The Best Long-Haired Cat Breeds

Pet Project
Updated January 16, 2025 38.5K views 13 items
Ranked By
2.8K votes
884 voters
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Vote up the best breeds of long-haired cats.

List of the best long hair cat breeds. These rankings provide you with a comprehensive guide to the cats with the most luscious locks. If you are looking for a pet kitten or cat with long, beautiful hair, check out the list below of long haired cat breeds, ranked by the community. These longhaired cats are a diverse selection of felines worthy of your consideration.

Turkish breeds seem to offer cats with nice long hair. We see this in the case of both the Turkish Van and the Turkish Angora. But even in the United States, breeds like the American Curl have extremely long hair. The greatest long hair cat breeds of all time include the Birman, the Norwegian, the Persian, and the Siberian. The Maine Coon is an incredibly popular longhaired kitten as well.

Vote up your favorite long haired cat below and get those pet brushes ready!