Opportunities for Deaf and Hard-of-hearing


The opportunities for deaf and hard-of-hearing students at RIT are unmatched by any university in the world. As the home to the National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID), RIT offers a wide array future-focused academic programs and unparalleled access and support services for deaf and hard-of hearing students.



College of Its Kind

NTID is the first and largest technological college in the world for deaf and hard-of-hearing students.


Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students

The number of students RIT serves every year from around the United and States and the world.


Receive Financial Assistance

of full-time undergraduate deaf and hard-of-hearing students 

Academic Opportunities

If you’re interested in and qualified for a bachelor’s degree program, you can pursue any of more than 90 exciting and challenging majors offered in the RIT College of Engineering Technology, Saunders College of Business, Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences, Kate Gleason College of Engineering, College of Health Sciences and Technology, College of Art and Design, College of Liberal Arts, and College of Science. If you’re unsure which major fits your interests, you can explore undecided programs through these RIT colleges and through the School of Individualized Study. Explore the bachelor's degree programs available at RIT. RIT’s National Technical Institute for the Deaf also offers a bachelor's degree program in Community Development and Inclusive Leadership, and for students interested in the ASL-English interpretation program, NTID offers a unique environment to study sign language interpreting. Explore the bachelor's degree programs available at RIT.

If you would like to enter a bachelor’s degree program in the college of Engineering, Art and Design, Liberal Arts or Science, but need to complete some courses in order to qualify for admission, you may be eligible to enter a pre-baccalaureate program. All pre-baccalaureate programs are individualized, planned by you and your academic adviser to prepare you for the bachelor’s degree program to which you wish to apply. Learn more about these programs.

RIT's National Technical Institute for the Deaf offers an array of associate degrees that provide a solid foundation for entry into RIT bachelor’s degree programs. Current programs include Accounting Technology, Administrative Support Technology, Applied Computer Technology, Applied Liberal Arts, Applied Mechanical Technology, Civil Technology, Business, Business Administration, 3D Graphics Technology, Mobile Application Development, General Science and Laboratory Science Technology. Learn more about these programs.

If you’re looking for the fast track to career success, you also may choose to pursue an associate degree in any of our state-of-the-art technical programs. These include: Accounting Technology, Administrative Support Technology, Applied Computer Technology, Business Technology, Business Administration, Architectural and Civil Drafting Technology (formerly Computer-Aided Drafting Technology), Design and Imaging Technology, 3D Graphics Technology, Mobile Application Development, Precision Manufacturing Technology, and Laboratory Science Technology. Learn more about these programs.

If you want to collect additional information about careers and majors before deciding on an associate degree program of study, you may choose a career exploration/decision option.  These programs offer you the opportunity to do a career search while you develop a better understanding of yourself through career and personal counseling and the sampling of various majors. A counselor/faculty adviser will work with you to assist you in evaluating information and making a career decision.

You may remain in a career exploration/decision program for up to one year to select and prepare for a major. During that time, you will take introductory and foundation courses in various majors as well as courses in mathematics, humanities and social science. Learn more about these programs.

Graduate study options include master’s and doctoral degrees, as well as advanced graduate certificates. RIT offers sev­eral ways to obtain your graduate degree, including part-time study, evening programs, online learning, accelerated executive education programs, and one-year master’s degree options. Learn more about these programs.

NTID Admissions

Whether your inquiry is about a program, admission requirements, student life or financial options, our admissions counselors can assist you with your needs.

Support and Access Services

NTID provides interpreting, notetaking, and real-time captioning services to the RIT community. Access services enable deaf and hard-of-hearing students to register and fully participate in more than 200 highly competitive academic programs.

RIT/NTID Access and Support Services

The Right Fit

Connect from day one with deaf and hard-of-hearing peers, faculty, and staff, and discover more about yourself than you ever knew.

Find Your Fit

Costs and Financial Aid

Because RIT/NTID receives special federal support, deaf and hard-of-hearing students enrolled in any undergraduate degree program pay less than one-half of RIT’s regular tuition. The reduced tuition rate also applies for students enrolled in the ASL-English Interpretation program. Deaf and hard-of-hearing students enrolled in graduate degree programs also pay a reduced tuition rate. This also applies to hearing students enrolled in the Master of Science program in Secondary Education of Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. At RIT/NTID, we pride ourselves on making a great education truly affordable.

How to Apply for Financial Aid

Scholarships for NTID-Supported Students

Estimated Cost of Attendance (see Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing and Hearing NTID-Supported Students)

Plan a Visit

Scheduling a visit, online information sessions, and more

Open House

Come to Open House and find out why choosing RIT/NTID means a superior education, a unique college experience and the right fit for you!

Contact and Connect

National Technical Institute for the Deaf

Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) Hall
52 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester, New York 14623-5604
More Contact Information 

Office Hours

8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

585-475-6700 (Voice)
585-743-1366 (Videophone)