Happy customers
Recipe cards created
1 Million+
Monthly recipe card views
3 easy steps
Enter (or copy-paste) the recipe info such as the recipe name, ingredients, instructions, cook time, etc.
Choose a design out of 9 designs available and customize it to match your website theme.
Now all you need to do is to copy the recipe card code and add to a post or page on your website.
Recipe Generator offers 8 more templates than the one shown below
Some of our users creations
The recipe cards are optimized for Google and other search engines
Star-rated recipes are more likely to attract people to read your content and buy your products.
Built-in Pinterest pin-it button
Want more exposure on Pinterest? We got you covered!
Allows your visitors to print your recipes
This is one of the things that Google looks for to rank websites
Get nutrition facts with one click (bloggers pay $9 only for this)
Customize the recipe cards to match your website theme and your own taste
Add your affiliate links and make some money
A great program to convert your recipes into recipe cards with the microdata Google and Pinterest look for to rank your post. It's easy to use and the final recipe cards look great. The developer is always ready to answer questions. Fabulous service.
Recipes Generator has been a lifesaver for me as I realized it was the only user-friendly way to add recipe cards to my website. It's super affordable, easy to use and is constantly being updated with new features! I love how clean and appealing the cards are! I highly recommend this to anyone looking to create a food website on a budget!
I've been using The Recipes Generator for quite some time now and have not been disappointed. Whenever an issue has arose their tech team has been right on top of it, plus I love the clean, nice look it gives my recipes!
Yes, we have a 7-day money back guarantee so you get to try RecipesGenerator for 7 days and get your money back if you weren't satisfied for any reason.
Yes, you can. You can also request a refund if you canceled within the first 7 days of getting charged.
Yes, you can easily customize the colors and styles of any of the 9 available templates.
Yes! All of the recipe card templates are built to be responsive and work perfectly on all screens (desktop, tablet, and mobile).
Absolutely! You can customize all the text on the recipe cards to suit your needs.
Absolutely! Contact us now and we will work something out!
Please don't hesitate to contact us anytime.