Parvati Saves the World (remix chapter)


Story and Comic Book by Ram Devineni and Vikas K. Menon

A new re-mix film using dozens of Bollywood Hindu mythological films from the 1970’s and a re-mix comic book. The stories have been re-edited to focus on gender-based violence and feature the Goddess Parvati as the hero. Download PDF

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“Don’t Stop the Fight” by Ishani

Tunes of strength

Published in New Indian Express by Priyanka Shankar.

We talk to the singer behind the single Don’t Stop the Fight that went viral after the infamous Bengaluru “mass molestation” incident on New Year’s eve

“I am a one-woman band,” says Ishani Chakravarthy, a musician whose voice and words are not anonymous anymore. She has been pursuing her musical dreams right from childhood and even secured a degree in TV, film and radio. In 2009, she founded her own production house — The Singing Bush. Further, in a quest to produce her own music, she completed a course in Sound Engineering in London, and thereafter her musical journey never paused.

In 2014, she rocked the airwaves on BBC Radio as the ‘Introducing Artist’ with her single, Pelican Elephant. But she wanted to make her music more meaningful. Growing up in India, Ishani has been aware of the rising injustice against women, but the Nirbhaya Delhi rape case deeply impacted her and that’s when her single, Don’t Stop the Fight was born. It explores the idea of women’s empowerment and liberty.

So far, the song has garnered about 4.5 lakh views. The number of views and shares soared soon after the infamous New Year’s eve “mass molestation” incident in Bengaluru. “This song gives a voice to the voiceless. The aim is to empower. Don’t Stop the Fight means don’t give up. It shows what it feels like to walk in the shoes of a girl who has faced abuse. There is a hero in all of us. Sometimes, the most courageous thing you can do is to listen.” She also states that we can’t give up until the society becomes fully safe for every girl and woman.

Ishani took two years to complete the song which included conceptualizing, recording, editing and shooting. “The initial lyrics and melody of the song were written quickly. But I explored different forms of production and that’s when I collaborated with the team behind Priya’s Shakti, a graphic novel. They helped me create a medley of graphics and visuals. I was trying to do justice to the song because it meant so much to me,” the singer adds. The artiste is working on an EP titled Safe Play, which will also include Don’t Stop the Fight.

Download the song at

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