20 Captain Rex Memes That Prove He's The Real Hero Of 'The Clone Wars'

Joe Donley
Updated February 10, 2021 20.8K views 21 items
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348 voters
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Vote up your favorite Captain Rex memes.

CT-7567, aka Captain Rex, has been a fan-favorite character in the Star Wars franchise since he was first introduced in the Clone Wars animated feature film in 2008, along with fellow fan-favorite Ahsoka Tano. Since then, he's popped up in the Clone Wars animated series, later in Star Wars: Rebels, and if we're lucky, in one of the multiple live-action Star Wars series planned for Disney+ with Temuera Morrison under the helmet. Until then, fans across the internet are more than happy to entertain themselves by making meme after meme featuring their favorite clone.

This is a collection of Captain Rex memes. Vote up your favorites!