are creating the biggest scientific database of plants and also we strive to make it
fun and easy for the young generations to interact with nature and grow up in the spirit
of protecting this amazing planet we live on.

PlantSnap is the most high-tech, comprehensive and accurate plant identification app ever created!

Identify 90% of all known species of plants and trees. 600,000+ plants in our searchable database.

Get instantaneous, accurate results. PlantSnap works anywhere on Earth and is translated into 37 languages

Reconnect with nature, share photos and thoughts with PlantSnappers around the world, and learn about the plants and trees you encounter every day

Identify 90% of all known species of plants and trees. 585,000 species in our searchable database.

Get instantaneous, accurate results. PlantSnap works anywhere on Earth and is translated into 30 languages

Reconnect with nature and learn about the plants and trees you encounter every day

how it works?

To identify a plant you simply need to simply snap a photo of the plant, and the app will tell you what it is in a matter of seconds!
PlantSnap can currently recognize 90% of all known species of plants and trees, which covers most of the species you will encounter in every country on Earth.

how it works?

To identify a plant you simply need to simply snap a photo of the plant, and the app will tell you what it is in a matter of seconds!
PlantSnap can currently recognize 90% of all known species of plants and trees, which covers most of the species you will encounter in every country on Earth.

Community voices

"Fantastic! Using this app in conjunction with my field guide helps me identify plants in no time or reaffirm my own identifications. Well done a fantastic app."

Kimberley B

"I was kinda skeptical at first... I got this app after a bad two weeks of poison ivy. The videos and tutorials have helped me make sure my success rate with the algorithm stays high- big thanks for that! As I continue to “collect” new flowers and plants that grow on my property, I’m really enjoying the fun info and feeling like I have a botanist in my pocket at all times. I would recommend for future updates: 1) mushroom and fungus descriptions to know if it’s safe for eating raw, cooking, is hallucinogenic, or deadly. The idea of knowing what’s edible out there from dandelions to whitecap mushrooms would be really cool to capture and enjoy. 2) augmented reality... live video collecting various plants and flowers, and the algorithm can be focused to know its a location based collection, so there’s no overseas plants, etc which could aid in faster live identification. This could also help see where poison ivy, poison oak, or various toxic plants are. I could see some sort of game of collecting or helping identify could help you collect points, and redeem them to have someone plant a tree... idk. Great app! Thanks!"

Brendan D

our story

our story

PlantSnap started as our founder was traipsing through a friend’s backyard and wondered about the identity of a plant they stumbled across. When he realised that no one knew what it was he found a problem he wanted to solve.

42 mil+

total downloads so far

1 mil+


475 mil+

total snaps identified so far

what’s inside ?

what's inside ?

  • Snap any plant, mushroom or cactae!

    PlantSnap started as Eric was traipsing through a friend's backyard and wondered about the identy of some plants he saw there.
  • See info about the plant

    See info - Learn more about a plant's classification taxonomy.
  • Experience augumented reality

    Experience our augumented reality technology.
  • Explore snaps around the world

    Explore the world's map and see snaps across the world.
  • Create collections of your favourite plants

    Save your favorite plants and snaps into collections so you can review them later.
Plantsnap / Cariuma