Galloping through the RDR2 frontier since 2018

Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2) Map

Our fully interactive Red Dead Redemption 2 map is currently being updated.

The game world in Red Dead Redemption 2 is made up of five fictitious states in the United States. They are:

  • New Hanover
  • Ambarino
  • Lemoyne
  • New Austin
  • West Elizabeth

The states of New Hanover, Ambarino and Lemoyn are new to the game series, while returning players will note that New Austin and West Elizabeth are from the original Red Dead Redemption. The map in RDR2 is the biggest that Rockstar Games has ever made, even bigger than the map in Grand Theft Auto V.

You can also download a copy of the map for yourself here.

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Matt Gibbs
Matt Gibbs // Articles: 287
Ever since the original Red Dead Redemption was released back in 2010 and swiftly completed by Matt he has been eagerly anticipating another return to the Wild West. In Matt's totally non-biased opinion the story told in the sequel, Red Dead Redemption 2, is one of the best ever (at least as far as games go). And while some story DLC would be great, Matt isn't counting on it!